recombination directionality factor

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The recombination directionality factors from Mesorhizobium spp. (RdfS) are involved in regulating the excision and transfer of integrative and conjugative elements. Here, solution small-angle X-ray scattering, and crystallization and preliminary structure solution of RdfS from Mesorhizobium japonicum R7A are presented. RdfS crystallizes in space group P212121, with evidence of eightfold rotational crystallographic/noncrystallographic symmetry. Initial structure determination by molecular replacement using ab initio models yielded a partial model (three molecules), which was completed after manual inspection revealed unmodelled electron density. The finalized crystal structure of RdfS reveals a head-to-tail polymer forming left-handed superhelices with large solvent channels. Additionally, RdfS has significant disorder in the C-terminal region of the protein, which is supported by the solution scattering data and the crystal structure. The steps taken to finalize structure determination, as well as the scattering and crystallographic characteristics of RdfS, are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The serine integrase of phage A118 catalyzes integrative recombination between attP on the phage and a specific attB locus on the chromosome of Listeria monocytogenes, but it is unable to promote excisive recombination between the hybrid attL and attR sites found on the integrated prophage without assistance by a recombination directionality factor (RDF). We have identified and characterized the phage-encoded RDF Gp44, which activates the A118 integrase for excision and inhibits integration. Gp44 binds to the C-terminal DNA binding domain of integrase, and we have localized the primary binding site to be within the mobile coiled-coil (CC) motif but distinct from the distal tip of the CC that is required for recombination. This interaction is sufficient to inhibit integration, but a second interaction involving the N-terminal end of Gp44 is also required to activate excision. We provide evidence that these two contacts modulate the trajectory of the CC motifs as they extend out from the integrase core in a manner dependent upon the identities of the four att sites. Our results support a model whereby Gp44 shapes the Int-bound complexes to control which att sites can synapse and recombine.IMPORTANCE Serine integrases mediate directional recombination between bacteriophage and bacterial chromosomes. These highly regulated site-specific recombination reactions are integral to the life cycle of temperate phage and, in the case of Listeria monocytogenes lysogenized by A118 family phage, are an essential virulence determinant. Serine integrases are also utilized as tools for genetic engineering and synthetic biology because of their exquisite unidirectional control of the DNA exchange reaction. Here, we identify and characterize the recombination directionality factor (RDF) that activates excision and inhibits integration reactions by the phage A118 integrase. We provide evidence that the A118 RDF binds to and modulates the trajectory of the long coiled-coil motif that extends from the large carboxyl-terminal DNA binding domain and is postulated to control the early steps of recombination site synapsis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacteriophages are the source of many valuable tools for molecular biology and genetic manipulation. In Streptomyces, most DNA cloning vectors are based on serine integrase site-specific DNA recombination systems derived from phage. Because of their efficiency and simplicity, serine integrases are also used for diverse synthetic biology applications. Here, we present the genome of a new Streptomyces phage, ϕJoe, and investigate the conditions for integration and excision of the ϕJoe genome. ϕJoe belongs to the largest Streptomyces phage cluster (R4-like) and encodes a serine integrase. The attB site from Streptomyces venezuelae was used efficiently by an integrating plasmid, pCMF92, constructed using the ϕJoe int-attP locus. The attB site for ϕJoe integrase was occupied in several Streptomyces genomes, including that of S. coelicolor, by a mobile element that varies in gene content and size between host species. Serine integrases require a phage-encoded recombination directionality factor (RDF) to activate the excision reaction. The ϕJoe RDF was identified, and its function was confirmed in vivo Both the integrase and RDF were active in in vitro recombination assays. The ϕJoe site-specific recombination system is likely to be an important addition to the synthetic biology and genome engineering toolbox.IMPORTANCEStreptomyces spp. are prolific producers of secondary metabolites, including many clinically useful antibiotics. Bacteriophage-derived integrases are important tools for genetic engineering, as they enable integration of heterologous DNA into the Streptomyces chromosome with ease and high efficiency. Recently, researchers have been applying phage integrases for a variety of applications in synthetic biology, including rapid assembly of novel combinations of genes, biosensors, and biocomputing. An important requirement for optimal experimental design and predictability when using integrases, however, is the need for multiple enzymes with different specificities for their integration sites. In order to provide a broad platform of integrases, we identified and validated the integrase from a newly isolated Streptomyces phage, ϕJoe. ϕJoe integrase is active in vitro and in vivo The specific recognition site for integration is present in a wide range of different actinobacteria, including Streptomyces venezuelae, an emerging model bacterium in Streptomyces research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CTnDOT is a 65kbp integrative and conjugative element (ICE) that carries genes encoding both tetracycline and erythromycin resistances. The excision operon of this element encodes Xis2c, Xis2d, and Exc proteins involved in the excision of CTnDOT from host chromosomes. These proteins are also required in the complex transcriptional regulation of the divergently transcribed transfer (tra) and mobilization (mob) operons of CTnDOT. Transcription of the tra operon is positively regulated by Xis2c and Xis2d, whereas, transcription of the mob operon is positively regulated by Xis2d and Exc. Xis2d is the only protein that is involved in the excision reaction, as well as the transcriptional regulation of both the mob and tra operons. This paper helps establish how Xis2d binds the DNA in the mob and tra region. Unlike other excisionase proteins, Xis2d binds a region of dyad symmetry. The binding site is located in the intergenic region between the mob and tra promoters, and once bound Xis2d induces a bend in the DNA. Xis2d binding to this region could be the preliminary step for the activation of both operons. Then the other proteins, like Exc, can interact with Xis2d and form higher order complexes.





