
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pigs without intestinal receptors for F4 fimbriae are congenitally resistant to F4 fimbriae-bearing enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC F4). In general, 50 % and 100 % of piglets born to resistant (RR) sows crossed with hetero- or homozygous susceptible (SR, SS) boars, respectively, are susceptible but do not receive colostral antibodies against F4 fimbriae unless the sows have been vaccinated. The question arises as to whether resistant sows produce protective amounts of F4 antifimbrial antibodies after vaccination. The serum and colostrum antibody titres of 12 resistant and 12 susceptible vaccinated gilts were compared. The effect of the receptor status of the dam and sire on the preweaning performance of 5027 piglets was evaluated using Agroscope\'s recordings. The sows of the experimental herd, where ETEC F4 was circulating, were vaccinated against ETEC twice during the first pregnancy and once during each following pregnancy. The log2 transformed F4 antibody titres in the serum obtained after the second vaccine injection as well as in the colostrum of the 12 resistant animals were lower than the titres of the susceptible animals (serum: F4ab 11,19 ± 1,44 vs. 12,18 ± 1,33, P = 0,096; F4ac 10,03 ± 1,58 vs. 11,59 ± 1,43, P = 0,019; colostrum: F4ab 12,20 ± 2,41 vs. 14,02 ± 1,31, P = 0,033; F4ac 10,93 ± 2,46 vs. 13,03 ± 5,21, P = 0,006). The heat labile enterotoxin (LT) antibody titres after vaccination did not differ between susceptible and resistant animals (p > 0,10). Preweaning mortality in the offspring of RR sows × SS boars was slightly lower than in the offspring of SS sows × RR boars (P = 0,04), suggesting that the disease risk of susceptible piglets born to vaccinated resistant sows was not increased, even though they received colostrum with a slightly reduced content of antibody against F4 fimbriae.
    BACKGROUND: Schweine ohne intestinale Rezeptoren für F4-Fimbrien sind angeboren resistent gegen F4-Fimbrien tragende enterotoxische Escherichia coli (ETEC F4). Im Allgemeinen sind 50 % bzw. 100 % der Ferkel von resistenten (RR) Sauen, die mit heterozygoten bzw. homozygoten (SR, SS) Ebern gekreuzt wurden, empfänglich und erhalten keine kolostralen Antikörper gegen F4-Fimbrien, es sei denn, die Muttersauen wurden geimpft. Es stellt sich die Frage, ob resistente Sauen nach der Impfung schützende Mengen an F4-Antifimbrien-Antikörpern produzieren. Die Serum- und Kolostrumantikörpertiter von 12 resistenten und 12 empfänglichen geimpften Jungsauen wurden verglichen. Die Auswirkung des Rezeptorstatus von Mutter und Vater auf die Leistungen von 5027 Ferkeln vor dem Absetzen wurde mit den Aufzeichnungen von Agroscope ausgewertet. Die Sauen der Versuchsherde, in der ETEC F4 im Umlauf war, wurden während der ersten Trächtigkeit zweimal und während jeder weiteren Trächtigkeit einmal geimpft. Die log2-transformierten F4-Antikörpertiter nach der zweiten Impfstoffinjektion im Serum sowie im Kolostrum der 12 resistenten Tiere waren niedriger als die Titer der anfälligen Tiere (Serum: F4ab 11,19 ± 1,44 vs. 12,18 ± 1,33, P = 0,096; F4ac 10,03 ± 1,58 vs. 11,59 ± 1,43, P = 0,019; Kolostrum: F4ab 12,20 ± 2,41 vs. 14,02 ± 1,31, P = 0,033; F4ac 10,93 ± 2,46 vs. 13,03 ± 5,21 = 0,006). Die Antikörpertiter gegen hitzelabiles Enterotoxin (LT) nach der Impfung unterschieden sich nicht zwischen anfälligen und resistenten Tieren (p > 0,10). Die Sterblichkeit vor dem Absetzen war bei den Nachkommen von RR-Sauen × SS-Ebern niedriger als bei den Nachkommen von SS-Sauen × RR-Ebern (P = 0,04), was darauf hindeutet, dass das Krankheitsrisiko anfälliger Ferkel, die von geimpften resistenten Sauen geboren wurden, nicht erhöht war, obwohl sie Kolostrum mit einem leicht reduzierten Gehalt an Antikörpern gegen F4-Fimbrien enthielten.
    BACKGROUND: Les porcs dépourvus de récepteurs intestinaux pour les fimbriae F4 sont congénitalement résistants aux Escherichia coli entérotoxinogènes porteurs de fimbriae F4 (ETEC F4). En général, 50 % et 100 % des porcelets nés de truies résistantes (RR) croisées avec des verrats hétéro- ou homozygotes sensibles (SR, SS), respectivement, sont sensibles mais ne reçoivent pas d’anticorps colostraux contre les fimbriae F4, à moins que les truies n’aient été vaccinées. La question se pose de savoir si les truies résistantes produisent des quantités protectrices d’anticorps antifimbriae F4 après la vaccination. Les titres d’anticorps dans le sérum et le colostrum de 12 truies reproductrices vaccinées résistantes et de 12 truies reproductrices vaccinées sensibles ont été comparés et l’effet du statut récepteur de la mère et du père sur les performances avant sevrage de 5027 porcelets a été évalué. Les truies du troupeau expérimental, où circulait ETEC F4, ont été vaccinées deux fois au cours de la première gestation et une fois au cours de chaque gestation suivante contre ETEC. Les titres d’anticorps F4 transformés en log2 dans le sérum obtenu après la deuxième injection de vaccin ainsi que dans le colostrum des 12 animaux résistants étaient inférieurs aux titres des animaux sensibles (sérum : F4ab 11,19 ± 1,44 vs. 12,18 ± 1,33, P = 0,096 ; F4ac 10,03 ± 1,58 vs. 11,59 ± 1,43, P = 0,019 ; colostrum : F4ab 12,20 ± 2,41 vs. 14,02 ± 1,31, P = 0,033 ; F4ac 10,93 ± 2,46 vs. 13,03 ± 5,21, P = 0,006). Les titres d’anticorps contre l’entérotoxine thermolabile (LT) après la vaccination ne différaient pas entre les animaux sensibles et résistants (p > 0,10). La mortalité avant sevrage dans la progéniture des truies RR × verrats SS était légèrement inférieure à celle de la progéniture des truies SS × verrats RR (P = 0,04), ce qui suggère que le risque de maladie des porcelets sensibles nés de truies résistantes vaccinées n’a pas été augmenté, même s’ils ont reçu du colostrum avec une teneur légèrement réduite en anticorps contre les fimbriae F4.
    BACKGROUND: I maiali senza recettori intestinali per le fimbrie F4 sono congenitamente resistenti all’Escherichia coli (ETEC F4) enterotossigenico portatore di fimbrie F4. In generale, il 50% risp. il 100% dei suinetti nati da scrofe resistenti (RR) incrociate con verri suscettibili eterozigoti o omozigoti (SR, SS), rispettivamente, sono suscettibili ma non ricevono anticorpi colostrali contro le fimbrie F4 a meno che le scrofe non siano state vaccinate. La domanda che sorge è se le scrofe resistenti producono quantità protettive di anticorpi antifimbriali F4 dopo la vaccinazione. I titoli di anticorpi nel siero e nel colostro di 12 scrofe resistenti e 12 suscettibili vaccinate sono stati confrontati, ed è stato valutato l’effetto dello stato del recettore della madre e del padre sulle prestazioni pre-svezzamento di 5027 suinetti. Le scrofe del branco sperimentale, dove circolava l’ETEC F4, sono state vaccinate contro l’ETEC due volte durante la prima gravidanza e una volta durante ciascuna gravidanza successiva. I titoli di anticorpi F4 trasformati log2 nel siero ottenuto dopo la seconda iniezione del vaccino così come nel colostro dei 12 animali resistenti erano inferiori ai titoli degli animali suscettibili (siero: F4ab 11,19 ± 1,44 vs. 12,18 ± 1,33, P = 0,096; F4ac 10,03 ± 1,58 vs. 11,59 ± 1,43, P = 0,019; colostro: F4ab 12,20 ± 2,41 vs. 14,02 ± 1,31, P = 0,033; F4ac 10,93 ± 2,46 vs. 13,03 ± 5,21, P = 0,006). I titoli di anticorpi contro l’enterotossina termolabile (LT) dopo la vaccinazione non differivano tra animali suscettibili e resistenti (p > 0,10). La mortalità pre-svezzamento nella prole di scrofe RR × verri SS era leggermente inferiore rispetto alla prole di scrofe SS × verri RR (P = 0,04), suggerendo che il rischio di malattia dei suinetti suscettibili nati da scrofe resistenti vaccinate non era aumentato, anche se hanno ricevuto colostro con un contenuto leggermente ridotto di anticorpi contro le fimbrie F4.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Schizophrenia is a frequently debilitating and complex mental disorder affecting approximately 1% of the global population, characterized by symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thoughts and behaviors, cognitive dysfunction, and negative symptoms. Traditional treatment has centered on postsynaptic dopamine antagonists, commonly known as antipsychotic drugs, which aim to alleviate symptoms and improve functioning and the quality of life. Despite the availability of these medications, significant challenges remain in schizophrenia therapeutics, including incomplete symptom relief, treatment resistance, and medication side effects. This opinion article explores advancements in schizophrenia treatment, emphasizing molecular mechanisms, novel drug targets, and innovative delivery methods. One promising approach is novel strategies that target neural networks and circuits rather than single neurotransmitters, acknowledging the complexity of brain region interconnections involved in schizophrenia. Another promising approach is the development of biased agonists, which selectively activate specific signaling pathways downstream of receptors, offering potential for more precise pharmacological interventions with fewer side effects. The concept of molecular polypharmacy, where a single drug targets multiple molecular pathways, is exemplified by KarXT, a novel drug combining xanomeline and trospium to address both psychosis and cognitive dysfunction. This approach represents a comprehensive strategy for schizophrenia treatment, potentially improving outcomes for patients. In conclusion, advancing the molecular understanding of schizophrenia and exploring innovative therapeutic strategies hold promise for addressing the unmet needs in schizophrenia treatment, aiming for more effective and tailored interventions. Future research should focus on these novel approaches to achieve better clinical outcomes and improve the functional level and quality of life for individuals with schizophrenia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Crownphyrinogens and crownphyrins constitute a group of macrocycles that combine the structural facets of porphyrinoids and crown ethers. The dual-nature cavity embedded in their molecules enables reactivity involving two structurally distinct parts of the macrocyclic ligand. Upon Ni(II) and Pd(II) insertion, coordination compounds are produced wherein the metal is incorporated into the porphyrinoid-like pocket, resulting in monomeric or accordion-like dimeric products, depending on the oxidation level of the macrocycle and metal cation. The reactions with Na(I) and K(I) resulted in the formation of complexes where only the crown ether segment of the molecule is involved in metal binding, yielding remarkable dimeric species. The exploitation of a crownphyrin large enough to accommodate two metal cations allowed the synthesis of an alkali/transition metal binuclear complexes wherein the macrocycle demonstrated the Janus reactivity with one cavity acting as a porphyrinoid, and the other mimicking the crown ether.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study is to review the role of renin-angiotensin in skin regeneration and wound healing with a focus on molecular mechanisms. Angiotensin receptor type 1 (AT1R) are abundant in the wounded area, and thus, lead to the activation of ERK, STAT1, and STAT3 which can lead to epidermal self-renewal. The expression of Renin Angiotensin System (RAS) components was significantly lower in wounds caused by burning, rather than intact skin, noting that RAS is involved in the re-epithelialization of skin. ERK, STAT and STAT3 are the targets of Ang II, indicating that RAS active components are involved in fibroblast, stem cells and keratinocyte migration. The effect of inhibiting the RAS on wound healing is context-dependent. On one hand, it is suggested that inhibiting RAS during this phase may slow down wound healing speed. On the other hand, studies have shown that RAS inhibition in this phase can lead to α-SMA activation, ultimately accelerating the wound healing process. Most of the investigations indicate that the inhibition of RAS with Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs) and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) plays a significant role in tissue remodeling in the last phase of wound healing. It has been shown that the inhibition of RAS can inhibit scar formation and fibrosis through the downregulation of inflammatory and fibrogenic agents, such as TGF-β, SMAD2/3, and TAK1, PDGF-BB, and HSP47. To sum up, that local administration of RAS regulators might lead to less scar formation and inflammation in the last phase of wound closure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Preserving the function and survival of pancreatic beta-cells, in order to achieve long-term glycemic control and prevent complications, is an essential feature for an innovative drug to have clinical value in the treatment of diabetes. Innovative research is developing therapeutic strategies to prevent pathogenic mechanisms and protect beta-cells from the deleterious effects of inflammation and/or chronic hyperglycemia over time. A better understanding of receptors and signaling pathways, and of how they interact with each other in beta-cells, remains crucial and is a prerequisite for any strategy to develop therapeutic tools aimed at modulating beta-cell function and/or mass. Here, we present a comprehensive review of our knowledge on membrane and intracellular receptors and signaling pathways as targets of interest to protect beta-cells from dysfunction and apoptotic death, which opens or could open the way to the development of innovative therapies for diabetes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During recovery from septic shock, circulating mitochondrial N-formyl peptides (mtFPs) predispose to secondary infection by occupying formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPR1) on the neutrophil (polymorphonuclear leukocyte, PMN) membrane, suppressing cytosolic calcium ([Ca2+]i)-dependent responses to secondarily encountered bacteria. However, no study has yet investigated therapeutic clearance of circulating mtFPs in clinical settings. Thus, we studied how to remove mtFPs from septic-shock plasma and whether such removal could preserve cell-surface FPR1 and restore sepsis-induced PMN dysfunction by normalizing [Ca2+]i flux. In in vitro model systems, mtFP removal rescued PMN FPR1-mediated [Ca2+]i flux and chemotaxis that had been suppressed by prior mtFP exposure. However, PMN functional recovery occurred in a stepwise fashion over 30 - 90 minutes. Intracellular Ca2+-calmodulin appears to contribute to this delay. In ex vivo model systems using blood samples obtained from patients with septic shock, anti-mtFP antibodies alone failed to eliminate mtFPs from septic-shock plasma or inhibit mtFP activity. We therefore created a beads-based anti-mtFP antibody cocktail (bb-AMfpA) by combining protein A/sepharose with antibodies specific for the most potent human mtFP chemoattractants. The bb-AMfpA treatment successfully removed those active mtFPs from septic-shock plasma. Furthermore, the bb-AMfpA treatment significantly restored chemotactic and bactericidal dysfunction of PMNs obtained from patients with septic shock who developed secondary infections. By clearing circulating mtFPs, the immobilized anti-mtFP antibody therapy prevented mtFP interactions with surface FPR1, thereby restoring [Ca2+]i-dependent PMN antimicrobial function in clinical septic-shock environments. This approach may help prevent the development of secondary, nosocomial infections in patients recovering from septic shock.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glutamate activates the NMDARs, significantly affecting multiple processes such as learning, memory, synaptic integration, and excitatory transmission in the central nervous system. Uncontrolled activation of NMDARs is a significant contributor to synaptic dysfunction. Having a properly functioning NMDAR and synapse is crucial for maintaining neuronal communication. In addition, the dysfunction of NMDAR and synapse function could contribute to the development of neurological disorders at the neuronal level; hence, targeting NMDARs with antagonists in the fight against neurological disorders is a promising route. Recently published results from the animal study on different kinds of brain diseases like stroke, epilepsy, tinnitus, ataxia, Alzheimer\'s disease, Parkinson\'s disease, and spinal cord injury have demonstrated promising therapeutic scopes. Several NMDA receptor antagonists, such as memantine, MK801, ketamine, ifenprodil, gacyclidine, amantadine, agmatine, etc., showed encouraging results against different brain disease mouse models. Given the unique expression of different subunits of the well-organized NMDA receptor system by neurons. It could potentially lead to the development of medications specifically targeting certain receptor subtypes. For a future researcher, conducting more targeted research and trials is crucial to fully understand and develop highly specific medications with good clinical effects and potential neuroprotective properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Demyelinating diseases are often caused by a variety of triggers, including immune responses, viral infections, malnutrition, hypoxia, or genetic factors, all of which result in the loss of myelin in the nervous system. The accumulation of myelin debris at the lesion site leads to neuroinflammation and inhibits remyelination; therefore, it is crucial to promptly remove the myelin debris. Initially, Fc and complement receptors on cellular surfaces were the primary clearance receptors responsible for removing myelin debris. However, subsequent studies have unveiled the involvement of additional receptors, including Mac-2, TAM receptors, and the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1, in facilitating the removal process. In addition to microglia and macrophages, which serve as the primary effector cells in the disease phase, a variety of other cell types such as astrocytes, Schwann cells, and vascular endothelial cells have been demonstrated to engage in the phagocytosis of myelin debris. Furthermore, we have concluded that oligodendrocyte precursor cells, as myelination precursor cells, also exhibit this phagocytic capability. Moreover, our research group has innovatively identified the low-density lipoprotein receptor as a potential phagocytic receptor for myelin debris. In this article, we discuss the functional processes of various phagocytes in demyelinating diseases. We also highlight the alterations in signaling pathways triggered by phagocytosis, and provide a comprehensive overview of the various phagocytic receptors involved. Such insights are invaluable for pinpointing potential therapeutic strategies for the treatment of demyelinating diseases by targeting phagocytosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For millennia, various cultures have utilized cannabis for food, textile fiber, ethno-medicines, and pharmacotherapy, owing to its medicinal potential and psychotropic effects. An in-depth exploration of its historical, chemical, and therapeutic dimensions provides context for its contemporary understanding. The criminalization of cannabis in many countries was influenced by the presence of psychoactive cannabinoids; however, scientific advances and growing public awareness have renewed interest in cannabis-related products, especially for medical use. Described as a \'treasure trove,\' cannabis produces a diverse array of cannabinoids and non-cannabinoid compounds. Recent research focuses on cannabinoids for treating conditions such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain, Alzheimer\'s, Parkinson\'s, and epilepsy. Additionally, secondary metabolites like phenolic compounds, terpenes, and terpenoids are increasingly recognized for their therapeutic effects and their synergistic role with cannabinoids. These compounds show potential in treating neuro and non-neuro disorders, and studies suggest their promise as antitumoral agents. This comprehensive review integrates historical, chemical, and therapeutic perspectives on cannabis, highlighting contemporary research and its vast potential in medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune disease with arteriovenous thrombosis and recurrent miscarriages as the main clinical manifestations. Due to the complexity of its mechanisms and the diversity of its manifestations, its diagnosis and treatment remain challenging issues. Antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) not only serve as crucial \"biomarkers\" in diagnosing APS but also act as the \"culprits\" of the disease. Endothelial cells (ECs), as one of the core target cells of aPL, bridge the gap between the molecular level of these antibodies and the tissue and organ level of pathological changes. A more in-depth exploration of the relationship between ECs and the pathogenesis of APS holds the potential for significant advancements in the precise diagnosis, classification, and therapy of APS. Many researchers have highlighted the vital involvement of ECs in APS and the underlying mechanisms governing their functionality. Through extensive in vitro and in vivo experiments, they have identified multiple aPL receptors on the EC membrane and various intracellular pathways. This article furnishes a comprehensive overview and summary of these receptors and signaling pathways, offering prospective targets for APS therapy.





