receptive field

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A key feature of neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1) of primates is their orientation selectivity. Recent studies using deep neural network models showed that the most exciting input (MEI) for mouse V1 neurons exhibit complex spatial structures that predict non-uniform orientation selectivity across the receptive field (RF), in contrast to the classical Gabor filter model. Using local patches of drifting gratings, we identified heterogeneous orientation tuning in mouse V1 that varied up to 90° across sub-regions of the RF. This heterogeneity correlated with deviations from optimal Gabor filters and was consistent across cortical layers and recording modalities (calcium vs. spikes). In contrast, model-synthesized MEIs for macaque V1 neurons were predominantly Gabor like, consistent with previous studies. These findings suggest that complex spatial feature selectivity emerges earlier in the visual pathway in mice than in primates. This may provide a faster, though less general, method of extracting task-relevant information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dilated convolution has been widely used in various computer vision tasks due to its ability to expand the receptive field while maintaining the resolution of feature maps. However, the critical challenge is the gridding problem caused by the isomorphic structure of the dilated convolution, where the holes filled in the dilated convolution destroy the integrity of the extracted information and cut off the relevance of neighboring pixels. In this work, a novel heterogeneous dilated convolution, called HDConv, is proposed to address this issue by setting independent dilation rates on grouped channels while keeping the general convolution operation. The heterogeneous structure can effectively avoid the gridding problem while introducing multi-scale kernels in the filters. Based on the heterogeneous structure of the proposed HDConv, we also explore the benefit of large receptive fields to feature extraction by comparing different combinations of dilated rates. Finally, a series of experiments are conducted to verify the effectiveness of some computer vision tasks, such as image segmentation and object detection. The results show the proposed HDConv can achieve a competitive performance on ADE20K, Cityscapes, COCO-Stuff10k, COCO, and a medical image dataset UESTC-COVID-19. The proposed module can readily replace conventional convolutions in existing convolutional neural networks (i.e., plug-and-play), and it is promising to further extend dilated convolution to wider scenarios in the field of image segmentation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Similar to convolutional neural networks for image processing, existing analysis methods for 3D point clouds often require the designation of a local neighborhood to describe the local features of the point cloud. This local neighborhood is typically manually specified, which makes it impossible for the network to dynamically adjust the receptive field\'s range. If the range is too large, it tends to overlook local details, and if it is too small, it cannot establish global dependencies. To address this issue, we introduce in this paper a new concept: receptive field space (RFS). With a minor computational cost, we extract features from multiple consecutive receptive field ranges to form this new receptive field space. On this basis, we further propose a receptive field space attention mechanism, enabling the network to adaptively select the most effective receptive field range from RFS, thus equipping the network with the ability to adjust granularity adaptively. Our approach achieved state-of-the-art performance in both point cloud classification, with an overall accuracy (OA) of 94.2%, and part segmentation, achieving an mIoU of 86.0%, demonstrating the effectiveness of our method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ultrasonic testing is widely used for defect detection in polymer composites owing to advantages such as fast processing speed, simple operation, high reliability, and real-time monitoring. However, defect information in ultrasound images is not easily detectable because of the influence of ultrasound echoes and noise. In this study, a stable three-dimensional deep convolutional autoencoder (3D-DCA) was developed to identify defects in polymer composites. Through 3D convolutional operations, it can synchronously learn the spatiotemporal properties of the data volume. Subsequently, the depth receptive field (RF) of the hidden layer in the autoencoder maps the defect information to the original depth location, thereby mitigating the effects of the defect surface and bottom echoes. In addition, a dual-layer encoder was designed to improve the hidden layer visualization results. Consequently, the size, shape, and depth of the defects can be accurately determined. The feasibility of the method was demonstrated through its application to defect detection in carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Somatosensation is essential for animals to perceive the external world through touch, allowing them to detect physical contact, temperature, pain, and body position. Studies on rodent vibrissae have highlighted the organization and processing in mammalian somatosensory pathways.1,2 Comparative research across vertebrates is vital for understanding evolutionary influences and ecological specialization on somatosensory systems. Birds, with their diverse morphologies, sensory abilities, and behaviors, serve as ideal models for investigating the evolution of somatosensation. Prior studies have uncovered tactile-responsive areas within the avian telencephalon, particularly in pigeons,3,4,5,6 parrots,7 and finches,8 but variations in somatosensory maps and responses across avian species are not fully understood. This study aims to explore somatotopic organization and neural coding in the telencephalon of Anna\'s hummingbirds (Calypte anna) and zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) by using in vivo extracellular electrophysiology to record activity in response to controlled tactile stimuli on various body regions. These findings reveal unique representations of body regions across distinct forebrain somatosensory nuclei, indicating significant differences in the extent of areas dedicated to certain body surfaces, which may correlate with their behavioral importance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The processing of visual information by retinal starburst amacrine cells (SACs) involves transforming excitatory input from bipolar cells (BCs) into directional calcium output. While previous studies have suggested that an asymmetry in the kinetic properties of BCs along the soma-dendritic axes of the postsynaptic cell could enhance directional tuning at the level of individual branches, it remains unclear whether biologically relevant presynaptic kinetics contribute to direction selectivity (DS) when visual stimulation engages the entire dendritic tree. To address this question, we built multicompartmental models of the bipolar-SAC circuit and trained them to boost directional tuning. We report that despite significant dendritic crosstalk and dissimilar directional preferences along the dendrites that occur during whole-cell stimulation, the rules that guide BC kinetics leading to optimal DS are similar to the single-dendrite condition. To correlate model predictions to empirical findings, we utilized two-photon glutamate imaging to study the dynamics of bipolar release onto ON- and OFF-starburst dendrites in the murine retina. We reveal diverse presynaptic dynamics in response to motion in both BC populations; algorithms trained on the experimental data suggested that the differences in the temporal release kinetics are likely to correspond to heterogeneous receptive field properties among the different BC types, including the spatial extent of the center and surround components. In addition, we demonstrate that circuit architecture composed of presynaptic units with experimentally recorded dynamics could enhance directional drive but not to levels that replicate empirical findings, suggesting other DS mechanisms are required to explain SAC function. Our study provides new insights into the complex mechanisms underlying DS in retinal processing and highlights the potential contribution of presynaptic kinetics to the computation of visual information by SACs.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Prefrontal cortex is known to exert its control over representation of visual signals in extrastriate areas such as V4. Frontal Eye Field (FEF) is suggested to be the proxy for the prefrontal control of visual signals. However, it is not known which aspects of sensory representation within extrastriate areas are under the influence of FEF activity. We employed a causal manipulation to examine how FEF activity contributes to spatial sensitivity of extrastriate neurons. Finding FEF and V4 areas with overlapping response field (RF) in two macaque monkeys, we recorded V4 responses before and after inactivation of the overlapping FEF. We assessed spatial sensitivity of V4 neurons in terms of their response gain, RF spread, coding capacity, and spatial discriminability. Unexpectedly, we found that in the absence of FEF activity, spontaneous and visually-evoked activity of V4 neurons both increase and their RFs enlarge. However, assessing the spatial sensitivity within V4, we found that these changes were associated with a reduction in the ability of V4 neurons to represent spatial information: After FEF inactivation, V4 neurons showed a reduced response gain and a decrease in their spatial discriminability and coding capacity. These results show the necessity of FEF activity for shaping spatial responses of extrastriate neurons and indicates the importance of FEF inputs in sharpening the sensitivity of V4 responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The concept of receptive field (RF) is central to sensory neuroscience. Neuronal RF properties have been substantially studied in animals, while those in humans remain nearly unexplored. Here, we measured neuronal RFs with intracranial local field potentials (LFPs) and spiking activity in human visual cortex (V1/V2/V3). We recorded LFPs via macro-contacts and discovered that RF sizes estimated from low-frequency activity (LFA, 0.5-30 Hz) were larger than those estimated from low-gamma activity (LGA, 30-60 Hz) and high-gamma activity (HGA, 60-150 Hz). We then took a rare opportunity to record LFPs and spiking activity via microwires in V1 simultaneously. We found that RF sizes and temporal profiles measured from LGA and HGA closely matched those from spiking activity. In sum, this study reveals that spiking activity of neurons in human visual cortex could be well approximated by LGA and HGA in RF estimation and temporal profile measurement, implying the pivotal functions of LGA and HGA in early visual information processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the retina, rod and cone pathways mediate visual signals over a billion-fold range in luminance. AII (\"A-two\") amacrine cells (ACs) receive signals from both pathways via different bipolar cells, enabling AIIs to operate at night and during the day. Previous work has examined luminance-dependent changes in AII gap junction connectivity, but less is known about how surrounding circuitry shapes AII receptive fields across light levels. Here, we report that moderate contrast stimuli elicit surround inhibition in AIIs under all but the dimmest visual conditions, due to actions of horizontal cells and at least two ACs that inhibit presynaptic bipolar cells. Under photopic (daylight) conditions, surround inhibition transforms AII response kinetics, which are inherited by downstream ganglion cells. Ablating neuronal nitric oxide synthase type-1 (nNOS-1) ACs removes AII surround inhibition under mesopic (dusk/dawn), but not photopic, conditions. Our findings demonstrate how multiple layers of neural circuitry interact to encode signals across a wide physiological range.





