
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Technological advancements have expanded the range of methods for capturing human body motion, including solutions involving inertial sensors (IMUs) and optical alternatives. However, the rising complexity and costs associated with commercial solutions have prompted the exploration of more cost-effective alternatives. This paper presents a markerless optical motion capture system using a RealSense depth camera and intelligent computer vision algorithms. It facilitates precise posture assessment, the real-time calculation of joint angles, and acquisition of subject-specific anthropometric data for gait analysis. The proposed system stands out for its simplicity and affordability in comparison to complex commercial solutions. The gathered data are stored in comma-separated value (CSV) files, simplifying subsequent analysis and data mining. Preliminary tests, conducted in controlled laboratory environments and employing a commercial MEMS-IMU system as a reference, revealed a maximum relative error of 7.6% in anthropometric measurements, with a maximum absolute error of 4.67 cm at average height. Stride length measurements showed a maximum relative error of 11.2%. Static joint angle tests had a maximum average error of 10.2%, while dynamic joint angle tests showed a maximum average error of 9.06%. The proposed optical system offers sufficient accuracy for potential application in areas such as rehabilitation, sports analysis, and entertainment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Head pose assessment can reveal important clinical information on human motor control. Quantitative assessment have the potential to objectively evaluate head pose and movements\' specifics, in order to monitor the progression of a disease or the effectiveness of a treatment. Optoelectronic camera-based motion-capture systems, recognized as a gold standard in clinical biomechanics, have been proposed for head pose estimation. However, these systems require markers to be positioned on the person\'s face which is impractical for everyday clinical practice. Furthermore, the limited access to this type of equipment and the emerging trend to assess mobility in natural environments support the development of algorithms capable of estimating head orientation using off-the-shelf sensors, such as RGB cameras. Although artificial vision is a popular field of research, limited validation of human pose estimation based on image recognition suitable for clinical applications has been performed. This paper first provides a brief review of available head pose estimation algorithms in the literature. Current state-of-the-art head pose algorithms designed to capture the facial geometry from videos, OpenFace 2.0, MediaPipe and 3DDFA_V2, are then further evaluated and compared. Accuracy is assessed by comparing both approaches to a baseline, measured with an optoelectronic camera-based motion-capture system. Results reveal a mean error lower or equal to 5.6∘ for 3DDFA_V2 depending on the plane of movement, while the mean error reaches 14.1∘ and 11.0∘ for OpenFace 2.0 and MediaPipe, respectively. This demonstrates the superiority of the 3DDFA_V2 algorithm in estimating head pose, in different directions of motion, and suggests that this algorithm can be used in clinical scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fruit recognition based on depth information has been a hot topic due to its advantages. However, the present equipment and methods cannot meet the requirements of rapid and reliable recognition and location of fruits in close shot for robot harvesting. To solve this problem, we propose a recognition algorithm for citrus fruit based on RealSense. This method effectively utilizes depth-point cloud data in a close-shot range of 160 mm and different geometric features of the fruit and leaf to recognize fruits with a intersection curve cut by the depth-sphere. Experiments with close-shot recognition of six varieties of fruit under different conditions were carried out. The detection rates of little occlusion and adhesion were from 80⁻100%. However, severe occlusion and adhesion still have a great influence on the overall success rate of on-branch fruits recognition, the rate being 63.8%. The size of the fruit has a more noticeable impact on the success rate of detection. Moreover, due to close-shot near-infrared detection, there was no obvious difference in recognition between bright and dark conditions. The advantages of close-shot limited target detection with RealSense, fast foreground and background removal and the simplicity of the algorithm with high precision may contribute to high real-time vision-servo operations of harvesting robots.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The introduction of RGB-Depth (RGB-D) sensors into the visually impaired people (VIP)-assisting area has stirred great interest of many researchers. However, the detection range of RGB-D sensors is limited by narrow depth field angle and sparse depth map in the distance, which hampers broader and longer traversability awareness. This paper proposes an effective approach to expand the detection of traversable area based on a RGB-D sensor, the Intel RealSense R200, which is compatible with both indoor and outdoor environments. The depth image of RealSense is enhanced with IR image large-scale matching and RGB image-guided filtering. Traversable area is obtained with RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC) segmentation and surface normal vector estimation, preliminarily. A seeded growing region algorithm, combining the depth image and RGB image, enlarges the preliminary traversable area greatly. This is critical not only for avoiding close obstacles, but also for allowing superior path planning on navigation. The proposed approach has been tested on a score of indoor and outdoor scenarios. Moreover, the approach has been integrated into an assistance system, which consists of a wearable prototype and an audio interface. Furthermore, the presented approach has been proved to be useful and reliable by a field test with eight visually impaired volunteers.





