rapid qualitative analysis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Identifying priority challenges of older adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is critical to designing interventions aimed at improving their well-being and independence.
    OBJECTIVE: To prioritize challenges of older adults with COPD and those who care for them to guide refinement of a telephonic nurse coach intervention for patients with COPD and their family caregivers (EPIC: Empowering People to Independence in COPD).
    METHODS: Multiphase study guided by Baltes Theory of Successful Aging and the 5Ms Framework: Phase 1: Nominal group technique (NGT), a structured process of prioritizing responses to a question through group consensus. Phase 2: Rapid qualitative analysis. Phase 3: Intervention mapping and refinement.
    METHODS: Ambulatory, virtual.
    METHODS: Older adults with COPD, family caregivers, clinic staff (nurses, respiratory therapists), clinicians (physicians, nurse practitioners), and health system leaders.
    RESULTS: NGT sessions were conducted by constituency group with 37 participants (n = 7 patients, n = 6 family caregivers, n = 8 clinic staff, n = 9 clinicians, n = 7 health system leaders) (Phase 1). Participants generated 92 statements across five themes (Phase 2): (1) \"Barriers to care\", (2) \"Family caregiver needs\", (3) \"Functional status and mobility issues\", (4) \"Illness understanding\", and (5) \"COPD care complexities\". Supplemental oxygen challenges emerged as a critical problem, and prioritized challenges differed by group. Patients and clinic staff prioritized \"Functional status and mobility issues\", family caregivers prioritized \"Family caregiver needs\", and clinicians and health system leaders prioritized \"COPD care complexities\". Intervention mapping (Phase 3) guided EPIC refinement focused on meeting patient priorities of independence and mobility but accounting for all priorities.
    CONCLUSIONS: Diverse constituency groups identified priority challenges for older adults with COPD. Functional status and mobility issues, particularly related to supplemental oxygen, emerged as patient prioritized challenges.
    CONCLUSIONS: Patient-centered interventions for older adults with COPD must account for their prioritized functional and supplemental oxygen needs and explore diverse constituent perspectives to facilitate intervention enrichment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The number of surgical trials is increasing but such trials can be complex to deliver and pose specific challenges. A multi-centre, Phase III, RCT comparing Posterior Cervical Foraminotomy versus Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion in the Treatment of Cervical Brachialgia (FORVAD Trial) was unable to recruit to target. A rapid qualitative study was conducted during trial closedown to understand the experiences of healthcare professionals who participated in the FORVAD Trial, with the aim of informing future research in this area.
    METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 healthcare professionals who had participated in the FORVAD Trial. Interviews explored participants\' experiences of the FORVAD trial. A rapid qualitative analysis was conducted, informed by Normalisation Process Theory.
    RESULTS: Four main themes were generated in the data analysis: (1) individual vs. community equipoise; (2) trial set-up and delivery; (3) identifying and approaching patients; and (4) timing of randomisation. The objectives of the FORVAD trial made sense to participants and they supported the idea that there was clinical or collective equipoise regarding the two FORVAD interventions; however, many surgeons had treatment preferences and lacked individual equipoise. The site which had most recruitment success had adopted a more structured process for identification and recruitment of patients, whereas other sites that adopted more \"ad hoc\" screening strategies struggled to identify patients. Randomisation on the day of surgery caused both medico-legal and practical concerns at some sites.
    CONCLUSIONS: Organisation and implementation of a surgical trial in neurosurgery is complex and presents many challenges. Sites often reported low recruitment and discussed the logistical issues of conducting a complex surgical RCT. Future trials in neurosurgery may need to offer more flexibility and time during set-up to maximise opportunities for larger recruitment numbers. Rapid qualitative analysis informed by Normalisation Process Theory was able to quickly identify key issues with trial implementation so rapid qualitative analysis may be a useful approach for teams conducting qualitative research in trials.
    BACKGROUND: ISRCTN, ISRCTN reference: 10,133,661. Registered 23rd November 2018.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Older adults experiencing homelessness (OAEH) age quickly and die earlier than their housed counterparts. Illness-related decisions are best guided by patients\' values, but healthcare and homelessness service providers need support in facilitating these discussions. The Serious Illness Conversation Guide (SICG) is a communication tool to guide discussions but has not yet been adapted for OAEH.
    METHODS: We aimed to adapt the SICG for use with OAEH by nurses, social workers, and other homelessness service providers. We conducted semi-structured interviews with homelessness service providers and cognitive interviews with OAEH using the SICG. Service providers included nurses, social workers, or others working in homeless settings. OAEH were at least 50 years old and diagnosed with a serious illness. Interviews were conducted and audio recorded in shelters, transitional housing, a hospital, public spaces, and over Zoom. The research team reviewed transcripts, identifying common themes across transcripts and applying analytic notetaking. We summarized transcripts from each participant group, applying rapid qualitative analysis. For OAEH, data that referenced proposed adaptations or feedback about the SICG tool were grouped into two domains: \"SICG interpretation\" and \"SICG feedback\". For providers, we used domains from the Toolkit of Adaptation Approaches: \"collaborative working\", \"team\", \"endorsement\", \"materials\", \"messages\", and \"delivery\". Summaries were grouped into matrices to help visualize themes to inform adaptations. The adapted guide was then reviewed by expert palliative care clinicians for further refinement.
    RESULTS: The final sample included 11 OAEH (45% Black, 61 ± 7 years old) and 10 providers (80% White, 8.9 ± years practice). Adaptation themes included changing words and phrases to (1) increase transparency about the purpose of the conversation, (2) promote OAEH autonomy and empowerment, (3) align with nurses\' and social workers\' scope of practice regarding facilitating diagnostic and prognostic awareness, and (4) be sensitive to the realities of fragmented healthcare. Responses also revealed training and implementation considerations.
    CONCLUSIONS: The adapted SICG is a promising clinical tool to aid in the delivery of serious illness conversations with OAEH. Future research should use this updated guide for implementation planning. Additional adaptations may be dependent on specific settings where the SICG will be delivered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Healthy Start (HS) is a government scheme in England, Wales and Northern Ireland that offers a financial payment card and free vitamins to families experiencing low income. Pregnant women and families with children < 4 years can use the HS card to buy fruit, vegetables, cow\'s milk, infant formula and pulses. HS was fully digitalised in March 2022. While digitalisation has improved the user experience for many families, in the context of the cost-of-living crisis and increasing dietary inequalities, it is important to understand why HS is not reaching more families. This study aimed to (i) assess the perceptions and experiences of HS from stakeholders across the system including those who promote, implement and are eligible for HS, and (ii) identify recommendations to improve the scheme\'s effectiveness and uptake.
    METHODS: The study design was a post-implementation rapid qualitative evaluation using stakeholder interviews. Data were collected between January and June 2023 via semi-structured interviews (50% online; 50% in person) with 112 stakeholders, including parents (n = 59), non-government organisations (n = 13), retailers (n = 11) and health and community professionals (n = 29) at national and local levels. Findings were confirmed by a sub-sample of participants.
    RESULTS: Six core themes cut across stakeholders\' perceptions and experiences, and stakeholders collectively outlined seven recommendations they felt could be acted upon to maximise uptake and efficiency of HS, with actions at both national and local levels. A novel finding from this study is that raising awareness about HS alone is unlikely to result automatically or universally in higher uptake rate. Recommendations include: continuing to provide this scheme that is universally valued; the need for many families to be provided with a helping hand to successfully complete the application; reframing of the scheme as a child\'s right to food and development to ensure inclusivity; improved leadership, coordination and accountability at both national and local levels.
    CONCLUSIONS: HS provides benefits for child development and family wellbeing. The study\'s recommendations should be actioned by national and local governments to enable all families eligible for the scheme to benefit from this nutritional safety net.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine can prevent HPV-related oropharyngeal cancers. Dental practitioners are uniquely positioned to promote HPV vaccines during routine dental care but experience barriers to doing so. Qualitative interviews were conducted with dental practitioners to understand barriers and inform intervention strategies to promote HPV vaccines. Dental practitioners were invited to participate in phone interviews about knowledge, self-efficacy, and the fear of negative consequences related to HPV vaccine promotion as well as feedback on potential interventions to address these barriers. Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using rapid qualitative analysis with a sort-and-sift matrix approach. Interviews were completed with 11 practitioners from six dental clinics (avg. 31 min). Though most thought HPV vaccination was important, they lacked detailed knowledge about when and to whom the vaccine should be recommended. This led to a hypothesized need for discussions of sexual history, feelings of limited self-efficacy to make the recommendation, and fear of patient concerns. Still, practitioners were supportive of additional training opportunities and provided input into specific interventions. The nuance of how these barriers were described by practitioners, as well as the possible solutions they identified, will help shape future interventions supporting HPV vaccine promotion in dental care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Qualitative research amplifies the voices of marginalized communities and thus plays a critical role in shaping our understanding of health inequities and their social determinants. Traditional qualitative approaches, such as grounded theory or thematic analysis, require extensive training and are time- and labor-intensive; as such, they may not be adequately suited to address healthy equity issues that require a swift response. Rapid qualitative analysis (RQA) is an action-oriented approach to qualitative data analysis that may be used when findings are needed to quickly inform practice. RQA capitalizes on using a team to summarize key points from qualitative data into matrices to explore relevant themes efficiently and systematically. In this paper, we provide case examples from our work applying RQA to health equity research with Latino communities to address community needs, such as responses to public health emergencies and the development of service delivery and technology interventions for infectious and chronic diseases. We draw from our collective experiences to share lessons learned and provide the following specific recommendations (\"EARS\") to researchers interested in applying RQA for health equity research: (1) Employ RQA to address rapidly evolving, urgent, health equity challenges; (2) Assure quality and rigor throughout the RQA process; (3) Respond to barriers and problem-solve as needed; and (4) Strengthen community relationships before, during, and after using RQA. Overall, we advocate for the use of RQA to promote health equity due to its ability to integrate the vital perspectives of marginalized communities and efficiently respond to their needs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Implementation of patient-centred care (PCC) practices in HIV treatment depends on healthcare workers\' (HCWs) perceptions of the acceptability, appropriateness and feasibility of such practices (e.g. use of intentional, metric-driven activities to improve patient experiences).
    We applied rapid, rigorous formative research methods to refine a PCC intervention for future trial. In 2018, we conducted focus group discussions (FGDs) with 46 HCWs purposefully selected from two pilot sites. We elicited HCW perceptions of HIV service delivery, HCW motivation and perceived value of patient experience measures intended to improve PCC. FGDs utilized participatory methods to understand HCW responses to patient-reported care engagement challenges and Scholl\'s PCC Framework principles (e.g. seeing a patient as a unique person), enablers (e.g. care coordination) and activities (e.g. patient involvement). Our rapid analysis used analytic memos, thematic analysis, research team debriefs and HCW feedback to inform time-sensitive trial implementation.
    While HCWs nearly universally identified with and supported principles of PCC in both facilities, they raised practical barriers given the practice environment. HCWs described motivation to help patients, attached value to seeing positive health outcomes and the importance of teamwork. However, HCWs reported challenges with enablers needed to deliver PCC. HCWs cited a work culture characterized by differential power dynamics between cadres and departments restricting HCW autonomy and resource access. Barriers included inflexibility in accommodating individual patient needs due to high patient volumes, limited human resources, laboratory capacity, infrastructure and skills translating patient perspectives into practice. HCW motivation was negatively influenced by encounters with \"difficult patients,\" and feeling \"unappreciated\" by management, resulting in cognitive dissonance between HCW beliefs and behaviours. However, the enactment of PCC values also occurred. Results suggested that PCC interventions should reduce practice barriers, highlighting the value of mentors who could help HCWs dynamically engage with health system constraints, to facilitate PCC.
    While HCWs perceived PCC principles as acceptable, they did not think it universally appropriate or feasible given the practice environment. Participatory and rapid methods provided timely insight that PCC interventions must provide clear and effective systems enabling PCC activities by measuring and mitigating relational and organizational constraints amenable to change such as inter-cadre coordination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Applied practice experiences are essential components of the Masters of Public Health (MPH) curriculum. The objective of this study was to examine students\' perspectives on the skills and expertise they developed in an MPH course offering applied practice opportunities.
    Of 236 students who took the course from 2008 to 2018, email addresses were obtained for 212 and 104 completed the consent form. Following consent, reflection essays were de-identified and analyzed using a rapid qualitative analysis approach. The essays addressed students\' learning experiences and application of the competencies for MPH programs set by the Council for Education in Public Health (CEPH). Deductive and inductive analytical lenses were used to identify the key lessons learned by each cohort of students. Semi-structured guides and matrixes for essay analysis were created using assignment instructions and CEPH competencies.
    Although the reflection paper assignment varied across the years, commonalities were observed in the student reflections. Key themes included turning theory into practice, navigating the complex environment of public health practice, skill building, critical self-reflection, challenges encountered, and elements that facilitated project success. Students reported developing practical skills, such as planning for independent research (e.g., preparing for institutional review board (IRB) submission, consulting with faculty and other experts), identifying realistic approaches for data extraction during chart reviews and analyses of electronic medical records, and disseminating findings for diverse stakeholders and audiences. Students also reported strengthening cross-cutting skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving that were useful for navigating power dynamics and balancing competing interests and expectations. Students explored their identity as public health professionals as they navigated the dynamics of public health practice.
    The applied practice experience served as a valuable tool for knowledge and skills acquisition. Moreover, it served as an opportunity for students to engage with the unique organizational cultures of their respective community partners and to deepen their understanding the complexities of conducting meaningful community-engaged research.
    This study demonstrates the utility of analyzing students\' critical self-reflections as a tool for exploring learning experiences when training future public health professionals. The findings can help educators design future applied practice experiences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Implementing evidence-based interventions remains slow in federally qualified health centers (FQHCs). The purpose of this study is to qualitatively examine the R = MC2 (Readiness = motivation × innovation specific capacity × general capacity) heuristic subcomponents in the context of implementing general and colorectal cancer screening (CRCS)-related practice changes in FQHCs. We conducted 17 interviews with FQHC employees to examine (1) experiences with successful or unsuccessful practice change efforts, (2) using approaches to promote CRCS, and (3) opinions about R = MC2 subcomponents. We conducted a rapid qualitative analysis to examine the frequency, depth, and spontaneity of subcomponents. Priority, compatibility, observability (motivation), intra- and interorganizational relationships (innovation-specific capacity), and organizational structure and resource utilization (general capacity) emerged as highly relevant. For example, organizational structure was described as related to an organization\'s open communication during meetings to help with scheduling procedures. The results contribute to understanding organizational readiness in the FQHC setting and can be helpful when identifying and prioritizing barriers and facilitators that affect implementation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The severity of the HIV epidemic in the United States\' rural South highlights geographic, socioeconomic, and racial disparities that disproportionately affect poor Black Americans. Approximately 16% of Alabamians living with HIV remain undiagnosed and just 37% of rural Alabamians have ever been tested for HIV.
    METHODS: We conducted in-depth interviews with 22 key stakeholders involved in HIV prevention, testing, treatment, or community health initiatives, and 10 adults living in rural communities across Alabama to explore HIV testing challenges and opportunities. We utilized a rapid qualitative analysis approach and engaged community partners for feedback and discussion. This analysis will inform the implementation of a mobile HIV testing service in rural Alabama.
    RESULTS: The following themes were identified: (1) Cultural norms, racism, poverty, and rurality impair access to healthcare. (2) Lack of sex education, low knowledge of HIV and perception of risk reinforce stigmas. (3) Messaging about \"Undetectable = Untransmissible\" (U = U) is not well understood in communities. (4) Community involvement may promote communication and trust between communities and testing advocates. (5) Novel testing strategies are acceptable and may diminish barriers.
    CONCLUSIONS: Working with community \"gatekeepers\" may be a key strategy to understand and promote acceptability of interventions new to rural Alabama and ameliorate stigma within communities. The implementation of new HIV testing strategies requires building and maintaining relationships with advocates, especially faith-based leaders, who engage people across many demographics.





