
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Improving the economic performance of range forage in drylands internationally faces challenges from economic, ecological, and climate stress. Stakeholders in these drylands wish to protect range forage ecosystems while assuring economic viability of ranching. Despite several recent research achievements, little work to date has integrated relationships among precipitation, grazing pressure, animal performance, and forage production to protect ranching incomes faced with economic, ecological, and climate stress in dryland areas. This work addresses that gap by developing an empirical mathematical programming model for optimizing economic performance of livestock grazing on range forage ecosystems that adapt to several stressors. Its unique contribution is to formulate and apply a ranch income optimization model calibrated using positive mathematical programming. The model replicates observed economic, forage, and climate conditions while accounting for interacting relations among stocking rates, forage conditions, grazing pressure, animal performance, and ranch economic productivity. Results show ranch incomes ranging from about $5 to $88 per acre and marginal values of forage ranging from $0.01 to $0.12 per pound of forage, depending on economic, ecological, and climate conditions. Results reveal how all these stressors affect economically optimized choices of grazing levels, ranch income, and economic values of forage for a range of six biomes seen in the US west. Results help livestock ranchers to adjust stocking and forage choices as well as farm policymakers who seek flexible government programs to adapt to changes in economic, ecological, and climate conditions. The work\'s importance comes from applicability to forage management problems in dry regions internationally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    World food supplies rely on pollination, making this plant-animal relationship a highly valued ecosystem service. Bees pollinate flowering plants in rangelands that constitute up to half of global terrestrial vegetation. Livestock grazing is the most widespread rangeland use and can affect insect pollinators through herbivory. We examined management effects on bee abundance and other insect pollinators on grazed and idle sagebrush rangelands in central Montana, USA. From 2016 to 2018, we sampled pollinators on lands enrolled in rest-rotation grazing, unenrolled grazing lands, and geographically separate idle lands without grazing for over a decade. Bare ground covered twice as much area (15% vs. 7) with half the litter (12% vs. 24) on grazed than idle regardless of enrollment. Bee pollinators were 2-3 times more prevalent in grazed than idle in 2016-2017. In 2018, bees were similar among grazed and idled during an unseasonably wet and cool summer that depressed pollinator catches; captures of secondary pollinators was similar among treatments 2 of 3 study years. Ground-nesting bees (94.6% of total bee abundance) were driven by periodic grazing that maintained bare ground and kept litter accumulations in check. In contrast, idle provided fewer nesting opportunities for bees that were mostly solitary, ground-nesting genera requiring unvegetated spaces for reproduction. Managed lands supported higher bee abundance that evolved with bison grazing on the eastern edge of the sagebrush ecosystem. Our findings suggest that periodic disturbance may enhance pollinator habitat, and that rangelands may benefit from periodic grazing by livestock.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The remarkable adaptability and rapid proliferation of Prosopis juliflora have led to its invasive status in the rangelands of Kenya, detrimentally impacting native vegetation and biodiversity. Exacerbated by human activities such as overgrazing, deforestation, and land degradation, these conditions make the spread and management of this species a critical ecological concern. This study assesses the effectiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) and remote sensing in monitoring the invasion of Prosopis juliflora in Baringo County, Kenya. We investigated the environmental drivers, including weather conditions, land cover, and biophysical attributes, that influence its distinction from native vegetation. By analyzing data on the presence and absence of Prosopis juliflora, coupled with datasets on weather, land cover, and elevation, we identified key factors facilitating its detection. Our findings highlight the Decision Tree/Random Forest classifier as the most effective, achieving a 95% accuracy rate in instance classification. Key variables such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for February, precipitation, land cover type, and elevation were significant in the accurate identification of Prosopis juliflora. Community insights reveal varied perspectives on the impact of Prosopis juliflora, with differing views based on professional experiences with the species. Integrating these technological advancements with local knowledge, this research contributes to developing sustainable management practices tailored to the unique ecological and social challenges posed by this invasive species. Our results highlight the contribution of advanced technologies for environmental management and conservation within rangeland ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of injectable trace minerals (ITM) administrations at strategic moments in the beef cattle production cycle. At calving, 50 primiparous cows (Angus × Hereford) and their calves were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments: 1) ITM: cattle assigned to the ITM treatment received an ITM injection at calving and a subsequent administration at breeding (cattle over 2 yr: 1.0 mL/90 kg body weight [BW]; calves: 1.0 mL/45 kg BW); or 2) Control: cattle assigned to the control treatment were administered with saline following the same procedure as the cattle assigned to the ITM treatment. Body weight, blood, and liver samples were collected from dams and calves at multiple time points to evaluate the growth and mineral status of cow-calf pairs. All variables were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. A treatment effect (P = 0.02) was observed for Cu liver concentration of primiparous cows at breeding. Cows assigned to ITM treatment had greater Cu status than cohorts assigned to Control treatment. No treatment effects were observed for the mineral status or growth of calves. The administration of ITM to primiparous cows enhanced Cu status when grazing Cu forages scarce of Cu.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Residual feed intake (RFI) has become a widely spread index of feed efficiency. Although most of beef cattle systems in the world are pasture based, RFI evaluation and research is usually performed in confinement conditions. In this context, residual heat production (RHP) estimated as the difference between actual and expected heat production (HP), could allow to identify efficient animals. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the relationship between paternal estimated breeding values (EBV) for RFI and beef heifer efficiency, measured as RHP, as well as its association with heifers\' productive and reproductive performance on grazing conditions. Seventy-one 25 ± 0.8-mo-old and seventy-four 24 ± 0.7-mo-old Hereford heifers were managed as contemporary groups in spring 2019 and 2020, respectively. Heifers were sired by 10 RFI-evaluated bulls and classified into three groups according to the paternal EBV for RFI: five bulls of low RFI (high efficiency, pHE), two bulls of medium RFI (medium efficiency), and three bulls of high RFI (low efficiency, pLE). The experimental period lasted 70 d prior to their first insemination where HP was determined by the heart rate-O2 pulse technique. In addition, reproductive performances during the first and second breeding and calving seasons were recorded. Heifers\' RHPs expressed as MJ/d and kJ/kg of body weight (BW)0.75/d were positively correlated with paternal RFI EBVs (P < 0.05; r > 0.60). Moreover, BW and average daily gain (ADG) were greater (P < 0.01) for pHE than pLE heifers while expressed as units of BW0.75/d, neither total HP nor metabolizable energy (ME) intake differed between groups, but pHE heifers had greater retained energy (RE; P < 0.01) and lower RHP (P < 0.05) than pLE ones. Gross energy efficiency (RE/ME intake) was greater (P < 0.001) for pHE than pLE heifers while the HP/ADG and RHP/ADG were reduced (P < 0.05) and feed-to-gain ratio (ADG/DM intake) tended to be greater (P = 0.07) for pHE than pLE heifers. In addition, during the first breeding and calving seasons, small but significant (P < 0.01) differences in reproductive responses between groups suggested an earlier pregnancy in pHE heifers than the pLE group, differences that disappeared during the second breeding and calving seasons. Thus, heifers sired by high-efficiency bulls measured as RFI were more efficient measured as RHP in grazing conditions, without significant differences in reproductive performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The grass-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri is well suited for studies examining the negative effect leaf-cutting ants have on livestock production in South American grasslands because they forage on the same plants as cattle. This study investigated the impact of A. vollenweideri on livestock production in Argentinean rangelands. First, we assessed A. vollenweideri herbivory rates and its economic injury level (EIL). Second, using satellite imagery in a region covering 15,000 ha, we estimated the percentage of this area that surpassed the calculated EIL. Results showed that A. vollenweideri consumed approximately 276 kg of dry plant weight/ha/year, foraging mostly on grasses (70%). Additionally, ants cut 25% of herbs and 5% of trees. In summer and autumn, ants consumed more grasses, while in winter and spring, herbs and trees were also significantly cut. Ants consumed 7% of the forage demand needed to raise a calf according to the management regime applied by farmers. Our calculated EIL (5.85 nests/ha) falls in the range of previous studies. Colonies were absent in 93.6% of the surveyed area, while their density was below the EIL in 6.2% of the area. A. vollenweideri populations surpassed the EIL in only 0.2% of the area, which corresponds to 2.6% of the locations holding colonies. These results question the perception that Atta leaf-cutting ants are a pest of livestock production. Although ants consume a small percentage of cattle\'s forage demand, evidence that ants and cattle are competing in the few cases in which density surpasses the EIL is arguable. First, grass-cutting ants are capable of consuming herbs and trees in addition to the grasses on which cattle mostly feed. Second, there is no evidence indicating that both are cutting the same plant portions when preferences overlap. Third, evidence suggests that ants are not displaced under high-pressure grazing regimes by cattle. In the countries where A. vollenweideri is present, decision makers have promulgated several acts making its control mandatory. It is time to revisit the pest status of A. vollenweideri and include the use of EIL as a control criterion.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ranchers have been conducting traditional management practices such as mono-species grazing and limited burning that focus on stocking rate maximization. This has resulted in negative environmental consequences such as woody plant encroachment, land use change, and species diversity loss. Recently, there has been a growing appreciation for alternative range management that simultaneously promotes biodiversity and agricultural productivity through fire and grazing interactions. The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of landowner values, attitudes, and norms on their behavioral intention to adopt best management practices (BMPs) that enhance wildlife abundance in the southern Great Plains. The required data was generated through a mail survey following the Tailored Design method. We utilized the structural equation path model to construct two latent variables for norms and attitudes and analyzed the relationship of the latent variables with value orientations and behavioral intentions. The study results indicated that the attitudes had a significant positive relationship with biocentric (β = 0.15, p-value<0.05) and a negative relationship with anthropocentric (β = -0.259, p-value<0.05) value orientations, however, the relationship of value orientations was statistically insignificant with norms. Further, the results indicated that both norms (β = 0.404, p-value<0.05) and attitudes (β = 0.508, p-value<0.05) had a positive and statistically significant relation with ranchers\' intentions to increase wildlife abundance on their land. Study results emphasize the need for innovative communication and non-traditional outreach methods to educate rangeland owners on the importance of patch-burn grazing and other best management practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prescribed fire is a common management practice used to manipulate rangeland plant productivity and composition. Although the nutritive value of most herbaceous plant species is considered poor for grazing animals, native rangelands in Florida are an important source of forage for livestock, especially during the winter months, when the productivity of cultivated perennial warm-season pastures is limited. This study evaluated the effects of prescribed fire on methanogenic potential and nutritive value of selected native rangeland plant species. Treatments were a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement of plant species (creeping bluestem [Schizachyrium scoparium var. stoloniferum {Nash} Wipff], wiregrass [Aristida stricta {Michx.}], or saw palmetto [Serenoa repens {W. Bartram} Small]) and prescribed fire management [2 yr after burning (control) vs. 1 yr after burning (burned)] distributed in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. Samples were analyzed for crude protein (CP), neutral detergent undigestible fiber (NDF), in vitro methane production, and in situ ruminal disappearance. Prescribed fire generally increased forage CP and DM effective degradability relative to control; however, no effect was observed on saw palmetto. Wiregrass had the least CP concentration in both burned (8.5%) and control (2.3%). In burned treatments, creeping bluestem and palmetto had greater DM effective degradability (62% and 58%) than wiregrass (53%). Fire increased in vitro gas production by 60 (creeping bluestem) to 90% (wiregrass) relative to control treatments. No effect of fire on methane production was observed for any of the plant species evaluated in this study. Creeping bluestem had the greatest methane production (12.5 mg/g DM), followed by wiregrass (5.3 mg/g DM) and saw palmetto (1.4 mg/g DM). Methane:DM effective degradability decreased in the following order: creeping bluestem ≥ wiregrass > saw palmetto. Data indicated prescribed fire was an effective tool to increase creeping bluestem and wiregrass nutritive value but no effect was observed on saw palmetto. Cattle grazing grass-dominated rangelands will likely emit more gas and methane than shrub or tree-dominated ecosystems; however, the greater forage nutritive value and subsequent positive impacts on animal production are expected to offset a substantial fraction of enteric methane emissions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herbivore exclusion is implemented globally to recover ecosystems from grazing by introduced and native herbivores, but evidence for large-scale biodiversity benefits is inconsistent in arid ecosystems. We examined the effects of livestock exclusion on dryland plant richness and reproductive capacity. We collected data on plant species richness and seeding (reproductive capacity), rainfall, vegetation productivity and cover, soil strength and herbivore grazing intensity from 68 sites across 6500 km2 of arid Georgina gidgee (Acacia georginae) woodlands in central Australia between 2018 and 2020. Sites were on an actively grazed cattle station and two destocked conservation reserves. We used structural equation modeling to examine indirect (via soil or vegetation modification) versus direct (herbivory) effects of grazing intensity by two introduced herbivores (cattle, camels) and a native herbivore (red kangaroo), on seasonal plant species richness and seeding of all plants, and the richness and seeding of four plant groups (native grasses, forbs, annual chenopod shrubs, and palatable perennial shrubs). Non-native herbivores had a strong indirect effect on plant richness and seeding by reducing vegetative ground cover, resulting in decreased richness and seeding of native grasses and forbs. Herbivores also had small but negative direct impacts on plant richness and seeding. This direct effect was explained by reductions in annual chenopod and palatable perennial shrub richness under grazing activity. Responses to grazing were herbivore-dependent; introduced herbivore grazing reduced native plant richness and seeding, while native herbivore grazing had no significant effect on richness or seeding of different plant functional groups. Soil strength decreased under grazing by cattle but not camels or kangaroos. Cattle had direct effects on palatable perennial shrub richness and seeding, whereas camels had indirect effects, reducing richness and seeding by reducing the abundance of shrubs. We show that considering indirect pathways improves evaluations of the effects of disturbances on biodiversity, as focusing only on direct effects can mask critical mechanisms of change. Our results indicate substantial biodiversity benefits from excluding livestock and controlling camels in drylands. Reducing introduced herbivore impacts will improve soil and vegetation condition, ensure reproduction and seasonal persistence of species, and protect native plant diversity.





