
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chilli thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) has emerged as a severe invasive pest of strawberry Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne in the United States. The objective of this study was to assess the field efficacy of a biopesticide and thrips predator, Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot for S. dorsalis management in field grown strawberry compared to synthetic insecticide applications that are current industry standard (spinetoram) conducted at UF/IFAS GCREC, FL during 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 in a 2-year field study. The following treatments were applied in the field: (1) biopesticide, capsicum oleoresin extract + garlic oil + canola oil application at maximum label rate; (2) predatory mite of thrips, A. swirskii released at 30 predators per plot; (3) spinetoram applied at maximum label rate; and (4) biopesticide applied 24 h before release of A. swirskii. A control plot with no insecticide or predatory mite releases was maintained. Results show that the capsicum extract can be used for management of S. dorsalis, especially during the latter stages of strawberry field season when resistance to spinetoram is high. The field performance of A. swirskii was variable and extensive research is needed to highlight factors affecting field performance of predatory mites for thrips management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Anatomical research based on deceased body specimens is a time-consuming process that requires a great deal of skill and time to perform correctly. Three-dimensional medical image analysis is an excellent tool for anatomic evaluation, but it often includes patients with comorbidities in the study group, which can skew the results. The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate methods for anatomic research based on postmortem contrast-enhanced computed tomography angiography 3D reconstruction of the celiac trunk.
    METHODS: Postmortem contrast-enhanced computed tomography angiography of 105 (28.6% female, age 50.8±18.7) decedents without abdominal trauma or tumor was analyzed. The abdominal portion of the aorta and the celiac trunk with its branches were reconstructed and evaluated. The type of celiac trunk was evaluated. The results were analyzed.
    RESULTS: The celiac trunk, splenic artery, and common hepatic artery were visualized in all cases. The left gastric artery was visible in 97.1% of cases. The dorsal pancreatic artery was visualized in 61.0% of cases. The most common type of celiac trunk was 1 (88.6%), and the rarest types were 2, 3, and 6 (1.0%). We observed 4 morphologies of the truncus celiacus that did not fit the classification presented previously.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study has demonstrated that three-dimensional reconstruction of postmortem contrast-enhanced computed tomography is an excellent tool for performing accurate morphometric analyzes for anatomic research purposes. This method can serve as a source for anatomic studies in the healthy population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Different techniques of performing image-guided neurosurgery exist, namely, neuronavigation systems, intraoperative ultrasound, and intraoperative MRI, each with its limitations. Except for ultrasound, other methods are expensive. Three-dimensional virtual reconstruction and surgical simulation using 3D volume rendering (VR) is an economical and excellent technique for preoperative surgical planning and image-guided neurosurgery. In this article, the authors discuss several nuances of the 3D VR technique that have not yet been described.
    The authors included 6 patients with supratentorial gliomas who underwent surgery between January 2019 and March 2021. Preoperative clinical data, including patient demographics, preoperative planning details (done using the VR technique), and intraoperative details, including relevant photos and videos, were collected. RadiAnt software was used for generating virtual 3D images using the VR technique on a computer running Microsoft Windows.
    The 3D VR technique assists in glioma surgery with a preoperative simulation of the skin incision and craniotomy, virtual cortical surface marking and navigation for deep-seated gliomas, preoperative visualization of morbid cortical surface and venous anatomy in surfacing gliomas, identifying the intervenous surgical corridor in both surfacing and deep-seated gliomas, and pre- and postoperative virtual 3D images highlighting the exact spatial geometric residual tumor location and extent of resection for low-grade gliomas (LGGs).
    Image-guided neurosurgery with the 3D VR technique using RadiAnt software is an economical, easy-to-learn, and user-friendly method of simulating glioma surgery, especially in resource-constrained countries where expensive neuronavigation systems are not readily available. Apart from cortical sulci/gyri anatomy, FLAIR sequences are ideal for the 3D visualization of nonenhancing diffuse LGGs using the VR technique. In addition to cortical vessels (especially veins), contrast MRI sequences are perfect for the 3D visualization of contrast-enhancing high-grade gliomas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In our aging society, palliative care should be a standard component of health care. However, currently it is only provided to a small proportion of patients, mostly to those with cancer, and restricted to the terminal phase. Many general practitioners (GPs) say that one of their most significant challenges is to assess the right moment to start anticipatory palliative care. The \"Surprise Question\" (SQ1: \"Would I be surprised if this patient were to die in the next 12 months\"?), if answered with \"no\", is an easy tool to apply in identifying patients in need of palliative care. However, this tool has a low specificity. Therefore, the aim of our pilot study was to determine if adding a second, more specific \"Surprise Question\" (SQ2: \"Would I be surprised if this patient is still alive after 12 months\"?) in case SQ1 is answered in the negative, prompts GPs to plan for anticipatory palliative care.
    METHODS: By randomization, 28 GPs in the south-eastern part of the Netherlands were allocated to three different groups. They all received a questionnaire with four vignettes, respectively representing patients with advanced organ failure (A), end stage cancer (B), frailty (C), and recently diagnosed cancer (D). GPs in the first group did not receive additional information, the second group received SQ1 after each vignette, and the third group received SQ1 and SQ2 after each vignette. We rated their answers based on essential components of palliative care (here called RADIANT score).
    RESULTS: GPs in group 3 gave higher RADIANT scores to those vignettes in which they would be surprised if the patients were still alive after 12 months. In all groups, vignette B had the highest mean RADIANT score, followed by vignettes A and C, and the lowest on vignette D. Seventy-one percent of GPs in groups 2 and 3 considered SQ1 a helpful tool, and 75% considered SQ2 helpful.
    CONCLUSIONS: This innovative pilot study indicates that the majority of GPs think SQ2 is a helpful additional tool. The combination of the two \"Surprise Questions\" encourages GPs to make more specific plans for anticipatory palliative care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) is part of the phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (AkT)/mTOR pathway and owes its name to the inhibitory effect of rapamycin. The mTOR has a central converging role for many cell functions, serving as a sensor for extracellular signals from energy status and nutrients availability, growth factors, oxygen and stress. Thus, it also modulates switch to anabolic processes (protein and lipid synthesis) and autophagy, in order to regulate cell growth and proliferation. Given its functions in the cell, its deregulation is implicated in many human diseases, including cancer. Its predominant role in tumorigenesis and progression of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), in particular, has been demonstrated in preclinical studies and late clinical trials. mTOR inhibition by everolimus is an established therapeutic target in NETs, but there are no identified predictive or prognostic factors. This review is focused on the role of mTOR and everolimus in NETs, from preclinical studies to major clinical trials, and future perspectives involving mTOR in the treatment of NETs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuroendocrine tumours are increasing in incidence and cause a variety of symptoms. The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway plays a key role in neuroendocrine tumour (NET) pathogenesis, leading to increased lipid synthesis, protein synthesis and cellular growth. Upregulation of this pathway is noted in both hereditary and sporadic NETs. This understanding has led to investigations of mTOR inhibitors as therapy for metastatic NETs. After promising preclinical findings, everolimus, an mTOR inhibitor, was trialled in the RADIANT-1-4 studies on patients with advanced, well differentiated NETs. RADIANT-3 and RADIANT-4 established the efficacy of everolimus in improving progression-free survival (PFS) for metastatic NET of pancreatic, lung and gastrointestinal origin, leading to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for its use in tumour control in those settings. Everolimus treatment is generally well tolerated; common adverse events include stomatitis, diarrhoea, rash and hyperglycaemia. Although discontinuation rates are low, many patients may require dose modification to successfully continue therapy. The combination of everolimus with somatostatin analogues (SSAs) (such as octreotide or pasireotide) or other targeted agents such as bevacizumab has not produced additional incremental benefit, and dual biologic therapy is not used widely. Ongoing trials are investigating everolimus compared with chemotherapy, optimal sequencing of therapy and combination of everolimus with radiotherapy. Future research should concentrate on identification of predictive biomarkers for benefit from mTOR therapy and include quality of life as a measure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs) are a heterogeneous group of neoplasms with various clinical presentations. More than half of patients present with so-called nonfunctioning tumors with no hormone-related symptoms, whereas other tumors produce symptoms like gastric problems, ulcers, hypoglycemia, skin rash and diarrhea related to hormone production. The traditional treatment for pNETs over the last three decades has been cytotoxic agents, mainly streptozotocin plus 5-fluorouracil or doxorubicin. Most recently two new compounds have been registered worldwide for the treatment of pNETs, the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor everolimus and the tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib. This paper concentrates on the use of mTOR inhibitors and the mechanisms of action. The mTOR pathway is altered in a number of pNETs. Everolimus (RAD001) is an orally active rapamycin analog and mTOR inhibitor. It blocks activity of the mTOR pathway by binding with high affinity to the cytoplasmic protein FKBP-12. The efficacy of everolimus in pNETs has been demonstrated in two multicenter studies (RADIANT 1 and 3). The RADIANT 3 study was a randomized controlled study in pNETs of everolimus 10 mg/day versus placebo, showing an increased progression-free survival (11.7 months versus 4.6 months) and hazard ratio of 0.35 (p < 0.001). Current studies indicate that there is strong evidence to support the antitumor effect of rapalogs in pNETs. However, significant tumor reduction is very rarely obtained, usually in less than 10% of treated patients. Therefore, these drugs may be more effective in combination with other anticancer agents, including chemotherapy, targeted therapies as well as peptide receptor radiotherapy.





