
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Muscovy duck parvovirus (MDPV), Goose parvovirus (GPV), Duck circovirus, (DuCV) and Duck adenovirus 3 (DAdV-3) are important pathogens that cause high morbidity and mortality in ducks, causing huge economic loss for the duck industry.
    UNASSIGNED: The present study, a quadruplex one-step real time quantitative PCR method for the detection of MDPV, GPV, DuCV, and DAdV-3 was developed.
    UNASSIGNED: The results showed that assay had no cross-reactivity with other poultry pathogens [Duck plague virus (DPV), Duck tembusu virus (DTMUV), H6 avian influenza virus (H6 AIV), New duck reovirus (NDRV), Newcastle disease virus (NDV), H4 avian influenza virus (H4 AIV), Escherichia coli (E. coli), Muscovy duck reovirus (MDRV), Egg drop syndrome virus (EDSV), Pasteurella multocida (P. multocida)]. The sensitivity result showed that the limits of detection for MDPV, GPV, DuCV, and DAdV-3 were 10, 10, 1 and 10 copies/µl, respectively; The coefficients of variation intra- and inter-method was 1-2%; The range of linear (109 to 103 copies/µL) demonstrated the R2 values for MDPV, GPV, DuCV, and DAdV-3 as 0.9975, 0.998, 0.9964, and 0.996, respectively. The quadruplex real time quantitative PCR method efficiency was 90.30%, 101.10%, 90.72%, and 90.57% for MDPV, GPV, DuCV, and DAdV-3, respectively. 396 clinical specimens collected in some duck sausages from June 2022 to July 2023 were simultaneously detected using the established quadruplex real time quantitative PCR method and the reported assays. The detection rates for MDPV, GPV, DuCV, and DAdV-3 were 8.33% (33/396), 17.93% (71/396), 33.58% (133/396), and 29.04% (115/396), respectively. The agreement between these assays was greater than 99.56%.
    UNASSIGNED: The developed quadruplex real-time quantitative PCR assay can accurately detect these four viruses infecting ducks, providing a rapid, sensitive, specific and accurate technique for clinical testing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The RNA World hypothesis posits that RNA can represent a primitive life form by reproducing itself and demonstrating catalytic activity. However, this hypothesis is incapable of addressing several major origin-of-life (OoL) questions. A recently described paradox-free alternative OoL hypothesis, the Quadruplex (G4) World, is based on the ability of poly(dG) to fold into a stable architecture with an unambiguous folding pattern using G-tetrads as building elements. Because of the folding pattern of three G-tetrads and single-G loops, dG15 is programmable and has the capability to encode biological information. Here, we address two open questions of the G4 World hypothesis: (1) Does RNA follow the same folding pattern as DNA? (2) How do stable quadruplexes evolve into the present-day system of information transfer, which is based on Watson-Crick base pair complementarity? To address these questions, we systematically studied the thermodynamic and optical properties of both DNA and RNA G15- and G3T (GGGTGGGTGGGTGGG)-derived sequences. Our study revealed that similar to DNA sequences, RNAs adopt quadruplexes with only three G-tetrads. Thus, both poly(dG) and poly(rG) possess inherent ability to fold into 3D quadruplex architecture with strictly defined folding pattern. The study also revealed that despite high stability of both DNA and RNA quadruplexes, they are vulnerable to single-nucleotide substitutions, which drop the thermal stability by ~40°C and can facilitate introduction of the complementarity principle into the G4 World.






  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1243471.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA quadruplex structures provide an additional layer of regulatory control in genome maintenance and gene expression and are widely used in nanotechnology. We report the discovery of an unprecedented tetrastranded structure formed from a native G-rich DNA sequence originating from the telomeric region of Caenorhabditis elegans. The structure is defined by multiple properties that distinguish it from all other known DNA quadruplexes. Most notably, the formation of a stable so-called KNa-quadruplex (KNaQ) requires concurrent coordination of K+ and Na+ ions at two distinct binding sites. This structure provides novel insight into G-rich DNA folding under ionic conditions relevant to eukaryotic cell physiology and the structural evolution of telomeric DNA. It highlights the differences between the structural organization of human and nematode telomeric DNA, which should be considered when using C. elegans as a model in telomere biology, particularly in drug screening applications. Additionally, the absence/presence of KNaQ motifs in the host/parasite introduces an intriguing possibility of exploiting the KNaQ fold as a plausible antiparasitic drug target. The structure\'s unique shape and ion dependency and the possibility of controlling its folding by using low-molecular-weight ligands can be used for the design or discovery of novel recognition DNA elements and sensors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Bartonella includes a group of species that are associated with a wide range of mammalian species, including human. It is challenging to detect all Bartonella species using a single molecular target due to its high genetic diversity. To solve this issue, we developed a quadruplex PCR amplicon sequencing assay using next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology for the detection and differentiation of Bartonella species. Our objective was to obtain the specific sequences of a minimum of two of the four target genes as confirmation of the identity of a particular Bartonella species using the assay. Four pairs of primers targeting specific regions on gltA, groEL, rpoB, and ssrA were evaluated for their capability of differentiating Bartonella species individually and collectively by performing singular PCR amplicon sequencing and quadruplex PCR amplicon sequencing. Using the quadruplex PCR amplicon sequencing, 24 Bartonella reference species were tested, all of which were successfully differentiated by at least two targets. Bartonella species were accurately identified from the artificially mixed DNA templates developed to simulate coinfections. The limit of detection was determined to be 1 fg based on testing a series of 10-fold dilutions of DNA from the Bartonella species. Testing of high DNA concentrations of 19 non-Bartonella species showed high specificity with none of the non-Bartonella species misclassified as Bartonella. Finally, the assay was evaluated by testing DNA extracts from field-collected body lice (Pediculus humanus humanus) and Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus): Bartonella quintana was detected and confirmed by three targets in the lice and Bartonella tribocorum was detected and confirmed by two targets in the rats. These results demonstrated that Bartonella species could be accurately and rapidly detected and differentiated into different tissue types using the quadruplex sequencing assay.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Poly(UG) or \"pUG\" RNAs are UG or GU dinucleotide repeat sequences which are highly abundant in eukaryotes. Post-transcriptional addition of pUGs to RNA 3\' ends marks mRNAs as vectors for gene silencing in C. elegans. We previously determined the crystal structure of pUG RNA bound to the ligand N-methyl mesoporphyrin IX (NMM), but the structure of free pUG RNA is unknown. Here we report the solution structure of the free pUG RNA (GU)12, as determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and small and wide-angle x-ray scattering (NMR-SAXS-WAXS). The low complexity sequence and 4-fold symmetry of the structure result in overlapped NMR signals that complicate chemical shift assignment. We therefore utilized single site-specific deoxyribose modifications which did not perturb the structure and introduced well-resolved methylene signals that are easily identified in NMR spectra. The solution structure ensemble has a root mean squared deviation (RMSD) of 0.62 Å and is a compact, left-handed quadruplex with a Z-form backbone, or \"pUG fold.\" Overall, the structure agrees with the crystal structure of (GU)12 bound to NMM, indicating the pUG fold is unaltered by docking of the NMM ligand. The solution structure reveals conformational details that could not be resolved by x-ray crystallography, which explain how the pUG fold can form within longer RNAs.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    BACKGROUND: As the world population ages, new molecular targets in aging and Alzheimer\'s Disease (AD) are needed to combat the expected influx of new AD cases. Until now, the role of RNA structure in aging and neurodegeneration has largely remained unexplored.
    METHODS: In this study, we examined human hippocampal postmortem tissue for the formation of RNA G-quadruplexes (rG4s) in aging and AD.
    RESULTS: We found that rG4 immunostaining strongly increased in the hippocampus with both age and with AD severity. We further found that neurons with accumulation of phospho-tau immunostaining contained rG4s, that rG4 structure can drive tau aggregation, and that rG4 staining density depended on APOE genotype in the human tissue examined.
    CONCLUSIONS: Combined with previous studies showing the dependence of rG4 structure on stress and the extreme power of rG4s at oligomerizing proteins, we propose a model of neurodegeneration in which chronic rG4 formation drives proteostasis collapse. We propose that further investigation of RNA structure in neurodegeneration is a critical avenue for future treatments and diagnoses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Guanine-rich DNA can fold into highly stable four-stranded DNA structures called G-quadruplexes (G4). Originally identified in sequences from telomeres and oncogene promoters, they can alter DNA metabolism. Indeed, G4-forming sequences represent obstacles for the DNA polymerase, with important consequences for cell life as they may lead to genomic instability. To understand their role in bacterial genomic instability, different G-quadruplex-forming repeats were cloned into an Escherichia coli genetic system that reports frameshifts and complete or partial deletions of the repeat when the G-tract comprises either the leading or lagging template strand during replication. These repeats formed stable G-quadruplexes in single-stranded DNA but not naturally supercoiled double-stranded DNA. Nevertheless, transcription promoted G-quadruplex formation in the resulting R-loop for (G3T)4 and (G3T)8 repeats. Depending on genetic background and sequence propensity for structure formation, mutation rates varied by five orders of magnitude. Furthermore, while in vitro approaches have shown that bacterial helicases can resolve G4, it is still unclear whether G4 unwinding is important in vivo. Here, we show that a mutation in recG decreased mutation rates, while deficiencies in the structure-specific helicases DinG and RecQ increased mutation rates. These results suggest that G-quadruplex formation promotes genetic instability in bacteria and that helicases play an important role in controlling this process in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increased expression of the human telomere reverse transcriptase (hTERT) in tumors promotes tumor cell survival and diminishes the survival of patients. Cytosine-to-thymine (C-to-T) transition mutations (C250T or C228T) in the hTERT promoter create binding sites for transcription factors, which enhance transcription. The G-rich strand of the hTERT promoter can form G-quadruplex structures, whereas the C-rich strand can form an i-motif in which multiple cytosine residues are protonated. We considered the possibility that i-motif formation might promote cytosine deamination to uracil and C-to-T mutations. We computationally probed the accessibility of cytosine residues in an i-motif to attack by water. We experimentally examined regions of the C-rich strand to form i-motifs using pH-dependent UV and CD spectra. We then incubated the C-rich strand with and without the G-rich complementary strand DNA under various conditions, followed by deep sequencing. Surprisingly, deamination rates did not vary substantially across the 46 cytosines examined, and the two mutation hotspots were not deamination hotspots. The appearance of mutational hotspots in tumors is more likely the result of the selection of sequences with increased promoter binding affinity and hTERT expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The G4C2 hexanucleotide repeat expansion in the c9orf72 gene is a major genetic cause of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), with the formation of G-quadruplexes directly linked to the development of these diseases. Cations play a crucial role in the formation and structure of G-quadruplexes. In this study, we investigated the impact of biologically relevant potassium ions on G-quadruplex structures and utilized 15N-labeled ammonium cations as a substitute for K+ ions to gain further insights into cation binding and exchange dynamics. Through nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations, we demonstrate that the single d(G4C2) repeat, in the presence of 15NH4+ ions, adopts a tetramolecular G-quadruplex with an all-syn quartet at the 5\'-end. The movement of 15NH4+ ions through the central channel of the G-quadruplex, as well as to the bulk solution, is governed by the vacant cation binding site, in addition to the all-syn quartet at the 5\'-end. Furthermore, the addition of K+ ions to G-quadruplexes folded in the presence of 15NH4+ ions induces stacking of G-quadruplexes via their 5\'-end G-quartets, leading to the formation of stable higher-ordered species.





