purple sulfur bacteria

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) are capable of anoxygenic photosynthesis via oxidizing reduced sulfur compounds and are considered key drivers of the sulfur cycle in a range of anoxic environments. In this study, we show that Allochromatium vinosum (a PSB species) is capable of autotrophic growth using pyrite as the electron and sulfur source. Comparative growth profile, substrate characterization, and transcriptomic sequencing data provided valuable insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying the bacterial utilization of pyrite and autotrophic growth. Specifically, the pyrite-supported cell cultures (\"py\"\') demonstrated robust but much slower growth rates and distinct patterns from their sodium sulfide-amended positive controls. Up to ~200-fold upregulation of genes encoding various c- and b-type cytochromes was observed in \"py,\" pointing to the high relevance of these molecules in scavenging and relaying electrons from pyrite to cytoplasmic metabolisms. Conversely, extensive downregulation of genes related to LH and RC complex components indicates that the electron source may have direct control over the bacterial cells\' photosynthetic activity. In terms of sulfur metabolism, genes encoding periplasmic or membrane-bound proteins (e.g., FccAB and SoxYZ) were largely upregulated, whereas those encoding cytoplasmic proteins (e.g., Dsr and Apr groups) are extensively suppressed. Other notable differentially expressed genes are related to flagella/fimbriae/pilin(+), metal efflux(+), ferrienterochelin(-), and [NiFe] hydrogenases(+). Characterization of the biologically reacted pyrite indicates the presence of polymeric sulfur. These results have, for the first time, put the interplay of PSB and transition metal sulfide chemistry under the spotlight, with the potential to advance multiple fields, including metal and sulfur biogeochemistry, bacterial extracellular electron transfer, and artificial photosynthesis.
    OBJECTIVE: Microbial utilization of solid-phase substrates constitutes a critical area of focus in environmental microbiology, offering valuable insights into microbial metabolic processes and adaptability. Recent advancements in this field have profoundly deepened our knowledge of microbial physiology pertinent to these scenarios and spurred innovations in biosynthesis and energy production. Furthermore, research into interactions between microbes and solid-phase substrates has directly linked microbial activities to the surrounding mineralogical environments, thereby enhancing our understanding of the relevant biogeochemical cycles. Our study represents a significant step forward in this field by demonstrating, for the first time, the autotrophic growth of purple sulfur bacteria using insoluble pyrite (FeS2) as both the electron and sulfur source. The presented comparative growth profiles, substrate characterizations, and transcriptomic sequencing data shed light on the relationships between electron donor types, photosynthetic reaction center activities, and potential extracellular electron transfer in these organisms capable of anoxygenic photosynthesis. Furthermore, the findings of our study may provide new insights into early-Earth biogeochemical evolutions, offering valuable constraints for understanding the environmental conditions and microbial processes that shaped our planet\'s history.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Earlier, it was suggested that carotenoids in light-harvesting complexes 2 (LH2) can generate singlet oxygen, further oxidizing bacteriochlorophyll to 3-acetyl-chlorophyll. In the present work, it was found that illumination of isolated LH2 preparations of purple sulfur bacterium Ectothiorhodospira haloalkaliphila with light in the carotenoid absorption region leads to the photoconsumption of molecular oxygen, which is accompanied by the formation of hydroperoxides of organic molecules in the complexes. Photoformation of two types of organic hydroperoxides were revealed: highly lipophilic (12 molecules per one LH2) and relatively hydrophobic (68 per one LH2). It has been shown that illumination leads to damage to light-harvesting complexes. On the one hand, photobleaching of bacteriochlorophyll and a decrease in its fluorescence intensity are observed. On the other hand, the photoinduced increase in the hydrodynamic radius of the complexes, the reduction in their thermal stability, and the change in fluorescence intensity indicate conformational changes occurring in the protein molecules of the LH2 preparations. Inhibition of the processes described above upon the addition of singlet oxygen quenchers (L-histidine, Trolox, sodium L-ascorbate) may support the hypothesis that carotenoids in LH2 preparations are capable of generating singlet oxygen, which, in turn, damage to protein molecules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the pursuit of cultivating anaerobic anoxygenic phototrophs with unusual absorbance spectra, a purple sulfur bacterium was isolated from the shoreline of Baltrum, a North Sea island of Germany. It was designated strain 970, due to a predominant light harvesting complex (LH) absorption maximum at 963-966 nm, which represents the furthest infrared-shift documented for such complexes containing bacteriochlorophyll a. A polyphasic approach to bacterial systematics was performed, comparing genomic, biochemical, and physiological properties. Strain 970 is related to Thiorhodovibrio winogradskyi DSM 6702T by 26.5, 81.9, and 98.0% similarity via dDDH, ANI, and 16S rRNA gene comparisons, respectively. The photosynthetic properties of strain 970 were unlike other Thiorhodovibrio spp., which contained typical LH absorbing characteristics of 800-870 nm, as well as a newly discovered absorption band at 908 nm. Strain 970 also had a different photosynthetic operon composition. Upon genomic comparisons with the original Thiorhodovibrio strains DSM 6702T and strain 06511, the latter was found to be divergent, with 25.3, 79.1, and 97.5% similarity via dDDH, ANI, and 16S rRNA gene homology to Trv. winogradskyi, respectively. Strain 06511 (=DSM 116345T) is thereby described as Thiorhodovibrio litoralis sp. nov., and the unique strain 970 (=DSM 111777T) as Thiorhodovibrio frisius sp. nov.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When oxidizing reduced sulfur compounds, the phototrophic sulfur bacterium Allochromatium vinosum forms spectacular sulfur globules as obligatory intracellular-but extracytoplasmic-intermediates. The globule envelope consists of three extremely hydrophobic proteins: SgpA and SgpB, which are very similar and can functionally replace each other, and SgpC which is involved in the expansion of the sulfur globules. The presence of a fourth protein, SgpD, was suggested by comparative transcriptomics and proteomics of purified sulfur globules. Here, we investigated the in vivo function of SgpD by coupling its carboxy-terminus to mCherry. This fluorescent protein requires oxygen for chromophore maturation, but we were able to use it in anaerobically growing A. vinosum provided the cells were exposed to oxygen for one hour prior to imaging. While mCherry lacking a signal peptide resulted in low fluorescence evenly distributed throughout the cell, fusion with SgpD carrying its original Sec-dependent signal peptide targeted mCherry to the periplasm and co-localized it exactly with the highly light-refractive sulfur deposits seen in sulfide-fed A. vinosum cells. Insertional inactivation of the sgpD gene showed that the protein is not essential for the formation and degradation of sulfur globules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several strains of a Gram-negative, anaerobic photoautotrophic, motile, rod-shaped bacterium, designated as B14B, A-7R, and A-7Y were isolated from biofilms of low-mineralized soda lakes in central Mongolia and Russia (southeast Siberia). They had lamellar stacks as photosynthetic structures and bacteriochlorophyll a as the major photosynthetic pigment. The strains were found to grow at 25-35 °C, pH 7.5-10.2 (optimum, pH 9.0), and with 0-8% (w/v) NaCl (optimum, 0%). In the presence of sulfide and bicarbonate, acetate, butyrate, yeast extract, lactate, malate, pyruvate, succinate, and fumarate promoted growth. The DNA G + C content was 62.9-63.0 mol%. While the 16S rRNA gene sequences confirmed that the new strains belonged to the genus Ectothiorhodospira of the Ectothiorhodospiraceae, comparison of the genome nucleotide sequences of strains B14B, A-7R, and A-7Y revealed that the new isolates were remote from all described Ectothiorhodospira species both in dDDH (19.7-38.8%) and in ANI (75.0-89.4%). The new strains are also genetically differentiated by the presence of a nitric oxide reduction pathway that is lacking from all other Ectiothiorhodospiraceae. We propose to assign the isolates to the new species, Ectothiorhodospira lacustris sp. nov., with the type strain B14BT (=DSM 116064T = KCTC 25542T = UQM 41491T).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, three metagenome-assembled genomes of a sediment sample were constructed. A Bin1 (JB001) genome was identified as a photo-litho-auto/heterotroph (purple sulfur bacteria) bacterium with the ability to fix nitrogen, tolerate salt, and to produce bacteriochlorophyll a. It has a genome length of 4.1 Mb and a G + C content of 64.9%. Phylogenetic studies based on concatenated 92 core genes and photosynthetic genes (pufLM and bchY) showed that Bin JB001 is related to Thiococcus pfennigii, \"Thioflavicoccus mobilis\" and to the Lamprocystis purpurea lineage. Bin JB001 and its closely related members were subjected to the genome-based study of phenotypic and phylogenomic analysis. Genomic similarity indices (dDDH and ANI) showed that Bin JB001 could be defined as a novel species. The average amino acid identity (AAI) and percentage of conserved proteins (POCP) values were below 60 and 50%, respectively. The pan-genome analysis indicated that the pan-genome was an open type wherein Bin JB001 had 855 core genes. This study shows that the binned genome, Bin JB001 could represent a novel species of a new genus under the family Chromatiaceae, for which the name \"Candidatus Thioaporhodococcus sediminis\" gen. nov. sp. nov. is proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mechanism of bacteriochlorophyll photooxidation in light-harvesting complexes of a number of purple photosynthetic bacteria when the complexes are excited into the carotenoid absorption bands remains unclear for many years. Here, using narrow-band laser illumination we measured action spectrum of this process for the spectral ranges of carotenoid and bacteriochlorophyll. It is shown that bacteriochlorophyll excitation results in almost no photooxidation of these molecules, while carotenoid excitation leads to oxidation with quantum yield of about 0,0003. Low value of the yield enabled an assumption that the studied process is initiated by the triplet states of the main carotenoids of the complexes with the number of conjugated double-bond chain length of N = 11. Interaction of these states with oxygen facilitates formation, though with low efficiency, of the excited singlet oxygen, which oxidizes bacteriochlorophylls. The carotenoid triplet states are formed in the process of the earlier studied singlet-triplet fission. The obtained results point at the necessity of reconsidering the functions of carotenoids in the light-harvesting complexes of purple bacteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Light attenuation in enriched purple phototrophic bacteria (PPB) cultures has not been studied, and its understanding is critical for proper process modelling and reactor design, especially for scaled systems. This work evaluated the effect of different biomass concentrations, reactor configurations, wastewater matrices, and growth conditions, on the attenuation extent of near infra-red (NIR) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) light spectra. The results show that increased biomass concentrations lead to higher light attenuation, and that PPB absorb both VIS and NIR wavelengths, with both fractions of the spectrum being equally absorbed at biomass concentrations above 1,000 g COD·m-3. A flat plate configuration showed less attenuation compared with cylindrical reactors illuminated from the top, representative for open ponds. Neither a complex wastewater matrix nor the presence of polyhydroxyalkanoates (under nutrient limited conditions) affected light attenuation significantly. The pigment concentration (both bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoids) however, had a strong effect, with significant attenuation in the presence of pigments. Attenuation predictions using the Lambert-Beer law (excluding scattering) and the Schuster model (including scattering) indicated that light scattering had a minimal effect. A proposed mathematical model, based on the Lambert-Beer law and a Monod function for light requirements, allowed effective prediction of the kinetics of photoheterotrophic growth. This resulted in a half saturation coefficient of 4.6 W·m-2. Finally, the results showed that in dense outdoor PPB cultures (≥1,000 g COD·m-3), effective light penetration is only 5 cm, which biases design away from horizontal lagoons, and towards non-incident multi-panel systems such as flat plate reactors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Ectothiorhodospiraceae family represents purple sulfur bacteria of the Gammaproteobacteria found primarily in alkaline soda lakes of moderate to extremely high salinity. The main microscopically visible characteristic separating them from the Chromatiaceae is the excretion of the intermediate elemental sulfur formed during oxidation of sulfide prior to complete oxidation to sulfate rather than storing it in the periplasm. We present a comparative study of 38 genomes of all species of phototrophic Ectothiorhodospiraceae. We also include a comparison with those chemotrophic bacteria that have been assigned to the family previously and critically reevaluate this assignment. The data demonstrate the separation of Halorhodospira species in a major phylogenetic branch distant from other Ectothiorhodospiraceae and support their separation into a new family, for which the name Halorhodospiraceae fam. nov. is proposed. In addition, the green-colored, bacteriochlorophyll-containing species Halorhodospira halochloris and Halorhodospira abdelmalekii were transferred to the new genus Halochlorospira gen. nov. of this family. The data also enable classification of several so far unclassified isolates and support the separation of Ectothiorhodospira shaposhnikovii and Ect. vacuolata as well as Ect. mobilis and Ect. marismortui as distinct species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We describe a new species of purple sulfur bacteria (Chromatiaceae, anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria) isolated from a microbial mat in the sulfidic geothermal outflow of a hot spring in Rotorua, New Zealand. This phototroph, designated as strain NZ, grew optimally near 45 °C but did not show an absorption maximum at 915 nm for the light-harvesting-reaction center core complex (LH1-RC) characteristic of other thermophilic purple sulfur bacteria. Strain NZ had a similar carotenoid composition as Thermochromatium tepidum, but unlike Tch. tepidum, grew photoheterotrophically on acetate in the absence of sulfide and metabolized thiosulfate. The genome of strain NZ was significantly larger than that of Tch. tepidum but slightly smaller than that of Allochromatium vinosum. Strain NZ was phylogenetically more closely related to mesophilic purple sulfur bacteria of the genus Allochromatium than to Tch. tepidum. This conclusion was reached from phylogenetic analyses of strain NZ genes encoding 16S rRNA and the photosynthetic functional gene pufM, from phylogenetic analyses of entire genomes, and from a phylogenetic tree constructed from the concatenated sequence of 1090 orthologous proteins. Moreover, average nucleotide identities and digital DNA:DNA hybridizations of the strain NZ genome against those of related species of Chromatiaceae supported the phylogenetic analyses. From this collection of properties, we describe strain NZ here as the first thermophilic species of the genus Allochromatium, Allochromatium tepidum NZT, sp. nov.





