public understanding

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study examines the role of themata in understanding mental health-related stigma. It is motivated by the need for alternative theoretical-methodological approaches beyond the dominant frameworks in education and contact-based anti-stigma public health efforts, which have shown mixed effects. Specifically, it addresses the need for a more nuanced framework in stigma research, one that is sensitive to the dialogues through which people relate themselves to mental health and stigma in context.
    METHODS: The research employs an exploratory mixed-methods approach, including the analysis of 529 news reports, 20 focus group discussions, and 19 one-to-one interviews, all concerning representations of shared living arrangements with someone perceived to have experiences of mental illness. Thematic analysis and natural language processing are used within a convergent triangulation design to analyze the data.
    RESULTS: We found that mental health and illness were communicated through an overarching Self/Other thema and five subordinate themata: normal/abnormal, harm/non-harm, bounded/non-bounded, and moral/immoral. Despite familiarity with psychological distress and \'modern\' explanations of mental illness, concerns about social identity motivated representations of mental illness as a predominantly permanent, negative form of personhood marked by abnormality, harm, distance, and immorality. Additionally, concerns about personal vulnerability, including historically rooted fears of contagion, motivated distancing representations of mental illness, rather than neutral portrayals.
    CONCLUSIONS: Themata have under-developed theoretical and methodological potential for addressing mental health-related stigma, particularly in their ability to describe the dynamic ways in which culture motivates people to both resist and reproduce stigma, partly through ambivalences, absences, tensions, and ambiguities in representation. A critical discussion is provided on how themata may support ecological strategies in mental health campaigns over generic models, emphasizing the need to understand group knowledge and contact dynamics to mitigate adverse effects. Themata Public Health Unintended Consequences Mixed Methods Behaviour Change Natural Language Processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: Full-thickness rotator cuff tears (RCTs) impact 25% of those over 60 and 50% over 80; however, minimal data exists on public understanding; (2) Methods: The primary outcome was to determine the public\'s baseline understanding of RCTs utilizing a 36-question survey regarding anatomy and function, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment options, and expectations. Secondarily, we evaluated the effect of an educational video and informational handout created by the authors to improve understanding. Participants ≥ 18 years were recruited from the senior author\'s clinic and online discussion platforms over a 5-month period; (3) Results: Baseline surveys were completed by 382 individuals: 56% men, 64% Caucasian, 27% with at least a master\'s degree, and 56% with very little or no RCT knowledge. Mean correct answer scores improved from 47% to 68% posteducational intervention (p < 0.001). Males, higher education level, healthcare experience, and a higher self-rated understanding of RCTs were significantly correlated with higher survey performance (p < 0.001); (4) Conclusions: The public\'s knowledge of RCTs at baseline was poor, with demographic factors correlating with survey performance. The educational intervention effectively enhanced participants\' understanding. By focusing on common misconceptions, this data can help clinicians align patient expectations and enhance patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stimulating interest in science at an early age is important for STEM education. This work details an educational activity utilizing the anthocyanins found in the butterfly pea flower (Clitoria ternatea). This activity was developed for use in official classroom settings, online, and/or at-home with parental or educator guidance. Primary and high school students aged 7 to 14 performed a straightforward extraction of anthocyanin pH indicators from Clitoria ternatea with hot water. Students were able to use this indicator and its vast range of colors to compare the acidity and basicity of different household solutions. Most responses recorded show that students used reasoning from the indicator and a subsequent chemical reaction to correctly differentiate acids from bases and compare their strengths. Overall, this activity\'s application of non-toxic and easily accessible indicators from the butterfly pea flower assisted in introducing young students to various concepts in acid-base chemistry, including acid/base strength and pH, solute dissolution, neutralization reactions, and qualitative analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused numerous casualties, overloaded hospitals, reduced the wellbeing of many and had a substantial negative economic impact globally. As the population of the United Kingdom was preparing for recovery, the uncertainty relating to the discovery of the new Omicron variant on November 24 2021 threatened those plans. There was thus an important need for sensemaking, which could be provided, partly, through diffusion of information in the press, which we here examine.
    We used topic modeling, to extract 50 topics from close to 1,500 UK press articles published during a period of approximately one month from the appearance of Omicron. We performed ANOVAs in order to compare topics between full weeks, starting on week 48 of 2021.
    The three topics documenting the new variant (Omicron origins, Virus mutations, News of a new variant) as well as mentions of vaccination excluding booster, Scotlands First minister statement (Communications) travel bans and mask wearing (Restrictions) and the impact of market and investing (Domains and events) decreased through time (all ps < .01). Some topics featured lower representation at week two or three with higher values before and after: Government\'s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies recommendations (Communications), Situation in the US, Situation in Europe (Other countries and regions), all ps < .01. Several topics referring to symptoms and cases-e.g., rises of infections, hospitalisations, the pandemic the holidays, mild symptoms and care; restrictions and measures-e.g., financial help, Christmas and Plan B, restrictions and New Year; and domains of consequences and events-e.g., such as politics, NHS and patients, retail sales and airlines, featured increasing representation, (all ps < .01). Other topics featured less regular or non-significant patterns.
    Changes in sensemaking in the press closely matched the changes in the official discourse relating to Omicron and reflects the trajectory of the infection and its local consequences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coastal ecosystems are exposed to unprecedented levels of human pressure and to the cumulative effects of climate change. Altogether, these threats have been exposing coastal areas to augmented hazardous processes, leaving communities highly vulnerable to coastal risks and challenging the coastal management paradigm. Disregarding public perceptions of coastal risk management may be myopic and, thus, an obstacle to the success of the efforts towards coastal risks\' mitigation and adaptation. Therefore, this study aims at comprehensively ascertain public perception and preferences for coastal risk management, through a mixed-methods approach. The quantitative study accounted for 3028 participants that enrolled in the population-based survey. The qualitative study accounted for 320 participants that responded to the e-interview. Data were analysed independently and triangulated for further interpretation. Evidence from this study suggests that citizens prioritize the intrinsic value of coastal systems, when favouring a risk adaptation strategy. Therefore, ecosystem-based adaptation measures were highlighted, in detriment of grey infrastructure. Additionally, and due to the reported high levels of public authorities\' distrust, the public seems to urge for a transition from a technocratic to a participatory coastal management, in which public\'s preferences are legitimized. Consequently, and in order to decentralize coastal governance, citizens demonstrated a proactive disposition to actively engage in coastal management. Findings from this study were discussed in order to provide guidance to the development of tailored coastal management initiatives and policy tools, which are expected to be effective at enhancing coastal communities\' resilience to hazardous processes and augmenting citizens\' engagement in coastal management.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Evidence clearly indicates that the nutritional and non-nutritional environment and level of physical activity during the early-life period from preconception through infancy has a lifelong impact on the child\'s health. However this message must be communicated effectively to parents and other stakeholders such as grandparents, health professionals, policymakers and the wider community in order for positive change to occur. This systematic review explores how both awareness and understanding of the long-term effects of the early-life environment have been measured in various populations and whether any patterns are evident. Ten articles were retrieved via a search of Embase, Medline and Scopus databases for peer-reviewed studies designed to assess participants\' knowledge of the links between early-life exposures and adult health. Eligible articles spanned a wide range of countries, population groups and research methods. Three common themes were identified using thematic analysis: 1. a tendency for researchers to conflate participant understanding of the issue (the WHY) with a knowledge of key phrases and nutrition guidelines (the WHAT); 2. bias in both researchers and participants towards short-term thinking due to difficulty conceptualising long-term risk; and 3. challenges in comprehending the complexity of the evidence resulting in oversimplification and the overemphasis of maternal factors. Taken together these findings underscore the importance of a multi-level, whole-of-society approach to communicating the evidence, with the goal of influencing policy decisions as well as building a foundation of community support for parents and prospective parents to create a healthy early-life environment for the long-term wellbeing of all.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amid a renewed interest in alternatives to psychotherapy and medication to treat depression, there is limited data as to how different stakeholders perceive of the risks and benefits of psychiatric electroceutical interventions (PEIs), including electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and deep brain stimulation (DBS). To address this gap, we conducted 48 semi-structured interviews, including 16 psychiatrists, 16 persons diagnosed with depression, and 16 members of the general public. To provide a basis of comparison, we asked participants to also compare each modality to front-line therapies for depression and to neurosurgical procedures used for non-psychiatric conditions. Across all stakeholder groups, perceived memory loss was the most frequently mentioned potential risk with ECT. The most discussed benefits across all stakeholder groups were efficacy and quick response. Psychiatrists most often referenced effectiveness when discussing ECT, while patients and the public did so when discussing DBS. Taken as a whole, these data highlight stakeholders\' contrasting perspectives on the risks and benefits of electroceuticals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, concerted political efforts have been made at the national and European Union (EU) level to promote the consumption of healthy foods. The European Commission (EC) expressed the need for a harmonized and mandatory front-of-pack nutrition labeling (FOPL) system at the EU level. The EC will adopt the proposal by the end of 2022. Our research work aims to understand the public discourse on FOPL in the EU via Twitter, by analyzing tweet content, sentiment, and mapping network characteristics. Tweet search and data collection were performed using the Twitter application programming interface (API), with no time or language restrictions. The content was coded with the QRS Nvivo software package and analyzed thematically. Automatic sentiment analysis was performed with QSR Nvivo, and network analysis was performed with Gephi 0.9.2. A total of 4,073 tweets were posted, mostly from the UK, Spain, and France. Themes that have emerged from the discussion on Twitter include the types of food labeling, food industry, healthy vs. unhealthy foods in the context of food labeling, EU regulation, political conflicts, and science and education. Nutri-Score dominated the discussion on Twitter. General topics were perceived negatively by Twitter users with more positive sentiments toward the food industry, while negative sentiments were observed toward the discourse of political conflicts. The network analysis showed that a centralized communication was hardly existed between countries. Our results reveal that the discussion of FOPL on Twitter is limited to a very limited group of people, and it seems necessary to inform a wide range of consumers about existing and upcoming FOPL schemes. Educational programs should empower consumers to understand what a healthy diet is and how it relates to FOPL, regardless of the existing labeling system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming part of our everyday experience and is expected to be ever more integrated into ordinary life for many years to come. Thus, it is important for those in product development, research, and public policy to understand how the public\'s perception of AI is shaped. In this study, we conducted focus groups and an online survey to determine the knowledge of AI held by the American public, and to judge whether entertainment media is a major influence on how Americans perceive AI. What we found is that the American public\'s knowledge of AI is patchy: some have a good understanding of what is and what is not AI, but many do not. When it came to understanding what AI can do, most respondents believe that AI could \"replace human jobs\" but few thought that it could \"feel emotion.\" Most respondents were optimistic about the future and impact of AI, though about one third were not sure. Most respondents also did not think they could develop an emotional bond with or be comfortable being provided care by an AI. Regarding the influence of entertainment media on perceptions of AI, we found a significant relationship (p < 0.5) between people\'s beliefs about AI in entertainment media and their beliefs about AI in reality. Those who believe AI is realistically depicted in entertainment media were more likely to see AIs as potential emotional partners or apocalyptic robots than to imagine AIs taking over jobs or operating as surveillance tools.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





