
  • 在精神病患者中,妊娠妄想是一种相对罕见的表现。在临床环境中,将其与假性囊肿/假性妊娠等密切相关的临床实体区分开来可能是一个挑战。在没有其他精神病的花语症状的情况下,以妄想妊娠为表现特征的精神病疾病的诊断完全是一个不同的挑战。目前,关于妄想性妊娠的药物治疗和心理治疗尚无共识。我们提出了一系列关于妄想性妊娠的案例,旨在回答文献中的一些空白。
    Delusion of pregnancy is a relatively uncommon manifestation in psychotic patients. Differentiating it from closely related clinical entities like pseudocyesis/pseudopregnancy can be a challenge in clinical setting. Diagnosis of a psychotic illness with delusional pregnancy as the presenting feature in the absence of other florid symptoms of psychosis is a different challenge altogether. Currently, there is no consensus on the pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy of delusional pregnancy. We present a case series on delusional pregnancy with the intent to answer some of these gaps in the literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study evaluated whether the treatment of pseudopregnancy in bitches with vitamin B6 modulates uterine expression of receptors for progesterone (PR), oestrogen (ERα), androgen (AR), thyroid hormone (TRα) and the kisspeptin/Kiss1r system. Eighteen pseudopregnant bitches were treated for 20 days in groups receiving placebo (n = 6); cabergoline (5 μg/kg/day; n = 6); or vitamin B6 (50 mg/kg/day; n = 6). Blood was collected on the 1st day of drug administration and 120 h later to measure serum prolactin (PRL). After treatment, they were ovariohysterectomized and uterine fragments were collected for histomorphometry and immunohistochemical evaluation of PR, ERα, AR, TRα, Kiss1 and Kiss1r. After 120 h of cabergoline or vitamin B6 treatment, PRL levels were reduced in the bitches, confirming the antiprolactinemic effect of these drugs. Furthermore, regardless of treatment, the animals exhibited uterine histomorphometry consistent with dioestrus. The PR showed strong immunostaining in all regions and an increase in scores was observed for this receptor in animals treated with vitamin B6 in deep glands. In contrast, ERα and Kiss1R receptors showed weak to no immunostaining in all uterine regions and no changes between groups. Regarding AR, most animals treated with vitamin B6 showed increased trends in the deep gland and myometrium marking scores. In contrast, in both vitamin B6 and cabergoline treatments, a reduction in TRα marking scores was observed compared to the control group. In addition, on the endometrial surface, a reduction was observed in the marked area of Kiss1 after administration of cabergoline when compared to the pseudopregnant control group. These findings shed valuable insight into the use of vitamin B6 as a drug with actions similar to cabergoline in reducing PRL and uterine modulation in bitches.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Our case report highlights pseudocyesis, a rare medical condition in a 40-year-old woman with comorbid major depressive disorder. Cultural influences on experiences, and the need for understanding sociocultural factors in mental health, are emphasized in low-resource settings.






  • 假性妊娠是一种罕见的精神病表现,往往有复杂的心理社会因素相互作用,使其难以管理。通常存在于生育年龄范围内,很少在绝经后的妇女。我们报告了一位罕见的绝经后丧偶的HIV阳性女性48岁,没有生活问题,有两年的继发性闭经,抱怨有记录的体重增加和过去5个月感知胎儿运动的经验。然而,尽管多次有超声骨盆成像和妇科检查报告指出更年期改变和没有任何活体问题,但她仍坚持产前护理.本病例报告强调假性膀胱患者的临床表现和管理策略,一种奇特而罕见的精神病表现。
    Pseudo-pregnancy is an uncommon psychiatric presentation, often having a complex interplay of psycho-social factors making it difficult to manage. It is common to present in the reproductive age range, rarely in postmenopausal women. We are reporting a rare presentation of a 48-year post-menopausal widowed HIV-positive female with no live issues having two years of secondary amenorrhea complaining to have documented weight gain and experience of perceiving fetal movements for the past 5 months. However, she persistently insisted on antenatal care despite repeated reports of ultra-sonographic pelvis imaging and gynecological examination pointed toward menopausal changes and the absence of any live issue. This case report emphasizes the clinical presentation and management strategies for patients with pseudocyesis, a peculiar and rare psychiatric manifestation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present the case of a woman in her 20s with an eight-month history of increasing abdominal distention, dyspnea, and night sweats. The patient believed she was pregnant despite being told at another hospital that the pregnancy tests were negative, and no fetus was seen on an abdominal ultrasound. The patient delayed obtaining follow-up because of a distrust of the healthcare system and presented to our hospital at the behest of her mother. On physical examination, the abdomen was distended with a positive fluid wave, and a large mass was palpated in the abdomen. Gynecological examination was limited because of severe abdominal distension but a mass was palpable in the right adnexa. A pregnancy test and fetal ultrasound were performed, and the patient was not pregnant. A CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis revealed a large mass arising from the right adnexa. She underwent right salpingo-oophorectomy, appendectomy, omentectomy, lymph node dissection, and peritoneal implant resection. The biopsy confirmed intestinal-type IIB primary ovarian mucinous adenocarcinoma, expansile type, with peritoneal spread. Chemotherapy was provided for three cycles. A follow-up CT scan of the abdomen showed no evidence of a tumor six months after surgery.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Delusion of pregnancy is defined as a persistent belief that one is pregnant despite concrete evidence to the contrary. Despite being reported as an isolated event, delusion of pregnancy has been reported in many patients with underlying psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychotic depression, and other physiological disorders of mental function. This case study reports a case of a 44-year-old, drug-naïve female with delusion of pregnancy affected by paranoid schizophrenia. Pharmacological treatments are frequently insufficient in controlling this condition and are often supplemented with adjunctive psychotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Delusional disorders are common psychiatric disorders, but a delusion of pregnancy is a rare condition. Four cases that presented at a single tertiary care psychiatry center with delusion of pregnancy as a part of different psychological disorders are illustrated here. These cases were seen over a period of 6 months and had varied presentations and associated psychopathologies. Three of the four patients showed rapid recovery to treatment, but one patient was lost to follow-up. The heterogeneity in the presentation, sociodemographic profile of the patients and even in the symptom profile and response to treatment in this condition is highlighted and discussed in this case series.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Denial of pregnancy is a condition in which a pregnant patient does not believe she is pregnant. This case describes a 23-year-old Caucasian female, with a past psychiatric history of pseudocyesis, stimulant use disorder, and schizophrenia, who was admitted to the inpatient psychiatric unit for the treatment of psychosis, suicidal thoughts, and homicidal ideation. During her hospitalization, an intrauterine pregnancy was confirmed with three serum quantitative human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels and a transabdominal ultrasound. Despite definitive evidence of pregnancy, the patient reported it was impossible she was pregnant and stated she had not had intercourse for more than a year. The patient was treated with IM haloperidol decanoate and PO haloperidol. Care was coordinated with the obstetrics team to ensure the patient and her fetus received adequate prenatal care. After acute stabilization, the patient was discharged with close follow-up. This case presentation describes one of the few documented cases of pregnancy denial in a patient with a history of pseudocyesis. Additionally, this case highlights the ethical issues associated with the treatment of pregnancy denial patients. Additional studies are necessary to fill in the gaps in the literature on this unique condition.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pseudocyesis is a rare condition in which a person has a false belief of being pregnant, accompanied by objective signs and symptoms of pregnancy, despite not being pregnant. Confirmation of pseudocyesis is achieved with a negative result of beta-human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood and/or urine and negative ultrasound finding. Most cases of pseudocyesis occur in the setting of major depressive disorder or psychotic disorder, with very few occurring during a manic episode of bipolar disorder. Hence, we present a 30-year-old woman with pseudocyesis in the setting of bipolar disorder, specifically within a current manic episode with features of psychosis. The patient was found in the woods naked, with signs of psychosis. She described symptoms of increasing abdominal size, whitish discharge from her nipple, and feeling of fetal movement. The patient continued to believe she was pregnant due to her symptoms, despite negative pregnancy tests on multiple occasions. She has a history of bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Her examination showed an obese woman, with a non-distended abdomen and non-palpable uterus with no breast tenderness or enlargement. The patient was given olanzapine for her agitation and was subsequently stabilized with haloperidol and lorazepam. She was restarted on her home medications, including risperidone, oxcarbazepine, and topiramate. She was later committed involuntarily and transferred to a long-term psychiatry facility. Pseudocyesis is a rare condition often associated with other psychiatric comorbidities. Our patient\'s presentation highlights one of the few cases ever formally documented in a developed country, as most of the cases reported are found in developing countries. More studies, including case series and systematic reviews, need to be done to better understand this rare condition and its other variants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: Delusions of pregnancy are associated with functional impairment and psychological distress. Previous works have focused on characterizing their etiology and identifying contributory social and cultural factors. The purpose of this review is to give an overview of the literature on medical or surgical comorbidities associated with delusions of pregnancy.Methods: We searched Google Scholar, PubMed, and PsycInfo using the terms \"pregnancy delusion,\" \"delusional pregnancy,\" \"pseudocyesis\", and \"false/pseudo/phantom/spurious pregnancy\" to identify all published cases of delusional pregnancies. We included cases in which medical or surgical factors might have contributed to the delusion. We extracted the following information from selected case reports: patient age, psychiatric diagnoses, medications, medical comorbidities, somatic complaints, treatment, and outcome.Results: We found that 23 of 140 cases (16.4%) were potentially influenced by concomitant medical or surgical conditions including gallstones, abdominal tumors, hyperprolactinemia, constipation, a tubal cyst, and esophageal achalasia. Medical or surgical treatment was pursued in 15 of these 23 cases, followed by mitigation of the delusion in ten cases.Conclusions: We emphasize the importance of a thorough workup including physical and gynecological examinations in patients presenting with a delusion of pregnancy. Clinicians should recognize and overcome potential barriers to undertaking comprehensive assessments in order to prevent delays in management and treatment of underlying medical or surgical conditions.





