proton-pumping rhodopsin

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photosynthetic carbon (C) fixation by phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean (SO) plays a critical role in regulating air-sea exchange of carbon dioxide and thus global climate. In the SO, photosynthesis (PS) is often constrained by low iron, low temperatures, and low but highly variable light intensities. Recently, proton-pumping rhodopsins (PPRs) were identified in marine phytoplankton, providing an alternate iron-free, light-driven source of cellular energy. These proteins pump protons across cellular membranes through light absorption by the chromophore retinal, and the resulting pH energy gradient can then be used for active membrane transport or for synthesis of adenosine triphosphate. Here, we show that PPR is pervasive in Antarctic phytoplankton, especially in iron-limited regions. In a model SO diatom, we found that it was localized to the vacuolar membrane, making the vacuole a putative alternative phototrophic organelle for light-driven production of cellular energy. Unlike photosynthetic C fixation, which decreases substantially at colder temperatures, the proton transport activity of PPR was unaffected by decreasing temperature. Cellular PPR levels in cultured SO diatoms increased with decreasing iron concentrations and energy production from PPR photochemistry could substantially augment that of PS, especially under high light intensities, where PS is often photoinhibited. PPR gene expression and high retinal concentrations in phytoplankton in SO waters support its widespread use in polar environments. PPRs are an important adaptation of SO phytoplankton to growth and survival in their cold, iron-limited, and variable light environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The eukaryotic plasma membrane localized light-gated proton-pumping rhodopsins possesses great optogenetic applications for repolarization (silencing) of the neuronal activity simply by light illumination. Very few plasma membrane localized proton-pumping rhodopsins of a eukaryotic origin are known that have optogenetic potential. Our objective was to identify and characterize microbial rhodopsin of an eukaryotic origin that expresses on plasma membrane. The plasma membrane localized light-gated proton pump of an eukaryotic origin hold great promise to be used as an optogenetic tools for the neurobiology.
    RESULTS: Here, we had characterized the cellular expression and membrane localization of a new rhodopsin in Antarctican algae Coccomyxa subellipsoidea. It is the first algal ion pumping rhodopsin that localizes to the plasma membrane of the eukaryotic cells. Coccomyxa subellipsoidea rhodopsin exists in the monomeric and dimeric state both the in vivo and in vitro. The dimeric form of the Coccomyxa subellipsoidea rhodopsin is resistant to heat and detergent denaturants.





