proton-motive force

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small multidrug resistance (SMR) transporters are key players in the defense of multidrug-resistant pathogens to toxins and other homeostasis-perturbing compounds. However, recent evidence demonstrates that EmrE, an SMR from Escherichia coli and a model for understanding transport, can also induce susceptibility to some compounds by drug-gated proton leak. This runs down the ∆pH component of the proton-motive force (PMF), reducing the viability of the affected bacteria. Proton leak may provide an unexplored drug target distinct from the targets of most known antibiotics. Activating proton leak requires an SMR to be merely present, rather than be the primary resistance mechanism, and dissipates the energy source for many other efflux pumps. PAsmr, an EmrE homolog from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, transports many EmrE substrates in cells and purified systems. We hypothesized that PAsmr, like EmrE, may confer susceptibility to some compounds via drug-gated proton leak. Growth assays of E. coli expressing PAsmr displayed substrate-dependent resistance and susceptibility phenotypes, and in vitro solid-supported membrane electrophysiology experiments revealed that PAsmr performs both antiport and substrate-gated proton uniport, demonstrating the same functional promiscuity observed in EmrE. Growth assays of P. aeruginosa strain PA14 demonstrated that PAsmr contributes resistance to some antimicrobial compounds, but no growth defect is observed with susceptibility substrates, suggesting P. aeruginosa can compensate for the proton leak occurring through PAsmr. These phenotypic differences between P. aeruginosa and E. coli advance our understanding of the underlying resistance mechanisms in P. aeruginosa and prompt further investigation into the role that SMRs play in antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
    OBJECTIVE: Small multidrug resistance (SMR) transporters are a class of efflux pumps found in many pathogens, although their contributions to antibiotic resistance are not fully understood. We hypothesize that these transporters may confer not only resistance but also susceptibility, by dissipating the proton-motive force. This means to use an SMR transporter as a target; it merely needs to be present (as opposed to being the primary resistance mechanism). Here, we test this hypothesis with an SMR transporter found in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and find that it can perform both antiport (conferring resistance) and substrate-gated proton leak. Proton leak is detrimental to growth in Escherichia coli but not P. aeruginosa, suggesting that P. aeruginosa responds differently to or can altogether prevent ∆pH dissipation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two-stage (e.g. light-dark) phosphorylation experiments showed that there is a stored \'high-energy\' intermediate linking electron transport and phosphorylation. Large, artificial electrochemical proton gradients (protonmotive forces or pmfs) can also drive phosphorylation, a fact seen as strongly supportive of the chemiosmotic coupling hypothesis that a pmf is the \'high-energy\' intermediate. However, in such experiments there is an experimental threshold (pmf >170 mV, equivalent to ΔpH ∼2.8) below which no phosphorylation is in fact observed, and 220 mV are required to recreate in vivo rates. This leads to the correct question, which is then whether those values of the pmf generated by electron transport are large enough. Even the lower ones as required for any phosphorylation (leave alone those required to explain in vivo rates) are below the threshold [1, 2], whether measured directly with microelectrodes or via the use of membrane-permeant ions and/or acids/bases (which are always transporter substrates [3], so all such measurements are in fact artefactual). The single case that seemed large enough (220 mV) is now admitted to be a diffusion potential artefact [4]. Many other observables (inadequate bulk H+ in \'O2-pulse\'-type experiments, alkaliphilic bacteria, dual-inhibitor titrations, uncoupler-binding proteins, etc.) are consistent with the view that values of the pmf, and especially of Δψ, are actually very low. A protet-based charge separation model [2], a protonic version analogous to how energy may be stored in devices called electrets, provides a high-energy intermediate that can explain the entire literature, including the very striking demonstration [5] that close proximity is required between electron transport and ATP synthase complexes for energy coupling between them to allow phosphorylation to occur. A chief purpose of this article is thus to summarise the extensive and self-consistent literature, much of which is of some antiquity and rarely considered by modern researchers, despite its clear message of the inadequacy of chemiosmotic coupling to explain these phenomena.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proton (H+) motive force (PMF) serves as the energy source for the flagellar motor rotation, crucial for microbial motility. Here, to control PMF using light, we introduced light-driven inward and outward proton pump rhodopsins, RmXeR and AR3, into Escherichia coli. The motility of E. coli cells expressing RmXeR and AR3 significantly decreased and increased upon illumination, respectively. Tethered cell experiments revealed that, upon illumination, the torque of the flagellar motor decreased to nearly zero (28 pN nm) with RmXeR, while it increased to 1170 pN nm with AR3. These alterations in PMF correspond to +146 mV (RmXeR) and -140 mV (AR3), respectively. Thus, bidirectional optical control of PMF in E. coli was successfully achieved by using proton pump rhodopsins. This system holds a potential for enhancing our understanding of the roles of PMF in various biological functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In previous publications we have described the pISep dual simultaneous, independent gradients (DSIGs) liquid chromatography (LC) for uncoupling gradients of non-buffering solute (NaCl, urea or acetonitrile) from externally generated pH gradients. In DSIGs the shape and slope of the [salute] gradient does not depend on the shape and slope of the pH gradient. The technique allows in a single run true simultaneous two dimensional LC separation of complex protein mixtures on various stationary phases including anion, cation exchangers (AEX, CEX), reversed phase (RP), mixed mode and mixed bed. Using a humanized IgG1 (HIgG1) monoclonal antibody (MAb) and a variety of pH & [NaCl] DSIGs, we show that most of MAb isoforms can be successfully separated from each other. These experimental observations are supported by an initial theoretical argument presented here predicting an overall improvement of all MAb isoforms separation by DSIGs of pH & [NaCl]. Theoretical calculations predict that, in general, there exists an optimal non-zero isocratic salt concentration in a pH gradient separation that will resolve isoforms close in binding energy, but a wide range of salt concentrations will be required for acceptable resolution of all isoforms. Theory also predicts better separation of weaker rather than stronger binding isoforms. Experimentally, we have found that no one set of DSIGs LC conditions could optimally baseline resolve all identifiable MAb isoforms in a single run of reasonable duration. The versatility and simplicity of the pH & [NaCl] pISep DSIGs LC allows fast, automated scouting of protein separations over any range of pH from 2.4 to 10.8 and [NaCl] from 0 to 1 M without changing the chemistry of the buffering system. Due to the universal applicability of the pISep buffering system in IEX LC, the researcher is given a powerful tool to easily develop pH & [NaCl] DSIGs protocols that vary mobile phase compositions to achieve high resolution separations of targeted proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The metabolic environment is responsible for antibiotic resistance, which highlights the way in which the antibiotic resistance mechanism works. Here, GC-MS-based metabolomics with iTRAQ-based proteomics was used to characterize a metabolic state in tetracycline-resistant Escherichia coli K12 (E. coli-RTET) compared with tetracycline-sensitive E. coli K12. The repressed pyruvate cycle against the elevation of the proton motive force (PMF) and ATP constructed the most characteristic feature as a consequence of tetracycline resistance. To understand the role of the elevated PMF in tetracycline resistance, PMF inhibitor carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) and the pH gradient were used to investigate how the elevation influences bacterial viability and intracellular antibiotic concentration. A strong synergy was detected between CCCP and tetracycline to the viability, which was consistent with increasing intracellular drug and decreasing external pH. Furthermore, E. coli-RTET and E. coli-RGEN with high and low PMF concentrations were susceptible to gentamicin and tetracycline, respectively. The elevated PMF in E. coli-RTET was attributed to the activation of other metabolic pathways, except for the pyruvate cycle, including a malate-oxaloacetate-phosphoenolpyruvate-pyruvate-malate cycle. These results not only revealed a PMF-dependent mechanism for tetracycline resistance but also provided a solution to tetracycline-resistant pathogens by aminoglycosides and aminoglycoside-resistant bacteria by tetracyclines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electrochemical gradients across biological membranes are vital for cellular bioenergetics. In bacteria, the proton motive force (PMF) drives essential processes like adenosine triphosphate production and motility. Traditionally viewed as temporally and spatially stable, recent research reveals a dynamic PMF behavior at both single-cell and community levels. Moreover, the observed lateral segregation of respiratory complexes could suggest a spatial heterogeneity of the PMF. Using a light-activated proton pump and detecting the activity of the bacterial flagellar motor, we perturb and probe the PMF of single cells. Spatially homogeneous PMF perturbations reveal millisecond-scale temporal dynamics and an asymmetrical capacitive response. Localized perturbations show a rapid lateral PMF homogenization, faster than proton diffusion, akin to the electrotonic potential spread observed in passive neurons, explained by cable theory. These observations imply a global coupling between PMF sources and consumers along the membrane, precluding sustained PMF spatial heterogeneity but allowing for rapid temporal changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microfluidic analytical tools play an important role in miniaturizing targeted proteomic assays for improved detection sensitivity, throughput, and automation. Microfluidic isoelectric focusing (IEF) can resolve proteoforms in lysate from low-to-single cell numbers. However, IEF assays often use carrier ampholytes (CAs) to establish a pH gradient for protein separation, presenting limitations like pH instability in the form of cathodic drift (migration of focused proteins toward the cathode). Immobilized pH gradient (IPG) gels reduce cathodic drift by covalently immobilizing the pH buffering components to a matrix. To our knowledge, efforts to implement IPG gels at the microscale have been limited to glass microdevices. To adapt IEF using IPGs to widely used microfluidic device materials, we introduce a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-based microfluidic device and compare the microscale pH gradient stability of IEF established with IPGs, CAs, and a hybrid formulation of IPG gels and CAs (mixed-bed IEF). The PDMS-based IPG microfluidic device (μIPG) resolved analytes differing by 0.1 isoelectric point within a 3.5 mm separation lane over a 20 min focusing duration. During the 20 min duration, we observed markedly different cathodic drift velocities among the three formulations: 60.1 μm/min in CA-IEF, 2.5 μm/min in IPG-IEF (∼24-fold reduction versus CA-IEF), and 1.4 μm/min in mixed-bed IEF (∼43-fold reduction versus CA-IEF). Lastly, mixed-bed IEF in a PDMS device resolved green fluorescent protein (GFP) proteoforms from GFP-expressing human breast cancer cell lysate, thus establishing stability in lysate from complex biospecimens. μIPG is a promising and stable technique for studying proteoforms from small volumes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to develop an editable structural scaffold for improving drug development, including pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antibiotics by using synthetic compounds derived from a (hetero)aryl-quinoline hybrid scaffold.
    RESULTS: In this study, 18 CF3-substituted (hetero)aryl-quinoline hybrid molecules were examined for their potential antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus by determining minimal inhibitory concentrations. These 18 synthetic compounds represent modifications to key regions of the quinoline N-oxide scaffold, enabling us to conduct a structure-activity relationship analysis for antibacterial potency. Among the compounds, 3 m exhibited potency against with both methicillin resistant S. aureus strains, as well as other Gram-positive bacteria, including Enterococcus faecalis and Bacillus subtilis. We demonstrated that 3 m disrupted the bacterial proton motive force (PMF) through monitoring the PMF and conducting the molecular dynamics simulations. Furthermore, we show that this mechanism of action, disrupting PMF, is challenging for S. aureus to overcome. We also validated this PMF inhibition mechanism of 3 m in an Acinetobacter baumannii strain with weaken lipopolysaccharides. Additionally, in Gram-negative bacteria, we demonstrated that 3 m exhibited a synergistic effect with colistin that disrupts the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our approach to developing editable synthetic novel antibacterials underscores the utility of CF3-substituted (hetero)aryl-quinoline scaffold for designing compounds targeting the bacterial proton motive force, and for further drug development, including pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleoli are multicomponent condensates defined by coexisting sub-phases. We identified distinct intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs), including acidic (D/E) tracts and K-blocks interspersed by E-rich regions, as defining features of nucleolar proteins. We show that the localization preferences of nucleolar proteins are determined by their IDRs and the types of RNA or DNA binding domains they encompass. In vitro reconstitutions and studies in cells showed how condensation, which combines binding and complex coacervation of nucleolar components, contributes to nucleolar organization. D/E tracts of nucleolar proteins contribute to lowering the pH of co-condensates formed with nucleolar RNAs in vitro. In cells, this sets up a pH gradient between nucleoli and the nucleoplasm. By contrast, juxta-nucleolar bodies, which have different macromolecular compositions, featuring protein IDRs with very different charge profiles, have pH values that are equivalent to or higher than the nucleoplasm. Our findings show that distinct compositional specificities generate distinct physicochemical properties for condensates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The interplay between gut microbiota (GM) and the metabolization of dietary components leading to the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) is affected by a range of factors including colonic pH and carbohydrate source. However, there is still only limited knowledge on how the GM activity and metabolite production in the gastrointestinal tract could be influenced by pH and the pH gradient increases along the colon.
    RESULTS: Here we investigate the effect of pH gradients corresponding to levels typically found in the colon on GM composition and metabolite production using substrates inulin, lactose, galactooligosaccharides (GOS), and fructooligosaccharide (FOS) in an in vitro colon setup. We investigated 3 different pH regimes (low, 5.2 increasing to 6.4; medium, 5.6 increasing to 6.8 and high, 6.0 increasing to 7.2) for each fecal inoculum and found that colonic pH gradients significantly influenced in vitro simulated GM structure, but the influence of fecal donor and substrate was more pronounced. Low pH regimes strongly influenced GM with the decreased relative abundance of Bacteroides spp. and increased Bifidobacterium spp. Higher in vitro simulated colonic pH promoted the production of SCFAs in a donor- and substrate-dependent manner. The butyrate producer Butyricimonas was enriched at higher pH conditions, where also butyrate production was increased for inulin. The relative abundance of Phascolarctobacterium, Bacteroides, and Rikenellaceae also increased at higher colonic pH, which was accompanied by increased production of propionate with GOS and FOS as substrates.
    CONCLUSIONS: Together, our results show that colonic substrates such as dietary fibres influence GM composition and metabolite production, not only by being selectively utilized by specific microbes, but also because of their SCFA production, which in turn also influences colonic pH and overall GM composition and activity. Our work provides details about the effect of the gradients of rising pH from the proximal to distal colon on fermenting dietary substrates in vitro and highlights the importance of considering pH in GM research.





