protein complex formation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trichome patterning in Arabidopsis is regulated by R2R3MYB, bHLH and WDR (MBW) genes. These are considered to form a trimeric MBW protein complex that promotes trichome formation. The MBW proteins are engaged in a regulatory network to select trichome cells among epidermal cells through R3MYB proteins that can move between cells and repress the MBW complex by competitive binding with the R2R3MYB to the bHLHL protein. We use quantitative pull-down assays to determine the relative dissociation constants for the protein-protein interactions of the involved genes. We find similar binding strength between the trichome promoting genes and weaker binding of the R3MYB inhibitors. We used the dissociation constants to calculate the relative percentage of all possible complex combinations and found surprisingly low fractions of those complexes that are typically considered to be relevant for the regulation events. Finally, we predict an increased robustness in patterning as a consequence of higher ordered complexes mediated by GL3 dimerization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small heat shock proteins (HSPBs) regulate various cell functions. We previously reported that HSPB1, HSPB6, and HSPB8 each suppress the progression of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The heterooligomerization of HSPs is speculated to be crucial for functional activities. Here, we investigated the relationship between the complex of HSPBs and the progression of HCC. HSPB1/HSPB6 complex and HSPB1/HSPB8 complex, but not HSPB6/HSPB8 complex, were observed in both HSPB6-overexpressing human HCC-derived HuH-7 cells and resected human HCC tumor tissue. Differentiation, stage, tumor size, and vein invasion of HCC were inversely related to the presence of HSPB complexes in the HCC tissue. Our results strongly suggest that the HSPB complex formation plays a suppressive role in the HCC progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ubiquitination is a versatile and dynamic post-translational modification in which single ubiquitin molecules or polyubiquitin chains are attached to target proteins, giving rise to mono- or poly-ubiquitination, respectively. The majority of research in the ubiquitin field focused on degradative polyubiquitination, whereas more recent studies uncovered the role of single ubiquitin modification in important physiological processes. Monoubiquitination can modulate the stability, subcellular localization, binding properties, and activity of the target proteins. Understanding the function of monoubiquitination in normal physiology and pathology has important therapeutic implications, as alterations in the monoubiquitin pathway are found in a broad range of genetic diseases. This review highlights a link between monoubiquitin signaling and the pathogenesis of genetic disorders.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The base excision repair pathway plays an important role in correcting damage induced by either physiological or external effects. This repair pathway removes incorrect bases from the DNA. The uracil base is among the most frequently occurring erroneous bases in DNA, and is cut out from the phosphodiester backbone via the catalytic action of uracil-DNA glycosylase. Uracil excision repair is an evolutionarily highly conserved pathway and can be specifically inhibited by a protein inhibitor of uracil-DNA glycosylase. Interestingly, both uracil-DNA glycosylase (Staphylococcus aureus uracil-DNA glycosylase; SAUDG) and its inhibitor (S. aureus uracil-DNA glycosylase inhibitor; SAUGI) are present in the staphylococcal cell. The interaction of these two proteins effectively decreases the efficiency of uracil-DNA excision repair. The physiological relevance of this complexation has not yet been addressed in detailed; however, numerous mutations have been identified within SAUGI. Here, we investigated whether these mutations drastically perturb the interaction with SAUDG. To perform quantitative analysis of the macromolecular interactions, we applied native mass spectrometry and demonstrated that this is a highly efficient and specific method for determination of dissociation constants. Our results indicate that several naturally occurring mutations of SAUGI do indeed lead to appreciable changes in the dissociation constants for complex formation. However, all of these Kd values remain in the nanomolar range and therefore the association of these two proteins is preserved. We conclude that complexation is most likely preserved even with the naturally occurring mutant uracil-DNA glycosylase inhibitor proteins.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In plants, geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP) is produced by plastidic GGPP synthase (GGPPS) and serves as a precursor for vital metabolic branches, including chlorophyll, carotenoid, and gibberellin biosynthesis. However, molecular mechanisms regulating GGPP allocation among these biosynthetic pathways localized in the same subcellular compartment are largely unknown. We found that rice contains only one functionally active GGPPS, OsGGPPS1, in chloroplasts. A functionally active homodimeric enzyme composed of two OsGGPPS1 subunits is located in the stroma. In thylakoid membranes, however, the GGPPS activity resides in a heterodimeric enzyme composed of one OsGGPPS1 subunit and GGPPS recruiting protein (OsGRP). OsGRP is structurally most similar to members of the geranyl diphosphate synthase small subunit type II subfamily. In contrast to members of this subfamily, OsGRP enhances OsGGPPS1 catalytic efficiency and specificity of GGPP production on interaction with OsGGPPS1. Structural biology and protein interaction analyses demonstrate that affinity between OsGRP and OsGGPPS1 is stronger than between two OsGGPPS1 molecules in homodimers. OsGRP determines OsGGPPS1 suborganellar localization and directs it to a large protein complex in thylakoid membranes, consisting of geranylgeranyl reductase (OsGGR), light-harvesting-like protein 3 (OsLIL3), protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (OsPORB), and chlorophyll synthase (OsCHLG). Taken together, genetic and biochemical analyses suggest OsGRP functions in recruiting OsGGPPS1 from the stroma toward thylakoid membranes, thus providing a mechanism to control GGPP flux toward chlorophyll biosynthesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A replica-exchange Monte Carlo (REMC) ensemble docking approach has been developed that allows efficient exploration of protein-protein docking geometries. In addition to Monte Carlo steps in translation and orientation of binding partners, possible conformational changes upon binding are included based on Monte Carlo selection of protein conformations stored as ordered pregenerated conformational ensembles. The conformational ensembles of each binding partner protein were generated by three different approaches starting from the unbound partner protein structure with a range spanning a root mean square deviation of 1-2.5 Å with respect to the unbound structure. Because MC sampling is performed to select appropriate partner conformations on the fly the approach is not limited by the number of conformations in the ensemble compared to ensemble docking of each conformer pair in ensemble cross docking. Although only a fraction of generated conformers was in closer agreement with the bound structure the REMC ensemble docking approach achieved improved docking results compared to REMC docking with only the unbound partner structures or using docking energy minimization methods. The approach has significant potential for further improvement in combination with more realistic structural ensembles and better docking scoring functions. Proteins 2017; 85:924-937. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A small model animal Caenorhabditis elegans is particularly suitable for genetic analysis, but cell-type-specific biochemistry is a formidable task in this organism. Here we describe techniques utilizing transgenic C. elegans strains expressing epitope-tagged proteins for analyzing biochemical events, such as protein phosphorylation and formation of protein complex, in a small number of a specific group of cells at a defined stage of development. The techniques are useful for elucidating that C. elegans semaphorin-plexin signaling systems regulate epidermal morphogenesis through modulating TOR signaling and its downstream targets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plexins are unique, as they are the first example of a transmembrane receptor that interacts directly with small GTPases, a family of proteins that are essential for cell motility and proliferation/survival. We and other laboratories have determined the structure of the Rho GTPase-binding domain (RBD) of several plexins and also of the entire intracellular region of plexin-B1. Structures of plexin complexes with Rho GTPases, Rac1 and Rnd1, and a structure with a Ras GTPase, Rap1b, have also been solved. The relationship between plexin-Rho and plexin-Ras interactions is still unclear and in vitro biophysical experiments that characterize the protein interactions of purified components play an important role in advancing our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that underlie the function of plexin. This chapter describes the use of gel filtration (also known as size-exclusion chromatography or SEC), surface plasmon resonance (SPR), and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) in studies of plexin-small GTPase interactions with plexin-B1:Rac1 as an example. Together with other assays and manipulations (e.g., by mutagenesis or protein domain truncation/deletion), these in vitro measurements provide an important reference for the role and extent of the interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleus accumbens-associated protein 1 (NAC1) is a cancer-related transcription regulator protein that is also involved in the pluripotency and differentiation of embryonic stem cells. NAC1 is overexpressed in various carcinomas including ovarian, cervical, breast, and pancreatic carcinomas. NAC1 knock-down was previously shown to result in the apoptosis of ovarian cancer cell lines and to rescue their sensitivity to chemotherapy, suggesting that NAC1 may be a potential therapeutic target, but protein complex formation and the dynamics of intranuclear NAC1 in cancer cells remain poorly understood. In this study, analysis of HeLa cell lysates by fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) on a sizing column showed that the NAC1 peak corresponded to an apparent molecular mass of 300-500 kDa, which is larger than the estimated molecular mass (58 kDa) of the protein. Furthermore, live cell photobleaching analyses with green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fused NAC1 proteins revealed the intranuclear dynamics of NAC1. Collectively our results demonstrate that NAC1 forms a protein complex to function as a transcriptional regulator in cancer cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Starch-rich crops form the basis of our nutrition, but plants have still to yield all their secrets as to how they make this vital substance. Great progress has been made by studying both crop and model systems, and we approach the point of knowing the enzymatic machinery responsible for creating the massive, insoluble starch granules found in plant tissues. Here, we summarize our current understanding of these biosynthetic enzymes, highlighting recent progress in elucidating their specific functions. Yet, in many ways we have only scratched the surface: much uncertainty remains about how these components function together and are controlled. We flag-up recent observations suggesting a significant degree of flexibility during the synthesis of starch and that previously unsuspected non-enzymatic proteins may have a role. We conclude that starch research is not yet a mature subject and that novel experimental and theoretical approaches will be important to advance the field.






