protein cage

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein capsids are a widespread form of compartmentalization in nature. Icosahedral symmetry is ubiquitous in capsids derived from spherical viruses, as this geometry maximizes the internal volume that can be enclosed within. Despite the strong preference for icosahedral symmetry, we show that simple point mutations in a virus-like capsid can drive the assembly of unique symmetry-reduced structures. Starting with the encapsulin from Myxococcus xanthus, a 180-mer bacterial capsid that adopts the well-studied viral HK97 fold, we use mass photometry and native charge detection mass spectrometry to identify a triple histidine point mutant that forms smaller dimorphic assemblies. Using cryoelectron microscopy, we determine the structures of a precedented 60-mer icosahedral assembly and an unexpected 36-mer tetrahedron that features significant geometric rearrangements around a new interaction surface between capsid protomers. We subsequently find that the tetrahedral assembly can be generated by triple-point mutation to various amino acids and that even a single histidine point mutation is sufficient to form tetrahedra. These findings represent a unique example of tetrahedral geometry when surveying all characterized encapsulins, HK97-like capsids, or indeed any virus-derived capsids reported in the Protein Data Bank, revealing the surprising plasticity of capsid self-assembly that can be accessed through minimal changes in the protein sequence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The versatile potential of bacteriophage MS2-derived virus-like particles (VLPs) in medical biotechnology has been extensively studied during the last 30 years. Since the first reports showing that MS2 VLPs can be produced at high yield and relatively easily engineered, numerous applications have been proposed. Particular effort has been spent in developing MS2 VLPs as protective capsules and delivery platforms for diverse molecules, such as chemical compounds, proteins and nucleic acids. Among these, two are particularly noteworthy: as scaffolds displaying heterologous epitopes for vaccine development and as capsids for encapsulation of foreign RNA. In this review, we summarize the progress in developing MS2 VLPs for these two areas.
    Hollow, nanosized protein particles have many potential uses. If they can be appropriately engineered, they may for example be able to carry therapeutic cargoes to diseased cells or be used as a vaccine where appropriate antigens are mounted on their external surface. Many viruses offer a ready-made protein particle, the capsid, which can be made hollow by exclusion of the viral genetic material. MS2 is a virus that targets bacteria – a bacteriophage – which is well characterized and has been developed over many years for a number of applications. It has particular promise for development as a vaccine and for RNA delivery, both of which are reviewed here.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Understanding how proteins function within their cellular environments is essential for cellular biology and biomedical research. However, current imaging techniques exhibit limitations, particularly in the study of small complexes and individual proteins within cells. Previously, protein cages have been employed as imaging scaffolds to study purified small proteins using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). Here we demonstrate an approach to deliver designed protein cages - endowed with fluorescence and targeted binding properties - into cells, thereby serving as fiducial markers for cellular imaging. We used protein cages with anti-GFP DARPin domains to target a mitochondrial protein (MFN1) expressed in mammalian cells, which was genetically fused to GFP. We demonstrate that the protein cages can penetrate cells, are directed to specific subcellular locations, and are detectable with confocal microscopy. This innovation represents a milestone in developing tools for in-depth cellular exploration, especially in conjunction with methods such as cryo-correlative light and electron microscopy (cryo-CLEM).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many virus-like particles (VLPs) have good chemical, thermal, and mechanical stabilities compared to those of other biologics. However, their stability needs to be improved for the commercialization and use in translation of VLP-based materials. We developed an endoskeleton-armored strategy for enhancing VLP stability. Specifically, the VLPs of physalis mottle virus (PhMV) and Qβ were used to demonstrate this concept. We built an internal polymer \"backbone\" using a maleimide-PEG15-maleimide cross-linker to covalently interlink viral coat proteins inside the capsid cavity, while the native VLPs are held together by only noncovalent bonding between subunits. Endoskeleton-armored VLPs exhibited significantly improved thermal stability (95 °C for 15 min), increased resistance to denaturants (i.e., surfactants, pHs, chemical denaturants, and organic solvents), and enhanced mechanical performance. Single-molecule force spectroscopy demonstrated a 6-fold increase in rupture distance and a 1.9-fold increase in rupture force of endoskeleton-armored PhMV. Overall, this endoskeleton-armored strategy provides more opportunities for the development and applications of materials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of solid biomaterials has rapidly progressed in recent years in applications in bionanotechnology. The immobilization of proteins, such as enzymes, within protein crystals is being used to develop solid catalysts and functionalized materials. However, an efficient method for encapsulating protein assemblies has not yet been established. This work presents a novel approach to displaying protein cages onto a crystalline protein scaffold using in-cell protein crystal engineering. The polyhedra crystal (PhC) scaffold, which displays a ferritin cage, was produced by coexpression of polyhedrin monomer (PhM) and H1-ferritin (H1-Fr) monomer in Escherichia coli. The H1-tag is derived from the H1-helix of PhM. Our technique represents a unique strategy for immobilizing protein assemblies onto in-cell protein crystals and is expected to contribute to various applications in bionanotechnology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor disease and the leading cause of female mortality. The evolution of nanomaterials science opens the opportunity to improve traditional cancer therapies, enhancing therapy efficiency and reducing side effects.
    UNASSIGNED: Herein, protein cages conceived as enzymatic nanoreactors were designed and produced by using virus-like nanoparticles (VLPs) from Brome mosaic virus (BMV) and containing the catalytic activity of glucose oxidase (GOx) enzyme. The GOx enzyme was encapsulated into the BMV capsid (VLP-GOx), and the resulting enzymatic nanoreactors were coated with human serum albumin (VLP-GOx@HSA) for breast tumor cell targeting. The effect of the synthesized GOx nanoreactors on breast tumor cell lines was studied in vitro. Both nanoreactor preparations VLP-GOx and VLP-GOx@HSA showed to be highly cytotoxic for breast tumor cell cultures. Cytotoxicity for human embryonic kidney cells was also found. The monitoring of nanoreactor treatment on triple-negative breast cancer cells showed an evident production of oxygen by the catalase antioxidant enzyme induced by the high production of hydrogen peroxide from GOx activity.
    CONCLUSIONS: The nanoreactors containing GOx activity are entirely suitable for cytotoxicity generation in tumor cells. The HSA functionalization of the VLP-GOx nanoreactors, a strategy designed for selective cancer targeting, showed no improvement in the cytotoxic effect. The GOx containing enzymatic nanoreactors seems to be an interesting alternative to improve the current cancer therapy. In vivo studies are ongoing to reinforce the effectiveness of this treatment strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ferritin is one of the most promising drug delivery system (DDS) carriers because of its uniform nanosize, biodistribution, efficient cellular uptake, and biocompatibility. Conventionally, a disassembly/reassembly method that requires pH change has been used for the encapsulation of molecules in ferritin protein nanocages. Recently, a one-step method in which a complex of ferritin and a targeted drug was obtained by incubating the mixture at an appropriate pH, was established. Here, we describe two types of protocols, the conventional disassembly/reassembly method, and the novel one-step method for the construction of a ferritin-encapsulated drug using doxorubicin as an example molecule.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein cages and nanostructures are promising biocompatible medical materials, such as vaccines and drug carriers. Recent advances in designed protein nanocages and nanostructures have opened up cutting-edge applications in the fields of synthetic biology and biopharmaceuticals. A simple approach for constructing self-assembling protein nanocages and nanostructures is the design of a fusion protein composed of two different proteins forming symmetric oligomers. In this chapter, we describe the design and methods of protein nanobuilding blocks (PN-Blocks) using a dimeric de novo protein WA20 to construct self-assembling protein cages and nanostructures. A protein nanobuilding block (PN-Block), WA20-foldon, was developed by fusing an intermolecularly folded dimeric de novo protein WA20 and a trimeric foldon domain from bacteriophage T4 fibritin. The WA20-foldon self-assembled into several oligomeric nanoarchitectures in multiples of 6-mer. De novo extender protein nanobuilding blocks (ePN-Blocks) were also developed by fusing tandemly two WA20 with various linkers, to construct self-assembling cyclized and extended chain-like nanostructures. These PN-Blocks would be useful for the construction of self-assembling protein cages and nanostructures and their potential applications in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial protein cages made from multiple copies of a single protein can be produced such that they only assemble upon addition of a metal ion. Consequently, the ability to remove the metal ion triggers protein-cage disassembly. Controlling assembly and disassembly has many potential uses including cargo loading/unloading and hence drug delivery. TRAP-cage is an example of such a protein cage which assembles due to linear coordination bond formation with Au(I) which acts to bridge constituent proteins. Here we describe the method for production and purification of TRAP-cage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein crystallization is an important tool for structural biology and nanostructure preparation. Here, we report on kinetic pathway-dependent protein crystals that are controlled by light. Photo-responsive crystallites are obtained by complexing the model proteins with cationic azobenzene dyes. The crystalline state is readily switched to a dispersed phase under ultraviolet light and restored by subsequent visible-light illumination. The switching can be reversibly repeated for multiple cycles without noticeable structure deterioration. Importantly, the photo-treatment not only significantly increases the crystallinity, but creates crystallites at conditions where no ordered lattices are observed upon directly mixing the components. Further control over the azobenzene isomerization kinetics produces protein single crystals of up to ≈50 μm. This approach offers an intriguing method to fabricate metamaterials and study optically controlled crystallization.





