prostate smooth muscle contraction

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Apart from antagonizing ß-adrenoceptors, carvedilol antagonizes vascular α1-adrenoceptors and activates G protein-independent signaling. Even though it is a commonly used antihypertensive and α1-adrenoceptors are essential for the treatment of voiding symptoms in benign prostatic hyperplasia, its actions in the human prostate are still unknown. Here, we examined carvedilol effects on contractions of human prostate tissues, and on stromal cell growth.
    METHODS: Contractions of prostate tissues from radical prostatectomy were induced by electric field stimulation (EFS) or α1-agonists. Growth-related functions were examined in cultured stromal cells.
    RESULTS: Concentration-response curves for phenylephrine, methoxamine and noradrenaline were right shifted by carvedilol (0.1-10 µM), around half a magnitude with 100 nM, half to one magnitude with 1 µM, and two magnitudes with 10 µM. Right shifts were reflected by increased EC50 values for agonists, with unchanged Emax values. EFS-induced contractions were reduced by 21-54% with 0.01-1 µM carvedilol, and by 94% by 10 µM. Colony numbers of stromal cells were increased by 500 nM, but reduced by 1-10 µM carvedilol, while all concentrations reduced colony size. Decreases in viability were time-dependent with 0.1-0.3 µM, but complete with 10 µM. Proliferation was slightly increased by 0.1-0.5 µM, but reduced with 1-10 µM.
    CONCLUSIONS: Carvedilol antagonizes α1-adrenoceptors in the human prostate, starting with concentrations in ranges of known plasma levels. In vitro, effect sizes resemble those of α1-blockers used for the treatment of voiding symptoms, which requires concentrations beyond plasma levels. Bidirectional and dynamic effects on the growth of stromal cells may be attributed to \"biased agonism\".






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phospholipases A2 (PLA2 ) may be involved in α1 -adrenergic contraction by formation of thromboxane A2 in different smooth muscle types. However, whether this mechanism occurs with α1 -adrenergic contractions of the prostate, is still unknown. While α1 -adrenoceptor antagonists are the first line option for medical treatment of voiding symptoms in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), improvements are limited, probably by nonadrenergic contractions including thromboxane A2 . Here, we examined effects of PLA2 inhibitors on contractions of human prostate tissues.
    Prostate tissues were obtained from radical prostatectomy. Contractions were induced by electric field stimulation (EFS) and by α1 -adrenergic agonists in an organ bath, after application of the cytosolic PLA2 inhibitors ASB14780 and AACOCF3, the secretory PLA2 inhibitor YM26734, the leukotriene receptor antagonist montelukast, or of solvent to controls.
    Frequency-dependent contractions of human prostate tissues induced by EFS were inhibited by 25% at 8 Hz, 38% at 16 Hz and 37% at 32 Hz by ASB14780 (1 µM), and by 32% at 16 Hz and 22% at 32 Hz by AACOCF3 (10 µM). None of both inhibitors affected contractions induced by noradrenaline, phenylephrine or methoxamine. YM26734 (3 µM) and montelukast (0.3 and 1 µM) neither affected EFS-induced contractions, nor contractions by α1 -adrenergic agonists, while all contractions were substantially inhibited by silodosin (100 nM).
    Our findings suggest presynaptic PLA2 functions in prostate smooth muscle contraction, while contractions induced by α1 -adrenergic agonists occur PLA2 -independent. Lacking sensitivity to montelukast excludes an involvement of PLA2 -derived leukotrienes in promotion of contractile neurotransmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Prostate smooth muscle contraction and stromal growth may contribute to lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia, but are incompletely understood. A role of the monomeric GTPase CDC42 for smooth muscle contraction and proliferation appears possible, but is unknown for the prostate. Here, we silenced CDC42 expression in prostate stromal cells (WPMY-1), and examined contractility, growth-related functions and responses to the presumed CDC42 inhibitor, ML141.
    METHODS: WPMY-1 cells were transfected with scrambled or CDC42-specific siRNA, and characterized for GTPase activities, contraction, proliferation, colony formation, apoptosis, cell death and viability. Effects of ML141 were examined in cells with and without silencing.
    RESULTS: CDC42 silencing was confirmed by reduced mRNA and protein expression, and reduced CDC42 activity. Silencing impaired contraction (23-47 %), actin organization (25 %), proliferation (17-63 %), colony formation and viability (64-89 %), and increased the percentage of dead cells (2.6-fold). ML141 mimicked the phenotype of silencing in scrambled siRNA-transfected controls, and in non-transfected WPMY-1 cells, including inhibition of contraction, proliferation, colony formation and viability, breakdown of actin organization and increased cell death. In CDC42-silenced cells, ML141 still affected phalloiding organization, proliferation and cell death, with effect sizes resembling controls without silencing. ML141 inhibited RhoA activity in CDC42-silenced cells, but not in cells without silencing.
    CONCLUSIONS: CDC42 promotes contraction of prostate stromal cells, and drives stromal growth by CDC42-mediated proliferation and suppression of apoptosis-independent cell death. ML141 mimicks all effects of CDC42 silencing, but its specificity may be limited and depends on GTPase phenotypes of cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: NUAKs promote myosin light chain phosphorlyation, actin organization, proliferation and suppression of cell death in non-muscle cells, which are critical for smooth muscle contraction and growth. In benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), contraction and growth in the prostate drive urethral obstruction and voiding symptoms. However, a role of NUAKs in smooth muscle contraction or prostate functions are unknown. Here, we examined effects of NUAK silencing and the presumed NUAK inhibitors, HTH01-015 and WZ4003 on contraction and growth-related functions in prostate stromal cells (WPMY-1) and in human prostate tissues. Methods: Effects of NUAK1 and -2 silencing, HTH01-015 and WZ4003 on matrix plug contraction, proliferation (EdU assay, Ki-67 mRNA), apoptosis and cell death (flowcytometry), viability (CCK-8) and actin organization (phalloidin staining) were examined in cultured WPMY-1 cells. Effects of HTH01-015 and WZ4003 on smooth muscle contraction were assessed in organ bath experirments with human prostate tissues. Results: Effects of silencing were most pronounced on proliferation and cell death, resulting in decreases of proliferation rate by 60% and 70% by silencing of NUAK1 and NUAK2 (compared to scramble siRNA-transfected controls), decreases in Ki-67 by 75% and 77%, while numbers of dead cells after silencing of NUAK1 and NUAK2 amounted to 2.8 and 4.9 fold of scramble-transfected controls. Silencing of each isoform was paralleled by reduced viability, breakdown in actin polymerization, and partial decreases in contractility (maximally 45% by NUAK1 silencing, 58% by NUAK2 silencing). Effects of silencing were mimicked by HTH01-015 and WZ4003, with numbers of dead cells amounting up to 16.1 fold or 7.8 fold with HTH01-015 or WZ4003, compared to solvent-treated controls. Using concentrations of 500 nM, neurogenic contractions of prostate tissues were inhibited partly by HTH01-015 and U46619-induced contractions were inhibited partly by HTH01-015 and WZ4003, while α1-adrenergic and endothelin-1-induced contractions remained unaffected. Using 10 μM, inhibition of endothelin-1-induced contractions by both inhibitors and inhibition of α1-adrenergic contractions by HTH01-015 added to effects seen by 500 nM. Conclusion: NUAK1 and -2 suppress cell death and promote proliferation in prostate stromal cells. A role in stromal hyperplasia appears possible in BPH. Effects of NUAK silencing are mimicked by HTH01-015 and WZ4003.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Isoflavone-rich legumes, including soy, are used for food production, as dietary supplements and in traditional medicine. Soy consumption correlates negatively with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and voiding symptoms. However, isoflavone effects on the prostate are hardly known. Here, we examined the effects on human prostate smooth muscle contractions and stromal cell growth, which are driving factors of voiding symptoms in BPH. Smooth muscle contractions were induced in prostate tissues from radical prostatectomy. Growth-related functions were studied in cultured stromal cells (WPMY-1). Neurogenic, α1-adrenergic and non-adrenergic contractions were strongly inhibited with 50 µM and by around 50% with 10 µM genistein. Daidzein inhibited neurogenic contractions using 10 and 100 µM. Agonist-induced contractions were inhibited by 100 µM but not 10 µM daidzein. A combination of 6 µM genistein with 5 µM daidzein still inhibited neurogenic and agonist-induced contractions. Proliferation of WPMY-1 cells was inhibited by genistein (>50%) and daidzein (<50%). Genistein induced apoptosis and cell death (by seven-fold relative to controls), while daidzein induced cell death (6.4-fold) without apoptosis. Viability was reduced by genistein (maximum: 87%) and daidzein (62%). In conclusion, soy isoflavones exert sustained effects on prostate smooth muscle contractions and stromal cell growth, which may explain the inverse relationships between soy-rich nutrition, BPH and voiding symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Prostate smooth muscle contraction is promoted by receptor-induced activation of intracellular signaling pathways. The presumed involvement in etiology and medical treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) imparts a high clinical relevance to prostate smooth muscle contraction, which is contrasted by incomplete understanding at the molecular level. Involvement of protein kinase C (PKC) has been commonly assumed, but available studies were limited to nonhuman prostate smooth muscle or cell cultures. Here, we examined the effects of the PKC inhibitors Go6983 and GF109203x on contractions of human prostate tissues.
    METHODS: Prostate tissues were obtained from radical prostatectomy. Contractions were induced by electric field stimulation (EFS), α1 -adrenergic agonists (noradrenaline, phenylephrine, methoxamine), thromboxane A2 analog U46619, endothelin-1, or calcium chloride in an organ bath.
    RESULTS: GF109203X (500 nM) and Go6983 (300  nM) reduced EFS-, noradrenaline-, phenylephrine-, methoxamine-, and U46619-induced contractions of human prostate tissues, with maximum inhibitions approaching up to 55%. Using concentrations of 3 µM, GF109203X and Go6983 inhibited EFS- and noradrenaline-induced contractions, with similar effect sizes as 500 and 300 nM, respectively. Endothelin-1-induced contractions were not inhibited by GF109203X, and to neglectable extent by Go6983. After depolarization in calcium-free solution, calcium chloride-induced concentration-dependent contractions, which were inhibited by GF109203X and Go6983.
    CONCLUSIONS: GF109203X and Go6983 inhibit neurogenic, α1 -adrenergic, and thromboxane A2 -induced smooth muscle contractions in the human prostate, suggesting a role of PKC for human prostate smooth muscle contraction. The inhibition may by be imparted by inhibition of calcium sensitivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Mirabegron is available for treatment of storage symptoms in overactive bladder, which may be improved by β3-adrenoceptor-induced bladder smooth muscle relaxation. In addition to storage symptoms, lower urinary tract symptoms in men include obstructive symptoms attributed to benign prostatic hyperplasia, caused by increased prostate smooth muscle tone and prostate enlargement. In contrast to the bladder and storage symptoms, effects of mirabegron on prostate smooth muscle contraction and obstructive symptoms are poorly understood. Evidence from non-human smooth muscle suggested antagonism of α1-adrenoceptors as an important off-target effect of mirabegron. As α1-adrenergic contraction is crucial in pathophysiology and medical treatment of obstructive symptoms, we here examined effects of mirabegron on contractions of human prostate tissues and on proliferation of prostate stromal cells. Methods: Contractions were induced in an organ bath. Effects of mirabegron on proliferation, viability, and cAMP levels in cultured stromal cells were examined by EdU assays, CCK-8 assays and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: Mirabegron in concentrations of 5 and 10 μM, but not 1 µM inhibited electric field stimulation-induced contractions of human prostate tissues. Mirabegron in concentrations of 5 and 10 µM shifted concentration response curves for noradrenaline-, methoxamine- and phenylephrine-induced contractions to the right, including recovery of contractions at high concentrations of α1-adrenergic agonists, increased EC50 values, but unchanged Emax values. Rightshifts of noradrenaline concentration response curves and inhibition of EFS-induced contractions were resistant to L-748,337, l-NAME, and BPIPP. 1 µM mirabegron was without effect on α1-adrenergic contractions. Endothelin-1- and U46619-induced contractions were not affected or only inhibited to neglectable extent. Effects of mirabegron (0.5-10 µM) on proliferation and viability of stromal cells were neglectable or small, reaching maximum decreases of 8% in proliferation assays and 17% in viability assays. Mirabegron did not induce detectable increases of cAMP levels in cultured stromal cells. Conclusion: Mirabegron inhibits neurogenic and α1-adrenergic human prostate smooth muscle contractions. This inhibition may be based on antagonism of α1-adrenoceptors by mirabegron, and does not include activation of β3-adrenoceptors and requires concentrations ranging 50-100fold higher than plasma concentrations reported from normal dosing. Non-adrenergic contractions and proliferation of prostate stromal cells are not inhibited by mirabegron.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Medical treatment for lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia is characterized by an unfavorable balance between limited efficacy and pronounced side effects. We recently reported, that thalidomide reduces prostate smooth muscle contraction and inhibits cell growth. Like thalidomide, its analogs lenalidomide and pomalidomide are also in clinical use. Therefore, we investigated the effects of lenalidomide and pomalidomide on human prostate smooth muscle contraction, cytoskeletal organization, and growth-related functions in stromal cells.
    METHODS: Proliferation was assessed by EdU assay and colony formation, cytoskeletal organization by phalloidin staining, cell viability by CCK8, and apoptosis and cell death by flow cytometry in cultured prostate stromal cells (WPMY-1). Contractions of human prostate tissues from radical prostatectomy were induced by methoxamine, noradrenaline, phenylephrine, endothelin-1, U46619, or electric field stimulation (EFS) in an organ bath.
    RESULTS: Proliferation of WPMY-1 cells was significantly reduced by lenalidomide (5-200 μM) and pomalidomide (2.5-5 μM). In parallel, organization of actin filaments collapsed after treatment with lenalidomide and pomalidomide. Lenalidomide and pomalidomide inhibited both adrenergic contractions and non-adrenergic contractions as well as neurogenic contractions induced by EFS. Neither reduction in viability, nor increase in cell death or apoptosis was observed in WPMY-1 cells.
    CONCLUSIONS: Thalidomide-derivatives impair growth of human prostate stromal cells, without showing a decrease in cell viability and, in parallel, inhibit adrenergic, neurogenic, and non-adrenergic contractions by breakdown of the actin cytoskeleton. Urodynamic effects in vivo appear possible.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Medical treatment in benign prostatic hyperplasia targets prostate size to prevent disease progression, complications, and surgery, and prostate smooth muscle tone for rapid relief of lower urinary tract symptoms. Combination therapies are still required to target both at once. However, current medications are insufficient, due to an unfavorable balance between side effects and efficacy. The limited efficacy of α1 -blockers may be due to nonadrenergic mediators like endothelin-1 and thromboxane A2 (TXA2 ), which keep up prostate smooth muscle contraction even in the presence of α1 -blockers. Consequently, future options with higher efficacy need to target α1 -adrenergic and nonadrenergic contractions as well as stromal cell growth at once. Thalidomide has been approved as an oral medication for various diseases, including the treatment of prostate cancer. Therefore, we investigated the effect of thalidomide on cellular functions of prostate stromal cells and human prostate smooth muscle contraction.
    METHODS: Cytoskeletal organization was visualized by phalloidin staining, cell growth was assessed by 5-ethynyl-2\'-deoxyuridine assay, cell viability by cell counting kit-8, and apoptosis and cell death by flow cytometry in cultured prostate stromal cells (WPMY-1). Contractions of human prostate tissues from radical prostatectomy were studied in an organ bath, where they were induced by the α1 -adrenoceptor agonists methoxamine, noradrenaline, phenylephrine, and the nonadrenergic agonists endothelin-1, TXA2 analog U46619, or electric field stimulation (EFS).
    RESULTS: Thalidomide significantly reduced the proliferation of WPMY-1 cells, which was time- and concentration-dependent (10-300 µM). In parallel, organization of actin filaments collapsed after treatment with thalidomide. Thalidomide (30-100 µM) inhibited noradrenaline-, phenylephrine-, and methoxamine-induced contractions, as well as nonadrenergic contractions induced by endothelin-1 and U46619, and neurogenic contractions induced by EFS. No reduction in viability and no increases in apoptosis or in cell death were observed in WPMY-1 cells.
    CONCLUSIONS: Thalidomide impairs the growth of human prostate stromal cells, without showing a decrease in cell viability. In parallel, thalidomide inhibits adrenergic, neurogenic, and nonadrenergic contractions. This may be explained by a breakdown of the actin cytoskeleton. In vivo, urodynamic effects of thalidomide appear possible and may even exceed those of α1 -blockers or combination therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prostate smooth muscle contraction is critical for etiology and treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Integrins connect the cytoskeleton to membranes and cells to extracellular matrix, what is essential for force generation in smooth muscle contraction. Integrins are composed of different subunits and may cooperate with integrin-linked kinase (ILK). Here, we examined effects of inhibitors for different integrin heterodimers and ILK on contraction of human prostate tissues.
    Prostate tissues were obtained from radical prostatectomy. Integrins and ILK were detected by Western blot, real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and double fluorescence staining. Smooth muscle contractions of prostate strips were studied in an organ bath. Contractions were compared after application of solvent (controls), the ILK inhibitor Cpd22 (N-methyl-3-(1-(4-(piperazin-1-yl)phenyl)-5-(4\'-(trifluoromethyl)-[1,1\'-biphenyl]-4-yl)-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)propanamide), the integrin α2β1 inhibitor BTT-3033 (1-(4-fluorophenyl)-N-methyl-N-[4[[(phenylamino)carbonyl]amino]phenyl]-1H-pyrazole-4-sulfonamide), or the integrin α4β1/α9β1 inhibitor BOP (N-(benzenesulfonyl)- l-prolyl- l-O-(1-pyrrolidinylcarbonyl)tyrosine sodium salt).
    Western blot analyses of prostate tissues using antibodies raised against integrins α2b, α4, α9, β1, and ILK revealed bands matching the expected sizes of corresponding antigens. Expression of integrins and ILK was confirmed by RT-PCR. Individual variations of expression levels occurred independently from divergent degree of BPH, reflected by different contents of prostate-specific antigen. Double fluorescence staining of prostate sections using antibodies raised against integrins α2 and β1, or against ILK resulted in immunoreactivity colocalizing with calponin, suggesting localization in prostate smooth muscle cells. Electric field stimulation (EFS) induced frequency-dependent contractions, which were inhibited by Cpd22 (3 µM) and BTT-3033 (1 µM) (inhibition around 37% by Cpd22 and 46% by BTT-3033 at 32 Hz). The thromboxane A2 analog U46619-induced concentration-dependent contractions, which were inhibited by Cpd22 and BTT-3033 (around 67% by Cpd22 and 39% by BTT-3033 at 30 µM U46619). Endothelin-1 induced concentration-dependent contractions, which were not affected by Cpd22 or BTT-3033. Noradrenaline and the α1 -adrenergic agonists methoxamine and phenylephrine-induced concentration-dependent contractions, which were not or very slightly inhibited by Cpd22 and BTT-3033. BOP did not change EFS- or agonist-induced contraction.
    Integrin α2β1 and ILK inhibitors inhibit neurogenic and thromboxane A2 -induced prostate smooth muscle contraction in human BPH. A role for these targets for prostate smooth muscle contraction may appear possible.





