proportion of true null hypotheses

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The false discovery rate (FDR) is a widely used metric of statistical significance for genomic data analyses that involve multiple hypothesis testing. Power and sample size considerations are important in planning studies that perform these types of genomic data analyses. Here, we propose a three-rectangle approximation of a p-value histogram to derive a formula to compute the statistical power and sample size for analyses that involve the FDR. We also introduce the R package FDRsamplesize2, which incorporates these and other power calculation formulas to compute power for a broad variety of studies not covered by other FDR power calculation software. A few illustrative examples are provided. The FDRsamplesize2 package is available on CRAN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We are concerned with testing replicability hypotheses for many endpoints simultaneously. This constitutes a multiple test problem with composite null hypotheses. Traditional p -values, which are computed under least favorable parameter configurations (LFCs), are over-conservative in the case of composite null hypotheses. As demonstrated in prior work, this poses severe challenges in the multiple testing context, especially when one goal of the statistical analysis is to estimate the proportion π 0 of true null hypotheses. Randomized p -values have been proposed to remedy this issue. In the present work, we discuss the application of randomized p -values in replicability analysis. In particular, we introduce a general class of statistical models for which valid, randomized p -values can be calculated easily. By means of computer simulations, we demonstrate that their usage typically leads to a much more accurate estimation of π 0 than the LFC-based approach. Finally, we apply our proposed methodology to a real data example from genomics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple testing (MT) with false discovery rate (FDR) control has been widely conducted in the \"discrete paradigm\" where p-values have discrete and heterogeneous null distributions. However, in this scenario existing FDR procedures often lose some power and may yield unreliable inference, and for this scenario there does not seem to be an FDR procedure that partitions hypotheses into groups, employs data-adaptive weights and is nonasymptotically conservative. We propose a weighted p-value-based FDR procedure, \"weighted FDR (wFDR) procedure\" for short, for MT in the discrete paradigm that efficiently adapts to both heterogeneity and discreteness of p-value distributions. We theoretically justify the nonasymptotic conservativeness of the wFDR procedure under independence, and show via simulation studies that, for MT based on p-values of binomial test or Fisher\'s exact test, it is more powerful than six other procedures. The wFDR procedure is applied to two examples based on discrete data, a drug safety study, and a differential methylation study, where it makes more discoveries than two existing methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We consider multiple testing with false discovery rate (FDR) control when p values have discrete and heterogeneous null distributions. We propose a new estimator of the proportion of true null hypotheses and demonstrate that it is less upwardly biased than Storey\'s estimator and two other estimators. The new estimator induces two adaptive procedures, that is, an adaptive Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) procedure and an adaptive Benjamini-Hochberg-Heyse (BHH) procedure. We prove that the adaptive BH (aBH) procedure is conservative nonasymptotically. Through simulation studies, we show that these procedures are usually more powerful than their nonadaptive counterparts and that the adaptive BHH procedure is usually more powerful than the aBH procedure and a procedure based on randomized p-value. The adaptive procedures are applied to a study of HIV vaccine efficacy, where they identify more differentially polymorphic positions than the BH procedure at the same FDR level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estimating the proportion of true null hypotheses, π0, has attracted much attention in the recent statistical literature. Besides its apparent relevance for a set of specific scientific hypotheses, an accurate estimate of this parameter is key for many multiple testing procedures. Most existing methods for estimating π0 in the literature are motivated from the independence assumption of test statistics, which is often not true in reality. Simulations indicate that most existing estimators in the presence of the dependence among test statistics can be poor, mainly due to the increase of variation in these estimators. In this paper, we propose several data-driven methods for estimating π0 by incorporating the distribution pattern of the observed p-values as a practical approach to address potential dependence among test statistics. Specifically, we use a linear fit to give a data-driven estimate for the proportion of true-null p-values in (λ, 1] over the whole range [0, 1] instead of using the expected proportion at 1 - λ. We find that the proposed estimators may substantially decrease the variance of the estimated true null proportion and thus improve the overall performance.





