prone play

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motor experiences shape cognitive development in infancy, with the prone position being one such crucial motor experience in the first 6 months of life. Although the motor benefits of the prone position are well-documented, its influence on early cognitive abilities remains insufficiently explored. This study quantified the relationship between prone motor skills and motor-based problem-solving abilities in 48 full-term and preterm infants aged 3-6 months. Prone skills were assessed using the Alberta Infant Motor Scale\'s prone domain. The Assessment of Problem-Solving in Play was utilized to measure motor-based problem-solving by observing how motor actions were used to solve toys. Advanced prone motor skills were correlated with an increase in sophisticated exploration skills and a concurrent decline in lower order exploration skills in all infants, with correlations being stronger in preterm infants. Notably, a 1-point increase in prone skills was associated with a 1.3-point increase in total motor-based problem-solving abilities in all infants. Our findings provide preliminary evidence for the contribution of prone play to cognitive development in infants, prompting considerations for assessment and intervention strategies. Further research is needed to ascertain if the delayed acquisition of prone motor skills is indicative of poor early problem-solving abilities in preterm infants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infant positioning in daily life, particularly in relation to active neck and back muscles, may affect spinal development, psychosocial progression, and motor milestone achievement. Yet the impact of infant body position on muscle activity is unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate neck and back muscle activity of healthy infants in common positions and baby devices. Healthy full-term infants (n = 22, 2-6 months) participated in this experimental study. Daily sleep and positioning were reported by caregivers. Cervical paraspinal and erector spinae muscle activity was measured using surface electromyography (EMG) in five positions: lying prone, lying supine, held in-arms, held in a baby carrier, and buckled into a car seat. Mean filtered EMG signal and time that muscles were active were calculated. Paired t-tests were used to compare positions to the prone condition. Caregivers reported that infants spent 12% of daily awake time prone, 43% in supine-lying baby gear, and 44% held in-arms or upright in a baby carrier. Infants exhibited highest erector spinae activity when prone, and lowest cervical paraspinal muscle activity in the car seat. No differences were found between in-arms carrying and babywearing. This first evaluation of the muscle activity of healthy infants supports the importance of prone time in infants\' early spinal development because it promotes neck and back muscle activity. Carrying babies in-arms or in baby carriers may also be beneficial to neck muscle development, while prolonged time spent in car seats or containment devices may be detrimental to spinal development.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objectives This study aimed to identify predictors of cranial asymmetry. We hypothesize that among infants diagnosed with cranial asymmetry in the sampled region, there is an association between exposure to more time in baby gear and less awake time in prone and side-lying than in infants who do not present with this condition. Methods The study employed a cross sectional survey of caregivers of typically developing infants and infants diagnosed with cranial asymmetry. Results A mutivariable model reveals that caregivers of children who are diagnosed with cranial asymmetry report their children spending significantly less time in prone play than those children without a diagnosis of cranial asymmetry. Side-lying and time spent in baby gear did not attain statistical significance. Conclusions for Practice Occupational therapists, physical therapists, pediatricians, nurses and other health care professionals must provide parents with early education about the importance of varying positions and prone play in infancy and address fears and concerns that may serve as barriers to providing prone playtime.





