
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptive regulation of feeding depends on linkage of internal states and food outcomes with contextual cues. Human brain imaging has identified dysregulation of a hippocampal-lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) network in binge eating, but mechanistic instantiation of underlying cell-types and circuitry is lacking. Here, we identify an evolutionary conserved and discrete Prodynorphin (Pdyn)-expressing subpopulation of Somatostatin (Sst)-expressing inhibitory neurons in the dorsolateral septum (DLS) that receives primarily dorsal, but not ventral, hippocampal inputs. DLS(Pdyn) neurons inhibit LHA GABAergic neurons and confer context- and internal state-dependent calibration of feeding. Viral deletion of Pdyn in the DLS mimicked effects seen with optogenetic silencing of DLS Pdyn INs, suggesting a potential role for DYNORPHIN-KAPPA OPIOID RECEPTOR signaling in contextual regulation of food-seeking. Together, our findings illustrate how the dorsal hippocampus has evolved to recruit an ancient LHA feeding circuit module through Pdyn DLS inhibitory neurons to link contextual information with regulation of food consumption.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Olfactory dysfunctions decrease daily quality of life (QOL) in part by reducing the pleasure of eating. Olfaction plays an essential role in flavor sensation and palatability. The decreased QOL due to olfactory dysfunction is speculated to result from abnormal neural activities in the olfactory and limbic areas of the brain, as well as peripheral odorant receptor dysfunctions. However, the specific underlying neurobiological mechanisms remain unclear. As the olfactory tubercle (OT) is one of the brain\'s regions with high expression of endogenous opioids, we hypothesize that the mechanism underlying the decrease in QOL due to olfactory dysfunction involves the reduction of neural activity in the OT and subsequent endogenous opioid release in specialized subregions. In this review, we provide an overview and recent updates on the OT, the endogenous opioid system, and the pleasure systems in the brain and then discuss our hypothesis. To facilitate the effective treatment of olfactory dysfunctions and decreased QOL, elucidation of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the pleasure of eating through flavor sensation is crucial.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The \"KNDy neurons\" located in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC) of mammals are known to co-express kisspeptin, neurokinin B (NKB), and dynorphin (DYN), and have been identified as key mediators of the feedback regulation of steroid hormones on gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). However, in birds, the genes encoding kisspeptin and its receptor GPR54 are genomic lost, leaving unclear mechanisms for feedback regulation of GnRH by steroid hormones. Here, the genes tachykinin 3 (TAC3) and prodynorphin (PDYN) encoding chicken NKB and DYN neuropeptides were successfully cloned. Temporal expression profiling indicated that TAC3, PDYN and their receptor genes (TACR3, OPRK1) were mainly expressed in the hypothalamus, with significantly higher expression at 30W than at 15W. Furthermore, overexpression or interference of TAC3 and PDYN can regulate the GnRH mRNA expression. In addition, in vivo and in vitro assays showed that estrogen (E2) could promote the mRNA expression of TAC3, PDYN, and GnRH, as well as the secretion of GnRH/LH. Mechanistically, E2 could dimerize the nuclear estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) to regulate the expression of TAC3 and PDYN, which promoted the mRNA and protein expression of GnRH gene as well as the secretion of GnRH. In conclusion, these results revealed that E2 could regulate the GnRH expression through TAC3 and PDYN systems, providing novel insights for reproductive regulation in chickens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Estrogen receptor (ER) α-expressing neurons in the ventrolateral area of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMHvl) are implicated in the control of many behaviors and physiological processes, some of which are sex-specific. Recently, three sex-differentiated ERα subpopulations have been discovered in the VMHvl marked by co-expression with tachikinin1 (Tac1), reprimo (Rprm), or prodynorphin (Pdyn), that may subserve specific functions. These markers show sex differences in adulthood: females have many more Tac1/Esr1 and Rprm/Esr1 co-expressing cells, while males have more Pdyn/Esr1 cells. In this study, we sought to understand the development of these sex differences and pinpoint the sex-differentiating signal. We examined developmental changes in the number of Esr1 cells co-expressing Tac1, Rprm or Pdyn using single-molecule in situ hybridization. We found that both sexes have similarly high numbers of Tac1/Esr1 and Rprm/Esr1 cells at birth, but newborn males have many more Pdyn/Esr1 cells than females. However, the number of cells with Tac1/Esr1 and Rprm/Esr1 co-expression markedly decreases by weaning in males, but not females, leading to sex differences in neurochemical expression. Female mice administered testosterone at birth have expression patterns akin to male mice. Thus, a substantial neurochemical reorganization of the VMHvl occurs in males between birth and weaning that likely underlies the previously reported sex differences in behavioral and physiological responses to estrogens in adulthood.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) consists of a heterogeneous population of neurons that respond to painful stimuli, and our understanding of how different pain models alter these specific mPFC cell types remains incomplete. A distinct subpopulation of mPFC neurons express prodynorphin (Pdyn+), the endogenous peptide agonist for kappa opioid receptors (KORs). Here, we used whole cell patch clamp for studying excitability changes to Pdyn expressing neurons in the prelimbic region of the mPFC (PLPdyn+ neurons) in mouse models of surgical and neuropathic pain. Our recordings revealed that PLPdyn+ neurons consist of both pyramidal and inhibitory cell types. We find that the plantar incision model (PIM) of surgical pain increases intrinsic excitability only in pyramidal PLPdyn+ neurons one day after incision. Following recovery from incision, excitability of pyramidal PLPdyn+ neurons did not differ between male PIM and sham mice, but was decreased in PIM female mice. Moreover, the excitability of inhibitory PLPdyn+ neurons was increased in male PIM mice, but was with no difference between female sham and PIM mice. In the spared nerve injury model (SNI), pyramidal PLPdyn+ neurons were hyperexcitable at both 3 days and 14 days after SNI. However, inhibitory PLPdyn+ neurons were hypoexcitable at 3 days but hyperexcitable at 14 days after SNI. Our findings suggest different subtypes of PLPdyn+ neurons manifest distinct alterations in the development of different pain modalities and are regulated by surgical pain in a sex-specific manner. Our study provides information on a specific neuronal population that is affected by surgical and neuropathic pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The crosstalk between the opioidergic system and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) has a critical role in mediating stress-induced behaviors related to the pathophysiology of anxiety. The present study evaluated the basal status and stress-induced alterations of cortico-thalamic MAPKs and other cell fate-related signaling pathways potentially underlying the anxiogenic endophenotype of PDYN gene-deficient mice. Compared to littermates, PDYN knockout (KO) mice had lower cortical and or thalamic amounts of the phospho-activated MAPKs c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK1/2) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2). Similarly, PDYN-KO animals displayed reduced cortico-thalamic densities of total and phosphorylated (at Ser191) species of the cell fate regulator Fas-associated protein with death domain (FADD) without alterations in the Fas receptor. Exposure to acute restraint and chronic mild stress stimuli induced the robust stimulation of JNK1/2 and ERK1/2 MAPKs, FADD, and Akt-mTOR pathways, without apparent increases in apoptotic rates. Interestingly, PDYN deficiency prevented stress-induced JNK1/2 and FADD but not ERK1/2 or Akt-mTOR hyperactivations. These findings suggest that cortico-thalamic MAPK- and FADD-dependent neuroplasticity might be altered in PDYN-KO mice. In addition, the results also indicate that the PDYN gene (and hence dynorphin release) may be required to stimulate JNK1/2 and FADD (but not ERK1/2 or Akt/mTOR) pathways under environmental stress conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Self-injurious behavior (SIB) can lead to serious injury and occurs in approximately 1%-4% of the adult population, with higher incidences in adolescent and institutionalized populations, as well as in children with developmental disorders such as Autism. SIB also spontaneously occurs in a low percentage of captive monkeys. Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) monkeys are evolutionarily and physiologically similar to humans, share 93% genetic sequence similarity to humans, and have long been used as testing subjects for vaccine and clinical trials. Previous studies hypothesized that altered endogenous opioid expression occurs in the brains of individuals and animals that self-injure. We examined the regional mRNA expression of opioid signaling genes in sixteen rhesus macaques that exhibited SIB and eight sex- and age- matched controls. The brain regions examined are linked to reward reinforcement and stress adaptation including the hypothalamus, orbital frontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, hippocampus, caudate, and the amygdala. We found decreased μ-opioid receptor (OPRM1) in the amygdala of monkeys with SIB, and reduced prodynorphin (PDYN) in the hypothalamus. Our data suggest dysfunction in the regulation of opioid peptide precursors and calls for further investigation of the endogenous opioid system in SIB.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The olfactory tubercle (OT) is a striatal region that receives olfactory inputs. mRNAs of prodynorphin (Pdyn) and preproenkephalin (Penk), precursors of dynorphins and enkephalins, respectively, are strongly expressed in the striatum. Both produce opioid peptides with various physiological effects such as pain relief and euphoria. Recent studies have revealed that OT has anatomical and cytoarchitectonic domains that play different roles in odor-induced motivated behavior. Neuronal subtypes of the OT can be distinguished by their expression of the dopamine receptors D1 (Drd1) and D2 (Drd2). Here, we addressed whether and which type of opioid peptide precursors the D1- and D2-expressing neurons in the OT express. We used multiple fluorescence in situ hybridization for mRNAs of the opioid precursors and dopamine receptors to characterize mouse OT neurons. Pdyn was mainly expressed by Drd1-expressing cells in the dense cell layer (DCL) of the OT, whereas Penk was expressed primarily by Drd2-expressing cells in the DCL. We also confirmed the presence of a larger population of Pdyn-Penk-Drd1 co-expressing cells in the DCL of the anteromedial OT compared with the anterolateral OT. These observations will help understand whether and how dynorphins and enkephalins in the OT are involved in diverse odor-induced motivated behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Short tandem repeats (STRs) and variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs) that have been identified at approximately 0.7 and 0.5 million loci in the human genome, respectively, are highly multi-allelic variations rather than single-nucleotide polymorphisms. The number of repeats of more than a few thousand STRs was associated with the expression of nearby genes, indicating that STRs are influential genetic variations in human traits. Analgesics act on the central nervous system via their intrinsic receptors to produce analgesic effects. In the present study, we focused on STRs and VNTRs in the CNR1, GRIN2A, PENK, and PDYN genes and analyzed two peripheral pain sensation-related traits and seven analgesia-related traits in postoperative pain management. A total of 192 volunteers who underwent the peripheral pain sensation tests and 139 and 252 patients who underwent open abdominal and orthognathic cosmetic surgeries, respectively, were included in the study. None of the four STRs or VNTRs were associated with peripheral pain sensation. Short tandem repeats in the CNR1, GRIN2A, and PENK genes were associated with the frequency of fentanyl use, fentanyl dose, and visual analog scale pain scores 3 h after orthognathic cosmetic surgery (Spearman\'s rank correlation coefficient ρ = 0.199, p = 0.002, ρ = 0.174, p = 0.006, and ρ = 0.135, p = 0.033, respectively), analgesic dose, including epidural analgesics after open abdominal surgery (ρ = -0.200, p = 0.018), and visual analog scale pain scores 24 h after orthognathic cosmetic surgery (ρ = 0.143, p = 0.023), respectively. The associations between STRs in the CNR1 gene and the frequency of fentanyl use and fentanyl dose after orthognathic cosmetic surgery were confirmed by Holm\'s multiple-testing correction. These findings indicate that STRs in the CNR1 gene influence analgesia in the orofacial region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this secondary analysis was to identify prodynorphin (PDYN) genetic markers moderating the therapeutic response to treatment of cocaine dependence with buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone®; BUP).
    METHODS: Cocaine-dependent participants (N = 302) were randomly assigned to a platform of injectable, extended-release naltrexone (XR-NTX) and one of three daily medication arms: 4 mg BUP (BUP4), 16 mg BUP (BUP16), or placebo (PLB) for 8 weeks (Parent Trial Registration: Protocol ID: NIDA-CTN-0048, Clinical ID: NCT01402492). DNA was obtained from 277 participants. Treatment response was determined from weeks 3 to 7 over each 1-week period by the number of cocaine-positive urines per total possible urines.
    RESULTS: In the cross-ancestry group, the PLB group had more cocaine-positive urines than the BUP16 group (P = 0.0021). The interactions of genetic variant × treatment were observed in the rs1022563 A-allele carrier group where the BUP16 group (N = 35) had fewer cocaine-positive urines (P = 0.0006) than did the PLB group (N = 26) and in the rs1997794 A-allele carrier group where the BUP16 group (N = 49) had fewer cocaine-positive urines (P = 0.0003) than did the PLB group (N = 58). No difference was observed in the rs1022563 GG or rs1997794 GG genotype groups between the BUP16 and PLB groups. In the African American-ancestry subgroup, only the rs1022563 A-allele carrier group was associated with treatment response.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that PDYN variants may identify patients who are best suited to treatment with XR-NTX plus buprenorphine for cocaine use disorder pharmacotherapy.





