primary human airway epithelial cells

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rhinoviruses (RVs) are major instigators of acute exacerbations of asthma, COPD, and other respiratory diseases. RVs are categorized into three species (RV-A, RV-B, and RV-C), which comprise more than 160 serotypes, making it difficult to develop an effective vaccine. Currently, no effective treatment for RV infection is available. Pulmonary surfactant is an extracellular complex of lipids and proteins that plays a central role in regulating innate immunity in the lung. The minor pulmonary surfactant lipids, palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylglycerol (POPG) and phosphatidylinositol (PI), are potent regulators of inflammatory processes and exert antiviral activity against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza A viruses (IAV). In the current study, we examined the potencies of POPG and PI against rhinovirus A16 (RV-A16) in primary human airway epithelial cells (AECs) differentiated at an air-liquid interface (ALI). After AECs were infected with RV-A16, PI reduced the viral RNA copy number by 70% and downregulated (55-75%) the expression of antiviral (MDA5, IRF7, and IFN-lambda) and CXCL11 chemokine genes. In contrast, POPG only slightly decreased MDA5 (24%) and IRF7 (11%) gene expression but did not inhibit IFN-lambda gene expression or RV-A16 replication in AECs. However, both POPG and PI inhibited (50-80%) IL6 gene expression and protein secretion and CXCL11 protein secretion. PI treatment dramatically attenuated global gene expression changes induced by RV-A16 infection alone in AECs. The observed inhibitory effects were indirect and resulted mainly from the inhibition of virus replication. Cell-type enrichment analysis of viral-regulated genes opposed by PI treatment revealed the PI-inhibited viral induction of goblet cell metaplasia and the virus-induced downregulation of ciliated, club, and ionocyte cell types. Notably, the PI treatment also altered the ability of RV-A16 to regulate the expression of some phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (PI4K); acyl-CoA-binding, domain-containing (ACBD); and low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) genes that play critical roles in the formation and functioning of replication organelles (ROs) required for RV replication in host cells. These data suggest PI can be used as a potent, non-toxic, antiviral agent for RV infection prophylaxis and treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In-vitro models of differentiated primary human airway epithelial cells are a valuable tool to study severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. Through the use of these models, it has been shown that the expression of SARS-CoV-2 entry genes in human airway epithelia is influenced by various factors such as age, sex, smoking status, and pathogenic conditions. In this study, we aimed to determine the effects of cell culture conditions and donor demographic and clinical characteristics on the expression of SARS-CoV-2 entry genes including angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2), cathepsin L (CTSL), and tyrosine protein kinase receptor UFO (AXL) in primary airway epithelial cells.
    UNASSIGNED: Eleven lung cancer patients with or without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma were recruited. Human bronchial epithelial cells (HBEC) or small airway epithelial cells (SAEC) isolated from submerged or air-liquid interface (ALI) cultures were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR. We also tested for correlations with clinical data.
    UNASSIGNED: In ALI cultures, the expression of AXL was significantly higher in HBEC than in SAEC. In addition, the expression of ACE2, TMPRSS2, and CTSL was significantly increased in both HBEC and SAEC differentiated under ALI conditions compared with the submerged culture. Negligible association was found between the expression of SARS-CoV-2 entry genes in SAEC and the age, sex, smoking status, and complication of COPD, asthma or hypertension of the cell donors.
    UNASSIGNED: These results demonstrate that the expression of SARS-CoV-2 entry genes in differentiated primary airway epithelial cells in-vitro is much more influenced by individual culture conditions than by specific characteristics of individual donors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants and the replacement of preceding isolates have been observed through B.1.1.7, B.1.351, B.1.617.2, and B.1.1.529 lineages (corresponding to alpha, beta, delta, and omicron variants of concern (VoC), respectively). However, there is still a lack of biological evidence to which extent those VoC differ from the ancestral lineages. By exploiting human airway epithelial cell (HAEC) cultures, which closely resemble the human airway architecture and physiology, we report distinctive SARS-CoV-2 tropism in different respiratory tissues. In general, SARS-CoV-2 VoC predominantly infect and replicate in HAEC better than the progenitor USA-WA1 isolate or the BavPat1 isolate, which contains the D614G mutation, even though there is little to no difference between variants regarding their infectivity (i.e., virion-per-vRNA copy ratio). We also observe differential tissue-specific innate immunity activation between the upper and lower respiratory tissues in the presence of the virus. Our study provides better comprehension of the behavior of the different VoC in this physiologically relevant ex vivo model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are, besides remdesivir, no approved antivirals for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infections. To aid in the search for antivirals against this virus, we explored the use of human tracheal airway epithelial cells (HtAEC) and human small airway epithelial cells (HsAEC) grown at the air-liquid interface (ALI). These cultures were infected at the apical side with one of two different SARS-CoV-2 isolates. Each virus was shown to replicate to high titers for extended periods of time (at least 8 days) and, in particular an isolate with the D614G in the spike (S) protein did so more efficiently at 35 °C than 37 °C. The effect of a selected panel of reference drugs that were added to the culture medium at the basolateral side of the system was explored. Remdesivir, GS-441524 (the parent nucleoside of remdesivir), EIDD-1931 (the parent nucleoside of molnupiravir) and IFN (β1 and λ1) all resulted in dose-dependent inhibition of viral RNA and infectious virus titers collected at the apical side. However, AT-511 (the free base form of AT-527 currently in clinical testing) failed to inhibit viral replication in these in vitro primary cell models. Together, these results provide a reference for further studies aimed at selecting SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors for further preclinical and clinical development.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Excessive inflammation triggered by a hitherto undescribed mechanism is a hallmark of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections and is associated with enhanced pathogenicity and mortality.
    Complement hyperactivation promotes lung injury and was observed in patients suffering from Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus, SARS-CoV-1, and SARS-CoV-2 infections. Therefore, we investigated the very first interactions of primary human airway epithelial cells on exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in terms of complement component 3 (C3)-mediated effects.
    For this, we used highly differentiated primary human 3-dimensional tissue models infected with SARS-CoV-2 patient isolates. On infection, viral load, viral infectivity, intracellular complement activation, inflammatory mechanisms, and tissue destruction were analyzed by real-time RT-PCR, high content screening, plaque assays, luminex analyses, and transepithelial electrical resistance measurements.
    Here, we show that primary normal human bronchial and small airway epithelial cells respond to SARS-CoV-2 infection by an inflated local C3 mobilization. SARS-CoV-2 infection resulted in exaggerated intracellular complement activation and destruction of the epithelial integrity in monolayer cultures of primary human airway cells and highly differentiated, pseudostratified, mucus-producing, ciliated respiratory tissue models. SARS-CoV-2-infected 3-dimensional cultures secreted significantly higher levels of C3a and the proinflammatory cytokines IL-6, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, IL-1α, and RANTES.
    Crucially, we illustrate here for the first time that targeting the anaphylotoxin receptors C3a receptor and C5a receptor in nonimmune respiratory cells can prevent intrinsic lung inflammation and tissue damage. This opens up the exciting possibility in the treatment of COVID-19.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Significant progress has been achieved in developing precision therapies for cystic fibrosis; however, highly effective treatments that target the ion channel, CFTR, are not yet available for many patients. As numerous CFTR therapeutics are currently in the clinical pipeline, reliable screening tools capable of predicting drug efficacy to support individualized treatment plans and translational research are essential. The utilization of bronchial, nasal, and rectal tissues from individual cystic fibrosis patients for drug testing using in vitro assays such as electrophysiological measurements of CFTR activity and evaluation of fluid movement in spheroid cultures, has advanced the prediction of patient-specific responses. However, for precise prediction of drug effects, in vitro models of CFTR rescue should incorporate the inflamed cystic fibrosis airway environment and mimic the complex tissue structures of airway epithelia. Furthermore, novel assays that monitor other aspects of successful CFTR rescue such as restoration of mucus characteristics, which is important for predicting mucociliary clearance, will allow for better prognoses of successful therapies in vivo. Additional cystic fibrosis treatment strategies are being intensively explored, such as development of drugs that target other ion channels, and novel technologies including pluripotent stem cells, gene therapy, and gene editing. The multiple therapeutic approaches available to treat the basic defect in cystic fibrosis combined with relevant precision medicine models provide a framework for identifying optimal and sustained treatments that will benefit all cystic fibrosis patients.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The choice of model used to study human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is extremely important. RSV is a human pathogen that is exquisitely adapted to infection of human hosts. Rodent models, such as mice and cotton rats, are semi-permissive to RSV infection and do not faithfully reproduce hallmarks of RSV disease in humans. Furthermore, immortalized airway-derived cell lines, such as HEp-2, BEAS-2B, and A549 cells, are poorly representative of the complexity of the respiratory epithelium. The development of a well-differentiated primary pediatric airway epithelial cell models (WD-PAECs) allows us to simulate several hallmarks of RSV infection of infant airways. They therefore represent important additions to RSV pathogenesis modeling in human-relevant tissues. The following protocols describe how to culture and differentiate both bronchial and nasal primary pediatric airway epithelial cells and how to use these cultures to study RSV cytopathogenesis.





