price control

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: The Pilot Plan of National Centralized Volume-Based Procurement (NCVBP) was adopted to cope with the rapid increase in drug expenditures. This research aimed to quantitatively evaluate the impact of the NCVBP on antiviral medications for the hepatitis B virus. Methods: Data on nucleoside analogs (NAs) medications of hepatitis B virus monthly procurement records in the pilot cities from January 2018 to December 2019 were extracted from the China Drug Supply Information Platform (CDSIP). The impacts of the NCVBP on purchased volumes, expenditures, and pre-defined daily dose costs were evaluated by interrupted time-series (ITS) analysis using Stata 16.0. We constructed two segments with one interruptive point (March 2019). Results: Compared to the same period between pre-and post-intervention, the purchased volume of NAs medications were increased by 92.85%, and selected medications were increased by 119.09%. Analysis of changes in the level of NAs medication followed a decrease in purchased expenditure (coefficient: 5364.88, p < 0.001), meanwhile, the purchased volume was increased with statistical significance (coefficient:605.49, p < 0.001). The Defined Daily Dose cost (DDDc) of NAs medication followed a decrease (coefficient: 8.90, p < 0.001). The NCVBP reform was followed by an increase of 618.41 ten thousand Defined Daily Dose (DDD) (p < 0.001) in purchased volume and a reduction of 5273.84 ten thousand Chinese Yuan (CNY) (p < 0.001) in the purchased expenditure of selected medications in the level. The DDDc of selected medications decreased in the level (coefficient: 9.87, p < 0.001), while the DDDc of alternative medications increased in the slope (coefficient:0.07, p = 0.030). The purchased volume and expenditure of bid-winning products increased by 964.08 ten thousand DDD and 637.36 ten thousand CNY in the level (p < 0.001). An increase of 633.46 ten thousand DDD (p < 0.001) in purchased volume and a reduction of 4285.32 ten thousand CNY (p < 0.001) in the purchased expenditure of generic drugs in the level was observed. Conclusion: The NCVBP reduced the DDDc of NAs medication, improved the utilization of the selected medications, and promoted the usage of generic products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In India, due to a lack of population-level financial risk protection mechanisms, the expenditure on healthcare is primarily out-of-pocket in nature. Through Drug Price Control Orders (DPCOs), the Indian Government attempts to keep medicine prices under check. The aim of this study was to measure the potential impact of DPCO 2013 on the utilization of antibiotics under price regulation in India using large nationally representative pharmaceutical sales data.
    METHODS: We used interrupted time series analysis, a quasi-experimental research design to estimate the impact of DPCO 2013 on the utilization of antibiotics in the private sector in India. Indian pharmaceutical sales data set, PharmaTrac from a market research company-All Indian Origin Chemists and Distributors Limited-was used for the study. The data are collected from a panel of around 18,000 stockists across 23 different regions of the country. The primary outcome measure is the percentage change (increase or decrease) in the sales volume of the antibiotics under DPCO 2013, measured in standard units (SUs).
    RESULTS: Our estimates suggest that post-intervention (after notification of DPCO 2013) there was an immediate reduction (level change) in the sales of antibiotics under DPCO 2013 by 3.7% (P > 0.05), followed by a sustained decline (trend change) of 0.3% (P > 0.05) as compared to the pre-intervention trend at the molecule level, but both changes were statistically insignificant. However, in terms of \'average monthly market share,\' the DPCO 2013 notification resulted in a sharp reduction of 579% (P < 0.05) (level change) followed by a sustained increase of 9.5% (P > 0.05) (trend change) in the \'market share of antibiotics under DPCO\' as compared to pre-intervention trend.
    CONCLUSIONS: The impact of DPCO 2013 in terms of the overall increase in the utilization of antibiotics under price regulation was limited but there was a switch from non-price controlled antibiotics to price regulated antibiotics (notified under DPCO 2013). We argue that policies on price control need to be complemented with continuous monitoring of market behavior to have a measurable and long-term impact.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Centralizing procurement for prescription drugs has the potential to reduce drug spending by creating economies of scale and by improving purchasing power. In March 2019, the Chinese government launched a volume-based purchasing (VBP) pilot program using a competitive bidding process to purchase accredited generic drugs for which branded drug substitutes were available. We performed an interrupted time-series design to estimate the change in monthly drug purchase quantity and spending comparing 14 months before and 7 months after the VBP pilot. We obtained monthly prescription drug purchase data for all purchases from public medical institutions in the three large pilot cities (Beijing, Shanghai and Xi\'an) and two non-pilot cities (Changsha and Zhengzhou) between January 2018 to September 2019. We used negative binomial regression and log-linked Gamma Generalized Linear Model for purchase quantity and spending respectively. We evaluated heterogeneity of impact by pilot city, drug type (selected or non-selected drugs), and therapeutic class (cardiovascular disease, mental disorder and cancer) separately. The implementation of the pilot reform was associated with a 132% (95%-CI: 104-165%, p < 0.001) increase in the purchase quantity of selected drugs in pilot cities compared to an 17% decrease (95%-CI: 9-25%, p < 0.001) in control cities. In contrast, the purchase quantity of branded and other drugs in pilot cities decreased by 38% (95%-CI: 27-46%, p < 0.001) and 77% (95%-CI: 71-81%, p < 0.001), respectively; while in control cities, these remained at similar levels. Overall, in pilot cities, there was a 35% (95%-CI: 28-41%, p < 0.001) decrease in the purchase spending for all drugs in the first post-policy month, from 8.1 billion CNY estimated in the absence of VBP down to 5.3 billion CNY; in control cities, the change was negligible. The largest reduction in spending occurred for drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The evidence suggests a positive impact of the VBP pilot in reducing overall drug spending and increasing the use of accredited generics in three pilot cities. This overall trend is not observed in two non-pilot cities. Assessments of long-term impact of the VBP policy on additional key outcomes including drug prescriptions, drug utilization, patients\' health outcomes and payments on drugs are needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To control pharmaceutical spending and improve access, the United States could adopt strategies similar to those introduced in Germany by the 2011 German Pharmaceutical Market Reorganization Act. In Germany, manufacturers sell new drugs immediately upon receiving marketing approval. During the first year, the German Federal Joint Committee assesses new drugs to determine their added medical benefit. It assigns them a score indicating their added benefit. New drugs comparable to drugs in a reference price group are assigned to that group and receive the same reimbursement, unless they are therapeutically superior. The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds then negotiates with manufacturers the maximum reimbursement starting the 13th month, consistent with the drug\'s added benefit assessment and price caps in other European countries. In the absence of agreement, an arbitration board sets the price. Manufacturers accept the price resolution or exit the market. Thereafter, prices generally are not increased, even for inflation. US public and private insurers control prices in diverse ways, but typically obtain discounts by designating certain drugs as preferred and by restricting patient access or charging high copayment for nonpreferred drugs. This article draws 10 lessons for drug pricing reform in US federal programs and private insurance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To control the surging prices of KF94 masks amid the Covid-19 pandemic in South Korea, the government mandated 80% of medical masks to be sold as \"public masks\" at a fixed price. The mask prices came down quickly, ensuring public health and suppressing the spread of the pandemic, and the sales of KF94 masks reverted to the free market system on July 12, 2020. This paper aims to evaluate the unintended consequence of public masks to mitigate any negative effects for future deployment.
    UNASSIGNED: The relationship between the offline and online prices of KF94 masks and the production quantity of medical masks was estimated using the data after July 12, 2020 (the \"free market\" period), and, given the regression results, counterfactual analyses were conducted to predict what the offline and online prices of KF94 masks would have been before July 12, 2020 (the \"public masks\" period) had the sales of medical masks reverted to the free market system a month earlier than July 12, 2020.
    UNASSIGNED: The prolonged deployment of public masks distorted the ratio of offline and online prices of KF94 masks and kept the prices artificially high at its later stage. How much higher? The online price of privately sold KF94 masks would have been roughly thirty to forty percent lower and the offline price roughly three to four percent lower if public masks ended four weeks earlier.
    UNASSIGNED: The government intervention achieved its intended consequence of controlling the surging prices of KF94 masks at the early days of Covid-19, but the prolonged use of public masks had the unintended consequence of distorting market outcomes. The lesson? The government intervention should be kept brief, and the free market system should return as soon as the crisis subsides.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To control costs and improve access, nations can adopt strategies employed in the United Kingdom to control pharmaceutical prices and spending. Current policy evolved from a system created in 1957 that allowed manufacturers to set launch prices, capped manufacturers\' rates of return, and later cut list prices. These policies did not effectively control spending and had limited effects on purchase prices. The United Kingdom currently controls pharmaceutical spending in 4 ways. (a) Since 1999, it has typically paid no more than is cost-effective. (b) Since 2017, for medicines that will have a significant budget impact, National Health Service England seeks discounts from cost-effective prices or seeks to limit access for 2 years to patients with the greatest need. (c) Since 2014, statutes and a voluntary scheme have required branded manufacturers to pay the government rebates to recoup the difference between the global pharmaceutical budget and actual spending. (d) For hospitals, generics and some patented drugs are procured through competitive bidding; community pharmacies are reimbursed through a system that provides an incentive to beat average generic market prices. These policies controlled the growth of spending, with the largest effects following budget controls in 2014. Changes since 2008 have reduced savings, first by paying more than is cost-effective for cancer drugs and then by applying higher cost-effectiveness thresholds for some drugs used to treat cancer and certain other drugs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In February 2017, India capped the retail price of coronary stents and restricted the channel margin to bring Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) procedure, which uses coronary stents, within reach of millions of patients who previously could not afford it. Prior research shows that care providers respond to such regulations in a way that compensates for their loss in profits because of price control. Therefore, price control policies often introduce unintended consequences, such as distortions in clinical decision making. We investigate such distortions through empirical analysis of claims data from a representative public insurance program in the Indian state of Karnataka. Our data comprises 25,769 insurance claims from 69 private and seven public hospitals from February 2016 to February 2018. The public insurance context is ideal for investigating distortions in clinical decisions as the price paid by patients, and thereby access to the treatment, does not change after price control. We find that the change in the average volume of PTCA procedures per hospital per month after price control disproportionately increased when compared to the change in the clinical alternative - Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) procedures. This increase corresponds to 6% of the average number of PTCA procedures and 28% of the average number of CABG procedures before the price control. In addition, disproportionate increase in PTCA procedures occurred only among private hospitals, indicating the possibility of profit-maximization intentions driving the clinical choices. Such clinical distortions can have negative implications for patient health outcomes in the long run. We discuss alternative policies to improve access and affordability to healthcare products and services which are likely to not suffer from similar distortions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study was to examine the impact of medicines price regulation (Drug Price Control Order, 2013) on the market share of atorvastatin in the Indian retail market for statins.
    All Indian states, January 2012 to December 2015.
    Quasi-experimental-interrupted time series analysis.
    Pharmaceutical sales audit data set from IMS Health (now IQVIA) for the 48-month period from January 2012 to December 2015.
    Share of atorvastatin (in percentage) in the Indian market for statins in terms of sales volumes.
    We observed that the price regulation notification (Drug Price Control Orders, 2013) was associated with 0.12% (p<0.001; 95% CI 0.06 to 0.18) increase in the trend of the average monthly market share of atorvastatin (5 mg and 10 mg). After 31 months of price ceilings notification, the average market share of atorvastatin was 3.41% higher than would have been expected had the price ceilings not been notified. In sensitivity analysis, with a control, our findings remain robust, we observed a 0.16% (p<0.001; 95% CI 0.08 to 0.24) rise in the trend of average monthly market share of atorvastatin (5 mg and 10 mg) as compared with the change in the control.
    Price control as a public intervention did improve the relative sales of atorvastatin in the statin market in India.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To identify the effect of price control policies on drug expenditure in South Korea.
    METHODS: We retrospectively examined the effects of price-reduction policies on drug expenditures, in particular regarding anti-hyperlipidemic drugs. The National Health Insurance claims data for a 60-month period between 2006 and 2010 were analysed. A segmented regression analysis was conducted with three intervention variables: July 2008, April 2009, and January 2010.
    RESULTS: Despite three rounds of price cuts, monthly drug expenditures increased by KRW 599.67 million (USD 523,726) after the third intervention (p=0.0781). The trend in volume increased consistently, but not significantly. The unit prices showed a steady downward trend over time, but rebounded after the third price cut. The number of patients with hyperlipidemia more than doubled to 3729 (p=0.0801) per month after the entry of generics for atorvastatin in July 2008.
    CONCLUSIONS: Extensive price controls did not effectively suppress the growth of pharmaceutical expenditures. The increased number of patients, attributable to the newly launched generic drug atorvastatin, and the increased use of expensive drugs were major factors affecting the increase in drug spending. Policies that regulate both drug prices and utilisation, and that reduce financial burdens via enhanced use of generics need to be introduced.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: No pricing formula has been implemented from November 2002 to date in Sri Lanka. Therefore, we initiated a study in 2003 to determine the prices, availability and affordability of medicines in the private sector of Sri Lanka in the absence of a price control.
    METHODS: The World Health Organization/Health Action International methodology was used. The study was conducted in retail pharmacies (Rajya Osu Sala) of State Pharmaceuticals Corporation (semigovernment) and privately owned retail pharmacies (n = 15) in 2003, 2006 and 2009 in a geographical area. Essential medicines (n = 28) were studied and, for each medicine, innovator, most sold generic and cheapest generic were monitored. The medicine\'s median price was compared with the international reference prices (IRP) to obtain the median price ratio. The daily wage of the lowest-paid government worker was used to calculate affordability.
    RESULTS: Innovators were five to six-times the IRP at privately owned pharmacies and four to seven-times at the Rajya Osu Sala. The prices of generics were ≤1 the IRP during 6 years in privately owned and Rajya Osu Sala pharmacies. Cheapest generics were high in availability (>80%) throughout the study period. Innovators cost more than a day\'s wage of the lowest-paid government worker; in contrast, generics were always less than one day\'s wage. There seems to be no difference in affordability between privately owned or semigovernment pharmacies.
    CONCLUSIONS: In Sri Lanka, generic medicines have effective pricing and are available and affordable. No drastic changes in prices of medicine in the private sector were observed over the 6 years despite removal of price control.





