preprophase band

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In plant vegetative tissues, cell division employs a mitotic microtubule array called the preprophase band (PPB) that marks the cortical division site. This transient cytoskeletal array imprints the spatial information to be read by the cytokinetic phragmoplast at later stages of mitotic cell division. In Arabidopsis thaliana, we discovered that the PPB recruited the Myosin XI motor MYA1/Myo11F to the cortical division site, where it joined microtubule-associated proteins and motors to form a ring of prominent cytoskeletal assemblies that received the expanding phragmoplast. Such a myosin localization pattern at the cortical division site was dependent on the POK1/2 Kinesin-12 motors. This regulatory function of MYA1/Myo11F in phragmoplast guidance was dependent on intact actin filaments. The discovery of these cytoskeletal motor assemblies pinpoints a mechanism underlying how two dynamic cytoskeletal networks work in concert to govern PPB-dependent division plane orientation in flowering plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Division plane positioning is crucial for proper growth and development in many organisms. In plants, the division plane is established before mitosis, by accumulation of a cytoskeletal structure called the preprophase band (PPB). The PPB is thought to be essential for recruitment of division site-localized proteins, which remain at the division site after the PPB disassembles. Here, we show that the division site-localized protein TANGLED1 (TAN1) is recruited independently of the PPB to the cell cortex by the plant cytokinetic machinery, the phragmoplast, from experiments using both the PPB-defective mutant discordia1 (dcd1) and chemical treatments that disrupt the phragmoplast in maize. TAN1 recruitment to de novo sites on the cortex is partially dependent on intact actin filaments and the myosin XI motor protein OPAQUE1 (O1). These data imply a yet unknown role for TAN1 and possibly other division site-localized proteins during the last stages of cell division when the phragmoplast touches the cell cortex to complete cytokinesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant morphogenesis largely depends on the orientation and rate of cell division and elongation, and their coordination at all levels of organization. Despite recent progresses in the comprehension of pathways controlling division plane determination in plant cells, many pieces are missing to the puzzle. For example, we have a partial comprehension of formation, function and evolutionary significance of the preprophase band, a plant-specific cytoskeletal array involved in premitotic setup of the division plane, as well as the role of the nucleus and its connection to the preprophase band of microtubules. Likewise, several modeling studies point to a strong relationship between cell shape and division geometry, but the emergence of such geometric rules from the molecular and cellular pathways at play are still obscure. Yet, recent imaging technologies and genetic tools hold a lot of promise to tackle these challenges and to revisit old questions with unprecedented resolution in space and time.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Division plane positioning is critical for proper growth and development in many organisms. In plants, the division plane is established before mitosis, by accumulation of a cytoskeletal structure called the preprophase band (PPB). The PPB is thought to be essential for recruitment of division site localized proteins, which remain at the division site after the PPB disassembles. Here, we show that a division site localized protein, TANGLED1 (TAN1), is recruited independently of the PPB to the cell cortex at sites, by the plant cytokinetic machinery, the phragmoplast. TAN1 recruitment to de novo sites on the cortex is partially dependent on intact actin filaments and the myosin XI motor protein OPAQUE1 (O1). These data imply a yet unknown role for TAN1 and possibly other division site localized proteins during the last stages of cell division when the phragmoplast touches the cell cortex to complete cytokinesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Asymmetric cell division generates different cell types and is a feature of development in multicellular organisms. Prior to asymmetric cell division, cell polarity is established. Maize (Zea mays) stomatal development serves as an excellent plant model system for asymmetric cell division, especially the asymmetric division of the subsidiary mother cell (SMC). In SMCs, the nucleus migrates to a polar location after the accumulation of polarly localized proteins but before the appearance of the preprophase band. We examined a mutant of an outer nuclear membrane protein that is part of the LINC (linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton) complex that localizes to the nuclear envelope in interphase cells. Previously, maize linc kash sine-like2 (mlks2) was observed to have abnormal stomata. We confirmed and identified the precise defects that lead to abnormal asymmetric divisions. Proteins that are polarly localized in SMCs prior to division polarized normally in mlks2. However, polar localization of the nucleus was sometimes impaired, even in cells that have otherwise normal polarity. This led to a misplaced preprophase band and atypical division planes. MLKS2 localized to mitotic structures; however, the structure of the preprophase band, spindle, and phragmoplast appeared normal in mlks2. Time-lapse imaging revealed that mlks2 has defects in premitotic nuclear migration toward the polarized site and unstable position at the division site after formation of the preprophase band. Overall, our results show that nuclear envelope proteins promote premitotic nuclear migration and stable nuclear position and that the position of the nucleus influences division plane establishment in asymmetrically dividing cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The preprophase band (PPB) is a transient cytokinetic structure that marks the future division plane at the onset of mitosis. The PPB forms a dense cortical ring of mainly microtubules, actin filaments, endoplasmic reticulum, and associated proteins that encircles the nucleus of mitotic cells. After PPB disassembly, the positional information is preserved by the cortical division zone (CDZ). The formation of the PPB and its contribution to timely CDZ set-up involves activities of functionally distinct microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) that interact physically and genetically to support robust division plane orientation in plants. Recent studies identified two types of plant-specific MAPs as key regulators of PPB formation, the TON1 RECRUITMENT MOTIF (TRM) and IQ67 DOMAIN (IQD) families. Both families share hallmarks of disordered scaffold proteins. Interactions of IQDs and TRMs with multiple binding partners, including the microtubule severing KATANIN1, may provide a molecular framework to coordinate PPB formation, maturation, and disassembly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of a series of elite maize hybrids has greatly increased crop yield in the past decades. Parental lines of these hybrids usually come from different heterotic groups and contain many genetic differences. Identifications of important quantitative trait genes in the elite hybrids can extend our understanding of heterosis and also help to guide genetic improvement. Here, we mapped a major quantitative trait locus using a linkage population from an elite maize hybrid Zhengdan958 and identified ZmLNG1 as the causative gene controlling multiple morphologic traits in maize. A 6-kb deletion in one parental line of the hybrid leads to the fusion of ZmLNG1 with its nearby gene. The fusion event prevents the C-terminal of ZmLNG1 from interacting with ZmTON1, which resulted in the change of plant architecture. Further experiments demonstrated that ZmLNG1 could act as a mediator to connect ZmTON1 and ZmOFPs, which belong to another type of plant morphological regulatory proteins, thereby affecting the phosphorylation level of ZmOFPs. These results demonstrate the importance of ZmLNG1 in forming the TON1-TRM-PP2A complex and provide a model for the regulation of plant organ morphology by TON1-recruiting motifs (TRMs) and Ovate family proteins (OFPs).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal Rho GTP-binding proteins and their plant counterparts, Rho of plants (ROPs), regulate cell polarity, but they do so through different effector proteins. A class of ROP effectors, interactor of constitutive active ROPs (ICRs)/ROP interactive partners (RIPs), has been implicated in diverse biological processes; however, there are limited analyses of RIP loss-of-function mutants. Here, we report an analysis of the functions of the Arabidopsis thaliana RIPs in the leaf epidermis. Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) fusion proteins of all the RIPs colocalized to cortical microtubules. RIP1, RIP3 and RIP4, but not RIP2 and RIP5, colocalized with the preprophase band (PPB), spindles and phragmoplasts. RIP2 and RIP5 did not colocalize with the PPB, spindles or phragmoplasts even when they were expressed under a promoter active in proliferative cells, indicating that there are differences among RIP protein properties. The overexpression of RIP1 or RIP4 resulted in the fragmentation of cortical microtubules, and the rip1 2 3 4 5 quintuple mutant showed increased growth rate of microtubules at their plus ends compared with the wild type. The rip1 2 3 4 5 mutant leaves and petals were narrow, which was explained by the decreased cell number along the transverse axis compared with that of the wild type. The rip1 2 3 4 5 mutant leaf epidermis possessed fewer PPBs oriented close to the long axis of the leaf compared with wild type, indicating the involvement of RIPs in cell division plane regulation and leaf shape determination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The typical scale cells (TSCs) of Marchantia paleacea Bert, contain a well-developed cortical microtubule (Mt) cytoskeleton, particularly below the anticlinal walls and also display complete but broad preprophase-prophase Mt bands (PMBs). In contrast, the cortical cytoskeleton of the inner thallus cells (ITCs) is less developed than that of TSCs and the PMBs are incomplete. The latter consist of one to four separate Mt bundles which lie on the cytokinetic plane, but do not form a complete Mt ring. In both cell types PMB formation precedes or keeps pace with the activation of the polar Mt-organizing centres (MTOCs) and nuclear shaping. The Mts in the PMBs are more numerous and densely packed at the cell edges than on the cell face. The polar MTOCs persist up to late prophase-prometaphase. Afterwards, the spindle Mts are focused on several minipoles, where endoplasmic reticulum is localized. In postcytokinetic cells the cortical Mts first reappear on the daughter wall surface. Our findings suggest that: (a) The formation of complete or incomplete PMBs in TSCs and ITCs of M. paleacea is related to differences in the development of the interphase cortical Mt arrays, (b) The cell edges are able to form or at least arrange the Mts of the PMB. (c) Tight mature PMBs like those found in flowering plant cells are not formed in the cells examined in the present study. (d) The final orientation of the cell plate is controlled by the PMB cortical zone. (e) The cytoplasm abutting on the postcytokinetic daughter wall has the ability to assemble cortical Mts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The distribution of highly de-esterified homogalacturonans (HGs) in dividing protodermal cells of the monocotyledon Zea mays, the dicotyledon Vigna sinensis, and the fern Asplenium nidus was investigated in order to examine whether the cell wall region adjoining the preprophase band (PPB) is locally diversified. Application of immunofluorescence revealed that de-esterified HGs were accumulated selectively in the cell wall adjacent to the PPB in: (a) symmetrically dividing cells of stomatal rows of Z. mays, (b) the asymmetrically dividing protodermal cells of Z. mays, (c) the symmetrically dividing guard cell mother cells (GMCs) of Z. mays and V. sinensis, and (d) the symmetrically dividing protodermal cells of A. nidus. A common feature of the above cell types is that the cell division plane is defined by extrinsic cues. The presented data suggest that the PPB cortical zone-plasmalemma and the adjacent cell wall region function in a coordinated fashion in the determination/accomplishment of the cell division plane, behaving as a continuum. The de-esterified HGs, among other possible functions, might be involved in the perception and the transduction of the extrinsic cues determining cell division plane in the examined cells.






