
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Olfactory dysfunctions decrease daily quality of life (QOL) in part by reducing the pleasure of eating. Olfaction plays an essential role in flavor sensation and palatability. The decreased QOL due to olfactory dysfunction is speculated to result from abnormal neural activities in the olfactory and limbic areas of the brain, as well as peripheral odorant receptor dysfunctions. However, the specific underlying neurobiological mechanisms remain unclear. As the olfactory tubercle (OT) is one of the brain\'s regions with high expression of endogenous opioids, we hypothesize that the mechanism underlying the decrease in QOL due to olfactory dysfunction involves the reduction of neural activity in the OT and subsequent endogenous opioid release in specialized subregions. In this review, we provide an overview and recent updates on the OT, the endogenous opioid system, and the pleasure systems in the brain and then discuss our hypothesis. To facilitate the effective treatment of olfactory dysfunctions and decreased QOL, elucidation of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the pleasure of eating through flavor sensation is crucial.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Preproenkephalin (PPE) is a precursor molecule for multiple endogenous opioid peptides Leu-enkephalin (ENK) and Met-ENK, which are involved in a wide variety of modulatory functions in the nervous system. Despite the functional importance of ENK in the brain, the effect of brain-derived factor(s) on PPE expression is unknown. We report the dual effect of neural epidermal growth factor (EGF)-likelike 2 (NELL2) on PPE gene expression. In cultured NIH3T3 cells, transfection of NELL2 expression vectors induced an inhibition of PPE transcription intracellularly, in parallel with downregulation of protein kinase C signaling pathways and extracellular signal-regulated kinase. Interestingly, these phenomena were reversed when synthetic NELL2 was administered extracellularly. The in vivo disruption of NELL2 synthesis resulted in an increase in PPE mRNA level in the rat brain, suggesting that the inhibitory action of intracellular NELL2 predominates the activation effect of extracellular NELL2 on PPE gene expression in the brain. Biochemical and molecular studies with mutant NELL2 structures further demonstrated the critical role of EGF-like repeat domains in NELL2 for regulation of PPE transcription. These are the first results to reveal the spatio-specific role of NELL2 in the homeostatic regulation of PPE gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The olfactory tubercle (OT) is a striatal region that receives olfactory inputs. mRNAs of prodynorphin (Pdyn) and preproenkephalin (Penk), precursors of dynorphins and enkephalins, respectively, are strongly expressed in the striatum. Both produce opioid peptides with various physiological effects such as pain relief and euphoria. Recent studies have revealed that OT has anatomical and cytoarchitectonic domains that play different roles in odor-induced motivated behavior. Neuronal subtypes of the OT can be distinguished by their expression of the dopamine receptors D1 (Drd1) and D2 (Drd2). Here, we addressed whether and which type of opioid peptide precursors the D1- and D2-expressing neurons in the OT express. We used multiple fluorescence in situ hybridization for mRNAs of the opioid precursors and dopamine receptors to characterize mouse OT neurons. Pdyn was mainly expressed by Drd1-expressing cells in the dense cell layer (DCL) of the OT, whereas Penk was expressed primarily by Drd2-expressing cells in the DCL. We also confirmed the presence of a larger population of Pdyn-Penk-Drd1 co-expressing cells in the DCL of the anteromedial OT compared with the anterolateral OT. These observations will help understand whether and how dynorphins and enkephalins in the OT are involved in diverse odor-induced motivated behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Short tandem repeats (STRs) and variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs) that have been identified at approximately 0.7 and 0.5 million loci in the human genome, respectively, are highly multi-allelic variations rather than single-nucleotide polymorphisms. The number of repeats of more than a few thousand STRs was associated with the expression of nearby genes, indicating that STRs are influential genetic variations in human traits. Analgesics act on the central nervous system via their intrinsic receptors to produce analgesic effects. In the present study, we focused on STRs and VNTRs in the CNR1, GRIN2A, PENK, and PDYN genes and analyzed two peripheral pain sensation-related traits and seven analgesia-related traits in postoperative pain management. A total of 192 volunteers who underwent the peripheral pain sensation tests and 139 and 252 patients who underwent open abdominal and orthognathic cosmetic surgeries, respectively, were included in the study. None of the four STRs or VNTRs were associated with peripheral pain sensation. Short tandem repeats in the CNR1, GRIN2A, and PENK genes were associated with the frequency of fentanyl use, fentanyl dose, and visual analog scale pain scores 3 h after orthognathic cosmetic surgery (Spearman\'s rank correlation coefficient ρ = 0.199, p = 0.002, ρ = 0.174, p = 0.006, and ρ = 0.135, p = 0.033, respectively), analgesic dose, including epidural analgesics after open abdominal surgery (ρ = -0.200, p = 0.018), and visual analog scale pain scores 24 h after orthognathic cosmetic surgery (ρ = 0.143, p = 0.023), respectively. The associations between STRs in the CNR1 gene and the frequency of fentanyl use and fentanyl dose after orthognathic cosmetic surgery were confirmed by Holm\'s multiple-testing correction. These findings indicate that STRs in the CNR1 gene influence analgesia in the orofacial region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transgenic therapy for central neuralgia faces the problems of low expression and weak targeting and affects superficial but not deep neurons. In this study, we generated a lentivirus vector with human preproenkephalin gene (hPPE) expression driven by the transcriptional amplification strategy system (TAS) and established a primary bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cell (BMSC) line stably expressing hPPE for transplantation into a rat model of neuropathic pain rat. The paw thermal withdrawal latency assay and paw mechanical withdrawal threshold assay showed that unlike control BMSCs and BMSCs with hPPE overexpression driven by the CMV or Synapsin 1 (SYN1) promoter, TAS-hPPE BMSCs had a robust and lasting analgesic effect. The TAS-hPPE BMSC-treated group exhibited higher expression of TAS-driven hPPE and a higher ratio of BMSCs in the midbrain, spinal cord and cortex then the CMV-hPPE BMSC- and SYN1-hPPE BMSC-treated groups. Moreover, we also observed that TAS-hPPE BMSCs displayed a greater tendency to differentiate into neurons and exhibit neuronal-like distribution than CMV-hPPE or SYN1-hPPE BMSCs. In conclusion, our study shows that the TAS improves BMSC transgenic therapy for neuropathic pain treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ventral pallidum (VP) is a critical component of the basal ganglia neurocircuitry regulating learning and decision making; however, its precise role in controlling associative learning of environmental stimuli conditioned to appetitive or aversive outcomes is still unclear. Here, we investigated the expression of preproenkephalin, a polypeptide hormone previously shown to be expressed in nucleus accumbens neurons controlling aversive learning, within GABAergic and glutamatergic VP neurons. Next, we explored the behavioral consequences of chemicogenetic inhibition or excitation of preproenkephalin-expressing VP neurons on associative learning of reward- or aversion-paired stimuli in autoshaping and inhibitory avoidance tasks, respectively. We reveal for the first time that preproenkephalin is expressed predominantly in GABAergic rather than glutamatergic VP neurons, and that excitation of these preproenkephalin-expressing VP neurons was sufficient to impair inhibitory avoidance learning. These findings indicate the necessity for inhibition of preproenkephalin-expressing VP neurons for avoidance learning, and suggest these neurons as a potential therapeutic target for psychiatric disorders associated with maladaptive aversive learning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    GLT-1 is the major glutamate transporter in the brain, and is expressed in astrocytes and in axon terminals in the hippocampus, cortex, and striatum. Neuronal GLT-1 accounts for only 5-10% of total brain GLT-1 protein, and its function is uncertain. In HD, synaptic dysfunction of the corticostriate synapse is well-established. Transcriptional dysregulation is a key feature of HD. We hypothesized that deletion of neuronal GLT-1, because it is expressed in axon terminals in the striatum, might produce a synaptopathy similar to that present in HD. If true, then some of the gene expression changes observed in HD might also be observed in the neuronal GLT-1 knockout. In situ hybridization using 33P labeled oligonucleotide probes was carried out to assess localization and expression of a panel of genes known to be altered in expression in HD. We found changes in the expression of cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2, preproenkaphalin, and PDE10A in the striatum of mice in which the GLT-1 gene was inactivated in neurons by expression of synapsin-Cre, compared to wild-type littermates. These changes in expression were observed at 12 weeks of age but not at 6 weeks of age. No changes in DARPP-32, PDE1B, NGFIA, or β-actin expression were observed. In addition, we found widespread alteration in expression of the dynamin 1 gene. The changes in expression in the neuronal GLT-1 knockout of genes thought to exemplify HD transcriptional dysregulation suggest an overlap in the synaptopathy caused by neuronal GLT-1 deletion and HD. These data further suggest that specific changes in expression of cannabinoid receptors, preproenkephalin, and PDE10A, considered to be the hallmark of HD transcriptional dysregulation, may be produced by an abnormality of glutamate homeostasis under the regulation of neuronal GLT-1, or a synaptic disturbance caused by that abnormality, independently of mutation in huntingtin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mechanisms underlying lateralization and progression of motor symptoms from unilateral to bilateral in Parkinson\'s disease (PD) remain to be elucidated. In addition, the molecular mechanisms involved in levodopa-induced dyskinesias (LIDs) depending on lateralization and disease progression from unilaterally to bilateral have not been described yet. We investigated motor symptoms, LIDs and associated striatal molecular markers expression after unilateral left or right, and after a sequential bilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced nigrostriatal lesions in rats. Sequentially bilateral lesioned animals showed a bilateral increase in striatal preproenkephalin (PPE) mRNA without changes in pre-prodynorphin (PDyn) mRNA expression. The increase in dyskinesias when parkinsonism becomes bilateral was mostly due to an increase in orolingual dyskinesias associated to a increase in PDyn mRNA expression. Right lesion induces, or facilitates when first-done, a greater level of LIDs and an increase in striatal PPE and PDyn mRNAs in the second lesioned side. We describe a new striatal molecular pattern that appears when parkinsonism becomes bilateral and the relevance of the lateralization for the development of LIDs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain glutamate overactivity is well documented in Parkinson\'s disease (PD) and antiglutamatergic drugs decrease L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (l-DOPA)-induced dyskinesias (LID); the implication of dopamine neurotransmission is not documented in this anti-LID activity. Therefore, we evaluated changes of dopamine receptors, their associated signaling proteins and neuropeptides mRNA, in normal control monkeys, in saline-treated 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-lesioned monkeys and in L-DOPA-treated MPTP monkeys, without or with an adjunct treatment to reduce the development of LID: 2-methyl-6-(phenylethynyl)pyridine (MPEP), the prototypal metabotropic glutamate 5 (mGlu5) receptor antagonist. All de novo treatments were administered for 1 month and the animals were sacrificed thereafter. MPTP monkeys treated with l-DOPA + MPEP developed significantly less LID than MPTP monkeys treated with l-DOPA alone. [(3)H]SCH-23390 specific binding to D1 receptors of all MPTP monkeys was decreased as compared to controls in the basal ganglia and no difference was observed between all MPTP groups, while striatal D1 receptor mRNA levels remained unchanged. [(3)H]raclopride specific binding to striatal D2 receptors and mRNA levels of D2 receptors were increased in MPTP monkeys compared to controls; l-DOPA treatment reduced this binding in MPTP monkeys while it remained elevated with the l-DOPA + MPEP treatment. Striatal [(3)H]raclopride specific binding correlated positively with D2 receptor mRNA levels of all MPTP-lesioned monkeys. Striatal preproenkephalin/preprodynorphin mRNA levels and phosphorylated ERK1/2 and Akt/GSK3β levels increased only in L-DOPA-treated MPTP monkeys as compared to controls, saline treated-MPTP and l-DOPA + MPEP treated MPTP monkeys. Hence, reduction of development of LID with MPEP was associated with changes in D2 receptors, their associated signaling proteins and neuropeptides.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enkephalin (ENK) has been postulated to play important roles in modulating nociceptive transmission, and it has been proved that ENKergic neurons acted as a critical component of sensory circuit in the adult spinal cord. Revealing the developmental characteristics of spinal ENKergic neurons will be helpful for understanding the formation and alteration of the sensory circuit under pain status. However, the relationship between the embryonic birth date and the adult distribution of ENKergic neurons has remained largely unknown due to the difficulties in visualizing the ENKergic neurons clearly. Taking advantage of the preproenkephalin-green fluorescent protein (PPE-GFP) transgenic mice in identifying ENKergic neurons, we performed the current birth-dating study and examined the spinal ENKergic neurogenesis. The ENKergic neurons born on different developmental stages and their final location during adulthood were investigated by combining bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation and GFP labeling. The spinal ENKergic neurogenesis was restricted at E9.5 to E14.5, and fitted in the same pattern of spinal neurogenesis. Further comparative analysis revealed that spinal ENKergic neurons underwent heterogeneous characteristics. Our study also indicated that the laminar arrangement of ENKergic neurons in the superficial spinal dorsal horn depended on the neurogenesis stages. Taken together, the present study suggested that the birth date of ENKergic neurons is one determinant for their arrangement and function.





