preinitiation complex

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A great deal of work has revealed, in structural detail, the components of the preinitiation complex (PIC) machinery required for initiation of mRNA gene transcription by RNA polymerase II (Pol II). However, less-well understood are the in vivo PIC assembly pathways and their kinetics, an understanding of which is vital for determining how rates of in vivo RNA synthesis are established. We used competition ChIP in budding yeast to obtain genome-scale estimates of the residence times for five general transcription factors (GTFs): TBP, TFIIA, TFIIB, TFIIE and TFIIF. While many GTF-chromatin interactions were short-lived ( < 1 min), there were numerous interactions with residence times in the range of several minutes. Sets of genes with a shared function also shared similar patterns of GTF kinetic behavior. TFIIE, a GTF that enters the PIC late in the assembly process, had residence times correlated with RNA synthesis rates. The datasets and results reported here provide kinetic information for most of the Pol II-driven genes in this organism, offering a rich resource for exploring the mechanistic relationships between PIC assembly, gene regulation, and transcription.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Central to the development and survival of all organisms is the regulation of gene expression, which begins with the process of transcription catalyzed by RNA polymerases. During transcription of protein-coding genes, the general transcription factors (GTFs) work alongside RNA polymerase II (Pol II) to assemble the preinitiation complex at the transcription start site, open the promoter DNA, initiate synthesis of the nascent messenger RNA, transition to productive elongation, and ultimately terminate transcription. Through these different stages of transcription, Pol II is dynamically phosphorylated at the C-terminal tail of its largest subunit, serving as a control mechanism for Pol II elongation and a signaling/binding platform for co-transcriptional factors. The large number of core protein factors participating in the fundamental steps of transcription add dense layers of regulation that contribute to the complexity of temporal and spatial control of gene expression within any given cell type. The Pol II transcription system is highly conserved across different levels of eukaryotes; however, most of the information here will focus on the human Pol II system. This review walks through various stages of transcription, from preinitiation complex assembly to termination, highlighting the functions and mechanisms of the core machinery that participates in each stage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thirty years have passed since the discovery of the Mediator complex in yeast. We are witnessing breakthroughs and advances that have led to high-resolution structural models of yeast and mammalian Mediators in the preinitiation complex, showing how it is assembled and how it positions the RNA polymerase II and its C-terminal domain (CTD) to facilitate the CTD phosphorylation that initiates transcription. This information may be also used to guide future plant research on the mechanisms of Mediator transcriptional control. Here, we review what we know about the subunit composition and structure of plant Mediators, the roles of the individual subunits and the genetic analyses that pioneered Mediator research, and how transcription factors recruit Mediators to regulatory regions adjoining promoters. What emerges from the research is a Mediator that regulates transcription activity and recruits hormonal signaling modules and histone-modifying activities to set up an off or on transcriptional state that recruits general transcription factors for preinitiation complex assembly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Core promoters are sites where transcriptional regulatory inputs of a gene are integrated to direct the assembly of the preinitiation complex (PIC) and RNA polymerase II (Pol II) transcription output. Until now, core promoter functions have been investigated by distinct methods, including Pol II transcription initiation site mappings and structural characterization of PICs on distinct promoters. Here, we bring together these previously unconnected observations and hypothesize how, on metazoan TATA promoters, the precisely structured building up of transcription factor (TF) IID-based PICs results in sharp transcription start site (TSS) selection; or, in contrast, how the less strictly controlled positioning of the TATA-less promoter DNA relative to TFIID-core PIC components results in alternative broad TSS selections by Pol II.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    UNASSIGNED: A great deal of work has revealed in structural detail the components of the machinery responsible for mRNA gene transcription initiation. These include the general transcription factors (GTFs), which assemble at promoters along with RNA Polymerase II (Pol II) to form a preinitiation complex (PIC) aided by the activities of cofactors and site-specific transcription factors (TFs). However, less well understood are the in vivo PIC assembly pathways and their kinetics, an understanding of which is vital for determining on a mechanistic level how rates of in vivo RNA synthesis are established and how cofactors and TFs impact them.
    UNASSIGNED: We used competition ChIP to obtain genome-scale estimates of the residence times for five GTFs: TBP, TFIIA, TFIIB, TFIIE and TFIIF in budding yeast. While many GTF-chromatin interactions were short-lived (< 1 min), there were numerous interactions with residence times in the several minutes range. Sets of genes with a shared function also shared similar patterns of GTF kinetic behavior. TFIIE, a GTF that enters the PIC late in the assembly process, had residence times correlated with RNA synthesis rates.
    UNASSIGNED: The datasets and results reported here provide kinetic information for most of the Pol II-driven genes in this organism and therefore offer a rich resource for exploring the mechanistic relationships between PIC assembly, gene regulation, and transcription. The relationships between gene function and GTF dynamics suggest that shared sets of TFs tune PIC assembly kinetics to ensure appropriate levels of expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotic ribosomes are widely presumed to scan mRNA for the AUG codon to initiate translation in a strictly 5\'-3\' movement (i.e., strictly unidirectional scanning model), so that ribosomes initiate translation exclusively at the 5\' proximal AUG codon (i.e., the first-AUG rule).
    We generate 13,437 yeast variants, each with an ATG triplet placed downstream (dATGs) of the annotated ATG (aATG) codon of a green fluorescent protein. We find that out-of-frame dATGs can inhibit translation at the aATG, but with diminishing strength over increasing distance between aATG and dATG, undetectable beyond ~17 nt. This phenomenon is best explained by a Brownian ratchet mechanism of ribosome scanning, in which the ribosome uses small-amplitude 5\'-3\' and 3\'-5\' oscillations with a net 5\'-3\' movement to scan the AUG codon, thereby leading to competition for translation initiation between aAUG and a proximal dAUG. This scanning model further predicts that the inhibitory effect induced by an out-of-frame upstream AUG triplet (uAUG) will diminish as uAUG approaches aAUG, which is indeed observed among the 15,586 uATG variants generated in this study. Computational simulations suggest that each triplet is scanned back and forth approximately ten times until the ribosome eventually migrates to downstream regions. Moreover, this scanning process could constrain the evolution of sequences downstream of the aATG to minimize proximal out-of-frame dATG triplets in yeast and humans.
    Collectively, our findings uncover the basic process by which eukaryotic ribosomes scan for initiation codons, and how this process could shape eukaryotic genome evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) immediate-early 2 (IE2) protein is a multifunctional transcription factor that is essential for lytic HCMV infection. IE2 functions as an activator of viral early genes, negatively regulates its own promoter, and is required for viral replication. The mechanisms by which IE2 executes these distinct functions are incompletely understood. Using PRO-Seq, which profiles nascent transcripts, and a recently developed DFF-chromatin immunoprecipitation (DFF-ChIP; employs chromatin digestion by the endonuclease DNA fragmentation factor prior to IP) approach that resolves occupancy and local chromatin environment, we show that IE2 controls viral gene transcription in three distinct capacities during late HCMV infection and reveal mechanisms that involve direct binding of IE2 to viral DNA. IE2 represses a subset of viral promoters by binding within their core promoter regions and blocking the assembly of preinitiation complexes (PICs). Remarkably, IE2 forms a repressive complex at the major immediate-early promoter region involving direct association of IE2 with nucleosomes and TBP. IE2 stimulates transcription by binding nearby, but not within, core promoter regions. In addition, IE2 functions as a direct roadblock to transcription elongation. At one locus, this function of IE2 appears to be important for the synthesis of a spliced viral RNA. Consistent with the minimal observed effects of IE2 depletion on host gene transcription, IE2 does not functionally engage the host genome. Our results reveal mechanisms of transcriptional control by IE2, uncover a previously unknown function of IE2 as a Pol II elongation modulator, and demonstrate that DFF-ChIP is a useful tool for probing transcription factor occupancy and interactions between transcription factors and nucleosomes at high resolution. IMPORTANCE HCMV infects more than half of the world population and persists lifelong in its hosts. Although generally asymptomatic, HCMV infection can lead to life-threating disease in immunosuppressed individuals. Moreover, HCMV is the leading infectious cause of birth defects in the United States. As there are no vaccines effective against HCMV and antiviral drugs exhibit toxicity and are undermined by resistant HCMV variants, other vulnerabilities in HCMV must be explored. Here, we characterize the mechanism by which IE2 controls transcription during late HCMV infection. We demonstrate that IE2 engages numerous consensus sites across the HCMV genome and functions as an activator, repressor, or elongation modulator depending on the context of IE2 binding sites in relation to Pol II initiation and elongation complexes. Our findings have important implications for the ongoing exploration of IE2 as an antiviral drug target.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryo-electron microscopy has enabled unprecedented progress in the quest to reveal the structure of the whole transcription preinitiation complex. Four recent studies pave the way for a complete description of how transcription is initiated at near-atomic level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA polymerase II (Pol II) transcribes all protein-coding genes and many noncoding RNAs in eukaryotic genomes. Although Pol II is a complex, 12-subunit enzyme, it lacks the ability to initiate transcription and cannot consistently transcribe through long DNA sequences. To execute these essential functions, an array of proteins and protein complexes interact with Pol II to regulate its activity. In this review, we detail the structure and mechanism of over a dozen factors that govern Pol II initiation (e.g., TFIID, TFIIH, and Mediator), pausing, and elongation (e.g., DSIF, NELF, PAF, and P-TEFb). The structural basis for Pol II transcription regulation has advanced rapidly in the past decade, largely due to technological innovations in cryoelectron microscopy. Here, we summarize a wealth of structural and functional data that have enabled a deeper understanding of Pol II transcription mechanisms; we also highlight mechanistic questions that remain unanswered or controversial.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After synthesis of a short nascent RNA, RNA polymerase II (pol II) dissociates general transcription factors (GTFs; TFIIA, TFIIB, TBP, TFIIE, TFIIF, and TFIIH) and escapes the promoter, but many of the mechanistic details of this process remain unclear. Here we developed an in vitro transcription system from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that allows conversion of the preinitiation complex (PIC) to bona fide initially transcribing complex (ITC), elongation complex (EC), and reinitiation complex (EC+ITC). By biochemically isolating postinitiation complexes stalled at different template positions, we have determined the timing of promoter escape and the composition of protein complexes associated with different lengths of RNA. Almost all of the postinitiation complexes retained the GTFs when pol II was stalled at position +27 relative to the transcription start site, whereas most complexes had completed promoter escape when stalled at +49. This indicates that GTFs remain associated with pol II much longer than previously expected. Nevertheless, the long-persisting transcription complex containing RNA and all of the GTFs is unstable and is susceptible to extensive backtracking of pol II. Addition of the capping enzyme and/or Spt4/5 significantly increased the frequency of promoter escape as well as assembly of a follow-on PIC at the promoter for reinitiation. These data indicate that elongation factors play an important role in promoter escape and that ejection of TFIIB from the RNA exit tunnel of pol II by the growing nascent RNA is not sufficient to complete promoter escape.






