preimplantation embryo

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Zygotic genome activation (ZGA) is a pivotal event in mammalian embryogenesis, marking the transition from maternal to zygotic control of development. During the ZGA process that is characterized by the intricate cascade of gene expression, who tipped the first domino in a meticulously arranged sequence is a subject of paramount interest. Recently, Dux, Obox and Nr5a2 were identified as pioneer transcription factors that reside at the top of transcriptional hierarchy. Through co-option of retrotransposon elements as hubs for transcriptional activation, these pioneer transcription factors rewire the gene regulatory network, thus initiating ZGA. In this review, we provide a snapshot of the mechanisms underlying the functions of these pioneer transcription factors. We propose that ZGA is the starting point where the embryo\'s own genome begins to influence development trajectory, therefore in-depth dissecting the functions of pioneer transcription factors during ZGA will form a cornerstone of our understanding for early embryonic development, which will pave the way for advancing our grasp of mammalian developmental biology and optimizing in vitro production (IVP) techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Choline is a vital micronutrient that can be utilized in the formation of betaine and multiple phospholipids. In this study, we aimed to confirm, and expand on previous findings, how choline impacts embryos from the first 7 days of development to affect postnatal phenotype. Bos indicus embryos were cultured in a choline-free medium (termed vehicle) or medium supplemented with 1.8 mM choline Blastocyst-stage embryos were transferred into crossbred recipients. Once born, calves were evaluated at birth, 94 d, 178 d and at weaning (average age = 239 d). Following weaning, all calves were enrolled into a feed efficiency trial before being separated by sex, with males being slaughtered at approximately 580 d of age and females followed until their first pregnancy check. Results confirm that exposure of 1.8 mM choline chloride during the first 7 d of development alters postnatal characteristics of the resultant calves. Calves of both sexes from choline-treated embryos were consistently heavier through weaning and males had heavier testes at 3 mo of age. There were sex-dependent alterations in DNA methylation in whole blood caused by choline treatment. After weaning, feed efficiency was affected by an interaction with sex, with choline calves being more efficient for females and less efficient for males. Calves from choline-treated embryos were heavier, or tended to be heavier, than calves from vehicle embryos at all observations after weaning. Carcass weight was heavier for choline calves and the cross-sectional area of the Longissumus thoracis muscle was increased by choline. Few females became pregnant during the experiment although numerically more choline females were pregnant than vehicle females. Results confirm that exposure of the preimplantation embryo to 1.8 mM choline can alter phenotypes of the resultant calves through the first 19 months after birth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Betaine has important roles in preimplantation mouse embryos, including as an organic osmolyte that functions in cell volume regulation in the early preimplantation stages and as a donor to the methyl pool in blastocysts. The origin of betaine in oocytes and embryos was largely unknown. Here, we found that betaine was present from the earliest stage of growing oocytes. Neither growing oocytes nor early preantral follicles could take up betaine, but antral follicles were able to transport betaine and supply the enclosed oocyte. Betaine is synthesized by choline dehydrogenase, and female mice lacking Chdh did not have detectable betaine in their oocytes or early embryos. Supplementing betaine in their drinking water restored betaine in the oocyte only when supplied during the final stages of antral follicle development but not earlier in folliculogenesis. Together with the transport results, this implies that betaine can only be exogenously supplied during the final stages of oocyte growth. Previous work showed that the amount of betaine in the oocyte increases sharply during meiotic maturation due to upregulated activity of choline dehydrogenase within the oocyte. This betaine present in mature eggs was retained after fertilization until the morula stage. There was no apparent role for betaine uptake via the SIT1 (SLC6A20) betaine transporter that is active at the 1- and 2-cell stages. Instead, betaine was apparently retained because its major route of efflux, the volume-sensitive organic osmolyte - anion channel, remained inactive, even though it is expressed and capable of being activated by a cell volume increase.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Germline genome editing of IVF embryos is controversial because it is not directly health or lifesaving but is intended to prevent genetic diseases in yet-unborn future offspring. The following criteria are thus proposed for future clinical trials: (i) Due to medical risks, there should be cautious and judicious application while avoiding any non-essential usage, with rigorous patient counseling. (ii) Genome editing should only be performed on the entire batch of IVF embryos without initial PGT screening if all of them are expected to be affected by genetic disease. (iii) When there is a fair chance that some IVF embryos will not be affected by genetic diseases, initial PGT screening must be performed to identify unaffected embryos for transfer. (iv) IVF embryos with carrier status should not undergo germline genome editing. (v) If patients fail to conceive after the transfer of unaffected embryos, they should undergo another fresh IVF cycle rather than opt for genome editing of their remaining affected embryos. (vi) Only if the patient is unable to produce any more unaffected embryos in a fresh IVF cycle due to advanced maternal age or diminished ovarian reserves, can the genome editing of remaining affected embryos be permitted as a last resort.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nucleolus is the most prominent liquid droplet-like membrane-less organelle in mammalian cells. Unlike the nucleolus in terminally differentiated somatic cells, those in totipotent cells, such as murine zygotes or two-cell embryos, have a unique nucleolar structure known as nucleolus precursor bodies (NPBs). Previously, it was widely accepted that NPBs in zygotes are simply passive repositories of materials that will be gradually used to construct a fully functional nucleolus after zygotic genome activation (ZGA). However, recent research studies have challenged this simplistic view and demonstrated that functions of the NPBs go beyond ribosome biogenesis. In this review, we provide a snapshot of the functions of NPBs in zygotes and early two-cell embryos in mice. We propose that these membrane-less organelles function as a regulatory hub for chromatin organization. On the one hand, NPBs provide the structural platform for centric and pericentric chromatin remodelling. On the other hand, the dynamic changes in nucleolar structure control the release of the pioneer factors (i.e. double homeobox (Dux)). It appears that during transition from totipotency to pluripotency, decline of totipotency and initiation of fully functional nucleolus formation are not independent events but are interconnected. Consequently, it is reasonable to hypothesize that dissecting more unknown functions of NPBs may shed more light on the enigmas of early embryonic development and may ultimately provide novel approaches to improve reprogramming efficiency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Producing chimaeras constitutes the most reliable method of verifying the pluripotency of newly established cells. Moreover, forming chimaeras by injecting genetically modified embryonic stem cells (ESCs) or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) into the embryo is part of the procedure for generating transgenic mice, which are used for understanding gene function. Conventional methods for generating transgenic mice, including the breeding of chimaeras and tetraploid complementation, are time-consuming and cost-inefficient, with significant limitations that hinder their effectiveness and widespread applications. In the present study, we modified the traditional method of chimaera generation to significantly speed up this process by generating mice exclusively derived from ESCs. This study aimed to assess whether fully ESC-derived mice could be obtained by modulating fibroblast growth factor 4 (FGF4) levels in the culture medium and changing the direction of cell differentiation in the chimaeric embryo. We found that exogenous FGF4 directs all host blastomeres to the primitive endoderm fate, but does not affect the localisation of ESCs in the epiblast of the chimaeric embryos. Consequently, all FGF4-treated chimaeric embryos contained an epiblast composed exclusively of ESCs, and following transfer into recipient mice, these embryos developed into fully ESC-derived newborns. Collectively, this simple approach could accelerate the generation of ESC-derived animals and thus optimise ESC-mediated transgenesis and the verification of cell pluripotency. Compared to traditional methods, it could speed up functional studies by several weeks and significantly reduce costs related to maintaining and breeding chimaeras. Moreover, since the effect of stimulating the FGF signalling pathway is universal across different animal species, our approach can be applied not only to rodents but also to other animals, offering its utility beyond laboratory settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The subcortical maternal complex, which consists of maternal-effect genes, plays a crucial role in the development of oocytes and preimplantation embryo until the activation of the zygote genome. One such gene, known as peptidyl-arginine deiminase VI (Padi6), is involved in the oocyte maturation, fertilization and embryonic development. However, the precise function of Padi6 gene in buffalo is still unclear and requires further investigation. In this study, the sequence, mRNA and protein expression patterns of Padi6 gene were analyzed in oocytes, preimplantation embryos and somatic tissues of buffalo. The coding sequence of gene was successfully cloned and characterized. Real-time quantitative PCR results indicated an absence of Padi6 transcripts in somatic tissues. Notably, the expression levels of Padi6 in oocytes showed an increased from the germinal vesicle stage to metaphase II stage, followed by a rapid decrease during the morula and blastocyst stages. Immunofluorescence analysis confirmed these findings, revealing a noticeable decline in protein expression levels. Our research provides the initial comprehensive expression profile of Padi6 in buffalo oocytes and preimplantation embryos, serving as a solid foundation for further investigations into the functionality of maternal-effect genes in buffalo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aneuploidy is one of the main causes of miscarriage and in vitro fertilization failure. Mitotic abnormalities in preimplantation embryos are the main cause of mosaicism, which may be influenced by several endogenous factors such as relaxation of cell cycle control mechanisms, defects in chromosome cohesion, centrosome aberrations and abnormal spindle assembly, and DNA replication stress. In addition, incomplete trisomy rescue is a rare cause of mosaicism. However, there may be a self-correcting mechanism in mosaic embryos, which allows some mosaicisms to potentially develop into normal embryos. At present, it is difficult to accurately diagnose mosaicism using preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy. Therefore, in clinical practice, embryos diagnosed as mosaic should be considered comprehensively based on the specific situation of the patient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mammalian preimplantation embryos often contend with aneuploidy that arose either by the inheritance of meiotic errors from the gametes, or from mitotic mis-segregation events that occurred following fertilization. Regardless of the origin, mis-segregated chromosomes become encapsulated in micronuclei (MN) that are spatially isolated from the main nucleus. Much of our knowledge of MN formation comes from dividing somatic cells during tumorigenesis, but the error-prone cleavage-stage of early embryogenesis is fundamentally different. One unique aspect is that cellular fragmentation (CF), whereby small subcellular bodies pinch off embryonic blastomeres, is frequently observed. CF has been detected in both in vitro and in vivo-derived embryos and likely represents a response to chromosome mis-segregation since it only appears after MN formation. There are multiple fates for MN, including sequestration into CFs, but the molecular mechanism(s) by which this occurs remains unclear. Due to nuclear envelope rupture, the chromosomal material contained within MN and CFs becomes susceptible to double stranded-DNA breaks. Despite this damage, embryos may still progress to the blastocyst stage and exclude chromosome-containing CFs, as well as non-dividing aneuploid blastomeres, from participating in further development. Whether these are attempts to rectify MN formation or eliminate embryos with poor implantation potential is unknown and this review will discuss the potential implications of DNA removal by CF/blastomere exclusion. We will also extrapolate what is known about the intracellular pathways mediating MN formation and rupture in somatic cells to preimplantation embryogenesis and how nuclear budding and DNA release into the cytoplasm may impact overall development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: We previously reported a modification of the CUT&Tag method (NTU-CAT) that allows genome-wide histone modification analysis in individual preimplantation embryos. In the present study, NTU-CAT was further simplified by taking advantage of the Well-of-the-Well (WOW) system, which enables the processing of multiple embryos in a shorter time with less reagent and cell loss during the procedure (WOW-CUT&Tag, WOW-CAT).
    RESULTS: WOW-CAT allowed histone modification profiling from not only a single blastocyst but also from a portion of it. WOW-CAT generated similar H3K4me3 profiles as NTU-CAT, but they were closer to the profiles produced by chromatin immunoprecipitation-sequencing, such as a valley-like trend and relatively lower false positive rates, indicating that WOW-CAT may attenuate the bias of Tn5 transposase to cut open chromatin regions. Simultaneous WOW-CAT of two halves of single blastocysts was conducted to analyze two different histone modifications (H3K4me3 and H3K27ac) within the same embryo. Furthermore, trophectoderm cells were biopsied and subjected to WOW-CAT in anticipation of preimplantation diagnosis of histone modifications. WOW-CAT allowed the monitoring of epigenetic modifications in the main body of the embryo. For example, analysis of H3K4me3 modifications of XIST and DDX3Y in trophectoderm biopsies could be used to sex embryos in combination with quantitative PCR, but without the need for deep sequencing.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest the applicability of WOW-CAT for flexible epigenetic analysis of individual embryos in preimplantation epigenetic diagnosis.





