
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Streptococcus gallolyticus (SG) is a Gram-positive cocci found as commensal gut flora in animals and humans. SG has emerged as a cause of disease in young poults between 1 and 3 wk of age. SG is associated with septicemia resulting in acute mortality with no premonitory signs in turkeys. Three SG isolates were obtained from clinical field cases of acute septicemia of commercial turkeys and used in three independent experiments. In Experiment 1, embryos were inoculated 25 d of embryogenesis with varying concentrations of SG1, SG2, or SG3. In Experiment 2, day of hatch, poults were inoculated with varying concentrations using different routes of administration of SG1, SG2, or SG3. In Experiment 3, day of hatch, poults were inoculated with only isolate SG1 using different paths. Poults were randomly selected for necropsy on d 8 and d 15 and sampled to collect spleen, heart, and liver for SG on d 21, the remaining poults were necropsied and cultured. Samples were plated on Columbia nalidixic acid and colistin agar (CNA) (40°C, 18-24 h). Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) confirmed suspect colonies. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test of independence, testing all possible combinations to determine significance (P < 0.05). Weight data were subjected to ANOVA using JMP with significance (P < 0.05). No differences were found in BW or BWG on d 0, 8, 15, or 22. Splenomegaly, focal heart necrosis, and pericarditis were observed in all groups in experiments 1 through 3. In Experiment 3, only airsacculitis was observed in a negative control in separate isolation (P > 0.05). On d 21 of Experiment 3, increased (P < 0.05) recovery of SG from spleens were observed in co-housed negative controls, as well as poults challenged by oral gavage (P > 0.05 for d 7 and d 14). These results confirm numerous previous studies indicating that SG subsp. pasteurianus is a primary infectious microorganism that causes septicemia in young poults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Controlling injurious pecking in commercial turkeys remains a significant challenge to producers and the industry. Infrared beak treatment is an effective method of controlling injurious pecking in chickens; however, the effects of infrared beak treatment on turkey performance are still largely unknown. Two experiments were conducted to determine the impact of infrared beak treatment on the beak length and performance of turkeys raised to 12 wk of age. Experiment 1 tested both toms (n = 236) and hens (n = 324), while Experiment 2 focused on hens (n = 608). Poults for each experiment were assigned to 1 of 2 beak treatments: infrared beak treated (IR) on the day of hatch at a commercial hatchery or sham untreated control (C). Data collected included beak length, body weight, feed intake, feed efficiency, and mortality. Data were analyzed using a 1 or 2-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey\'s range test for mean separation when interactions were found. Results showed that beak length (Experiment 1 only) was significantly shorter in IR poults from 2 to 12 wk of age. In the same experiment, IR toms had lighter body weight than C toms, but IR hens were heavier than C hens from 2 to 4 wk of age. By 12 wk, IR poults were heavier than C poults, regardless of gender. In experiment 2, IR hens had lighter body weight from 2 to 4 wk of age. In conclusion, infrared beak treatment had minimal effects on feed intake, feed efficiency, or mortality over the 12-wk periods of both experiments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Precise regulation of gene expression is critical for normal muscle growth and development. Changes in gene expression patterns caused by external stressors such as temperature can have dramatic effects including altered cellular structure and function. Understanding the cellular mechanisms that underlie muscle growth and development and how these are altered by external stressors are crucial in maintaining and improving meat quality. This study investigated circular RNAs (circRNAs) as an emerging aspect of gene regulation. We used data mining to identify circRNAs and characterize their expression profiles within RNAseq data collected from thermally challenged turkey poults of the RBC2 and F-lines. From sequences of 28 paired-end libraries, 8924 unique circRNAs were predicted of which 1629 were common to all treatment groups. Expression analysis identified significant differentially expressed circRNAs (DECs) in comparisons between thermal treatments (41 DECs) and between genetic lines (117 DECs). No intersection was observed between the DECs and differentially expressed gene transcripts indicating that the DECs are not simply the result of expression changes in the parental genes. Comparative analyses based on the chicken microRNA (miRNA) database suggest potential interactions between turkey circRNAs and miRNAs. Additional studies are needed to reveal the functional significance of the predicted circRNAs and their role in muscle development in response to thermal challenge. The DECs identified in this study provide an important framework for future investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Microbiota development is a critical aspect of turkey poult maturation, and the succession of microbes in the turkey gut has been shown to correlate with poult performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the fate of the microbiota in turkey poults after movement of birds first raised in an isolated hatch brood system into a more traditional commercial brood facility with pre-existing birds. Turkey poults were first divided into groups raised in conventional brood pens from day-of-hatch and those raised in an experimental hatch brood system. After 11 days of growth, hatch brood birds were moved into pens within the conventional brood barn and monitored for an additional 18 days. Sampling of both hatch brood and conventional pen birds was performed at multiple timepoints throughout the study, and cecal content was used to analyze the bacterial microbiota using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing.
    RESULTS: Alpha diversity tended to be higher in samples from conventional pen birds compared to those from hatch brood birds prior to the day 11 move, but the difference between systems was not observed post-move. Using beta diversity metrics, bacterial community succession appeared delayed in the hatch brood system birds pre-move, but post-move community composition quickly converged with that of the conventional pen birds. This was validated through assessment of significantly different genera between hatch brood system and conventional pen birds, where numbers of significantly different taxa quickly decreased following the move. Some key taxa previously associated with poult performance were delayed in their appearance and relative abundance in hatch brood birds.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, this study demonstrates that the use of isolated hatch brood systems has an impact on the poult gut microbiota, but its impact is resolved quickly once the birds are introduced into a conventional brood environment. Therefore, the benefits of pathogen reduction with hatch brood systems may outweigh negative microbiota impacts due to isolation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Salmonella and Campylobacter are leading human foodborne pathogens commonly associated with poultry and poultry products, and several methods to control these pathogens have been applied to poultry production. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of CALSPORIN, (CSP), a direct-fed microbial (DFM), and yeast cell wall (Saccharomyces cervisiae, IMW50, a mannanoligosaccharide (MOS)-based prebiotic, on performance, levels of Salmonella and Campylobacter in the feces, and intestinal histomorphometry in turkey poults. A 21-day battery cage study was conducted using 4 dietary treatments, including: an unsupplemented basal diet (corn and soybean-based) as negative control (NC); basal diet supplemented with 0.05% DFM; basal diet supplemented with 0.05% MOS; and basal diet supplemented with 0.05% mixture of DFM and MOS at equal proportions. Female Large White turkey poults (n = 336) were randomly distributed in 6 electrically-heated battery cages with 4 treatments and 12 replicates per treatment (7 poults per replicate pen). The first 16 pens were not inoculated with bacteria, while poults in pens 17 to 32 were orally challenged at day 7 with 105 CFU Salmonella Heidelberg and the poults in pens 33 to 48 were orally challenged at day 7 with 105 CFU Campylobacter jejuni. Feed consumption, body weight, and feed conversion ratio were measured weekly and at the end of the experiment. At day 21, fresh fecal samples from each pen were collected for Salmonella and Campylobacter enumeration and ileal tissue samples were collected from 1 bird per pen for histomorphology examination. DFM and MOS supplementation was accompanied with reduced levels of Salmonella shed by the treated birds compared to the control group, and with increased body weight (P ≤ 0.05). The surface area of villi increased in the MOS-supplemented group compared to the control group (P ≤ 0.05). There was a significant difference in V:C ratio between supplemented groups and control group (P ≤ 0.05). Based on these results, there is potential for CALSPORIN and IMW50 to reduce Salmonella shedding in feces, enhance ileal mucosal health, and improve growth performance of turkey poults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Turkey poults are susceptible to early mortality and poor initial feeding behavior for reasons that are not well-understood. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the development of turkey poult feeding behavior and early mortality, with a focus on the effect of biological age and diet. We hypothesized that increasing biological age would increase mortality, and that poults that had earlier feeding behavior would have decreased mortality. Nine hundred and sixty female turkey poults were randomly assigned to 24 pens (40 poults per pen). The study was conducted as a completely randomized block design with a factorial arrangement of two ages (early and standard hatch) and three diets (control, modified A, and modified Ca/P B, differing primarily in the Ca/P ratio and percent fines). The behavior during the first 24 h after placement of newly placed poults was examined. Growth performance and mortality throughout the first week of life was also measured to determine if early behavior had any impact on these variables over time. Behavior during the first 24 h was similar between the age treatments; both spent ~2.5% of the time drinking, 7% of the time feeding, 12% of the time active and 80% of the time inactive/resting. There was no effect of diet or age treatment on latency to feed or drink. Growth variables were not affected by biological age. However, there was a significant diet and biological age effect on bodyweight and mortality. Standard hatch poults fed a control diet were lighter than other poults at 7 d, while standard hatch poults fed the diet with the lowest Ca:P had the highest mortality. For all treatments, early mortality was primarily due to yolk sac infection, although >1% of placed poults died due to starvation. Findings of the present study indicate that, regardless of biological age or diet, poults established feeding behavior within the first 24 h and the majority of early poult mortality under these experimental conditions was due to factors other than starvation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bird eggs are in contact with intestinal microbiota at or after oviposition, but are protected from bacterial translocation by a glycoprotein cuticle layer, the shell, and internal membranes. In a preliminary study, turkey eggs were hatched in a germ-free environment. Firmicutes 16S rRNA gene was detected in the cecal microbiota of hatched poults, suggesting that poults may acquire spore-formers by exposure to shell contents during hatching. Generating gnotobiotic poults for research requires elimination of bacteria from the egg\'s surface without damaging the developing embryo. The ability of different disinfectants and antiseptics to eliminate eggshell bacteria without harming the developing embryo was tested. Different classes of disinfectants and antiseptics (halogens, biguanidines, and oxidants) were selected to target spores and vegetative bacteria likely present on the egg\'s surface. Eggs were treated by fully immersing in heated antiseptic (betadine or chlorhexidine) or disinfectant (alkaline bleach, acidified bleach, chlorine dioxide, Oxysept-333, or Virkon S) solutions for up to 15 minutes. Shells were aseptically harvested for aerobic and anaerobic culturing of bacteria. Toxicity to the developing embryo was assessed by gross evaluation of developmental changes in treated eggs incubated up to 27 d of embryonation. Halogen disinfectants acidified bleach and chlorine dioxide, and oxidants Oxysept-333 and Virkon-S eliminated viable bacteria from eggshells. However, addition of oxidants, alone or in combination with other treatments, produced significant (P < 0.05) embryotoxicity. The combination treatment of acidified bleach, chlorine dioxide, and betadine produced minimal embryotoxicity and eliminated viable bacteria from whole turkey eggs, and produced hatched poults in a gnotobiotic isolator. As a control, eggs were treated with PBS, incubated, and hatched under germ-replete conditions. After hatching, poults were euthanized and treated poults had no detectable bacterial growth or 16S rRNA gene qPCR amplification, demonstrating that acidified sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, and betadine safely hatched gnotobiotic poults. Generation of germ-free poults is an important tool and will be used to evaluate the host-pathogen interaction by foodborne pathogens such as Campylobacter spp.





