postnatal exposure

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Environmental pollutants in air, water, soil, and food are a significant concern due to their potential adverse effects on fetuses, newborns, babies, and children. These chemicals, which pass to fetuses and babies through trans-placental transfer, breast milk, infant formula, dermal transfer, and non-nutritive ingestion, can cause health problems during childhood. This review aims to discuss how exposure to various environmental pollutants in early life stages can disrupt reproductive health in children.
    RESULTS: Environmental pollutants can affect Leydig cell proliferation and differentiation, decreasing testosterone production throughout life. This may result in cryptorchidism, hypospadias, impaired semen parameters, and reduced fertility. Although many studies on female reproductive health cannot be interpreted to support causal relationships, exposure to pollutants during critical windows may subsequently induce female reproductive diseases, including early or delayed puberty, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, and cancers. There is growing evidence that fetal and early-life exposure to environmental pollutants could affect reproductive health in childhood. Although diet is thought to be the primary route by which humans are exposed to various pollutants, there are no adopted nutritional interventions to reduce the harmful effects of pollutants on children\'s health. Therefore, understanding the impact of environmental contaminants on various health outcomes may inform the design of future human nutritional studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Triclosan (TCS), a broad-spectrum antibacterial chemical, is detected in human urine, breast milk, amniotic fluid, and feces; however, little is known about its impact on the intestinal microbiome and host mucosal immunity during pregnancy and early development. Pregnant female rats were orally gavaged with TCS from gestation day (GD) 6 to postpartum (PP) day 28. Offspring were administered TCS from postnatal day (PND) 12 to 28. Studies were conducted to assess changes in the intestinal microbial population (16S-rRNA sequencing) and functional analysis of microbial genes in animals exposed to TCS during pregnancy (GD18), and at PP7, PP28 and PND28. Microbial abundance was compared with the amounts of TCS excreted in feces and IgA levels in feces. The results reveal that TCS decreases the abundance of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes with a significant increase in Proteobacteria. At PND28, total Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) were higher in females and showed correlation with the levels of TCS and unbound IgA in feces. The significant increase in Proteobacteria in all TCS-treated rats along with the increased abundance in OTUs that belong to pathogenic bacterial communities could serve as a signature of TCS-induced dysbiosis. In conclusion, TCS can perturb the microbiome, the functional activities of the microbiome, and activate mucosal immunity during pregnancy and early development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) is a wide-spread systemic pollutant with endocrine disrupting properties. Prenatal exposure to low doses of DDT has been shown to affect adrenal medulla growth and function. The role of postnatal exposure to DDT in developmental disorders remains unclear. The aim of the present investigation is to assess growth parameters and the expression of factors mediating the function and renewal of chromaffin cells in the adult adrenal medulla of male Wistar rats exposed to the endocrine disruptor o,p\'-DDT since birth until sexual maturation. The DDT-exposed rats exhibited normal growth of the adrenal medulla but significantly decreased tyrosine hydroxylase production by chromaffin cells during postnatal period. Unlike the control, the exposed rats showed enhanced proliferation and reduced expression of nuclear β-catenin, transcription factor Oct4, and ligand of Sonic hedgehog after termination of the adrenal growth period. No expression of pluripotency marker Sox2 and absence of Ascl 1-positive progenitors were found in the adrenal medulla during postnatal ontogeny of the exposed and the control rats. The present findings indicate that an increase in proliferative activity and inhibition of the formation of reserve for chromaffin cell renewal, two main mechanisms for cell maintenance in adrenal medulla, in the adult DDT-exposed rats may reflect a compensatory reaction aimed at the restoration of catecholamine production levels. The increased proliferation of chromaffin cells in adults suggests excessive growth of the adrenal medulla. Thus, postnatal exposure to DDT alters cell physiology and increases the risk of functional insufficiency and hyperplasia of the adrenal medulla.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Language development starts during the fetal period when the brain is sensitive to endocrine disruptions from environmental contaminants. This systematic review aims to systematically summarize the existing literature on early-life exposure to PFAS and children\'s language and communication development, which is an indicator of neurocognitive development. A structured literature search was conducted using three databases, PubMed, Scopus, and CINAHL, last updated in April 2023. The population was defined as children and young adults. PFAS exposure was assessed pre- or postnatally. The outcome was defined as a language and communication ability assessed with validated instruments, parental self-reports, or clinical language disorder diagnoses. In total, 15 studies were identified for subsequent analyses. Thirteen were performed in background-exposed populations and two in highly exposed populations. There were some indications of potential adverse effects; however, these were not consistent across child sex, age of assessment, or PFAS exposure levels. No systematic effect of early-life PFAS exposure on language and communication development was found. These inconclusive findings may partly be explained by the use of general test instruments with limited validity as to children\'s language and communication development. Further studies over a wider exposure range using specific language test instruments are needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Consumption of fish yields many nutritional benefits, but also results in exposure to methylmercury (MeHg). The developing brain is known to be particularly susceptible to MeHg toxicity in high doses. However, the potential impact of low-level environmental exposure from fish consumption on children\'s neurodevelopment remains unclear.
    METHODS: We investigated postnatal MeHg exposure at 7 years and its association with a battery of 17 neurodevelopmental outcomes in a subset of children (n = 376) from 1535 enrolled mother-child pairs in Nutrition Cohort 2 of the Seychelles Child Development Study (SCDS NC2). Each outcome was modeled in relation to postnatal MeHg exposure using linear regression, adjusting for prenatal MeHg exposure, levels of maternal polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and several other covariates known to be associated with neurodevelopmental outcomes.
    RESULTS: Median postnatal MeHg exposure at 7 years was 2.5 ppm, while the median prenatal MeHg exposure was 3.5 ppm. We found no statistically significant associations between postnatal MeHg exposure and any of the 17 neurodevelopmental outcomes after adjusting for prenatal MeHg exposure and other covariates.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings are consistent with previous cross-sectional analyses of the SCDS Main Cohort. Continued follow-up of the entire NC2 cohort at later ages with repeated exposure measures is needed to further confirm these findings.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Particulate matter (PM) is a major component of ambient air pollution (AAP), being widely associated with adverse health effects. Epidemiological and experimental studies point towards a clear implication of AAP on the development of central nervous system (CNS) diseases. In this sense, the period of most CNS susceptibility is early life, when the CNS is maturing. In humans the last trimester of gestation is crucial for brain maturation while in rodents, due to the shorter gestational period, the brain is still immature at birth, and early postnatal development plays a significant role. The present systematic review provides an updated overview and discusses the existing literature on the relationship between early exposure to PM and neurodevelopmental outcomes in experimental studies. We included 11 studies with postnatal exposure and 9 studies with both prenatal and postnatal exposure. Consistent results between studies suggest that PM exposure could alter normal development, triggering impairments in short-term memory, sociability, and impulsive-like behavior. This is also associated with alterations in synaptic plasticity and in the immune system. Interestingly, differences have been observed between sexes, although not all studies included females. Furthermore, the developmental window of exposure seems to be crucial for effects to be observed in the future. In summary, air pollution exposure during development affects subjects in a time- and sex-dependent manner, the postnatal period being more important and being males apparently more sensitive to exposure than females. Nevertheless, additional experimental investigations should prioritize the examination of learning, impulsivity, and biochemical parameters, with particular attention provided to disparities between sexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Antibiotics are widely prescribed among children and pregnant women, but their safety profile is controversial. This study aimed to summarize and appraise current evidence for the potential impact of antibiotic exposure on pregnancy outcomes and children\'s health.
    METHODS: PubMed, Embase, Web of Science and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were searched from inception to June 2022. Meta-analyses of any study design comparing the impact of antibiotic exposure with nonexposure among children, pregnant women and prepregnant women on adverse health outcomes of children and pregnancy were retrieved. The quality of evidence was assessed by a Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews 2 (AMSTAR2) and the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE). Data were reanalyzed, and the credibility of the evidence was determined.
    RESULTS: Out of 2956 studies identified, 19 articles with 39 associations were included. Totally 19 of the associations (48.72%) were statistically significant with a P value ≤ 0.05, while only six were supported by highly suggestive evidence. Children with postnatal antibiotic exposure had a higher risk of developing asthma odds ratio (OR): 1.95, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.76-2.17, wheezing (OR: 1.81, 95% CI 1.65-1.97) and allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (OR: 1.66, 95% CI 1.51-1.83), with prediction intervals excluding the nulls. Quality assessed by both AMSTAR2 and GRADE of included meta-analyses were very low in general.
    CONCLUSIONS: Antibiotic exposure in early life was associated with children\'s long-term health, especially in cases of allergic diseases. Prenatal exposure might also influence children\'s health in some aspects but requires more high-quality evidence. Potential adverse effects of antibiotics on pregnancy outcomes were not observed in our study. Studies with higher quality and better quantification of antibiotic exposure are needed in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In utero and early life exposure to inorganic arsenic (iAs) alters immune response in experimental animals and is associated with an increased risk of infant infections. iAs exposure is related to differences in the gut microbiota diversity, community structure, and the relative abundance of individual microbial taxa both in laboratory and human studies. Metabolomics permits a direct measure of molecular products of microbial and host metabolic processes. We conducted NMR metabolomics analysis on infant stool samples and quantified the relative concentrations of 34 known microbial-related metabolites. We examined these metabolites in relation to both in utero and infant log2 urinary total arsenic concentrations (utAs, the sum of iAs and iAs metabolites) collected at approximately 6 weeks of age using linear regression models, adjusted for infant sex, age at sample collection, type of delivery (vaginal vs. cesarean section), feeding mode (breast milk vs. any formula), and specific gravity. Increased fecal butyrate (b = 214.24), propionate (b = 518.33), cholate (b = 8.79), tryptophan (b= 14.23), asparagine (b = 28.80), isoleucine (b = 65.58), leucine (b = 95.91), malonate (b = 50.43), and uracil (b = 36.13), concentrations were associated with a doubling of infant utAs concentrations (p< 0.05). These associations were largely among infants who were formula fed. No clear associations were observed with maternal utAs and infant fecal metabolites. Metabolomic analyses of infant stool samples lend further evidence that the infant gut microbiota is sensitive to As exposure, and these effects may have functional consequences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evaluation of postnatal exposure to organic pollutants is especially important for suckling infants during breastfeeding, a crucial perinatal growth period when organs and hormonal systems develop. We determined levels of 60 pollutants, including organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), organophosphorus pesticides (OPPs), pyrethroids (PYRs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), in 81 breast milk samples from breastfeeding mothers from Santiago de Compostela (north-western Spain). For most detected organic pollutants, levels were correlated with the season of milk sampling, maternal age at delivery, and place of residence. Dietary consumption habits (eggs, molluscs, and vegetable oils) were also correlated with OCP, OPP, PCB, PBDE and PYR levels. We also assessed the risk to infant health of exposure to organic pollutants in breast milk. PAHs, OCPs, OPPs, and PYRs accounted for almost 95% of the targeted organic pollutants in the samples analysed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The direct link between early-life dust storm exposure and later-in-life outcomes is not fully understood. This study examines the association of functional disability in a large sample of adolescent Cameroonians (N = 112,855) with in-utero and early childhood exposure to Saharan dust storms. Adjusting all estimations for temperature, precipitation, time and location fixed-effects, and person and family sociodemographic characteristics, we documented adverse effects on functional disability in female adolescents due to exposure to dense dust storms during the third gestation trimester and the second postnatal trimester. We also found suggestive evidence that an effect exists for the first as well as the third through fifth postnatal trimesters. In the third trimester of gestation and the second postnatal trimester, exposure to an average length dust storm with PM10 levels beyond 190 μg/m3 increased the likelihood of disability among female adolescents by approximately 229 (95 % CI: 10-464) in 100,000. The size of the adverse effects for the other periods followed similar patterns. These results show the value of creating infrastructures to mitigate or adapt to the effects of dust storms. These endeavors should focus on communities and populations in and around the Sahara where international organizations can play a role. In addition, establishing health data infrastructures not only improves public health but also advances our understanding of the long-term effects of dust storms. This study demonstrates the importance of research on the long-term effects of early-life exposure to dust storms and the need for additional work on this topic.





