posthumous reproduction

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Posthumous conception, the ability to conceive a child after the death of one partner, is increasingly prevalent due to advances in Artificial Reproduction Technology (ART). This paper considers the complexities surrounding the practice in Australia, focusing primarily on the ethical and legal dimensions. It observes that state-based regulations in Australia create disparities in accessibility: some states prohibit the procedure without the deceased\'s written consent, while others permit it based on guidelines or lack explicit prohibitions. Addressing the juxtaposition of Will Theory and Interest Theory, it emphasises the ongoing debate on whether rights, particularly reproductive autonomy, outlive a person\'s demise. Finally, the paper highlights an evident inconsistency in Australian legislation and promotes a uniform approach across states.






  • 在生殖年龄的个体意外死亡或丧失能力之后,代孕决策者通常会提出产前配子采购(PGP)的请求。姑息治疗的临床医生应该有医学的工作知识,伦理,以及与此类请求有关的实际考虑。在本文中,我们描述了一个案例,其中PGP请求来自无行为能力患者的父母。我们回顾了与PGP和死后辅助生殖(PAR)相关的技术,并讨论了此类案件中涉及的道德和法律问题。包括国家和国际生殖健康团体最近的立场声明。最后,我们为读者提供了一种逐步考虑PGP请求的方法。
    Requests for perimortem gamete procurement (PGP) typically arise by a surrogate decision maker after the unexpected death or incapacitation of a reproductive-aged individual. Palliative care clinicians should have a working knowledge of the medical, ethical, and practical considerations pertaining to such requests. In this paper, we describe a case in which the PGP request originated from an incapacitated patient\'s parents. We review the technologies associated with PGP and posthumous assisted reproduction (PAR) and discuss the ethical and legal issues involved in such cases, including recent position statements from national and international reproductive health groups. Finally, we provider readers with a stepwise approach for considering requests for PGP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Banking of frozen spermatozoa by single men opens the possibility of procreation long after their death. Requests for posthumous reproduction by the families of the deceased are growing, raising an ethical debate, especially when written instructions were not left by the patients and in cases of unplanned perimortem collection. The issue of the progenitors\' intention to procreate after death is the key to ethically based decision-making in these cases.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the attitude of single men cryopreserving spermatozoa before life-threatening medical situations towards post-mortem usage of their cryopreserved spermatozoa.
    METHODS: Adult single men prior to sperm cryopreservation before cytotoxic therapy were asked to sign a structured form declaring their will and instructions for the usage of their cryopreserved spermatozoa in case of their demise.
    RESULTS: Four hundred fifty-two men of diverse ethnicity, religious and cultural backgrounds signed the form providing instructions for the use of their cryopreserved spermatozoa in case of mortality. Their age was 27.4 ± 8.06 years. Seven (1.5%) patients willed their spermatozoa for posthumous reproduction to a sibling, 22 (4.9%) to parents, and 26 (5.7%) to their informal female partners. The significant majority (n = 397; 87.8 %) of the single men were ordered to destroy their cryopreserved spermatozoa in case of their expiry. Note that, 26-39 years old men were less likely (81.8% vs. >90% in other ages) to order sperm destruction, as well as men with a poorer prognosis (83% vs. 90%).
    CONCLUSIONS: In this study group, most single men cryopreserving spermatozoa in the face of future life-threatening morbidity do so for their own future live parenthood, and are not interested in posthumous reproduction.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results doubt the claim that single men who had an unplanned perimortem sperm collection can be universally presumed to have wished to father a child posthumously. Any claimed assumed consent in these cases should be considered for each case individually based on its specific circumstances.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The legal issues surrounding in vitro fertilization from its beginnings have found their way into courtrooms and legislatures, with disposition of cryopreserved in vitro fertilization preimplantation embryos presenting legal and policy conundrum for patients, providers, and lawmakers in a myriad of contexts. This article examines the legal aspects of selected embryo disposition issues and the potential impact of laws enacted following the US Supreme Court\'s recent removal of Constitutional protections for reproductive choice and autonomy in Dobbs v. Jackson Women\'s Health Organization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To provide the clinicians with the most comprehensive medical information about sperm acquisition peri/postmortem.
    METHODS: The review was conducted according to the PRISMA statement. MEDLINE and Cochrane databases were searched up to January 2021. All studies reporting post or perimortem harvesting of sperm with any indication of an outcome, recognition and viability of sperm, and its utilization and treatment outcome were included. Studies that recorded cases but discussed only the ethical or legal issues without any information about the medical details were excluded.
    RESULTS: Twenty-four studies were included in this review. One hundred forty-eight cases were described; in 113 of them, sperm was retrieved. A variety of techniques for sperm acquisition were used. The data collected are limited and comparing the efficacy of the different approaches is not feasible. The longest time interval described between the death and viable sperm acquisition was 3 days. The sperm quality varies between the studies. One hundred thirty-six mature oocytes were injected with the retrieved sperm; the fertilization rate was 41%. Transfer cycles of 25 embryos and 8 live births are reported in the medical literature.
    CONCLUSIONS: The overall low quality and high heterogeneity of the available data impair the ability to draw definitive conclusions. However, it can be stated that sperm acquisition up to at least 3 days postmortem can result in the live birth of healthy offspring. Further studies are needed to clarify the medical questions regarding the best techniques, success rates, and wellbeing of the parties involved.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper examines the history of Australian superior court decisions on the retrieval of gametic material from deceased men. It examines the history of case law and legislation on the issue and then provides a summary of the current operative principles. The paper concludes with some reflections on the harms caused by posthumous retrieval of gametes, the role of property rights and the nature of reproductive autonomy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To assess the presence and content of policies toward posthumous assisted reproduction (PAR) using oocytes and embryos among Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) member clinics in the United States.
    UNASSIGNED: Cross-sectional questionnaire-based study.
    UNASSIGNED: Not applicable.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 62 SART member clinics.
    UNASSIGNED: Questionnaire including multiple choice and open-ended questions.
    UNASSIGNED: Descriptive statistics regarding presence and content of policies regarding PAR using oocytes and embryos, consent document content regarding oocyte and embryo disposition, and eligibility of minors and those with terminal illness for fertility preservation.
    UNASSIGNED: Of the 332 clinics contacted, 62 responded (response rate 18.7%). Respondents were distributed across the United States, and average volume of in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles per year ranged from <250 to >1,500, but 71.2% (n = 42) reported a volume of <500. Nearly one-half (42.4%, n = 25) of clinics surveyed reported participating in any cases of posthumous reproduction during the past 5 years, and 6.8% (n = 4) reported participation in >5 cases. Participation in cases of posthumous reproduction was not significantly associated with practice type or IVF cycle volume among those surveyed. Only 59.6% (n = 34) of clinics surveyed had written policies regarding PAR using oocytes or embryos, whereas 36.8% (n = 21) reported they did not have a policy. Practice type, IVF cycle volume, fertility preservation volume, and prior participation in cases of PAR were not significantly associated with the presence of a policy among respondent clinics. Of those with a policy, 55.9% (n = 19) reported they had used that policy, 59.1% (n = 13) without a policy reported they had considered adopting one, and 63.6% (n = 14) reported they had received a request for PAR services. Only 47.2% (n = 25) of clinics surveyed specified that patients not expected to survive to use oocytes due to terminal illness are eligible for oocyte cryopreservation, whereas 45.3% (n = 24) did not specify.
    UNASSIGNED: Respondent clinics reported receiving an increasing number of requests for PAR services, but many also lacked PAR policies. Those with policies did not always follow ASRM recommendations. Given the low response rate, these data cannot be interpreted as representative of SART clinics overall. As PAR cases become more common, however, this study highlights poor reporting of PAR and institutional policies toward PAR, suggesting that SART clinics may not be equipped to systematically manage the complexities of PAR.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Posthumous reproduction (PHR) is the process by which assisted reproductive technology is used to establish pregnancy and produce genetic offspring following the death of a parent. There are different ethical and legal approaches towards this method of reproduction around the world. This paper will study the legality of PHR and its legal consequences for the family status of a child born by this technology according to Iranian law. This research uses the descriptive-analytical method to study Iranian legislation, the opinion of jurists and jurisconsults, and case law in the area of PHR. The only statute regarding assisted reproductive technology in Iranian law - the Embryo Donation Act 2003 - and the associated regulation contain no explicit provision on PHR. The subject is therefore very controversial among Iranian jurists and jurisconsults. This issue has also been the subject of divergent court decisions. This study shows that the current legislation is insufficient to address various issues raised by PHR, and there is a need for the legislature to provide legislative clarity. Although advocates of this technique use the approval of some jurisconsults (fuqahâ) as justification for the legal recognition of PHR during the idda period in Iranian law, some concerns regarding the practice, especially the child\'s best interests, support prohibition or at least restriction to specific, limited cases.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aim Postmortem sperm retrieval with consequent artificial insemination has become a technically possible option for future use in assisted reproductive technology (ART). The authors have set out to discuss the social and ethical significance of posthumous sperm retrieval, and the laws currently in force in Italy, the United States and elsewhere. Methods International literature from 1997 to 2020 has been reviewed from Pubmed database, Google Scholar and Scopus, drawn upon American, Italian and international sources (an ethically acceptable solution can only be achieved through an overhaul of the laws currently in effect). One of the most contentious issues was about donor consent. In Italy, a donor\'s will to retrieve his sperm in the event of premature disappearance can be proven according to the Law 219/2017, through advance health care directives. Results A substantial increase, both in requests and protocols, was documented in the United States. In Italy, over the last two years, three rulings were issued concerning posthumous insemination. However, no official standardized protocols, guidelines or targeted legislation exist at the national level to regulate medical activity in that realm, whereas established laws often set implicit limitations. Conclusion Current legal frameworks appear to be inadequate, because in most cases they were conceived under conditions that have radically changed. The need for newly-updated regulatory frameworks to promptly bridge that gap is increasingly clear, if current social needs related to reproductive rights are to be met in the foreseeable future.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    Australia, like many overseas jurisdictions, has recognised the need to cope with advancing medical technology and changing community attitudes towards assisted reproductive technology (ART). Despite this, several States in Australia still do not have legislative instruments regulating ART, and those that have legislated have done so in a non-uniform way. In 2018/2019, four cases came before State Supreme Courts, where the female applicants had to endure significant legal battle in order to utilise their late partner\'s gametes, highlighting the inability of the law to provide an appropriate clinical framework. This article outlines and discusses the current position of Australian States on the utilisation of posthumous gametes and how the recent decisions of the Supreme Courts of New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia augment the current law and National Health and Medical Research Council Guidelines, and finally, considers how future legislation might account for the potential posthumous utilisation of oocytes.





