positive body image

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examined the effects of the Nirvana Fitness (NF) program on state body appreciation (BA) and its correlates, as well as the mechanisms that could explain these changes. The study participants were allocated to NF (n = 21) and functional training (control, n = 22) groups and participated in an 8-week exercise intervention. The mean age was 24.4 ± 6.7. The participants filled out online questionnaires on state measures of BA, body surveillance (BS), functionality appreciation, body-mind connection, mindfulness in physical activity (SMS-PA), intrinsic exercise motivation (IM), satisfaction of basic psychological needs, and perceived physical fitness (PPF) immediately after the first and last sessions. The results revealed a significant improvement in state BA and its correlates in both groups, with no changes in PPF in the NF group or IM in either group. An interaction between group and time effects was revealed in a change of relatedness, indicating a stronger effect in the NF group. Positive changes in SMS-PA, BS, and satisfaction of the need for relatedness significantly predicted improvement in state BA. These findings highlight the importance of targeting mindfulness, body surveillance, and relatedness during physical activity in interventions aimed at promoting positive body image in university-aged women.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There has been considerable recent interest in and reference to body neutrality, despite limited scholarship on differences from existing constructs. Our study examined perceptions of body neutrality in 229 individuals (researchers, clinicians, eating disorder lived experience, general community). Questions explored definitions of body neutrality, its similarity and differences to other concepts, perceived benefits and risks of adopting a body neutrality approach, and ratings on the usefulness of proposed components. Participants defined body neutrality as adopting an accepting, non-judgemental approach to one\'s body, de-emphasising the importance of appearance, and viewing the body as a vessel that carries a person through life. Perceived benefits included it being more accessible than existing approaches and a useful coping strategy, while risks were that neutrality can be difficult to adopt in an appearance focused society and that it may prompt an apathetic response to self-care. Body neutrality was rated as conceptually similar to functionality appreciation, body acceptance, and body compassion, and definitions consistent with these terms were rated most favourably. Our findings show how body neutrality is perceived and used by experts and the general community. However, we question whether this conceptualisation is distinct from existing positive body image concepts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interpersonal distance (IPD) refers to the distance naturally maintained during social interactions, while peripersonal space (PPS) refers to the immediate space surrounding the body, or the space within reaching distance. Previous research has preliminarily indicated that IPD is associated with body image disturbances. We sought to expand extant literature by exploring associations between aspects of positive and negative body image, IPD, and PPS. Seventy-five women from the United Kingdom aged 18-40 years completed measures of body appreciation, body image flexibility, body shame, body surveillance, and body dissatisfaction. IPD boundaries were estimated using a lab-based comfort-distance task, whereas PPS boundaries were estimated using an audio-tactile reaction-time task. Measures of body acceptance by others and fear of negative evaluation were completed as potential mediators. Overall, we identified positive associations between IPD, body surveillance, and fear of negative evaluation, with no statistically significant associations identified between the other indices. The association between active IPD and body surveillance was mediated by fear of negative evaluation, even after controlling for demographic factors. These findings suggest a nuanced relationship between IPD and body image-related factors, highlighting the role of social evaluation anxiety. Future investigations should use experimental designs to further understand these relationships and their implications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 13-item Body Acceptance by Others Scale-2 (BAOS-2) measures generalised perceptions of body acceptance by others. Here, we examined the psychometric properties of a novel Polish translation of the BAOS-2. A sample of 1183 adults (898 women, 285 men; age M = 28.98) from Poland completed a Polish version of the BAOS-2, alongside measures of body appreciation, pressure to conform to appearance ideals, self-compassion, self-esteem, and impression management. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis identified a stable unidimensional model of the Polish BAOS-2, with all 13 items retained. Additionally, the Polish BAOS-2 evidenced complete invariance (i.e., through to latent mean invariance) across gender identity. Scores on the BAOS-2 evidenced adequate composite reliability and, in a retest subsample (n = 260), showed complete invariance across four weeks. Evidence of convergent, criterion-related, discriminant, and incremental validity was very strong when based on observed BAOS-2 scores, but weaker when based on latent BAOS-2 scores. Whether examined at the observed or latent level, greater body acceptance by others was consistently and strongly associated with higher body appreciation. These results suggest that the psychometric properties of the Polish BAOS-2 are robust and that this instrument can be confidently utilised in future research with Polish adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous findings suggest that body appreciation increases with age, whereas body dissatisfaction remains constant across the lifespan. However, the reason for this phenomenon remains unclear. In the present study, we examined the role of functionality appreciation in the association between age and body appreciation among Japanese adults. A community sample of 280 Japanese women and men (20-79 years old) completed an online cross-sectional survey with measures of functionality and body appreciation. Simple mediation analysis (PROCESS; Model 4) demonstrated that age was positively related to body appreciation and this relationship was mediated by functionality appreciation, for women, but not for men. This finding suggests that increased functionality appreciation might be a strategy for increasing body appreciation as we age, but only among women and not among men. It is possible that the adaptive strategies employed by older women could be utilized by younger women. Thus, implementing interventions focused on the enhancement of functionality appreciation might be beneficial for young women.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Exercise is an important intervention used to improve body image. The present non-randomized controlled trial aimed to examine the effects of Nirvana Fitness (NF) and functional training (FT) on body appreciation and its correlates in young women.
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty-two students participated in FT, 21 in NF, and 47 in the control (CN) group. The mean age of the study participants was 22.79 ± 6.14 years. The FT and NF groups participated in sessions 2 days per week for 8 weeks, and the CN group did not participate in any sessions. All the participants were evaluated at pre- and post-intervention, filling in the Body Appreciation Scale 2 (BAS-2), Mind-Body Connection from the Physical Activity Body Experiences Questionnaire (PABEQ), Body Surveillance from the Objectified Body Consciousness Scale (OBCS), the Functionality Appreciation Scale (FAS), intrinsic exercise motivation from Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire 2 (BREQ-2), and perceived physical fitness.
    UNASSIGNED: Significant improvements were found in terms of all outcome measures in the FT group, and improvements of body and mind connection and body surveillance in the NF group, while no improvements were observed in the CN group. FT\'s effect on body appreciation appeared to operate through the improvement of the mind-body connection in the FT and NF groups and via decreased body surveillance in the FT group.
    UNASSIGNED: These findings support the developmental theory of embodiment and provide initial evidence that professionally delivered FT and NF might be used as effective strategies for the promotion of positive body image in young women.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent data suggest a close association between positive body image (PBI) and eating disorder recovery. Nevertheless, the specific mechanisms through which PBI may facilitate recovery from anorexia nervosa (AN) remain unknown. To advance understanding of these mechanisms, this study examined core indices of PBI within AN, exploring its association with emotion regulation and well-being outcomes. Data were collected from 159 female participants, 64 with AN diagnosis and 95 healthy controls (HCs), who completed measures of PBI (body appreciation, functionality appreciation, and body responsiveness), emotion regulation, and psychological well-being (depression, anxiety, stress, and psychological quality of life). The AN group reported lower levels of PBI and psychological well-being, along with greater difficulties in regulating emotions, relative to HCs. PBI variables significantly predicted emotion regulation and psychological well-being in AN, accounting for 36% to 72% of the variance, with body appreciation emerging as the strongest predictor. These findings lend credence to the view that PBI can serve as a catalyst for psychological health. We hypothesize that enhancing PBI can improve interoceptive awareness, which is crucial for emotion regulation and reducing maladaptive food-related coping. Emphasizing a mind-body connection in lifestyle could be a relevant element to consider for both treating and preventing AN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although positive body image is associated with mental and physical health benefits, there is a relative dearth of research investigating the psychometric properties of commonly used measures of positive body image among Hispanic/Latina women in the United States. The current study explored the psychometric properties of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2; Tylka & Wood-Barcalow, 2015a) and the Functionality Appreciation Scale (FAS; Alleva et al., 2017) in undergraduate women. Altogether 565 undergraduates (n = 386 Hispanic/Latina; n = 179 non-Hispanic White [NHW]) completed the BAS-2, FAS, and demographic questionnaires. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and measurement invariance testing across ethnicity was conducted on each measure. The CFA confirmed the 1-factor, 10-item model of the BAS-2 among Hispanic/Latina women but indicated a less than adequate model fit for the FAS which improved after correlating the residuals of items 6 and 7. Measurement invariance testing revealed evidence of partial scalar invariance of the BAS-2 and full invariance of the FAS across ethnicity. There were no significant mean differences between groups on the measures. These analyses indicate acceptable psychometric properties of the BAS-2 and FAS among Hispanic/Latina women. Nonetheless, they did suggest potentially meaningful group differences in how these items behaved, which warrant further exploration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this position paper, we review nonacademic and academic discourse on body neutrality, a recent concept that has spread from social media platforms into scientific publications. This discourse has (inaccurately) promulgated that body neutrality is distinct from and more realistic than positive body image and body positivity. We identify and challenge 10 myths found within this discourse: (1) positive body image and body positivity are the same and therefore interchangeable, (2) positive body image isn\'t realistic or attainable, (3) we should forget about body positivity and positive body image, (4) body neutrality is a new way of thinking about body image, (5) body neutrality is unique from positive body image and positivity, (6) body neutrality is a more realistic and inclusive alternative to positive body image and body positivity, (7) body neutrality is different from positive body image but we can still use the research on positive body image to support body neutrality, (8) body neutrality is a midpoint between negative body image and positive body image, (9) striving for body neutrality is sufficient, and (10) appearance can be disregarded. We offer recommendations applicable to researchers, clinicians, media, and the general public interested in body neutrality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the present study, we explored the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Mandarin Chinese BAS-2 among adolescents residing in the Chinese mainland. Exploratory factor analysis in Study 1 (N = 790; 396 girls, 394 boys) supported the unidimensionality of the Mandarin Chinese BAS-2 among Chinese adolescents. Internal consistency reliability was upheld via McDonald\'s omega. Convergent validity was supported by its moderate-to-strong relationships with body satisfaction, functionality satisfaction, self-esteem, life satisfaction, positive affect, and negative affect, while its small-to-moderate correlation with social desirability provided somewhat weaker discriminant validity support. Criterion-related validity was upheld by its inverse correlation with eating disorder symptomatology and positive correlation with intuitive eating. It explained unique variance in self-esteem (for girls and boys), eating disorder symptomatology (for girls), and intuitive eating (for boys) beyond age, body satisfaction, and functionality satisfaction, providing incremental validity evidence. A subsample of 134 girls and 114 boys completed the Mandarin Chinese BAS-2 again after three months, and test-retest reliability was upheld. The confirmatory factor analysis in Study 2 (N = 337; 192 girls, 145 boys) replicated the unidimensional structure and supported measurement invariance across gender. Collectively, the present study supported the unidimensionality, reliability, and validity of the Mandarin Chinese BAS-2\'s scores among Chinese adolescents.





