
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Curved cell shapes are widespread among bacteria and important for cellular motility, virulence and fitness. However, the underlying morphogenetic mechanisms are still incompletely understood. Here, we identify an outer-membrane protein complex that promotes cell curvature in the photosynthetic species Rhodospirillum rubrum. We show that the R. rubrum porins Por39 and Por41 form a helical ribbon-like structure at the outer curve of the cell that recruits the peptidoglycan-binding lipoprotein PapS, with PapS inactivation, porin delocalization or disruption of the porin-PapS interface resulting in cell straightening. We further demonstrate that porin-PapS assemblies act as molecular cages that entrap the cell elongation machinery, thus biasing cell growth towards the outer curve. These findings reveal a mechanistically distinct morphogenetic module mediating bacterial cell shape. Moreover, they uncover an unprecedented role of outer-membrane protein patterning in the spatial control of intracellular processes, adding an important facet to the repertoire of regulatory mechanisms in bacterial cell biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The association between sepsis and thrombotic complications is still not well known. Different mechanisms have been shown to be involved in the sepsis-induced prothrombotic state, but clinical scenarios may differ. In this review, we have summarized the role that bacterial products such as porins and toxins can have in the induction of the prothrombotic state during sepsis and the interaction that they can have with each other. Furthermore, the above-mentioned mechanisms might be involved in the pattern of the clinical presentation of thrombotic events during bacterial sepsis, which would secondarily explain the association between sepsis and venous thromboembolism, the association between sepsis and disseminated intravascular coagulation, and the association between sepsis and microangiopathic venous thromboembolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Experimental studies on the translocation and accumulation of antibiotics in Gram-negative bacteria have revealed details of the properties that allow efficient permeation through bacterial outer membrane porins. Among the major outer membrane diffusion channels, OmpF has been extensively studied to understand the antibiotic translocation process. In a few cases, this knowledge has also helped to improve the efficacy of existing antibacterial molecules. However, the extension of these strategies to enhance the efficacy of other existing and novel drugs require comprehensive molecular insight into the permeation process and an understanding of how antibiotic and channel properties influence the effective permeation rates. Previous studies have investigated how differences in antibiotic charge distribution can influence the observed permeation pathways through the OmpF channel, and have shown that the dynamics of the L3 loop can play a dominant role in the permeation process. Here, we perform all-atom simulations of the OmpF orthologs, OmpE35 from Enterobacter cloacae and OmpK35 from Klebsiella pneumoniae. Unbiased simulations of the porins and biased simulations of the ciprofloxacin permeation processes through these channels provide insight into the differences in the permeation pathway and energetics. In addition, we show that similar to the OmpF channel, antibiotic-induced dynamics of the L3 loop are also operative in the orthologs. However, the sequence and structural differences, influence the extent of the L3 loop fluctuations with OmpK35 showing greater stability in unbiased runs and subdued fluctuations in simulations with ciprofloxacin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acinetobacter baumannii is a critical opportunistic pathogen associated with nosocomial infections. The high rates of antibiotic-resistance acquisition make most antibiotics ineffective. Thus, new medical countermeasures are urgently needed. Outer membrane proteins (OMPs) are prime candidates for developing novel drug targets and antibacterial strategies. However, there are substantial gaps in our knowledge of A. baumannii OMPs. This study reports the impact of OmpA-like protein on bacterial physiology and virulence in A. baumannii strain AB5075. We found that PsaB (ABUW_0505) negatively correlates to stress tolerance, while ArfA (ABUW_2730) significantly affects bacterial stiffness, cell shape, and cell envelope thickness. Furthermore, we expand our knowledge on YiaD (ABUW_3045), demonstrating structural and virulence roles of this porin, in addition to meropenem resistance. This study provides solid foundations for understanding how uncharacterized OMPs contribute to A. baumannii\'s physiological and pathological processes, aiding the development of innovative therapeutic strategies against A. baumannii infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate their roles in extracellular electron transfer (EET), the porin-cytochrome (pcc) gene clusters Gmet0825-0828, Gmet0908-0910, and Gmet0911-0913 of the Gram-negative bacterium Geobacter metallireducens were deleted. Failure to delete all pcc gene clusters at the same time suggested their essential roles in extracellular reduction of Fe(III)-citrate by G. metallireducens. Deletion of Gmet0825-0828 had no impact on bacterial reduction of Fe(III)-citrate but diminished bacterial reduction of ferrihydrite and abolished anode reduction and direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) to Methanosarcina barkeri and Geobacter sulfurreducens. Although it had no impact on the bacterial reduction of Fe(III)-citrate, deletion of Gmet0908-0910 delayed ferrihydrite reduction, abolished anode reduction, and diminished DIET. Deletion of Gmet0911-0913 had little impact on DIET but diminished bacterial reductions of Fe(III)-citrate, ferrihydrite, and anodes. Most importantly, deletions of both Gmet0825-0828 and Gmet0908-0910 restored bacterial reduction of ferrihydrite and anodes and DIET. Enhanced expression of Gmet0911-0913 in this double mutant when grown in coculture with G. sulfurreducens ΔhybLΔfdnG suggested that this cluster might compensate for impaired EET functions of deleting Gmet0825-0828 and Gmet0908-0910. Thus, these pcc gene clusters played essential, distinct, overlapping, and compensatory roles in EET of G. metallireducens that are difficult to characterize as deletion of some clusters affected expression of others. The robustness of these pcc gene clusters enabled G. metallireducens to mediate EET to different acceptors for anaerobic growth even when two of its three pcc gene clusters were inactivated by mutation. The results from this investigation provide new insights into the roles of pcc gene clusters in bacterial EET.
    OBJECTIVE: The Gram-negative bacterium Geobacter metallireducens is of environmental and biotechnological significance. Crucial to the unique physiology of G. metallireducens is its extracellular electron transfer (EET) capability. This investigation sheds new light on the robust roles of the three porin-cytochrome (pcc) gene clusters, which are directly involved in EET across the bacterial outer membrane, in the EET of G. metallireducens. In addition to their essential roles, these gene clusters also play distinct, overlapping, and compensatory roles in the EET of G. metallireducens. The distinct roles of the pcc gene clusters enable G. metallireducens to mediate EET to a diverse group of electron acceptors for anaerobic respirations. The overlapping and compensatory roles of the pcc gene clusters enable G. metallireducens to maintain and restore its EET capability for anaerobic growth when one or two of its three pcc gene clusters are deleted from the genome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meningococcal (Neisseria meningitidis) serogroup B (MenB) strain antigens are diverse and a limited number of strains can be evaluated using the human serum bactericidal antibody (hSBA) assay. The genetic Meningococcal Antigen Typing System (gMATS) was developed to predict the likelihood of coverage for large numbers of isolates by the 4CMenB vaccine, which includes antigens Neisseria adhesin A (NadA), Neisserial Heparin-Binding Antigen (NHBA), factor H-binding protein (fHbp), and Porin A (PorA). In this study, we characterized by whole-genome analyses 284 invasive MenB isolates collected from 2010 to 2014 by the Argentinian National Laboratories Network (52-61 isolates per year). Strain coverage was estimated by gMATS on all isolates and by hSBA assay on 74 randomly selected isolates, representative of the whole panel. The four most common clonal complexes (CCs), accounting for 81.3% of isolates, were CC-865 (75 isolates, 26.4%), CC-32 (59, 20.8%), CC-35 (59, 20.8%), and CC-41/44 (38, 13.4%). Vaccine antigen genotyping showed diversity. The most prevalent variants/peptides were fHbp variant 2, NHBA peptides 24, 21, and 2, and PorA variable region 2 profiles 16-36 and 14. The nadA gene was present in 66 (23.2%) isolates. Estimated strain coverage by hSBA assay showed 78.4% of isolates were killed by pooled adolescent sera, and 51.4% and 64.9% (based on two different thresholds) were killed by pooled infant sera. Estimated coverage by gMATS (61.3%; prediction interval: 55.5%, 66.7%) was consistent with the infant hSBA assay results. Continued genomic surveillance is needed to evaluate the persistence of major MenB CCs in Argentina.
    The most common clinical manifestations of invasive meningococcal disease include meningitis and septicemia, which can be deadly, and many survivors suffer long-term serious after-effects. Most cases of invasive meningococcal disease are caused by six meningococcal serogroups (types), including serogroup B. Although vaccines are available against meningococcal serogroup B infection, these vaccines target antigens that are highly diverse. Consequently, the effectiveness of vaccination may vary from country to country because the meningococcal serogroup B strains circulating in particular regions carry different forms of the target vaccine antigens. This means it is important to test serogroup B strains isolated from specific populations to estimate the percentage of strains that a vaccine is likely to be effective against (known as ‘vaccine strain coverage’). The genetic Meningococcal Antigen Typing System (gMATS) was developed to predict strain coverage by the four-component meningococcal serogroup B vaccine, 4CMenB, against large numbers of serogroup B strains. In this study, we analyzed 284 invasive meningococcal serogroup B isolates collected between 2010 and 2014 in Argentina. Genetic analyses showed that the vaccine antigens of the isolates were diverse and some genetic characteristics had not been found in isolates from other countries. However, vaccine strain coverage estimated by gMATS was consistent with that reported in other parts of the world and with strain coverage results obtained for a subset via another method, the human serum bactericidal antibody (hSBA) assay. These results highlight the need for continued monitoring of circulating bacterial strains to assess the estimated strain coverage of meningococcal serogroup B vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-carbapenemase-producing carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales (non-CP CRE) may be associated with a grave outcome. The common underlying mechanism is beta-lactamases and mutations in outer membrane porins. We report a case of a deep-seated infection caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae ST395 not amenable to source control, involving recurrent bloodstream infection, resulting in in vivo selection of carbapenem resistance under therapy. Three consecutive K. pneumoniae blood isolates were studied using short- and long-read sequencing. The genomes were subject to resistome and virulome, phylogenetic, and plasmid analyses. ompK36 porins were analyzed at the nucleotide and amino acid levels. Genomes were compared to 297 public ST395 K. pneumoniae genomes using cgMLST, resistome, and porin analyses and the EuSCAPE project. Relevant ompK36 and micF sequences were extracted and analyzed as above. The three sequential K. pneumoniae blood isolates belonged to the same clone. Subsequent CR isolates revealed a new large deletion of the ompK36 gene also involving the upstream region (deletion of micF). Comparison with public ST395 genomes revealed the study isolates belonged to clade B, representing a separate clone. N-terminal large ompK36 truncations were uncommon in both public data sets. In vivo selection of non-CP CRE K. pneumoniae could have substantial clinical implications. Such selection should be scrutinized through repeated cultures and frequent susceptibility testing during antimicrobial treatment, especially in the context of persistent or recurrent bloodstream infections and when adequate source control cannot be achieved. The occurrence of an unusually large deletion involving the ompK36 locus and upstream micF should be further studied.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The disturbance of potassium current in cardiac myocytes caused by potassium channel dysfunction can lead to cardiac electrophysiological disorders, resulting in associated cardiovascular diseases. The emergence of artificial potassium ion channels opens up a way to replace dysfunctional natural ion channels and cure related diseases. However, bionic potassium ion channels have not been introduced into living cells to regulate cell function. One of the biggest challenges is that when the bionic channel fuses with the cell, it is difficult to control the inserting angle of the bionic potassium channel to ensure its penetration of the entire cell membrane. In nature, the extracellular vesicles can fuse with living cells with a completely preserved structure of vesicle protein. Inspired by this, we developed a vesicle fusion-based bionic porin (VFBP), which integrates bionic potassium ion channels into cardiomyocytes to replace damaged potassium ion channels. Theoretical and experimental results show that the inserted bionic ion channels have a potassium ion transport rate comparable to that of natural ion channels, which can restore the potassium ion outflow in cardiomyocytes and repair the abnormal action potential and excitation-contraction coupling of cardiomyocytes. Therefore, the bionic potassium ion channel system based on membrane fusion is expected to become the research object in many fields such as ultrafast ion transport, transmembrane delivery, and channelopathies treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The work presents results of the in vitro and in silico study of formation of amyloid-like structures under harsh denaturing conditions by non-specific OmpF porin of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis (YpOmpF), a membrane protein with β-barrel conformation. It has been shown that in order to obtain amyloid-like porin aggregates, preliminary destabilization of its structure in a buffer solution with acidic pH at elevated temperature followed by long-term incubation at room temperature is necessary. After heating at 95°C in a solution with pH 4.5, significant conformational rearrangements are observed in the porin molecule at the level of tertiary and secondary structure of the protein, which are accompanied by the increase in the content of total β-structure and sharp decrease in the value of characteristic viscosity of the protein solution. Subsequent long-term exposure of the resulting unstable intermediate YpOmpF at room temperature leads to formation of porin aggregates of various shapes and sizes that bind thioflavin T, a specific fluorescent dye for the detection of amyloid-like protein structures. Compared to the initial protein, early intermediates of the amyloidogenic porin pathway, oligomers, have been shown to have increased toxicity to the Neuro-2aCCL-131™ mouse neuroblastoma cells. The results of computer modeling and analysis of the changes in intrinsic fluorescence during protein aggregation suggest that during formation of amyloid-like aggregates, changes in the structure of YpOmpF affect not only the areas with an internally disordered structure corresponding to the external loops of the porin, but also main framework of the molecule, which has a rigid spatial structure inherent to β-barrel.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are becoming next-generation alternative antibacterial agents because of the rapid increase in resistance in bacteria against existing antibiotics, which can also be attributed to the formation of resilient biofilms. However, their widespread use is limited because of their poor absorption, higher dosage requirements, and delayed onset of the bioactivity to elicit a desired response. Here we developed a short AMP that specifically targeted Fusobacterium nucleatum. We conjugated 23R to a statherin-derived peptide (SDP) through rational design; this conjugate binds to FomA, a major porin protein of F. nucleatum. The SDP-tagged 23R exhibited rapid and highly specific bactericidal efficacy against F. nucleatum. Further, IC50 values were in the nanomolar range, and they were 100-fold lower than those obtained with unconjugated 23R. In a human gut microbiota model, 0.1 nM SDP-23R achieved 99% clearance of F. nucleatum ATCC 25586 without markedly altering resident microbiota. Here we demonstrated that binding-peptide-coupled AMPs show increased killing efficacy and specificity for the target pathogen without affecting the resident microbiota.





