
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vesicles within presynaptic terminals are thought to be segregated into a variety of readily releasable and reserve pools. The nature of the pools and trafficking between them is not well understood, but pools that are slow to mobilize when synapses are active are often assumed to feed pools that are mobilized more quickly, in a series. However, electrophysiological studies of synaptic transmission have suggested instead a parallel organization where vesicles within slowly and quickly mobilized reserve pools would separately feed independent reluctant- and fast-releasing subdivisions of the readily releasable pool. Here, we use FM-dyes to confirm the existence of multiple reserve pools at hippocampal synapses and a parallel organization that prevents intermixing between the pools, even when stimulation is intense enough to drive exocytosis at the maximum rate. The experiments additionally demonstrate extensive heterogeneity among synapses in the relative sizes of the slowly and quickly mobilized reserve pools, which suggests equivalent heterogeneity in the numbers of reluctant and fast-releasing readily releasable vesicles that may be relevant for understanding information processing and storage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) continues to challenge swine production in the US and most parts of the world. Effective PRRSV surveillance in swine herds can be challenging, especially because the virus can persist and sustain a very low prevalence. Although weaning-age pigs are a strategic subpopulation in the surveillance of PRRSV in breeding herds, very few sample types have been validated and characterized for surveillance of this subpopulation. The objectives of this study, therefore, were to compare PRRSV RNA detection rates in serum, oral swabs (OS), nasal swabs (NS), ear-vein blood swabs (ES), and family oral fluids (FOF) obtained from weaning-age pigs and to assess the effect of litter-level pooling on the reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) detection of PRRSV RNA.
    UNASSIGNED: Three eligible PRRSV-positive herds in the Midwestern USA were selected for this study. 666 pigs across 55 litters were sampled for serum, NS, ES, OS, and FOF. RT-qPCR tests were done on these samples individually and on the litter-level pools of the swabs. Litter-level pools of each swab sample type were made by combining equal volumes of each swab taken from the pigs within a litter.
    UNASSIGNED: Ninety-six piglets distributed across 22 litters were positive by PRRSV RT-qPCR on serum, 80 piglets distributed across 15 litters were positive on ES, 80 piglets distributed across 17 litters were positive on OS, and 72 piglets distributed across 14 litters were positive on NS. Cohen\'s kappa analyses showed near-perfect agreement between all paired ES, OS, NS, and serum comparisons (). The serum RT-qPCR cycle threshold values (Ct) strongly predicted PRRSV detection in swab samples. There was a ≥ 95% probability of PRRSV detection in ES-, OS-, and NS pools when the proportion of positive swab samples was ≥ 23%, ≥ 27%, and ≥ 26%, respectively.
    UNASSIGNED: ES, NS, and OS can be used as surveillance samples for detecting PRRSV RNA by RT-qPCR in weaning-age pigs. The minimum number of piglets to be sampled by serum, ES, OS, and NS to be 95% confident of detecting ≥ 1 infected piglet when PRRSV prevalence is ≥ 10% is 30, 36, 36, and 40, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climatic conditions have been shown as a major driver of the fate of Hg in forest ecosystems at a global scale, but less is known about climatic effects at shorter scales. This study assesses whether the concentration and pools of Hg in soils collected from seventeen Pinus pinaster stands describing a coastal-inland transect in SW Europe vary along a regional climatic gradient. In each stand, samples of the organic subhorizons (OL, OF + OH) and the mineral soil (up to 40 cm) were collected and some general physico-chemical properties and total Hg (THg) were analyzed. Total Hg was significantly higher in the OF + OH than in the OL subhorizons (98 and 38 μg kg-1, respectively), favored by a greater organic matter humification in the former. In the mineral soil, mean THg values decreased with depth, ranging from 96 μg kg-1 in the 0-5 cm layers to 54 μg kg-1 in the deepest layers (30-40 cm), respectively. The average Hg pool (PHg) was 0.30 mg m-2 in the organic horizons (92% accumulated in the OF + OH subhorizons), and 27.4 mg m-2 in the mineral soil. Changes in climatic factors, mainly precipitation, along the coast-inland transect resulted in a remarkable variation of THg in the OL subhorizons, consistent with their role as the first receiver of atmospheric Hg inputs. The high precipitation rate and the occurrence of fogs in coastal areas characterized by the oceanic influence would explain the higher THg found in the uppermost soil layers of pine stands located close to the coastline. The regional climate is key to the fate of mercury in forest ecosystems by influencing the plant growth and subsequent atmospheric Hg uptake, the atmospheric Hg transference to the soil surface (wet and dry deposition and litterfall) and the dynamics that determine net Hg accumulation in the forest floor.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pool toes, a sport-related dermatosis, are caused by mechanical friction and water exposure, resulting in a special variant of irritant contact dermatitis. It is common in children, often misdiagnosed, and rarely reported. Here we report a case of a 7-year-old girl who developed this unusual type of frictional dermatitis; a pool toes diagnosis has been made. With topical corticosteroids, favorable results have been achieved. The recovery and healing process will be facilitated if one is aware of the underlying causes of such dermatitis and ceases the triggering factors.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Two adult female hippos in Zoo Antwerp who were naturally infected with SARS-CoV-2 showed nasal discharge for a few days. Virus was detected by immunocytochemistry and PCR in nasal swab samples and by PCR in faeces and pool water. Serology was also positive. No treatment was necessary.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: It is important to determine if a horse is shedding Salmonella spp., but a complete culture series can be cost prohibitive.
    OBJECTIVE: Determine the optimal pooling technique to maintain high sensitivity of Salmonella spp. culture using spiked samples, and then demonstrate the efficacy of this protocol on clinical submissions.
    OBJECTIVE: Pooled fecal samples are as sensitive as 5 individual cultures for the detection of Salmonella shedding.
    METHODS: A single Salmonella-negative horse from the university herd, and 19 hospitalized horses.
    METHODS: Salmonella-free fecal samples were spiked with different amounts of Salmonella spp. (102 , 103 , 104 , and 105 colony forming units [cfu]) and homogenized to evaluate pooled samples. Five individual fecal samples were collected from 19 hospitalized horses. Ten-gram aliquots of each individual sample were combined to make a pooled sample. Both individual and pooled samples were cultured for Salmonella spp. The identity of bacterial isolates was confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization time of flight mass spectrometry.
    RESULTS: A 102  cfu concentration of Salmonella spp. could be recovered from a spiked Salmonella-free fecal sample. Homogenization protocols indicated that the addition of 20 mL of broth to the pooled sample improved recovery, whereas homogenization time did not. Of the 19 horses tested, 5 were positive for Salmonella. In all instances, Salmonella spp. were recovered from the fecal pool as well as individual samples.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pooling of 5 fecal samples for Salmonella culture is a sensitive and cost-effective diagnostic approach to detect horses that are shedding the organism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study compared the kinematics of upper body and cue stick among players of various skill levels when performing back spin and top spin shots. Twenty-eight male cue sports players were assigned to the novice (n = 10), intermediate (n = 9), or skilled groups (n = 9). The back spin and top spin tests were administrated while kinematic data were recorded using a 3D motion capture system. The results revealed greater upper limb joint ranges of motions (all p < 0.05), maximum angular velocities (all p < 0.05), and cue tip speed in the back spin than top spin shots (p < 0.001). None of joint kinematic or shot performance variables investigated was significantly different among the three skill levels (all p > 0.05). For the head movement, the novice group exhibited greater anteroposterior displacement than the skilled group (p = 0.020). In conclusion, except for the head movement, the upper body and cue stick kinematics did not significantly differ among players with varied skill levels. Greater joint ranges of motions and angular velocities were required to generate a faster cue tip speed for the back spin shots when compared with the top spin shots.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three protein targets from SARS-CoV-2, the viral pathogen that causes COVID-19, are studied: the main protease, the 2\'-O-RNA methyltransferase, and the nucleocapsid (N) protein. For the main protease, the nucleophilicity of the catalytic cysteine C145 is enabled by coupling to three histidine residues, H163 and H164 and catalytic dyad partner H41. These electrostatic couplings enable significant population of the deprotonated state of C145. For the RNA methyltransferase, the catalytic lysine K6968 that serves as a Brønsted base has significant population of its deprotonated state via strong coupling with K6844 and Y6845. For the main protease, Partial Order Optimum Likelihood (POOL) predicts two clusters of biochemically active residues; one includes the catalytic H41 and C145 and neighboring residues. The other surrounds a second pocket adjacent to the catalytic site and includes S1 residues F140, L141, H163, E166, and H172 and also S2 residue D187. This secondary recognition site could serve as an alternative target for the design of molecular probes. From in silico screening of library compounds, ligands with predicted affinity for the secondary site are reported. For the NSP16-NSP10 complex that comprises the RNA methyltransferase, three different sites are predicted. One is the catalytic core at the conserved K-D-K-E motif that includes catalytic residues D6928, K6968, and E7001 plus K6844. The second site surrounds the catalytic core and consists of Y6845, C6849, I6866, H6867, F6868, V6894, D6895, D6897, I6926, S6927, Y6930, and K6935. The third is located at the heterodimer interface. Ligands predicted to have high affinity for the first or second sites are reported. Three sites are also predicted for the nucleocapsid protein. This work uncovers key interactions that contribute to the function of the three viral proteins and also suggests alternative sites for ligand design.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to investigate individual trial-to-trial performance in three tests to define adaptive regulation as a key feature of expertise in nine-ball. Thirty-one male players were assigned into the low-skilled (n = 11), intermediate (n = 10), or high-skilled groups (n = 10). The power control, cue alignment, and angle tests were selected to assess participants\' ability to control the power applied in shots, strike the ball straight, and understand the ball paths, respectively. Error distance and correction of error distance were identified for each shot using 2D video analysis. Results of one-way analysis of variance showed that the high-skilled group performed better in two out of the three tests than the other two groups (p = .010 for the cue alignment test; p = .002 for the angle test). However, the adaptation effect represented by the decreased error distances across trials was not observed. Pearson correlation revealed only a few significant correlations between the error distance and its correction within each participant in all tests (p < .05), and hence, the hypothesis that \"low correction happened after small error and vice versa\" is not supported.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Atmospheric mercury (Hg) is largely assimilated by vegetation and subsequently transferred to the soil by litterfall, which highlights the role of forests as one of the largest global Hg sinks within terrestrial ecosystems. We assessed the pool of Hg in the aboveground biomass (leaves, wood, bark, branches and twigs), the Hg deposition flux through litterfall over two years (by sorting fallen biomass in leaves, twigs, reproductive structures and miscellaneous) and its accumulation in the soil profile in a deciduous forest dominated by Betula alba from SW Europe. The total Hg pool in the aboveground birch biomass was in the range 532-683 mg ha-1, showing the following distribution by plant tissues: well-developed leaves (171 mg ha-1) > twigs (160 mg ha-1) > bark (159 mg ha-1) > bole wood (145 mg ha-1) > fine branches (25 mg ha-1) > thick branches (24 mg ha-1) > newly sprouted leaves (20 mg ha-1). The total Hg deposition fluxes through litterfall were 15.4 and 11.7 μg m-2 yr-1 for the two years studied, with the greatest contribution coming from birch leaves (73 %). In the soil profile, the pool of Hg in the mineral soil (37.0 mg m-2) was an order of magnitude higher than in the organic horizons (1.0 mg m-2), mostly conditioned by parameters such as soil bulk density and thickness, total C and N contents and the presence of certain Al compounds.





