policy making

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The use of corporate power to undermine public health policy processes is increasingly well understood; however, relatively little scholarship examines how advocates can leverage power to promote the successful adoption of public health policies. The objective of this paper is to explore how advocates leveraged three forms of power - structural, instrumental and discursive - to promote the passage of the Promotion of Healthy Eating Law (Ley 27,642) in Argentina, one of the most comprehensive policies to introduce mandatory front-of-package (FOP) warning labels and regulate the marketing and sales of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) adopted to date.
    METHODS: We conducted seventeen semi-structured interviews with advocates from different sectors, including civil society, international agencies, and government. Both data collection and analysis were guided by Milsom\'s conceptual framework for analyzing power in public health policymaking, and the data was analyzed using hybrid deductive and inductive thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: Advocates harnessed structural power through the leveraging of revolving doors, informal alliances, and formal coalitions, enabling them to convene discussion spaces with decision-makers, make strategic use of limited resources, and cultivate the diverse expertise (e.g., research, nutrition science, advocacy, law, political science, activism and communications) needed to support the law through different phases of the policy process. Advocates wielded instrumental power by amassing an armada of localized evidence to promote robust policy design, building technical literacy amongst themselves and decision-makers, and exposing conflicts of interest to harness public pressure. Advocates exercised discursive power by adopting a rights-based discourse, including of children and adolescents and of consumers to transparent information, which enabled advocates to foster a favorable perception of the law amongst both decision-makers and the public. Key contextual enablers include a political window of opportunity, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ability to learn from the regional precedent of similar policies.
    CONCLUSIONS: Public health policymaking, particularly when encroaching upon corporate interests, is characterized by stark imbalances of power that hinder policy decisions. The strategies identified in the case of Argentina provide important insights as to how advocates might harness and exercise structural, instrumental, and discursive power to counter corporate influence and promote the successful adoption of comprehensive UPF regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Local governments have a critical role to play in addressing health inequities. Health equity impact assessments are recommended to help governments apply an equity lens to the development and implementation of policies and programs. Despite evidence of equity-positive benefits of such tools, adoption remains limited, prompting calls for evaluations to assess their impact and identify factors that will promote uptake across various contexts.
    METHODS: We conducted a mixed method study to evaluate the impact of an equity impact assessment (EIA) tool and process on policies and organisational capacity in a local government in Victoria, Australia, and identify factors that influenced this impact. We analysed 33 documents related to 18 EIAs, and conducted surveys (n = 40) and in-depth interviews (n = 17) with staff involved in EIAs.
    RESULTS: Almost all (17 of 18) EIAs resulted in equity-positive changes to policies and programs, most frequently addressing individual-level factors, such as making community communications and consultations more accessible to under-represented or under-served groups. Structural-level recommendations from one EIA, such as increasing diversity in decision-making panels, were found to impact both the current policy and a broad range of future, related projects and services. Improvements in equity-centric organisational culture and capacity (including staff awareness, skills and confidence) and increased engagement with under-represented communities were also reported. Factors perceived to influence the impact of EIA\'s related to organisational commitment and capacity to prioritise equity, process-level factors related to the type and timing of EIAs, and extent of implementation support.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study supports wider uptake of health equity impact assessments in local government policies and programs. Legislation, leadership and resources from upper-tiers of government can help increase the adoption of equity tools to reduce disparities in population health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Policy making has long focused on economic growth as measured by gross domestic product (GDP), diverting attention from sustainable wellbeing for all. Despite high-quality proposals to go beyond GDP, their integration into policy and societal discourse remains limited. A new UN initiative, Valuing What Counts, provides an opportunity for establishing and institutionalising global measurement of metrics beyond GDP, a crucial step to enable a transition into a safe and just space for humanity. Here, we inform this process by consolidating 50 years of literature on Beyond GDP metrics, addressing three core challenges. First, we resolve the lack of interdisciplinary collaboration by integrating five scientific schools of thought in one measurement approach. Second, we alleviate confusion arising from numerous Beyond GDP alternatives, offering a structured analysis of 65 metrics, delineating their measurement objectives. Finally, we bridge the divide between scientific proposals and country-specific approaches. We unite country-specific needs with a standardised and interdisciplinary measurement approach, presenting a dashboard for sustainable and inclusive wellbeing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic revealed gaps in medical supply quality and personnel training and familiarity in San Francisco County, prompting the reexamination of county disaster supply caches and emergency medical services (EMS) system decompression protocols. Project RESPOND (Rapid Emergency Supplies for Prehospital Operations in Disaster) was developed to bridge the gap in patient care infrastructure during short- or no-warning disasters and enhance EMS system offloading by introducing a novel capacity for the safe treatment and discharge of patients with minor injuries from the scene of an event. This design, while scaled to the needs of a unique metropolitan population, can be used as a template for the reimagining of disaster response policy and development of disaster supply caches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In 2016, large-scale 20 miles per hour speed limits were introduced in the United Kingdom cities of Edinburgh and Belfast. This paper investigates the role that scientific evidence played in the policy decisions to implement lower speed limits in the two cities.
    METHODS: Using a qualitative case study design, we undertook content analysis of a range of documents to explore and describe the evolution of the two schemes and the ways in which evidence informed decision-making. In total, we identified 16 documents for Edinburgh, published between 2006 and 2016, and 19 documents for Belfast, published between 2002 and 2016.
    RESULTS: In both cities, evidence on speed, collisions and casualties was important for initiating discussions on large-scale 20 mph policies. However, the narrative shifted over time to the idea that 20 mph would contribute to a wider range of aspirations, none of which were firmly grounded in evidence, but may have helped to neutralize opposing discourses.
    CONCLUSIONS: The relationship between evidence and decision-making in Edinburgh and Belfast was neither simple nor linear. Widening of the narrative appears to have helped to frame the idea in such a way that it had broad acceptability, without which there would have been no implementation, and probably a lot more push back from vested interests and communities than there was.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Epidemic Diseases Act (EDA) was enacted in February 1897 by the Government of India to prevent and control the spread of the plague. Since then, the Act has become a key legal tool for the control of epidemics/pandemics in India. We attempted to understand the international and domestic pressures that led to the adoption of the EDA in three ways. First, we analyse the legislative structure (Bombay Municipal Act of 1888, Indian Railways Act of 1890, and Act I of 1870) that dealt with infectious or contagious diseases in colonial India before the EDA came into force. Second, we focus on the linkages between international and domestic pressures that necessitated the adoption of the EDA. Third, we analyse the discussions of the Council of the Governor General of India on the bill titled \'A Bill to Provide for the better prevention of the spread of Dangerous Epidemic Diseases\', which later became the Epidemic Diseases Act No. III of 1897. We situate the EDA in an international context of International Sanitary Conferences, quarantine, trade concerns, and pilgrimage to Mecca in order to understand the pressures that impacted British epidemic policy formation in colonial India.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Health policies form the foundation for provisioning best level care and are important for all stakeholders including patients and healthcare providers. Health policy analysis and evaluation allows policy makers to improve an existing policy, terminate a non-effective policy and to successfully implement future policies.The objective was to assess the coherence between the two local policy documents on NCD prevention and control in Sri Lanka, the national NCD policy (NCD policy) and the multisectoral action plan (MSAP), and to assess the consistency of MSAP with the global action plan for NCDs.
    UNASSIGNED: The content analysis of the NCD policy and MSAP of Sri Lanka was conducted based on the modified criteria developed to the \'Analysis of determinants of policy impact\' model, by two reviewers independently. Coherence between MSAP and the global NCD action plan were also assessed by two reviewers independently. Consensus for discrepancy was achieved through discussion.
    UNASSIGNED: Accessibility was the strongest criteria for the NCD policy, while, resources and obligations were the weakest. Goals and monitoring and evaluation criteria were the strongest in the MSAP. Requirement for improvement were identified in policy background, goals, monitoring and evaluation, and public opportunities for the NCD policy. Accessibility, policy background, resources, public opportunities and obligations require further improvement in the MSAP. The MSAP is well coherent with the global road map for NCD prevention and control.
    UNASSIGNED: Policy documents related to NCD prevention and control in Sri Lanka are coherent with the global action plan, while, there are areas within the local policy documents that need to be improved to enhance the coherence between the local documents. Lessons learnt by this activity need to be utilized by Sri Lanka and other countries to improve the uniformity between the NCD policy documents within the country as well as internationally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Around 18% of the population in Chile has disabilities. Evidence shows that this population has greater healthcare needs, yet they face barriers to accessing healthcare due to health system failures. This paper aims to assess the inclusion of people with disabilities in health policy documents and to explore the perceptions of key national stakeholders regarding the policy context, policy processes, and actors involved.
    METHODS: A policy content analysis was conducted of 12 health policy documents using the EquiFrame framework, adapted to assess disability inclusion. Documents were reviewed and rated on their quality of commitment against 21 core concepts of human rights in the framework. Key national stakeholders (n = 15) were interviewed, and data were thematically analysed under the Walt and Gilson Policy Analysis Triangle, using NVivo R1.
    RESULTS: Core human rights concepts of disability were mentioned at least once in nearly all health policy documents (92%). However, 50% had poor policy commitments for disability. Across policies, Prevention of health conditions was the main human rights concept reflected, while Privacy of information was the least referenced concept. Participants described a fragmented disability movement and health policy, related to a dominant biomedical model of disability. It appeared that disability was not prioritized in the health policy agenda, due to ineffective mainstreaming of disability by the Government and the limited influence and engagement of civil society in policy processes. Moreover, the limited existing policy framework on disability inclusion is not being implemented effectively. This implementation gap was attributed to lack of financing, leadership, and human resources, coupled with low monitoring of disability inclusion.
    CONCLUSIONS: Improvements are needed in both the development and implementation of disability-inclusive health policies in Chile, to support the achievement of the right to healthcare for people with disabilities and ensuring that the health system truly \"leaves no one behind\".
    INTRODUCCIóN: Alrededor del 18% de la población de Chile tiene discapacidad. Los datos demuestran que esta población tiene mayores necesidades de salud, pero se enfrenta a barreras para acceder a la salud debido a las deficiencias del sistema sanitario. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad en las políticas sanitarias y explorar las percepciones de actores nacionales en relación al contexto político, los procesos políticos y los actores implicados. MéTODOS: Se realizó un análisis de contenido de 12 políticas sanitarias utilizando el marco EquiFrame, adaptado para discapacidad. Se calificó la calidad de compromiso de las políticas con respecto a 21 conceptos de derechos humanos del EquiFrame. Se entrevistó a 15 actores nacionales, y los datos se analizaron temáticamente según el Triángulo de Políticas de Walt y Gilson, utilizando NVivo R1. RESULTADOS: Los conceptos de derechos humanos en materia de discapacidad se mencionaron al menos una vez en casi todas las políticas sanitarias (92%). Sin embargo, en el 50% de los casos los compromisos políticos en materia de discapacidad eran escasos. En todas las políticas, la Prevención de los problemas de salud fue el principal concepto de derechos humanos reflejado, mientras que la Privacidad de la información fue el concepto menos mencionado. Los participantes describieron un movimiento de la discapacidad y una política sanitaria fragmentados, relacionados con un modelo biomédico dominante de la discapacidad. Pareciera que la discapacidad no es prioritaria en la agenda política sanitaria, debido a su ineficaz integración por parte del Gobierno y a la limitada participación de la sociedad civil en los procesos políticos. Además, el limitado marco político existente sobre salud inclusiva no se está implementando eficazmente. Esta deficiencia en la implementación se atribuyó a la falta de financiamiento, liderazgo y recursos humanos, junto con el escaso monitoreo de la discapacidad. CONCLUSIONES: Se requieren mejoras tanto en el desarrollo como en la implementación de políticas de salud inclusivas de la discapacidad en Chile, para apoyar el alcance del derecho a la salud de las personas con discapacidad y asegurar que el sistema de salud realmente “no deje a nadie atrás”.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study estimates the monetary policy reaction function (MPRF) in a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) framework using Bayesian analysis for the emerging economies. DSGE models are suitable for the policy analysis because of their simplicity and prominent role of forward-looking variables. This is a pioneer study investigating the combined effects of credit spreads, fiscal imbalances, and monetary autonomy on interest rates for BRICS member countries. Using real data for the period 1970-2021, the posterior estimates confirm that both credit spread and fiscal imbalance significantly contribute to fluctuations in output, inflation, and interest rates in all the sample economies. The estimates show that fluctuations in the inflation rate are due to supply shocks. The empirical estimates also reveal that fiscal imbalances shock significantly affect output in Brazil, India, and South Africa, whereas, based on real data inflation and interest rate are significantly affected by fiscal imbalance shocks in China and South Africa. Yet, the findings suggest that the effects of various shocks on output and interest rates vary across countries.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The scope of this article is to analyze public policies and interventions (PPI) prevailing in 2022 at the national level for the prevention of excess weight (overweight and obesity) in the adult population of Mexico, from an intersectional perspective. We performed documental analysis of PPI to prevent excess weight in Mexico in adulthood by applying a methodology for policy analysis based on intersectionality (Intersectionality-Based Policy Analysis Framework). A total of nine PPI were analyzed. The extent to which the PPI design considers an intersectional perspective is heterogeneous in the documents analyzed. In the definition of the problem, we identified two main tendencies, namely reductionist and holistic. Both are combined in a variable way in the PPI, revealing internal contradictions in their design. Most PPI consider relatively few cases of social inequality, and as an additive rather than an intersectional consideration. Overall, the PPI consider social inequalities predominantly in the definition of the problem and, to a far lesser extent, in the proposed solutions and in the consultation and negotiation processes. The consideration of the intersectional nature of the problem of excess weight in PPI is important to address the unequal epidemic of excess weight.
    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las políticas públicas e intervenciones (PPI) a nivel nacional vigentes a 2022 para la prevención del exceso de peso (sobrepeso y obesidad) en población adulta de México, desde una perspectiva interseccional. Se realizó un análisis documental de las estrategias para prevenir el exceso de peso en México en la adultez. Los documentos fueron analizados aplicando una metodología para el análisis de políticas basado en la interseccionalidad. Un total de 9 PPI fueron analizadas. En el diseño de las mismas operan alcances variables para visibilizar una perspectiva interseccional. En la definición del problema identificamos dos tendencias principales: una tendencia reduccionista y una tendencia holística. Ambas se combinan de manera variable en las PPI, evidenciando contradicciones internas en su diseño. La mayoría de las PPI señalan pocos ejes de desigualdad social, y como aditivos más que interseccionales. Las PPI consideran las desigualdades sociales mayormente en la definición del problema y, en mucho menor medida, en las soluciones y en los procesos de consulta y negociación. La consideración de la naturaleza interseccional de la problemática del exceso de peso en las PPI es importante para abordar la epidémica desigualdad del exceso de peso.





