point dendrometer

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seasonal and daily radius variations in the xylem (XRV) and inner bark (IBV) of mature Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris) were determined during April 2019-October 2021 at a drought-prone inner alpine site (c. 750 m asl; Tyrol, Austria) by applying point dendrometers. XRVs were also related to environmental factors to evaluate the drivers of XRV during the growing season. XRV records revealed that the xylem width (i) started to shrink around the onset of radial stem growth in April, (ii) consistently decreased by c. 50 µm at the time when air temperature (T) and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) reached their maximum in late June through mid-July, and (iii) recovered until November/December. Although in daily cycles of radius variations XRV preceded IBV by about two hours and the daily amplitude of XRV was about 1/10 that of IBV, XRV and IBV (seasonal trends removed) were closely linked (ρ = 0.755; p < 0.001), indicating tight hydraulic coupling between these tissues. Furthermore, the daily amplitude of XRV was linearly and closely related to daily maximum T (ρ = 0.802; p < 0.001), mean daily solar radiation (ρ = 0.809; p < 0.001), and non-linearly related to daily maximum VPD (R2= 0.837; p < 0.001), indicating that the xylem of Pinus sylvestris reacts like a transpiration-driven passive hydraulic system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tropical forests are experiencing increases in vapour pressure deficit (D), with possible negative impacts on tree growth. Tree-growth reduction due to rising D is commonly attributed to carbon limitation, thus overlooking the potentially important mechanism of D-induced impairment of wood formation due to an increase in turgor limitation. Here we calibrate a mechanistic tree-growth model to simulate turgor limitation of radial stem growth in mature Toona cilitata trees in an Asian tropical forest. Hourly sap flow and dendrometer measurements were collected to simulate turgor-driven growth during the growing season. Simulated seasonal patterns of radial stem growth matched well with growth observations. Growth mainly occurred at night and its pre-dawn build-up appeared to be limited under higher D. Across seasons, the night-time turgor pressure required for growth was negatively related to previous midday D, possibly due to a relatively high canopy conductance at high D, relative to stem rehydration. These findings provide the first evidence that tropical trees grow at night and that turgor pressure limits tree growth. We suggest including turgor limitation of tree stem growth in models also for tropical forest carbon dynamics, in particular, if these models simulate effects of warming and increased frequency of droughts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tropical montane cloud forests (TMCFs) are expected to experience more frequent and prolonged droughts over the coming century, yet understanding of TCMF tree responses to moisture stress remains weak compared with the lowland tropics. We simulated a severe drought in a throughfall reduction experiment (TFR) for 2 years in a Peruvian TCMF and evaluated the physiological responses of several dominant species (Clusia flaviflora Engl., Weinmannia bangii (Rusby) Engl., Weinmannia crassifolia Ruiz & Pav. and Prunus integrifolia (C. Presl) Walp). Measurements were taken of (i) sap flow; (ii) diurnal cycles of stem shrinkage, stem moisture variation and water-use; and (iii) intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) estimated from foliar δ13C. In W. bangii, we used dendrometers and volumetric water content (VWC) sensors to quantify daily cycles of stem water storage. In 2 years of sap flow (Js) data, we found a threshold response of water use to vapor pressure deficit vapor pressure deficit (VPD) > 1.07 kPa independent of treatment, though control trees used more soil water than the treatment trees. The daily decline in water use in the TFR trees was associated with a strong reduction in both morning and afternoon Js rates at a given VPD. Soil moisture also affected the hysteresis strength between Js and VPD. Reduced hysteresis under moisture stress implies that TMCFs are strongly dependent on shallow soil water. Additionally, we suggest that hysteresis can serve as a sensitive indicator of environmental constraints on plant function. Finally, 6 months into the experiment, the TFR treatment significantly increased iWUE in all study species. Our results highlight the conservative behavior of TMCF tree water use under severe soil drought and elucidate physiological thresholds related to VPD and its interaction with soil moisture. The observed strongly isohydric response likely incurs a cost to the carbon balance of the tree and reduces overall ecosystem carbon uptake.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Historical temperature records reveal that the boreal forest has been subjected to a significant lengthening of the thermal growing season since the middle of the last century, and climate models predict that this lengthening will continue in the future. Nevertheless, the potential phenological response of trees to changes in growing season length remains relatively undocumented, particularly for evergreen boreal tree species growing in cold environments. Here, we used the recently defined zero growth (ZG) concept to extract and characterize the metrics of seasonal radial growth dynamics for 12 balsam fir trees subjected to a 12-year soil warming experiment using high resolution radius dendrometer measurements. The ZG concept provides an accurate determination of growth seasonality (onset, cessation, duration, growth rates, and total growth) for these slow-growing trees characterized by significant shrinkage in tree diameter due to dehydration in the winter. Our analysis revealed that, on average, growth onset starts at day 152 ± 7 (±1 SE, 31 May-1 June) and ceases at day 244 ± 27 (31 August-1 September), for a growing season duration of about 3 months (93 ± 26 days) over a 12-year period. Growing season duration is mainly determined by growth cessation, while growth onset varies little between years. A large part (80%) of the total growth occurs in the first 50 days of the growing season. Given the dynamics of growth, early growth cessation (shorter growing season) results in a higher average seasonal growth rate, meaning that longer growing seasons are not necessarily associated with greater tree growth. Soil warming induces earlier growth cessation, but increases the mean tree growth rate by 18.1% and the total annual growth by 9.1%, on average, as compared to the control trees. Our results suggest that a higher soil temperature for warmed trees contributes to providing better growth conditions and higher growth rates in the early growing season, when the soil temperature is low and the soil water content is elevated because of snowmelt. Attaining a critical soil temperature earlier, coupled with lower soil water content, may have contributed to the earlier growth cessation and shorter growing season of warmed trees.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impact of climate extremes on forest ecosystems is poorly understood but important for predicting carbon and water cycle feedbacks to climate. Some knowledge gaps still remain regarding how drought-related adjustments in intra-annual tree-ring characteristics directly impact tree carbon and water use. In this study we quantified the impact of an extreme summer drought on the water-use efficiency and carbon sequestration of four mature Norway spruce trees. We used detailed observations of wood formation (xylogenesis) and intra-annual tree-ring properties (quantitative wood anatomy and stable carbon isotopes) combined with physiological water-stress monitoring. During 41 d of tree water deficit, we observed an enrichment in 13 C but a reduction in cell enlargement and wall-thickening processes, which impacted the anatomical characteristics. These adjustments diminished carbon sequestration by 67% despite an 11% increase in water-use efficiency during drought. However, with the resumption of a positive hydric state in the stem, we observed a fast recovery of cell formation rates based on the accumulated assimilates produced during drought. Our findings enhance our understanding of carbon and water fluxes between the atmosphere and forest ecosystems, providing observational evidence on the tree intra-annual carbon sequestration and water-use efficiency dynamics to improve future generations of vegetation models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Water stored in tree stems (i.e., trunks and branches) is an important contributor to transpiration that can improve photosynthetic carbon gain and reduce the probability of cavitation. However, in tall trees, the capacity to store water may decline with height because of chronically low water potentials associated with the gravitational potential gradient. We quantified the importance of elastic stem water storage in the top 5-6 m of large (4.2-5.0 m diameter at breast height, 82.1-86.3 m tall) Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindley) J. Buchholz (giant sequoia) trees using a combination of architectural measurements and automated sensors that monitored summertime diel rhythms in sap flow, stem diameter and water potential. Stem water storage contributed 1.5-1.8% of water transpired at the tree tops, and hydraulic capacitance ranged from 2.6 to 4.1 l MPa-1 m-3. These values, which are considerably smaller than reported for shorter trees, may be associated with persistently low water potentials imposed by gravity and could indicate a trend of decreasing water storage dynamics with height in tree. Branch diameter contraction and expansion consistently and substantially lagged behind fluxes in water potential and sap flow, which occurred in sync. This lag suggests that the inner bark, which consists mostly of live secondary phloem tissue, was an important hydraulic capacitor, and that hydraulic resistance between xylem and phloem retards water transfer between these tissues. We also measured tree-base sap flux, which lagged behind that measured in trunks near the tree tops, indicating additional storage in the large trunks between these measurement positions. Whole-tree sap flow ranged from 2227 to 3752 l day-1, corroborating previous records for similar-sized giant sequoia and representing the largest yet reported for any individual tree. Despite such extraordinarily high daily water use, we estimate that water stored in tree-top stems contributes minimally to transpiration on typical summer days.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tree responses to altered water availability range from immediate (e.g. stomatal regulation) to delayed (e.g. crown size adjustment). The interplay of the different response times and processes, and their effects on long-term whole-tree performance, however, is hardly understood. Here we investigated legacy effects on structures and functions of mature Scots pine in a dry inner-Alpine Swiss valley after stopping an 11-yr lasting irrigation treatment. Measured ecophysiological time series were analysed and interpreted with a system-analytic tree model. We found that the irrigation stop led to a cascade of downregulations of physiological and morphological processes with different response times. Biophysical processes responded within days, whereas needle and shoot lengths, crown transparency, and radial stem growth reached control levels after up to 4 yr only. Modelling suggested that organ and carbon reserve turnover rates play a key role for a tree\'s responsiveness to environmental changes. Needle turnover rate was found to be most important to accurately model stem growth dynamics. We conclude that leaf area and its adjustment time to new conditions is the main determinant for radial stem growth of pine trees as the transpiring area needs to be supported by a proportional amount of sapwood, despite the growth-inhibiting environmental conditions.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding stomatal regulation is fundamental to predicting the impact of changing environmental conditions on vegetation. However, the influence of soil temperature (ST) and soil water content (SWC) on canopy conductance (gs ) through changes in belowground hydraulic conductance (kbg ) remains poorly understood, because kbg has seldom been measured in field conditions. Our aim was to (a) examine the dependence of kbg on ST and SWC, (b) examine the dependence of gs on kbg and (c) test a recent stomatal optimization model according to which gs and soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance are strongly coupled. We estimated kbg from continuous sap flow and xylem diameter measurements in three boreal species. kbg increased strongly with increasing ST when ST was below +8°C, and typically increased with increasing SWC when ST was not limiting. gs was correlated with kbg in all three species, and modelled and measured gs were well correlated in Pinus sylvestris (a model comparison was only possible for this species). These results imply an important role for kbg in mediating linkages between the soil environment and leaf gas exchange. In particular, our finding that ST strongly influences kbg in mature trees may help us to better understand tree behaviour in cold environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Separating continuously measured stem radius (SR) fluctuations into growth-induced irreversible stem expansion (GRO) and tree water deficit-induced reversible stem shrinkage (TWD) requires a conceptualization of potential growth processes that may occur during periods of shrinking and expanding SR below a precedent maximum. Here, we investigated two physiological concepts: the linear growth (LG) concept, assuming linear growth, versus the zero growth (ZG) concept, assuming no growth during periods of stem shrinkage. We evaluated the physiological mechanisms underlying these two concepts and assessed their respective plausibilities using SR data obtained from 15 deciduous and evergreen trees. The application of the LG concept produced steady growth rates, whereas growth rates varied strongly under the ZG concept, more in accordance with mechanistic expectations. Further, growth increased for a maximum of 120 min after periods of stem shrinkage, indicating limited growth activity during those periods. However, this extra growth was found to be a small fraction of total growth only. Furthermore, TWD under the ZG concept was better explained by a hydraulic plant model than TWD under the LG concept. We conclude that periods of stem shrinkage allow for very little growth in the four tree species investigated. However, further studies should focus on obtaining independent growth data to ultimately validate these findings.





