point cloud data

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Establishing accurate structure-property linkages and precise phase volume accuracy in 3D microstructure reconstruction of materials remains challenging, particularly with limited samples. This paper presents an optimized method for reconstructing 3D microstructures of various materials, including isotropic and anisotropic types with two and three phases, using convolutional occupancy networks and point clouds from inner layers of the microstructure. The method emphasizes precise phase representation and compatibility with point cloud data. A stage within the Quality of Connection Function (QCF) repetition loop optimizes the weights of the convolutional occupancy networks model to minimize error between the microstructure\'s statistical properties and the reconstructive model. This model successfully reconstructs 3D representations from initial 2D serial images. Comparisons with screened Poisson surface reconstruction and local implicit grid methods demonstrate the model\'s efficacy. The developed model proves suitable for high-quality 3D microstructure reconstruction, aiding in structure-property linkages and finite element analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Harnessing the remarkable ability of the human brain to recognize and process complex data is a significant challenge for researchers, particularly in the domain of point cloud classification-a technology that aims to replicate the neural structure of the brain for spatial recognition. The initial 3D point cloud data often suffers from noise, sparsity, and disorder, making accurate classification a formidable task, especially when extracting local information features. Therefore, in this study, we propose a novel attention-based end-to-end point cloud downsampling classification method, termed as PointAS, which is an experimental algorithm designed to be adaptable to various downstream tasks. PointAS consists of two primary modules: the adaptive sampling module and the attention module. Specifically, the attention module aggregates global features with the input point cloud data, while the adaptive module extracts local features. In the point cloud classification task, our method surpasses existing downsampling methods by a significant margin, allowing for more precise extraction of edge data points to capture overall contour features accurately. The classification accuracy of PointAS consistently exceeds 80% across various sampling ratios, with a remarkable accuracy of 75.37% even at ultra-high sampling ratios. Moreover, our method exhibits robustness in experiments, maintaining classification accuracies of 72.50% or higher under different noise disturbances. Both qualitative and quantitative experiments affirm the efficacy of our approach in the sampling classification task, providing researchers with a more accurate method to identify and classify neurons, synapses, and other structures, thereby promoting a deeper understanding of the nervous system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fusing multiple sensor perceptions, specifically LiDAR and camera, is a prevalent method for target recognition in autonomous driving systems. Traditional object detection algorithms are limited by the sparse nature of LiDAR point clouds, resulting in poor fusion performance, especially for detecting small and distant targets. In this paper, a multi-task parallel neural network based on the Transformer is constructed to simultaneously perform depth completion and object detection. The loss functions are redesigned to reduce environmental noise in depth completion, and a new fusion module is designed to enhance the network\'s perception of the foreground and background. The network leverages the correlation between RGB pixels for depth completion, completing the LiDAR point cloud and addressing the mismatch between sparse LiDAR features and dense pixel features. Subsequently, we extract depth map features and effectively fuse them with RGB features, fully utilizing the depth feature differences between foreground and background to enhance object detection performance, especially for challenging targets. Compared to the baseline network, improvements of 4.78%, 8.93%, and 15.54% are achieved in the difficult indicators for cars, pedestrians, and cyclists, respectively. Experimental results also demonstrate that the network achieves a speed of 38 fps, validating the efficiency and feasibility of the proposed method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the increasing scale of deep-sea oil exploration and drilling platforms, the assessment, maintenance, and optimization of marine structures have become crucial. Traditional detection and manual measurement methods are inadequate for meeting these demands, but three-dimensional laser scanning technology offers a promising solution. However, the complexity of the marine environment, including waves and wind, often leads to problematic point cloud data characterized by noise points and redundancy. To address this challenge, this paper proposes a method that combines K-Nearest-Neighborhood filtering with a hyperbolic function-based weighted hybrid filtering. The experimental results demonstrate the exceptional performance of the algorithm in processing point cloud data from offshore oil and gas platforms. The method improves noise point filtering efficiency by approximately 11% and decreases the total error by 0.6 percentage points compared to existing technologies. Not only does this method accurately process anomalies in high-density areas-it also removes noise while preserving important details. Furthermore, the research method presented in this paper is particularly suited for processing large point cloud data in complex marine environments. It enhances data accuracy and optimizes the three-dimensional reconstruction of offshore oil and gas platforms, providing reliable dimensional information for land-based prefabrication of these platforms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Head pose estimation serves various applications, such as gaze estimation, fatigue-driven detection, and virtual reality. Nonetheless, achieving precise and efficient predictions remains challenging owing to the reliance on singular data sources. Therefore, this study introduces a technique involving multimodal feature fusion to elevate head pose estimation accuracy. The proposed method amalgamates data derived from diverse sources, including RGB and depth images, to construct a comprehensive three-dimensional representation of the head, commonly referred to as a point cloud. The noteworthy innovations of this method encompass a residual multilayer perceptron structure within PointNet, designed to tackle gradient-related challenges, along with spatial self-attention mechanisms aimed at noise reduction. The enhanced PointNet and ResNet networks are utilized to extract features from both point clouds and images. These extracted features undergo fusion. Furthermore, the incorporation of a scoring module strengthens robustness, particularly in scenarios involving facial occlusion. This is achieved by preserving features from the highest-scoring point cloud. Additionally, a prediction module is employed, combining classification and regression methodologies to accurately estimate head poses. The proposed method improves the accuracy and robustness of head pose estimation, especially in cases involving facial obstructions. These advancements are substantiated by experiments conducted using the BIWI dataset, demonstrating the superiority of this method over existing techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study proposes a novel hybrid simulation technique for analyzing structural deformation and stress using light detection and ranging (LiDAR)-scanned point cloud data (PCD) and polynomial regression processing. The method estimates the edge and corner points of the deformed structure from the PCD. It transforms into a Dirichlet boundary condition for the numerical simulation using the particle difference method (PDM), which utilizes nodes only based on the strong formulation, and it is advantageous for handling essential boundaries and nodal rearrangement, including node generation and deletion between analysis steps. Unlike previous studies, which relied on digital images with attached targets, this research uses PCD acquired through LiDAR scanning during the loading process without any target. Essential boundary condition implementation naturally builds a boundary value problem for the PDM simulation. The developed hybrid simulation technique was validated through an elastic beam problem and a three-point bending test on a rubber beam. The results were compared with those of ANSYS analysis, showing that the technique accurately approximates the deformed edge shape leading to accurate stress calculations. The accuracy improved when using a linear strain model and increasing the number of PDM model nodes. Additionally, the error that occurred during PCD processing and edge point extraction was affected by the order of polynomial regression equation. The simulation technique offers advantages in cases where linking numerical analysis with digital images is challenging and when direct mechanical gauge measurement is difficult. In addition, it has potential applications in structural health monitoring and smart construction involving machine leading techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The main factor affecting beef quality, consumer satisfaction, and purchase decisions is beef tenderness. In this study, a rapid nondestructive testing method for beef tenderness based on airflow pressure combined with structural light 3D vision technology was proposed. The structural light 3D camera was used to scan the 3D point cloud deformation information of the beef surface after the airflow acted on it for 1.8 s. Six deformation characteristics and three point cloud characteristics of the beef surface depression region were obtained by using denoising, point cloud rotation, point cloud segmentation, point cloud descending sampling, alphaShape, and other algorithms. A total of nine characteristics were mainly concentrated in the first five principal components (PCs). Therefore, the first five PCs were put into three different models. The results showed that the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) model had a comparatively higher prediction effect for the prediction of beef shear force, with a root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of 11.1389 and a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.8356. In addition, the correct classification accuracy of the ELM model for tender beef achieved 92.96%. The overall classification accuracy reached 93.33%. Consequently, the proposed methods and technology can be applied for beef tenderness detection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Currently, three-dimensional (3D) laser-scanned point clouds have been broadly applied in many important fields, such as non-contact measurements and reverse engineering. However, it is a huge challenge to efficiently and precisely extract the boundary features of unorganized point cloud data with strong randomness and distinct uncertainty. Therefore, a novel type of boundary extraction method will be developed based on concurrent Delaunay triangular meshes (CDTMs), which adds the vertex-angles of all CDTMs around a common data point together as an evaluation index to judge whether this targeted point will appear at boundary regions. Based on the statistical analyses on the CDTM numbers of every data point, another new type of CDTM-based boundary extraction method will be further improved by filtering out most of potential non-edge points in advance. Then these two CDTM-based methods and popular α-shape method will be employed in conducting boundary extractions on several point cloud datasets for comparatively analyzing and discussing their extraction accuracies and time consumptions in detail. Finally, all obtained results can strongly demonstrate that both these two CDTM-based methods present superior accuracies and strong robustness in extracting the boundary features of various unorganized point clouds, but the statistically improved version can greatly reduce time consumption.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Automated guided vehicles are widely used in warehousing environments for automated pallet handling, which is one of the fundamental parts to construct intelligent logistics systems. Pallet detection is a critical technology for automated guided vehicles, which directly affects production efficiency. A novel pallet detection method for automated guided vehicles based on point cloud data is proposed, which consists of five modules including point cloud preprocessing, key point extraction, feature description, surface matching and point cloud registration. The proposed method combines the color with the geometric features of the pallet point cloud and constructs a new Adaptive Color Fast Point Feature Histogram (ACFPFH) feature descriptor by selecting the optimal neighborhood adaptively. In addition, a new surface matching method called the Bidirectional Nearest Neighbor Distance Ratio-Approximate Congruent Triangle Neighborhood (BNNDR-ACTN) is proposed. The proposed method overcomes the problems of current methods such as low efficiency, poor robustness, random parameter selection, and being time-consuming. To verify the performance, the proposed method is compared with the traditional and modified Iterative Closest Point (ICP) methods in two real-world cases. The results show that the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is reduced to 0.009 and the running time is reduced to 0.989 s, which demonstrates that the proposed method has faster registration speed while maintaining higher registration accuracy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Volumetric crystal structure indexing and orientation mapping are key data processing steps for virtually any quantitative study of spatial correlations between the local chemical composition features and the microstructure of a material. For electron and X-ray diffraction methods it is possible to develop indexing tools which compare measured and analytically computed patterns to decode the structure and relative orientation within local regions of interest. Consequently, a number of numerically efficient and automated software tools exist to solve the above characterization tasks. For atom-probe tomography (APT) experiments, however, the strategy of making comparisons between measured and analytically computed patterns is less robust because many APT data sets contain substantial noise. Given that sufficiently general predictive models for such noise remain elusive, crystallography tools for APT face several limitations: their robustness to noise is limited, and therefore so too is their capability to identify and distinguish different crystal structures and orientations. In addition, the tools are sequential and demand substantial manual interaction. In combination, this makes robust uncertainty quantification with automated high-throughput studies of the latent crystallographic information a difficult task with APT data. To improve the situation, the existing methods are reviewed and how they link to the methods currently used by the electron and X-ray diffraction communities is discussed. As a result of this, some of the APT methods are modified to yield more robust descriptors of the atomic arrangement. Also reported is how this enables the development of an open-source software tool for strong scaling and automated identification of a crystal structure, and the mapping of crystal orientation in nanocrystalline APT data sets with multiple phases.





