plexiform ameloblastoma

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ameloblastoma is an epithelial odontogenic tumor with a benign nature and demonstrates local aggressiveness. It frequently occurs between the third and fifth decades of life, showing significant gender predilection. While typically displaying a benign growth pattern, it tends to invade and sporadically metastasize locally. Ameloblastoma is predominantly found in the posterior regions. Periodic recur commonly follows insufficient treatment. Hence, conducting thorough identification of tumors and management is crucial to prevent relapse. Complications and improved prognosis are associated with meticulous surgical techniques, regular follow-up care, and early detection of recurrence. This study presented a report of a 19-year-old male with swelling in the left lower jaw, detailing its area of complaint, radiographic findings, histopathologic characteristics, and different treatment approaches. The uniqueness of the case is the hybrid histopathology of ameloblastoma composed of plexiform and desmoplastic variants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The histologic properties of tumors seem to affect their biological behavior, and the same holds good for solid multicystic ameloblastoma (SMA), a benign, locally destructive lesion. Hyalinization is one such histological factor that has been demonstrated to correlate with the biological behavior of neoplasms. The present study aimed to analyze the correlation between the severity of hyalinization (SOH) and the recurrence potential of SMAs. The study was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) diagnosed archival cases of SMA, follicular SMA (n = 35) and plexiform SMA (n = 25). The cases were evaluated for SOH and scored from 0-3, and the correlation between SOH and recurrence was analyzed for statistical significance. The clinical parameters of the lesion were analyzed for statistical correlation with recurrence. The SOH significantly correlated with the recurrence of SMA (p = 0.001). The histologic type did not influence the biological behavior of SMA. The location of SMA in the body of the mandible (p = 0.036), multilocular radiolucency (p = 0.001) and root resorption (p = 0.002) also showed strong statistical correlation with recurrence. It is evident from the present study that hyalinization strongly correlates with the biological behavior of SMA. Future studies with advanced investigations could validate the presence of hyalinization and identify the origin of the hyalinized product in SMAs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    According to WHO statistics, individuals of the Indian subcontinent have the highest prevalence of orofacial cancer. Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or combination therapies are commonly administered treatment modalities for the treatment of oral cancer. Rehabilitation after surgical resection of the maxillary area is often a challenging task for maxillofacial prosthodontists. The size and location of the defect usually influence the amount of impairment and difficulty in prosthetic rehabilitation. Communication between nasal and oral cavities causes difficulty in swallowing and speech and gives unesthetic appearance. Obturator prosthesis is commonly used as an effective means for rehabilitating hemimaxillectomy cases. This article presents a case of acquired maxillary defect due to ameloblastoma with unfavorable undercuts, which was successfully treated by an immediate obturator following surgical resection and followed by a one-piece closed hollow bulb obturator, by utilizing the remaining palate and dentition to maximize the support, stability, and retention, which acts as a barrier to the communication between the oral and nasal cavities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unicystic ameloblastoma is a less encountered variant of the ameloblastoma that usually presented as unicystic lesions of jaw occurring in 3rd and 4th decades of life. It shows a typical ameloblastomatous epithelium lining the cyst cavity, with or without variable tumor proliferations. The case presented here is of a 9 yr old boy who was referred to our center for the management of a large diffuse swelling on the right side of the face. Clinical and radiologic evaluation showed two interconnected cystic lesions in the right body and the symphyseal regions of the mandible associated with impacted canines bilaterally. The initial histopathology of both cystic spaces showed the lesion to be dentigerous cysts and the results were reconfirmed in two other centers. A complete surgical enucleation of this bilocular cyst was done sparing the impacted teeth. The histopathologic examination of the post-operative specimen showed features of Unicystic Ameloblastoma. The patient was followed up on a regular basis for more than 3 years. There is no signs of recurrence and his latest radiographic examinations shows good bone formation. The impacted teeth are erupting into position. This case reports the difficulty in clinical diagnosis and the peculiar bilocular presentation of unicystic ameloblastoma which was conservatively managed by surgical enucleation of the complete lesion, sparing the dentition.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ameloblastoma is a true benign odontogenic neoplasm with many classical histological variants, common being follicular and plexiform types. Hemangiomatous amelobalstoma is a very rare variant that shows unique histopathologic characteristics varying from conventional ameloblastoma. We present a rare variant of ameloblastoma in a 35-year-old female patient with a swelling over left mandibular region, showing mixed radiolucent-opacity, which on enucleation histopathologically revealed ameloblastomatous areas with extensive vascular component.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We are reporting a case of an ameloblastoma which arose in the wall of a dentigerous cyst. The clinical, radiographic and histological characteristics were similar to those of dentigerous cysts, as were seen on doing an incisional biopsy. Enucleation was done intraorally under local anaesthesia. Post-operative excisional biopsy revealed strands and cords arising from the cystic lining, which are suggestive of ameloblastic changes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Central jaw tumors (intra osseous) in children occur infrequently and few oral pathologists have had the opportunity or experience in diagnosing these lesions and predicting their biological behavior. Some children are not diagnosed correctly at the initial stages as having a neoplasm and are wrongly treated for infections by antibiotic administration. Subsequent to an unresponsive antibiotic therapy radiographs are taken to reveal a radiolucent or radio dense lesion in the jaws. Finally a tissue diagnosis becomes necessary in order to diagnose and initiate proper therapy. One among the central jaw tumors that occur infrequently in children is Ameloblastoma. It is often aggressive and destructive, with the capacity to attain great size, erode bone and invade adjacent structures. Ameloblastoma not only accounts for 1% of all tumors of maxilla and mandible but also 11% of all odontogenic tumors. It has a high percentage of local recurrence rate and possible malignant development when treated inadequately. Here we present a central jaw tumor in an 8-year-old child which was a case of unusually large plexiform ameloblastoma involving entire ramus up to the condyle, and part of body of the mandible.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A hybrid odontogenic tumor comprising two distinct lesions is extremely rare. We presented a hybrid odontogenic tumor composed of a calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor (CCOT) and a plexiform ameloblastoma. This tumor was observed in the anterior area of the mandible of a 17-year-old Indian male. Masses of ghost epithelial cells with the characteristics of CCOT were seen in the lining of the cyst. The odontogenic epithelia with the features of plexiform ameloblastoma were also observed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the area and number of AgNORs (silver stained nucleolar organizer regions) by morphometry between follicular and plexiform variants of ameloblastoma in order to analyze their cell proliferation rates.
    METHODS: This retrospective study was carried out on 30 cases each of follicular and plexiform ameloblastoma. The sections were obtained and stained with silver staining technique to identify the nucleolar organizer regions. AgNORs were quantified using two parameters; manual tag for the number of AgNORs and area measurement using the image analyzer software, Image-Pro-Express.
    RESULTS: Morphometric area measurements of AgNOR were significantly higher for Plexiform ameloblastoma (0.831μm(2)) than follicular ameloblastoma (0.528μm(2)). Enumeration of the number of AgNORs showed a significantly higher number of AgNOR for follicular ameloblastoma (1.71) than plexiform ameloblastoma (1.43). Among the groups studied, follicular ameloblastoma was more aggressive than plexiform ameloblastoma, as it showed smaller AgNOR area and higher AgNOR number.
    CONCLUSIONS: The combination of counting the number and measuring the area of AgNOR dots showed a significant overall difference between AgNOR profiles of follicular and plexiform variants of ameloblastoma.





