
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated whether stress and positive anticipations about tomorrow are associated with emotional experiences the following day, mediated by the preceding night\'s sleep. Data were from 141 full-time nurses, utilizing a 14-day ecological momentary assessment combined with actigraphy sleep monitoring. Each evening, participants rated the anticipated pleasantness or stressfulness of the following day. Each morning, participants reported on their previous night\'s sleep. Additionally, participants reported their momentary positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA) three times per day, with daily averages computed. Multilevel mediation models, adjusted for sociodemographics, work shift, workday, and previous day\'s affect, revealed that days following more stress anticipations were associated with reduced PA and increased NA. Conversely, days following more pleasantness anticipations were associated with increased PA and decreased NA. These within-person associations were mediated by self-reported time-in-bed, sufficiency, and quality, such that less stressful and more pleasant anticipations were associated with better sleep, and better sleep was subsequently associated with increased PA and decreased NA. No mediation was found by the actigraphy sleep parameters. Findings suggest that emotional states may covary not only with present stimuli but also with anticipation of future events and subjective sleep recovery in the context of those anticipations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sound serves as a potent medium for emotional well-being, with phenomena like the autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) showing a unique capacity for inducing relaxation and alleviating stress. This study aimed to understand how tingling sensations (and, for comparison, pleasant feelings) that such videos induce relate to acoustic features, using a broader range of ASMR videos as stimuli. The sound texture statistics and their timing predictive of tingling and pleasantness were identified through L1-regularized linear regression. Tingling was well-predicted (r = 0.52), predominantly by the envelope of frequencies near 5 kHz in the 1500 to 750 ms period before the response: stronger tingling was associated with a lower amplitude around the 5 kHz frequency range. This finding was further validated using an independent set of ASMR sounds. The prediction of pleasantness was more challenging (r = 0.26), requiring a longer effective time window, threefold that for tingling. These results enhance our understanding of how specific acoustic elements can induce tingling sensations, and how these elements differ from those that induce pleasant feelings. Our findings have potential applications in optimizing ASMR stimuli to improve quality of life and alleviate stress and anxiety, thus expanding the scope of ASMR stimulus production beyond traditional methods. This article is part of the theme issue \'Sensing and feeling: an integrative approach to sensory processing and emotional experience\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Obesity, a global health challenge, is influenced by biological, behavioral, socioeconomical, and environmental factors. In our technology-driven world, distracted eating is prevalent, yet neurocognitive mechanisms behind it remain poorly understood. This study targets individuals with overweight and obesity, exploring taste perception under distraction comprehensively. Participants formed two distinct groups based on their Body Mass Index (BMI), lean and overweight/obese. During the experiment participants received gustatory stimuli while playing a Tetris game of various difficulty levels. Participants rated taste intensity and pleasantness, with linear mixed models analyzing distraction effects. Results confirmed that high distraction levels reduced perception of taste intensity (p = 0.017) and taste pleasantness (p = 0.022), with variations influenced by gender and weight status. Individuals in the overweight/obese group exhibited most profound intensity changes during distraction (p = 0.01). Taste sensitivity ratings positively correlated with BMI interacting with gender (male r = 0.227, p < 0.001; female r = 0.101, p < 0.001). Overall across both groups, female participants demonstrated higher taste sensitivity compared to male participants (p < 0.001). This study highlights the impact of cognitive distraction during consumption on taste perception, particularly in relation to weight status and gender, underscoring their significant roles in this interplay.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SCENTinel, a rapid smell test designed to screen for olfactory disorders, including anosmia (no ability to smell an odor) and parosmia (distorted sense of smell), measures 4 components of olfactory function: detection, intensity, identification, and pleasantness. Each test card contains one of 9 odorant mixtures. Some people born with genetic insensitivities to specific odorants (i.e. specific anosmia) may fail the test if they cannot smell an odorant but otherwise have a normal sense of smell. However, using odorant mixtures has largely been found to prevent this from happening. To better understand whether genetic differences affect SCENTinel test results, we asked genetically informative adult participants (twins or triplets, N = 630; singletons, N = 370) to complete the SCENTinel test. A subset of twins (n = 304) also provided a saliva sample for genotyping. We examined data for differences between the 9 possible SCENTinel odors; effects of age, sex, and race on SCENTinel performance, test-retest variability; and heritability using both structured equation modeling and SNP-based statistical methods. None of these strategies provided evidence for specific anosmia for any of the odors, but ratings of pleasantness were, in part, genetically determined (h2 = 0.40) and were nominally associated with alleles of odorant receptors (e.g. OR2T33 and OR1G1; P < 0.001). These results provide evidence that using odorant mixtures protected against effects of specific anosmia for ratings of intensity but that ratings of pleasantness showed effects of inheritance, possibly informed by olfactory receptor genotypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pleasant brush therapies may benefit those with autism, trauma, and anxiety. While studies monitor brushing velocity, hand-delivery of brush strokes introduces variability. Detailed measurements of human-delivered brushing physics may help understand such variability and subsequent impact on receivers\' perceived pleasantness. Herein, we instrument a brush with multi-axis force and displacement sensors to measure their physics as 12 participants pleasantly stroke a receiver\'s forearm. Algorithmic procedures identify skin contact, and define four stages of arrival, stroke, departure, and airtime between strokes. Torque magnitude, rather than force, is evaluated as a metric to minimize inertial noise, as it registers brush bend and orientation. Overall, the results of the naturally delivered brushing experiments indicate force and velocity values in the range of 0.4 N and 3-10 cm/s, in alignment with prior work. However, we observe significant variance between brushers across velocity, force, torque, and brushstroke length. Upon further analysis, torque and force measures are correlated, yet torque provides distinct information from velocity. In evaluating the receiver\'s response to individual differences between brushers of the preliminary case study, higher pleasantness is tied to lower mean torque, and lower instantaneous variance over the stroke duration. Torque magnitude appears to complement velocity\'s influence on perceived pleasantness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Main effect models contend that perceived social support benefits mental health in the presence and the absence of stressful events, whereas stress-buffering models contend that perceived social support benefits mental health especially when individuals are facing stressful events. We tested these models of how perceived social support impacts mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic and evaluated whether characteristics of everyday social interactions statistically mediated this association - namely, (a) received support, the visible and deliberate assistance provided by others, and (b) pleasantness, the extent to which an interaction is positive, flows easily, and leads individuals to feel understood and validated. 591 United States adults completed a 3-week ecological momentary assessment protocol sampling characteristics of their everyday social interactions that was used to evaluate between-person average values and within-person daily fluctuations in everyday social interaction characteristics. Global measures of perceived social support and pandemic-related stressors were assessed at baseline. Psychiatric symptoms of depression and anxiety were assessed at baseline, at the end of each day of ecological momentary assessment, and at 3-week follow-up. Consistent with a main effect model, higher baseline perceived social support predicted decreases in psychiatric symptoms at 3-week follow-up (β = -.09, p = .001). Contrary to a stress-buffering model, we did not find an interaction of pandemic-stressors × perceived social support. The main effect of perceived social support on mental health was mediated by the pleasantness of everyday social interactions, but not by received support in everyday social interactions. We found evidence for both main effects and stress-buffering effects of within-person fluctuations in interaction pleasantness on daily changes in mental health. Results suggest the importance of everyday social interaction characteristics, especially their pleasantness, in linking perceived social support and mental health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have shown that anticipation induces more emotions than retrospection, known as temporal emotion asymmetry. However, the majority of previous studies have been confined to Western contexts. Eastern populations tend to emphasize the past more than their Western counterparts and may exhibit distinct forms of temporal emotion asymmetry. Therefore, we conducted an investigation involving Chinese adolescents. Our research encompassed two experiments, investigating Chinese adolescents\' temporal emotion asymmetry from a self-perspective (Experiment 1; N = 124) and an other-perspective (Experiment 2; N = 162). Participants were prompted to retrospect and anticipate events that elicited pleasant or unpleasant feelings. The results revealed that, whether from a self-perspective or an other-perspective, retrospection of past positive events elicited greater pleasure than the anticipation of future positive events. However, concerning adverse events, under a self-perspective, anticipation induced more displeasure than retrospection (Experiment 1); under an other-perspective, retrospection induced more displeasure than anticipation (Experiment 2). Our findings provide some support for the construal level theory, fading affect bias, and mobilization-minimization hypothesis of event cognition. Based on these results, retrospection seems to be a potential means for regulating the emotions of Chinese adolescents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: What is already known about the topic?At least in neurotypical individuals, social touch represents an important channel for emotional communication associated with social bonding and pain/anxiety modulation. Autistic adults report to avoid social touch more and to have different tactile sensitivity than their non-autistic comparisons.What this paper adds?Few studies specifically investigated social touch in autistic individuals, and none of them examined the role of participants\' sex, social context in which social touch occurs, and specific body areas being touched. In our study, adult participants reported how pleasant, erogenous and appropriate they would consider touches delivered by another person over their entire body in intimate (date), friendly (dance class) and professional (physiotherapy-massage session) social contexts. Autistic adults reported social touch to be less pleasant, erogenous and appropriate specifically in intimate and friendly social contexts and in body areas typically touched in these situations. Importantly, autistic females seem more at risk to experience unpleasant social touch as, although they considered it more unpleasant than non-autistic females and autistic males, they did consider it similarly appropriate in professional social contexts where touch is normed to be socially appropriate.Implications for practice, research or policyOur results might improve awareness and understanding about autistic adults\' different, and often more discomforting, experience of social touch and thus help consider and respect it during everyday social interactions. Our results might also benefit future research investigating, for instance, the neural underpinnings of social touch differences in autism or aiming at developing support for autistic individuals seeking help in the diverse spheres of social touch.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aroma of mint is well-liked by the public, and key flavor odorants in mint aroma had been found, but how these molecules interact and form a satisfying odor remains a challenge. Quality, intensity, and pleasantness are our most basic perceptions of aromas; both intensity and pleasantness can be quantified. However, compared to intensity, research on pleasantness was lacking. Pleasantness was one of the most important indicators for formulating a satisfying mint flavor, and the study of binary mixtures was fundamental to our understanding of more complex mixtures. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the characteristics of pleasantness as a function of concentration and, at the same time, to investigate the relationship between intensity and pleasantness in binary mixtures. Thirty sensory evaluation volunteers participated in the evaluation of the intensity and pleasantness of six key flavor odorants of mint and five binary mixtures. The results showed that the pleasantness increased first and then decreased or stabilized with the rising of concentration; even though the interactions in binary mixtures were not the same, their pleasantness could be predicted using the intensities of the components by Response Surface Design of Experiments, and the goodness of fit was greater than 0.92, indicating that the models had the great predictive ability. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Whether blending flavors or evaluating them, a great deal of experience is required, yet the acquisition of this experience is a long process. Performing these tasks is difficult for the novice, and it helps to quantify the feeling for the flavor and build some mathematical models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Placebos have often been used to reduce emotional distress but rarely to increase positive feelings. The present study investigated whether a placebo can promote acts of kindness (AoKs) that are associated with emotional well-being. A total of 160 university students were asked to perform an AoK daily for one week. They evaluated their emotional state (feelings of pleasantness, arousal, satisfaction) directly before and after the AoKs. This was monitored via a smartphone app. One group performed each AoK after taking a non-deceptive placebo; the other group received no placebo. Before and after the one-week program, the participants completed three questionnaires that assessed satisfaction with life, positive/negative affect, and flourishing. The participants reported higher pleasantness directly after engaging in an AoK and more satisfaction with life after the program. The motivation to carry out AoKs decreased strongly over the week. However, placebo receivers completed more AoKs than the no-placebo group. The results indicate that placebo treatment can promote the performance of acts of kindness.





