
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bimodal optical-electrical data generated when a 20 nm diameter silica (SiO2) nanoparticle was trapped by a plasmonic nanopore sensor were simulated using Multiphysics COMSOL and compared with sensor measurements for closely matching experimental parameters. The nanosensor, employed self-induced back action (SIBA) to optically trap nanoparticles in the center of a double nanohole (DNH) structure on top a solid-state nanopores (ssNP). This SIBA actuated nanopore electrophoresis (SANE) sensor enables simultaneous capture of optical and electrical data generated by several underlying forces acting on the trapped SiO2 nanoparticle: plasmonic optical trapping, electroosmosis, electrophoresis, viscous drag, and heat conduction forces. The Multiphysics simulations enabled dissecting the relative contributions of those forces acting on the nanoparticle as a function of its location above and through the sensor\'s ssNP. Comparisons between simulations and experiments demonstrated qualitative similarities in the optical and electrical time-series data generated as the nanoparticle entered and exited from the SANE sensor. These experimental parameter-matched simulations indicated that the competition between optical and electrical forces shifted the trapping equilibrium position close to the top opening of the ssNP, relative to the optical trapping force maximum that was located several nm above. The experimentally estimated minimum for the optical force needed to trap a SiO2 nanoparticle was consistent with corresponding simulation predictions of optical-electrical force balance. The comparison of Multiphysics simulations with experiments improves our understanding of the interplay between optical and electrical forces as a function of nanoparticle position across this plasmonic nanopore sensor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The integration of nanocomposite thin films with combined multifunctionalities on flexible substrates is desired for flexible device design and applications. For example, combined plasmonic and magnetic properties could lead to unique optical switchable magnetic devices and sensors. In this work, a multiphase TiN-Au-Ni nanocomposite system with core-shell-like Au-Ni nanopillars embedded in a TiN matrix has been demonstrated on flexible mica substrates. The three-phase nanocomposite film has been compared with its single metal nanocomposite counterparts, i.e., TiN-Au and TiN-Ni. Magnetic measurement results suggest that both TiN-Au-Ni/mica and TiN-Ni/mica present room-temperature ferromagnetic property. Tunable plasmonic property has been achieved by varying the metallic component of the nanocomposite films. The cyclic bending test was performed to verify the property reliability of the flexible nanocomposite thin films upon bending. This work opens a new path for integrating complex nitride-based nanocomposite designs on mica towards multifunctional flexible nanodevice applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plasmonic metasurfaces with spatial symmetry breaking are crucial materials with significant applications in fields such as polarization-controlled photonic devices and nanophotonic platforms for chiral sensing. In this paper, we introduce planar plasmonic metasurfaces, less than one-tenth of a wavelength thick, featuring nanocavities formed by three equilateral triangles. This configuration creates uniform, thin metasurfaces. Through a combination of experimental measurements and numerical modeling, we demonstrate the inherent superchirality of these plasmonic metasurfaces. We address the challenge of achieving a strong enhancement of optical chirality in the visible spectrum, reaching levels comparable to those of 3D chiral metasurfaces.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plasmons have facilitated diverse analytical applications due to the boosting signal detectability by hot spots. In practical applications, it is crucial to fabricate straightforward, large-scale, and reproducible plasmonic substrates. Dewetting treatment, via applying direct thermal annealing of metal films, has been used as a straightforward method in the fabrication of such plasmonic nanostructures. However, tailoring the evolution of the dewetting process of metal films poses considerable experimental complexities, mainly due to nanoscale structure formation. Here, we use grazing-incidence small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering for the in situ investigation of the high-power impulse magnetron sputter deposition of Ag on self-assembled Au nanoparticle arrays at low-temperature dewetting conditions. This approach allows us to examine both the direct formation of binary Au/Ag nanostructure and the consequential impact of the dewetting process on the spatial arrangement of the bimetallic nanoparticles. It is observed that the dewetting at 100 °C is sufficient to favor the establishment of a homogenized structural configuration of bimetallic nanostructures, which is beneficial for localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs). The fabricated metal nanostructures show potential application for the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) detection of rhodamine 6G molecules. As SERS platform, bimetallic nanostructures formed with dewetting conditions turn out to be superior to those without dewetting conditions. The method in this work is envisioned as a facile strategy for the fabrication of plasmonic nanostructures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the dynamics of \"hot\", highly energetic electrons resulting from nonradiative plasmon decay is crucial for optimizing applications in photocatalysis and energy conversion. This study presents an analysis of electron kinetics within plasmonic metals, focusing on the steady-state behavior during continuous-wave (CW) illumination. Using an inelastic spectroscopy technique, we quantify the temperature and lifetimes of distinct carrier populations during excitation. A significant finding is the monotonic increase in hot electron lifetime with decreases in electronic temperature. We also observe a 1.22× increase in hot electron temperature during intraband excitation compared to interband excitation and a corresponding 2.34× increase in carrier lifetime. The shorter lifetimes during interband excitation are hypothesized to result from direct recombination of nonthermal holes and hot electrons, highlighting steady-state kinetics. Our results help bridge the knowledge gap between ultrafast and steady-state spectroscopies, offering critical insights for optimizing plasmonic applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nanoparticle assemblies with interparticle ohmic contacts are crucial for nanodevice fabrication. Despite tremendous progress in DNA-programmable nanoparticle assemblies, seamlessly welding discrete components into welded continuous three-dimensional (3D) configurations remains challenging. Here, we introduce a single-stranded DNA-encoded strategy to customize welded metal nanostructures with tunable morphologies and plasmonic properties. We demonstrate the precise welding of gold nanoparticle assemblies into continuous metal nanostructures with interparticle ohmic contacts through chemical welding in solution. We find that the welded gold nanoparticle assemblies show a consistent morphology with welded efficiency over 90%, such as the rod-like, triangular, and tetrahedral metal nanostructures. Next, we show the versatility of this strategy by welding gold nanoparticle assemblies of varied sizes and shapes. Furthermore, the experiment and simulation show that the welded gold nanoparticle assemblies exhibit defined plasmonic coupling. This single-stranded DNA encoded welding system may provide a new route for accurately building functional plasmonic nanomaterials and devices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) exploits localized surface plasmon resonances in metallic nanostructures to significantly amplify Raman signals and perform ultrasensitive analyses. A critical factor for SERS-based analysis systems is the formation of numerous electromagnetic hot spots within the nanostructures, which represent regions with highly concentrated fields emerging from excited localized surface plasmons. These intense hotspot fields can amplify the Raman signal by several orders of magnitude, facilitating analyte detection at extremely low concentrations and highly sensitive molecular identification at the single-nanoparticle level. In this study, mesoscopic star-shaped gold particles (gold mesostars) were synthesized using a three-step seed-mediated growth approach coupled with the addition of silver ions. Our study confirms the successful synthesis of gold mesostars with numerous sharp tips via the multi-directional growth effect induced by the underpotential deposition of silver adatoms (AgUPD) onto the gold surfaces. The AgUPD process affects the nanocrystal growth kinetics of the noble metal and its morphological evolution, thereby leading to intricate nanostructures with high-index facets and protruding tips or branches. Mesoscopic gold particles with a distinctive star-like morphology featuring multiple sharp projections from the central core were synthesized by exploiting this phenomenon. Sharp tips of the gold mesostars facilitate intense localized electromagnetic fields, which result in strong SERS enhancements at the single-particle level. Electromagnetic fields can be further enhanced by interparticle hot spots in addition to the intraparticle local field enhancements when arranged in multilayered arrays on substrates, rendering these arrays as highly efficient SERS-active substrates with improved sensitivity. Evaluation using Raman-tagged analytes revealed a higher SERS signal intensity compared to that of individual mesostars because of interparticle hot spots enhancements. These substrates enabled analyte detection at a concentration of 10- 9 M, demonstrating their remarkable sensitivity for trace analysis applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we report a graphene-based plasmonic photodetector optimized using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and compatible with complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The proposed photodetector structure is designed to minimize fabrication challenges and reduce production costs compared to more complex alternatives. Graphene has been used for its unique properties in the detection region, titanium nitride (TiN) as a CMOS-compatible metal, and both to aid in plasmonic excitation. Photodetectors have key parameters influenced by multiple independent variables. However, practical constraints prevent thorough adjustment of all variables to achieve optimal parameter values, often resulting in analysis based on several simplified models. Here we optimize these variables by presenting a new approach in the field of photodetectors using the capabilities of the PSO algorithm. As a result, for the proposed device at the wavelength of 1550 nm, the voltage responsivity is 210.6215 V/W, the current responsivity is 3.7213 A/W, the ultra-compressed length is less than 3 μ m , and the specific detectivity is 2.566× 10 7 Jones were obtained. Furthermore, the device in question works under the photothermoelectric effect (PTE) at zero bias and has zero dark current, which ultimately resulted in a very low noise equivalent power (NEP) of 4.5361 pW / Hz .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we study both theoretically and experimentally the sensitivity of bimodal interferometric sensors where interference occurs between two plasmonic modes with different properties propagating in the same physical waveguide. In contrast to the well-known Mach-Zehnder interferometric (MZI) sensor, we show for the first time that the sensitivity of the bimodal sensor is independent of the sensing area length. This is validated by applying the theory to an integrated plasmo-photonic bimodal sensor that comprises an aluminum (Al) plasmonic stripe waveguide co-integrated between two accessible SU-8 photonic waveguides. A series of such bimodal sensors utilizing plasmonic stripes of different lengths were numerically simulated, demonstrating bulk refractive index (RI) sensitivities around 5700 nm/RIU for all sensor variants, confirming the theoretical results. The theoretical and numerical results were also validated experimentally through chip-level RI sensing experiments on three fabricated SU-8/Al bimodal sensors with plasmonic sensing lengths of 50, 75, and 100 μm. The obtained experimental RI sensitivities were found to be very close and equal to 4464, 4386, and 4362 nm/RIU, respectively, confirming that the sensing length has no effect on the bimodal sensor sensitivity. The above outcome alleviates the design and optical loss constraints, paving the way for more compact and powerful sensors that can achieve high sensitivity values at ultra-short sensing lengths.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rapid development of the battery industry has brought about a large amount of waste battery pollution. How to realize the high-value utilization of waste batteries is an urgent problem to be solved. Herein, cobalt and titanium compounds (LTCO) were firstly recovered from spent lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) using the carbon thermal reduction approach, and plasmonic attapulgite/Co(Ti)Ox (H-ATP/Co(Ti)Ox) nanocomposites were prepared by the microwave hydrothermal technique. H-ATP had a large specific surface area and enough active sites to capture CO2 molecules. The biochar not only reduced the spinel phase of waste LIBs into metal oxides including Co3O4 and TiO2 but also increased the separation and transmission of the carriers, thereby accelerating the adsorption and reduction of CO2. In addition, H-ATP/Co(Ti)Ox exhibited a localized surface plasmon resonance effect (LSPR) in the visible to near-infrared region and released high-energy hot electrons, enhancing the surface temperature of the catalyst and further improving the catalytic reduction of CO2 with a high CO yield of 14.7 μmol·g-1·h-1. The current work demonstrates the potential for CO2 reduction by taking advantage of natural mineral and spent batteries.





