plasmid DNA

质粒 DNA
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Moringa oleifera and Tinospora cordifolia is extensively used as an ingredient of food and in traditional medicine for the management of a variety of diseases.
    UNASSIGNED: The extracts of leaf of Moringa oleifera and stem of Tinospora cordifolia were assessed to examine their ability to inhibit the oxidative DNA damage (by DNA protection assay), cytoprotective and genoprotective potential (by Comet assay) in V79 cells individually and in combinations.
    UNASSIGNED: It was found that these extracts could significantly inhibit the OH-dependent damage of pUC18 plasmid DNA. M. oleifera extract (160 and 320 μg/mL) and Tinospora cordifolia extract (640, 1,280 and 2,560 μg/mL) individually showed higher DNA protection activity. M. oleifera (1,280 μg/mL) combined with Tinospora cordifolia (640 μg/mL) showed best cytoprotective and genoprotective activities among different concentration combinations and various concentrations of individual plants in V79 cell line against hydrogen peroxide induced cytotoxicity and genotoxicity.
    UNASSIGNED: This study demonstrates the cytoprotective and genoprotective activity of M. oleifera and Tinospora cordifolia individually or in combination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Currently, new functional materials are being created with a strong emphasis on their ecological aspect. Materials and devices based on DNA biopolymers, being environmentally friendly, are therefore very interesting from the point of view of applications. In this paper, we present the results of research on complexes in the powder form based on plasmid DNA (pDNA) and three surfactants with aliphatic chains containing 16 carbon atoms (cetyltrimethylammonium chloride, benzyldimethylhexadecylammonium chloride and hexadecylpyridinium chloride). The X-ray diffraction results indicate a local hexagonal packing of DNA helices in plasmid DNA complexes, resembling the packing for corresponding complexes based on linear DNA. Based on the Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy results, the DNA conformation in all three complexes was determined as predominantly of A-type. The two relaxation processes revealed by dielectric spectroscopy for all the studied complexes are connected with two different contributions to total conductivity (crystallite part and grain boundaries). The crystallite part (grain interior) was interpreted as an oscillation of the polar surfactant head groups and is dependent on the conformation of the surfactant chain. The influence of the DNA type on the properties of the complexes is discussed, taking into account our previous results for complexes based on linear DNA. We showed that the type of DNA has an impact on the properties of the complexes, which has not been demonstrated so far. It was also found that the layer of pDNA-surfactant complexes can be used as a layer with variable specific electric conductivity by selecting the frequency, which is interesting from an application point of view.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We propose a nucleic acids dilution-induced assembly (NADIA) method for the preparation of lipid nanoparticles. In the conventional method, water-soluble polymers such as nucleic acids and proteins are mixed in the aqueous phase. In contrast, the NADIA method, in which self-assembly is triggered upon dilution, requires dispersion in an alcohol phase without precipitation. We then investigated several alcohols and discovered that propylene glycol combined with sodium chloride enabled the dispersion of plasmid DNA and protamine sulfate in the alcohol phase. The streamlined characteristics of the NADIA method enable the preparation of extracellular vesicles-mimicking lipid nanoparticles (ELNPs). Among the mixing methods using a micropipette, a syringe pump, and a microfluidic device, the lattermost was the best for decreasing batch-to-batch differences in size, polydispersity index, and transfection efficiency in HepG2 cells. Although ELNPs possessed negative ζ-potentials and did not have surface antigens, their transfection efficiency was comparable to that of cationic lipoplexes. We observed that lipid raft-mediated endocytosis and macropinocytosis contributed to the transfection of ELNPs. Our strategy may overcome the hurdles linked to supply and quality owing to the low abundance and heterogeneity in cell-based extracellular vesicles production, making it a reliable and scalable method for the pharmaceutical manufacture of such complex formulations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pUC-derived plasmid yield from E. coli using polypropylene tubes (PP) was compared among round and conical tubes. The yield from cells grown in a cheaper conical-PP with flat-bottom was 1.5-fold higher (p < 0.001) than other PP. The use of the conical-PP can save research budgets in the current inflationary environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines and therapeutics necessitates the production of high-quality in vitro-transcribed mRNA drug substance with specific critical quality attributes (CQAs), which are closely tied to the uniformity of linear DNA template. The supercoiled plasmid DNA is the precursor to the linear DNA template, and the supercoiled DNA percentage is commonly regarded as a key in-process control (IPC) during the manufacturing of linear DNA template. In this study, we investigate the influence of supercoiled DNA percentage on key mRNA CQAs, including purity, capping efficiency, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), and distribution of poly(A) tail. Our findings reveal a significant impact of supercoiled DNA percentage on mRNA purity and in vitro transcription yield. Notably, we observe that the impact on mRNA purity can be mitigated through oligo-dT chromatography, alleviating the tight range of DNA supercoiled percentage to some extent. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into IPC strategies for DNA template chemistry, manufacturing, and controls (CMC) and process development for mRNA drug substance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA serves as a model system in polymer physics due to its ability to be obtained as a uniform polymer with controllable topology and nonequilibrium behavior. Currently, a major obstacle in the widespread adoption of DNA is obtaining it on a scale and cost basis that accommodates bulk rheology and high-throughput screening. To address this, recent advancements in bioreactor-based plasmid DNA production is coupled with anion exchange chromatography producing a unified approach to generating gram-scale quantities of monodisperse DNA. With this method, 1.1 grams of DNA is obtained per batch to generate solutions with concentrations up to 116 mg mL-1. This solution of uniform supercoiled and relaxed circular plasmid DNA, is roughly 69 times greater than the overlap concentration. The utility of this method is demonstrated by performing bulk rheology measurements at sample volumes up to 1 mL on DNA of different lengths, topologies, and concentrations. The measured elastic moduli are orders of magnitude larger than those previously reported for DNA and allowed for the construction of a time-concentration superposition curve that spans 12 decades of frequency. Ultimately, these results can provide important insights into the dynamics of ring polymers and the nature of highly condensed DNA dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Assembly of de novo peptides designed from scratch is in a semi-rational manner and creates artificial supramolecular structures with unique properties. Considering that the functions of various proteins in living cells are highly regulated by their assemblies, building artificial assemblies within cells holds the potential to simulate the functions of natural protein assemblies and engineer cellular activities for controlled manipulation. How can we evaluate the self-assembly of designed peptides in cells? The most effective approach involves the genetic fusion of fluorescent proteins (FPs). Expressing a self-assembling peptide fused with an FP within cells allows for evaluating assemblies through fluorescence signal. When µm-scale assemblies such as condensates are formed, the peptide assemblies can be directly observed by imaging. For sub-µm-scale assemblies, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy analysis is more practical. Additionally, the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) signal between FPs is valuable evidence of proximity. The decrease in fluorescence anisotropy associated with homo-FRET reveals the properties of self-assembly. Furthermore, by combining two FPs, one acting as a donor and the other as an acceptor, the heteromeric interaction between two different components can be studied through the FRET signal. In this chapter, we provide detailed protocols, from designing and constructing plasmid DNA expressing the peptide-fused protein to analysis of self-assembly in living cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A plasmid production process has been established to manufacture plasmid DNA at a large scale in High-Quality grade. This is used as a starting material to produce mRNA vaccines for clinical trials. Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) has released regulatory guidelines related to the quality, safety, and efficacy for DNA- as well as for mRNA-based vaccines. Following an extraordinary year of scientific, regulatory, and manufacturing developments, the scientific community today stands considerably better equipped to deal with urgent production requirements in large scale for nucleic acid-based vaccinations and therapies. Going forward, work needs to be done in better coordinating the supply and logistics of essential raw materials for biological manufacturing, especially under emergency conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are clinically advanced nonviral gene delivery vehicles with a demonstrated ability to address viral, oncological, and genetic diseases. However, the further development of LNP therapies requires rapid analytical techniques to support their development and manufacturing. The method developed and described in this paper presents an approach to rapidly and accurately analyze LNPs for optimized therapeutic loading by utilizing an electrophoresis microfluidic platform to analyze the composition of LNPs with different clinical lipid compositions (Onpattro, Comirnaty, and Spikevax) and nucleic acid (plasmid DNA (pDNA) and messenger RNA (mRNA)) formulations. This method enables the high-throughput screening of LNPs using a 96- or 384-well plate with approximate times of 2-4 min per sample using a total volume of 11 μL. The lipid analysis requires concentrations approximately between 109 and 1010 particles/mL and has an average precision error of 10.4% and a prediction error of 19.1% when compared to using a NanoSight, while the nucleic acid analysis requires low concentrations of 1.17 ng/μL for pDNA and 0.17 ng/μL for mRNA and has an average precision error of 4.8% and a prediction error of 9.4% when compared to using a PicoGreen and RiboGreen assay. In addition, our method quantifies the relative concentration of nucleic acid per LNP. Utilizing this approach, we observed an average of 263 ± 62.2 mRNA per LNP and 126.3 ± 21.2 pDNA per LNP for the LNP formulations used in this study, where the accuracy of these estimations is dependent on reference standards. We foresee the utility of this technique in the high-throughput characterization of LNPs during manufacturing and formulation research and development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An ideal vehicle with a high transfection efficiency is crucial for gene delivery. In this study, a type of cationic carbon dot (CCD) known as APCDs were first prepared with arginine (Arg) and pentaethylenehexamine (PEHA) as precursors and conjugated with oleic acid (OA) for gene delivery. By tuning the mass ratio of APCDs to OA, APCDs-OA conjugates, namely, APCDs-0.5OA, APCDs-1.0OA, and APCDs-1.5OA were synthesized. All three amphiphilic APCDs-OA conjugates show high affinity to DNA through electrostatic interactions. APCDs-0.5OA exhibit strong binding with small interfering RNA (siRNA). After being internalized by Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK 293) and osteosarcoma (U2OS) cells, they could distribute in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus. With APCDs-OA conjugates as gene delivery vehicles, plasmid DNA (pDNA) that encodes the gene for the green fluorescence protein (GFP) can be successfully delivered in both HEK 293 and U2OS cells. The GFP expression levels mediated by APCDs-0.5OA and APCDs-1.0OA are ten times greater than that of PEI in HEK 293 cells. Furthermore, APCDs-0.5OA show prominent siRNA transfection efficiency, which is proven by the significantly downregulated expression of FANCA and FANCD2 proteins upon delivery of FANCA siRNA and FANCD2 siRNA into U2OS cells. In conclusion, our work demonstrates that conjugation of CCDs with a lipid structure such as OA significantly improves the gene transfection efficiency, providing a new idea about the designation of nonviral carriers in gene delivery systems.





