
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pandemic of Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus (SRBSDV) in and after the late 2000s caused serious yield losses in rice in Southeast and East Asia. This virus was first recorded in China in 2001, but its exclusive vector insect, Sogatella furcifera, occurred there before then. To clarify the evolutionary origin of SRBSDV as the first plant virus transmitted by S. furcifera, we tested virus transmission using three chronological strains of S. furcifera, two of which were established before the first report of SRBSDV. When the strains fed on SRBSDV-infected rice plants were transferred to healthy rice plants, those established in 1989 and 1999 transmitted the virus to rice similarly to the strain established in 2010. SRBSDV quantification by RT-qPCR confirmed virus accumulation in the salivary glands of all three strains. Therefore, SRBSDV transmission by S. furcifera was not caused by biological changes in the vector, but probably by the genetic change of the virus from a closely related Fijivirus, Rice black-streaked dwarf virus, as suggested by ecological and molecular biological comparisons between the two viruses. This result will help us to better understand the evolutionary relationship between plant viruses and their vector insects and to better manage viral disease in rice cropping in Asia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two new species, Pentacarinus maculosus sp. nov. and Pentacarinus tenebrosus sp. nov., from Burmese amber are described. Alongside the type species P. kachinensis already described, they are easily distinguishable by the tegmina patterns. The diagnosis of the genus Pentacarinus is amended, notably with fusion of Pcu + A1 distad of forking CuA, the fork ScP + R approximately close to basal 1/5 of tegmen, basad of forking CuA, and only one transverse veinlet ir between RP and RA on forewings. Additionally, a key to these three species of Pentacarinus is provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pentastiridius leporinus (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) is the main vector of an emerging and fast spreading sugar beet disease, the syndrome \'basses richesses\' (SBR), in different European countries. The disease is caused by the γ-3-proteobacterium \'Candidatus Arsenophonus phytopathogenicus\' and the phytoplasma \'Candidatus Phytoplasma solani\' which are exclusively transmitted by planthoppers and can lead to a significant loss of sugar content and yield. Monitoring of this insect vector is important for disease management. However, the morphological identification is time consuming and challenging as two additional cixiid species Reptalus quinquecostatus and Hyalesthes obsoletus with a very close morphology have been reported in sugar beet fields. Further, identification of females and nymphs of P. leporinus at species level based on taxonomic key is not possible. In this study, an isothermal nucleic acid amplification based on recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) was developed to specifically detect P. leporinus. In addition, real-time RPA was developed to detect both adults (male and female) and nymph stages using pure or crude nucleic acid extracts. The sensitivity of the real-time RPA for detection of P. leporinus was comparable to real-time PCR, but a shorter time (< 7 min) was required. This is a first report for real-time RPA application for P. leporinus detection using crude nucleic acid templates which can be applied for fast and specific detection of this vector in the field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In insects, melanism, a fundamental pigmentation process, is of significant importance in evolutionary biology due to its complex genetic foundation. We investigated the role of the RNA-binding gene Musashi (msi) in melanism in Laodelphax striatellus, a Hemiptera species. We identified a single L. striatellus msi homolog, Lsmsi, encoding a 357 amino acid protein with 2 RNA recognition motifs. RNA interference-mediated knockdown of LsMsi resulted in complete body melanism and increased cuticular permeability. Additionally, we found the involvement of G protein-coupled receptor A42 and tyrosine hydroxylase (Th) in L. striatellus melanism. Knockdown of LsTh lightened the epidermis, showing dehydration signs, while LsA42 knockdown enhanced LsTh expression, leading to melanism. Surprisingly, Lsmsi knockdown decreased both LsA42 and LsTh expression, which was expected to cause whitening but resulted in melanism. Further, we found that Lsmsi influenced downstream genes like phenoloxidase homolog LsPo and dopa decarboxylase (Ddc) homolog LsDdc in the tyrosine-mediated melanism pathway. Extending to Nilaparvata lugens and Sogatella furcifera, we demonstrated the conserved role of msi in melanism among Delphacidae. Given MSI proteins\' roles in cancer and tumors in vertebrates, our study is the first to link msi in insects to Delphacidae body color melanization via the tyrosine-mediated pathway, offering fresh perspectives on the genetic basis of insect melanism and msi functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new species Niryasaburnia nigrutomia sp. nov. of the planthopper family Achilidae from Burmese amber collected from Hukawng Valley (Tanai) of northern Myanmar, is described, notably based on forewing pattern coloration and metatibiotarsal teeth conformation. A new fossil genus with its type species Sinuovenaxius kachinensis gen. et sp. nov. is also described. The tribe Niryasaburniini trib. nov. is established to include Niryasaburnia Szwedo, 2004, and Sinuovenaxius gen. nov., based on a unique combination of characters, of which the following states are particularly notable: head with compound eyes around half the length of pronotum, late forking of ScP+R and CuA after the fusion of Pcu+A1 on the forewing, apical teeth of metatarsomeres I and II both with subapical platellar sensilla, and a unique hindwing pattern with simple RP and biforked MP, CuA with two terminals only, and with A2 simple, reaching the posterior wing margin. The hindwing venation of this new tribe with RP with only one terminal and both MP and CuA with two terminals is unique in Achilidae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana is cosmopolitan and known to infect a variety of sap-sucking pests like aphids, mealybugs, and scales in the order of Hemiptera. In Fall 2017, spotted lanternfly (SLF) adults killed by the fungal entomopathogen B. bassiana were found in Berks County, Pennsylvania. In 2018-2020 we collected SLF and nearby non-target insects killed by Beauveria spp. from 18 field sites in southeastern Pennsylvania. We identified 159 Beauveria isolates from SLF and six isolates from non-targets. Five isolates of B. bassiana and one isolate of B. brongniartii were identified from the non-targets. Based on sequence data from the nuclear B locus (Bloc) intergenic region, all the isolates from SLF were identified as B. bassiana, but there were 20 different strains within this species, grouped into two clades. Three B. bassiana strains (A, B, and L) were found in most field sites and were the most prevalent. Representative isolates for these three strains were used in laboratory bioassays and were compared to a commercial B. bassiana strain (GHA). Strain B was inferior to A, L, and GHA against nymphs; strains A and L had greater efficacy than B and GHA against adults. We also quantified conidial production on SLF cadavers. This paper discusses the diversity of these B. bassiana strains in SLF populations and implications for biological control of this abundant invasive.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the search for insects as biological control agents for the water primrose, the delphacid Pissonotusparaguayensis (Delphacidae) was found on Ludwigiagrandiflorasubsp.hexapetala (Onagraceae) in a wetland of Central East Argentina. The morphology of the unknown females (brachypterous and macropterous) and immature stages are described and illustrated. Adults and nymphs were collected in wetlands of Del Plata River Basin, from Buenos Aires to the northeastern part of Argentina. A rearing methodology was developed to perform biological studies. Both winged forms and structural features of the female genitalia are described for the first time at the genus level. Eggs and immature stages are described and keyed; fifth nymphal instars may be easily recognised by the yellowish colouration, blackish on dorsal of head, thorax and abdomen with conspicuous yellowish pits, ventrally only darkened on base of frons extended to lower level of eyes and dorsal surface of antennomeres I and II, and legs with distinctive black marks at femoro-tibial joint and apex. The geographical distribution is updated, expanding its range into Argentina, making Buenos Aires the southernmost limit of the genus in America. Biological information of the species is also reported here: life cycle, fecundity, oviposition behaviour, and host plant. Field observations showed that P.paraguayensis breeds, feeds, and causes damage to L.g.subsp.hexapetala. This delphacid presents a certain degree of specificity to the Ludwigia species in the Jussiaea section in host specificity tests. More studies are required to test this species as a potential biological control agent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Neotropical planthopper genus Trigava O\'Brien, 1999 (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Dictyopharidae, Nersiini) is revised. Four species are included: T.brachycephala (Melichar, 1912) (the type species, from Peru), T.obrieni Song, Malenovský & Deckert, sp. nov. (from Brazil), T.peruensis Song, O\'Brien & Bartlett, sp. nov. (from Peru), and T.recurva (Melichar, 1912) (from Bolivia and Peru). Lectotypes are designated for Igavabrachycephala Melichar, 1912 and Igavarecurva Melichar, 1912. All species are described, including habitus photographs and detailed illustrations of the male genitalia. Male and female genitalia are described for this genus for the first time. A key for identification of the species of Trigava and a distribution map are provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., Poaceae) is one of the most important pasture grasses used in milk production systems in southern Brazil, with an increasing expansion of cultivated areas in recent years. Here, we report the first occurrence of the planthopper Metadelphax propinqua (Fieber) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) feeding on bermudagrass in Brazil. Population outbreaks of this species were observed in January/February 2023 in a commercial hay production farm in the municipality of Chapecó, Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Metadelphax propinqua was found in association with three cultivars of C. dactylon (Tifton 85, Jiggs, and Vaquero). The infested plants showed leaf chlorosis and a reduced plant growth rate due to sap sucking and toxin injection as well as honeydew deposition on the leaves, which led to the development of sooty mold. In addition, this delphacid species has been reported as a vector of important pathogens to bermudagrass species and other row crops. Thus, M. propinqua is a potential pest of bermudagrass in Brazil and should be monitored to assess its establishment and behavior in Brazilian pasturelands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wing dimorphism of insect vectors is a determining factor for viral long-distance dispersal and large-area epidemics. Although plant viruses affect the wing plasticity of insect vectors, the potential underlying molecular mechanisms have seldom been investigated. Here, we found that a planthopper-vectored rice virus, rice stripe virus (RSV), specifically induces a long-winged morph in male insects. The analysis of field populations demonstrated that the long-winged ratios of male insects are closely associated with RSV infection regardless of viral titers. A planthopper-specific and testis-highly expressed gene, Encounter, was fortuitously found to play a key role in the RSV-induced long-winged morph. Encounter resembles malate dehydrogenase in the sequence, but it does not have corresponding enzymatic activity. Encounter is upregulated to affect male wing dimorphism at early larval stages. Encounter is closely connected with the insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling pathway as a downstream factor of Akt, of which the transcriptional level is activated in response to RSV infection, resulting in the elevated expression of Encounter. In addition, an RSV-derived small interfering RNA directly targets Encounter to enhance its expression. Our study reveals an unreported mechanism underlying the direct regulation by a plant virus of wing dimorphism in its insect vectors, providing the potential way for interrupting viral dispersal.





