plant traits

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endophytic bacteria live asymptomatically inside the tissues of host plants without inflicting any damage. Endophytes can confer several beneficial traits to plants, which can contribute to their growth, development, and overall health. They have been found to stimulate plant growth by enhancing nutrient uptake and availability. They can produce plant growth-promoting substances such as auxins, cytokinins, and gibberellins, which regulate various aspects of plant growth and development. Endophytes can also improve root system architecture, leading to increased nutrient and water absorption. Some endophytes possess the ability to solubilize nutrients, such as phosphorus and potassium, making them more available for plant uptake, and fixing atmospheric nitrogen. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is a major legume crop that has mutualistic interactions with endophytes. These endophytes can benefit the chickpea plant in various ways, including higher growth, improved nutrient uptake, increased tolerance to abiotic and biotic stressors, and disease suppression. They can produce enzymes and metabolites that scavenge harmful reactive oxygen species, thus reducing oxidative stress. Moreover, several studies reported that endophytes produce antimicrobial compounds, lytic enzymes, and volatile organic compounds that inhibit the growth of fungal pathogens and trigger systemic defense responses in plants, leading to increased resistance against a broad range of pathogens. They can activate plant defense pathways, including the production of defense-related enzymes, phytoalexins, and pathogenesis-related proteins, thereby providing long-lasting protection. It is important to note that the diversity and function of chickpea-associated endophytes can vary depending on factors such as variety, geographical location, and environmental conditions. The mechanisms behind the plant-beneficial interactions are still being intensively explored. In this review, new biotechnologies in agricultural production and ecosystem stability were presented. Thus, harnessing chickpea endophytes could be exploited in developing drought-resistant cultivars that can maintain productivity in arid and semi-arid environments, crucial for meeting the global demand for chickpeas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tree phenology is a major component of the global carbon and water cycle, serving as a fingerprint of climate change, and exhibiting significant variability both within and between species. In the emerging field of drone monitoring, it remains unclear whether this phenological variability can be effectively captured across numerous tree species. Additionally, the drivers behind interspecific variations in the phenology of deciduous trees are poorly understood, although they may be linked to plant functional traits. In this study, we derived the start of season (SOS), end of season (EOS), and length of season (LOS) for 3099 individuals from 74 deciduous tree species of the Northern Hemisphere at a unique study site in southeast Germany using drone imagery. We validated these phenological metrics with in-situ data and analyzed the interspecific variability in terms of plant functional traits. The drone-derived SOS and EOS showed high agreement with ground observations of leaf unfolding (R2 = 0.49) and leaf discoloration (R2 = 0.79), indicating that this methodology robustly captures phenology at the individual level with low temporal and human effort. Both intra- and interspecific phenological variability were high in spring and autumn, leading to differences in the LOS of up to two months under almost identical environmental conditions. Functional traits such as seed dry mass, chromosome number, and continent of origin played significant roles in explaining interspecific phenological differences in SOS, EOS, and LOS, respectively. In total, 55 %, 39 %, and 45 % of interspecific variation in SOS, EOS, and LOS could be explained by the Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) models based on functional traits. Our findings encourage new research avenues in tree phenology and advance our understanding of the growth strategies of key tree species in the Northern Hemisphere.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We tested whether one of the consequences predicted for alien plant invasion by the mutualism disruption hypothesis was true in the case of the ash-leaved maple Acer negundo L. The study aimed to determine whether the occurrences of mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal herbs varied similarly or differently in communities with varying degrees of A. negundo dominance. The analysis included the results of 78 vegetation descriptions carried out in Belarusian Polesia, the Middle Volga region, and the Middle Urals. Communities with or without A. negundo dominance were described in each region. The mycorrhizal status of plant species was determined using the FungalRoot Database. Species that are more likely to form arbuscular mycorrhiza were found to occur less frequently in A. negundo thickets. On the contrary, a higher probability of the nonmycorrhizal status was associated with a lower frequency of detection in A. negundo thickets. Therefore, the occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizal herbs was found to selectively decrease in communities dominated by A. negundo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Angiosperms with large genomes experience nuclear-, cellular-, and organism-level constraints that may limit their phenotypic plasticity and ecological niche, which could increase their risk of extinction. Therefore, we test the hypotheses that large-genomed species are more likely to be threatened with extinction than those with small genomes, and that the effect of genome size varies across three selected covariates: life form, endemism, and climatic zone. We collated genome size and extinction risk information for a representative sample of angiosperms comprising 3250 species, which we analyzed alongside life form, endemism, and climatic zone variables using a phylogenetic framework. Genome size is positively correlated with extinction risk, a pattern driven by a signal in herbaceous but not woody species, regardless of climate and endemism. The influence of genome size is stronger in endemic herbaceous species, but is relatively homogenous across different climates. Beyond its indirect link via endemism and climate, genome size is associated with extinction risk directly and significantly. Genome size may serve as a proxy for difficult-to-measure parameters associated with resilience and vulnerability in herbaceous angiosperms. Therefore, it merits further exploration as a useful biological attribute for understanding intrinsic extinction risk and augmenting plant conservation efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell is a species with invasive behavior outside of its native range of distribution (America), linked mainly to aquatic habitats. This annual species has been acknowledged as a weed in rice paddies in Europe and Asia. Due to the impacts of this invasive plant, some authors have even listed this species as a global invader. The present work focused on spontaneous plant species occurring in seedlings of Typha domingensis Pers. grown in central Spain for the establishment of constructed wetlands. Weed inventory revealed the presence of L. dubia as a dominant spontaneous species in this crop environment. A suite of mesocosm experiments were designed to study the population density of L. dubia versus that of the other dominant plant species, and to determine traits associated with its weedy potential. The results showed that L. dubia presents competitive attributes such as morphological variability, early flowering, long seeding time, short growth cycle, small and light seeds and a high seed production and germination rate (25 °C), meaning a high reproductive capacity in a cycle of about three months for plant growth in non-limiting conditions. The data obtained from this work provide a basis for understanding the weedy potential of L. dubia, and for management decisions of a potentially invasive species, which has been little investigated in Europe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The folia content of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) were studied in five monocot families: Amaryllidaceae, Cyperaceae, Iridaceae, Orchidacea, and Poaceae. The species of different monocot families were found to have different amount of N and P and their ratio in the leaves. The lowest N content was in Iridaceae and the highest was in Amaryllidaceae. The lowest P content was in Cyperaceae and Poaceae while the highest was in Amaryllidaceae and Iridaceae. A minimum N/P ratio was observed in Iridaceae; a maximum N/P ratio, was in Poaceae. Thus, certain specifics were detected in the content of N and P and their ratio in the monocot families.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As natural landscapes are modified and converted into simplified agricultural landscapes, the community composition and interactions of organisms persisting in these modified landscapes are altered. While many studies examine the consequences of these changing interactions for crops, few have evaluated the effects on wild plants. Here, we examine how pollinator and herbivore interactions affect reproductive success for wild resident and phytometer plants at sites along a landscape gradient ranging from natural to highly simplified. We tested the direct and indirect effects of landscape composition on plant traits and reproduction mediated by insect interactions. For phytometer plants exposed to herbivores, we found that greater landscape complexity corresponded with elevated herbivore damage, which reduced total flower production but increased individual flower size. Though larger flowers increased pollination, the reduction in flowers ultimately reduced plant reproductive success. Herbivory was also higher in complex landscapes for resident plants, but overall damage was low and therefore did not have a cascading effect on floral display and reproduction. This work highlights that landscape composition directly affects patterns of herbivory with cascading effects on pollination and wild plant reproduction. Further, the absence of an effect on reproduction for resident plants suggests that they may be adapted to their local insect community.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates the effects of forest aging on ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungal community and foraging behavior and their interactions with plant-soil attributes. We explored EcM fungal communities and hyphal exploration types via rDNA sequencing and investigated their associations with plant-soil traits by comparing younger (~120 years) and older (~250 years) temperate forest stands in Northeast China. The results revealed increases in the EcM fungal richness and abundance with forest aging, paralleled by plant-soil feedback shifting from explorative to conservative nutrient use strategies. In the younger stands, Tomentella species were prevalent and showed positive correlations with nutrient availability in both the soil and leaves, alongside rapid increases in woody productivity. However, the older stands were marked by the dominance of the genera Inocybe, Hymenogaster, and Otidea which were significantly and positively correlated with soil nutrient contents and plant structural attributes such as the community-weighted mean height and standing biomass. Notably, the ratios of longer-to-shorter distance EcM fungal exploration types tended to decrease along with forest aging. Our findings underscore the integral role of EcM fungi in the aging processes of temperate forests, highlighting the EcM symbiont-mediated mechanisms adapting to nutrient scarcity and promoting sustainability in plant-soil consortia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Crops generally have seeds larger than their wild progenitors´ and with reduced dormancy. In wild plants, seed mass and allocation to the seed coat (a proxy for physical dormancy) scale allometrically so that larger seeds tend to allocate less to the coats. Larger seeds and lightweight coats might thus have evolved as correlated traits in crops. We tested whether 34 crops and 22 of their wild progenitors fit the allometry described in the literature, which would indicate co-selection of both traits during crop evolution. Deviations from the allometry would suggest that other evolutionary processes contribute to explain the emergence of larger, lightweight-coated seeds in crops. Crops fitted the scaling slope but deviated from its intercept in a consistent way: Seed coats of crops were lighter than expected by their seed size. The wild progenitors of crops displayed the same trend, indicating that deviations cannot be solely attributed to artificial selection during or after domestication. The evolution of seeds with small coats in crops likely resulted from a combination of various pressures, including the selection of wild progenitors with coats smaller than other wild plants, further decreases during early evolution under cultivation, and indirect selection due to the seed coat-seed size allometry.





