plant mating systems

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research on supergenes, non-recombining genomic regions housing tightly linked genes that control complex phenotypes, has recently gained prominence in genomics. Heterostyly, a floral heteromorphism promoting outcrossing in several angiosperm families, is controlled by the S-locus supergene. The S-locus has been studied primarily in closely related Primula species and, more recently, in other groups that independently evolved heterostyly. However, it remains unknown whether genetic architecture and composition of the S-locus are maintained among species that share a common origin of heterostyly and subsequently diverged across larger time scales. To address this research gap, we present a chromosome-scale genome assembly of Primula edelbergii, a species that shares the same origin of heterostyly with Primula veris (whose S-locus has been characterized) but diverged from it 18 million years ago. Comparative genomic analyses between these two species allowed us to show, for the first time, that the S-locus can \'jump\' (i.e. translocate) between chromosomes maintaining its function in controlling heterostyly. Additionally, we found that four S-locus genes were conserved but reshuffled within the supergene, seemingly without affecting their expression, thus we could not detect changes explaining the lack of self-incompatibility in P. edelbergii. Furthermore, we confirmed that the S-locus is not undergoing genetic degeneration. Finally, we investigated P. edelbergii evolutionary history within Ericales in terms of whole genome duplications and transposable element accumulation. In summary, our work provides a valuable resource for comparative analyses aimed at investigating the genetics of heterostyly and the pivotal role of supergenes in shaping the evolution of complex phenotypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resolving the consequences of pollinator foraging behaviour for plant mating systems is a fundamental challenge in evolutionary ecology. Pollinators may adopt particular foraging tactics: complete trapline foraging (repeated movements along a fixed route), sample-and-shift trapline foraging (a variable route that incorporates information from previous experiences) and territorial foraging (stochastic movements within a restricted area). Studies that integrate these pollinator foraging tactics with plant mating systems are generally lacking. We investigate the consequences of particular pollinator foraging tactics for Heliconia tortuosa. We combine parentage and sibship inference analysis with simulation modelling to: estimate mating system parameters; infer the foraging tactic adopted by the pollinators; and quantify the impact of pollinator foraging tactics on mating system parameters. We found high outcrossing rates, ubiquitous multiple paternity and a pronounced departure from near-neighbour mating. We also found that plants repeatedly receive pollen from a series of particular donors. We infer that the pollinators primarily adopt complete trapline foraging and occasionally engage in sample-and-shift trapline foraging. This enhances multiple paternity without a substantial increase in near-neighbour mating. The particular pollinator foraging tactics have divergent consequences for multiple paternity and near-neighbour mating. Thus, pollinator foraging behaviour is an important driver of the ecology and evolution of plant mating systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mating system shift from outcrossing to selfing is one of the most frequent evolutionary trends in flowering plants. However, the genomic consequences of this shift remain poorly understood. Specifically, the relative importance of the demographic and genetic processes causing changes in genetic variation and selection efficacy associated with the evolution of selfing is unclear. Here we sequenced the genomes of two Primulina species with contrasting mating systems: P. eburnea (outcrossing) versus P. tabacum (outcrossing, mixed-mating and selfing populations). Whole-genome resequencing data were used to investigate the genomic consequences of mating system shifts within and between species. We found that highly selfing populations of P. tabacum display loss of genetic diversity, increased deleterious mutations, higher genomic burden and fewer adaptive substitutions. However, compared with outcrossing populations, mixed-mating populations did not display loss of genetic diversity and accumulation of genetic load. We find no evidence of population bottlenecks associated with the shift to selfing, which suggests that the genetic effects of selfing on Ne and possibly linked selection, rather than demographic history, are the primary drivers of diversity reduction in highly selfing populations. Our results highlight the importance of distinguishing the relative contribution of mating system and demography on the genomic consequences associated with mating system evolution in plants.






  • 文章类型: Editorial







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyphenisms are a special type of phenotypic plasticity in which the products of development are not continuous but instead are separate and distinct phenotypes produced in the same genetic background. One of the most widespread polyphenisms in the flowering plants is cleistogamy, in which the same individual plant produces both open, cross-pollinated flowers as well as highly reduced and closed, self-pollinated (cleistogamous) flowers.1-5 Cleistogamy is not a rare evolutionary phenomenon. It has evolved independently at least 41 times.1 But what favors the evolution of cleistogamy is still largely unknown.1 Darwin6 proposed a hypothesis that has never been properly tested. He observed that cleistogamy is more common in taxa with bilaterally symmetric (zygomorphic) flowers than in those with radially symmetric (actinomorphic) flowers. Moreover, Darwin suggested that cleistogamous flowers help to ensure pollination, which he postulated is less certain in zygomorphic taxa that rely on more specialized groups of pollinators. Here, we combined the largest datasets on floral symmetry and cleistogamy and used phylogenetic approaches to show that cleistogamy is indeed disproportionately associated with zygomorphic flowers and that zygomorphic species are more likely to evolve cleistogamy than actinomorphic species. We also show that zygomorphic species are less capable of autonomous open-flower self-pollination (lower autofertility), suggesting that selection of cleistogamy via reproductive assurance in zygomorphic taxa could help account for Darwin\'s observation. Our results provide support for the hypothesis that polyphenisms are favored when organisms encounter contrasting environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Self-incompatibility (SI) is a self-recognition genetic system enforcing outcrossing in hermaphroditic flowering plants and results in one of the arguably best understood forms of natural (balancing) selection maintaining genetic variation over long evolutionary times. A rich theoretical and empirical population genetics literature has considerably clarified how the distribution of SI phenotypes translates into fitness differences among individuals by a combination of inbreeding avoidance and rare-allele advantage. At the same time, the molecular mechanisms by which self-pollen is specifically recognized and rejected have been described in exquisite details in several model organisms, such that the genotype-to-phenotype map is also pretty well understood, notably in the Brassicaceae. Here, we review recent advances in these two fronts and illustrate how the joint availability of detailed characterization of genotype-to-phenotype and phenotype-to-fitness maps on a single genetic system (plant self-incompatibility) provides the opportunity to understand the evolutionary process in a unique perspective, bringing novel insight on general questions about the emergence, maintenance, and diversification of a complex genetic system.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Translocations of threatened species can reduce the risk of extinction from a catastrophic event. For plants, translocation consists of moving individuals, seeds, or cuttings from a native (source) population to a new site. Ideally a translocation population would be genetically diverse and consist of fit founding individuals. In practice, there are challenges to designing such a population, including constraints on the availability of material, and tradeoffs between different goals. Here, we present an approach for designing a translocation population that identifies sets of founders that are optimized according to multiple criteria (e.g., genetic diversity), while also conforming to constraints on the representation of different founders (e.g., propagation success). It uses flexible inputs, including SNP genotypes, matrices of similarity between individuals, and vectors of phenotype data. We apply the approach to a critically endangered plant, Hibbertia puberula subsp. glabrescens (Dilleniaceae), which was genotyped at thousands of SNP loci. The goals of minimizing genetic similarity among the founding individuals and maximizing genetic diversity were largely complementary: populations optimized for one of these criteria were near-optimal for the other. We also performed analyses in which we minimized genetic similarity among founding individuals while imposing selection (against hypothetical deleterious alleles, and against undesirable phenotypes, respectively), and here characterized sharp tradeoffs. This was useful in allowing the benefits of selection to be weighed against costs in terms of genetic similarity. In summary, we present an approach for designing a translocation population that allows flexible inputs, the imposition of realistic constraints, and examination of conflicting goals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Declines in reproductive capabilities with increasing age are common across the tree of life. However, in plants, mating system traits have rarely been tested for signs of senescence. Since reproduction is often resource limited, we might expect outcrossing and selfing taxa to allocate these resources differently, especially as a plant ages. Compared with selfers, outcrossers are expected to produce showy, rewarding flowers that attract pollinators and high-quality pollen that can successfully compete for ovules. Yet, this resource-intensive strategy of outcrossers may result in declines in floral allocation and pollen performance metrics, relative to selfers.
    To explore age-related changes in reproduction, we measured flower size and pollen germinability over the flowering period for multiple populations of an annual sister species pair, Collinsia linearis (outcrosser) and C. rattanii (selfer), in a growth chamber experiment.
    We found that flower size decreased significantly with age in both species. The outcrosser expressed a significant and dramatic (88%) decline in pollen germinability with age, while the selfer\'s pollen germinability decline was non-significant and low (17%).
    Our results support the idea that the higher total cost of reproduction in outcrossers can deplete available resources more rapidly than in selfers, manifesting as a decline in male performance with plant age.






  • 文章类型: News
    One of the most striking and consistent results in speciation genomics is the heterogeneous divergence observed across the genomes of closely related species. This pattern was initially attributed to different levels of gene exchange-with divergence preserved at loci generating a barrier to gene flow but homogenized at unlinked neutral loci. Although there is evidence to support this model, it is now recognized that interpreting patterns of divergence across genomes is not so straightforward. One problem is that heterogenous divergence between populations can also be generated by other processes (e.g. recurrent selective sweeps or background selection) without any involvement of differential gene flow. Thus, integrated studies that identify which loci are likely subject to divergent selection are required to shed light on the interplay between selection and gene flow during the early phases of speciation. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Rifkin et al. () confront this challenge using a pair of sister morning glory species. They wisely design their sampling to take the geographic context of individuals into account, including geographically isolated (allopatric) and co-occurring (sympatric) populations. This enabled them to show that individuals are phenotypically less differentiated in sympatry. They also found that the loci that resist introgression are enriched for those most differentiated in allopatry and loci that exhibit signals of divergent selection. One great strength of the study is the combination of methods from population genetics and molecular evolution, including the development of a model to simultaneously infer admixture proportions and selfing rates.







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Turnover in biotic communities across heterogeneous landscapes is expected to lead to variation in interactions among plants, their mutualists, and their antagonists. Across a fragmented landscape in northern Costa Rica, populations of the euphorb vine Dalechampia scandens vary widely in mating systems and associated blossom traits. Previous work suggested that populations are well adapted to the local reliability of pollination by apid and megachilid bees. We tested whether variation in the intensity of predispersal seed predation by seed weevils in the genus Nanobaris also contributes to the observed variation in blossom traits.
    We studied spatiotemporal variation in the relationships between floral advertisement and the probability of seed predation within three focal populations. Then we assessed among-population covariation of predation rate, pollination reliability, mating system, and blossom traits across 20 populations.
    The probability of seed predation was largely unrelated to variation in floral advertisement both within focal populations and among the larger sample of populations. The rate of seed predation was only weakly associated with the rate of cross-pollination (allogamy) in each population but tended to be proportionally greater in populations experiencing less reliable pollination.
    These results suggest that geographic variation in the intensity of antagonistic interactions have had only minor modifying effects on the evolutionary trajectories of floral advertisement in plant populations in this system. Thus, pollinator-driven floral trait evolution in D. scandens in the study area appears not to be influenced by conflicting seed-predator-mediated selection.





