plant communities

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Competitor, Stress Tolerator, and Ruderal (CSR) theory delineates the ecological strategies of plant species. Nevertheless, how these ecological strategies shift at the levels of individuals, functional groups and plant communities to cope with increasing nitrogen deposition remains unclear. In this study, simulated nitrogen deposition experiments were performed in high-altitude grasslands of alpine meadows and alpine steppe on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) by employing the strategy and functional type framework (StrateFy) methodology to evaluate plant CSR strategies. Our results indicated that the dominant ecological strategy of the high-altitude grassland on the QTP were predominantly aligned with the R-strategy. In both alpine meadow and alpine steppe grasslands, the community-weighted mean (CWM) of C scores were increased with nitrogen addition, while CWM of R and S scores were not significantly correlated with nitrogen addition. Remarkably, the increase in C scores due to nitrogen enrichment was observed solely in non-legumes, suggesting an enhanced competitive capability of non-legumes in anticipation of future nitrogen deposition. Leymus secalinus was dominated in both alpine meadow and alpine steppe grasslands across all levels of nitrogen deposition, with increasing C scores along the nitrogen gradients. Furthermore, the sensitivity of C scores of individual plant, functional group and plant community to nitrogen deposition rates was more pronounced in alpine steppe grassland than in alpine meadow grassland. These findings furnish novel insights into the alterations of ecological strategies in high-altitude alpine grasslands on the QTP and similar regions worldwide in cope with escalating nitrogen deposition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We tested whether one of the consequences predicted for alien plant invasion by the mutualism disruption hypothesis was true in the case of the ash-leaved maple Acer negundo L. The study aimed to determine whether the occurrences of mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal herbs varied similarly or differently in communities with varying degrees of A. negundo dominance. The analysis included the results of 78 vegetation descriptions carried out in Belarusian Polesia, the Middle Volga region, and the Middle Urals. Communities with or without A. negundo dominance were described in each region. The mycorrhizal status of plant species was determined using the FungalRoot Database. Species that are more likely to form arbuscular mycorrhiza were found to occur less frequently in A. negundo thickets. On the contrary, a higher probability of the nonmycorrhizal status was associated with a lower frequency of detection in A. negundo thickets. Therefore, the occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizal herbs was found to selectively decrease in communities dominated by A. negundo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microorganisms are crucial elements of terrestrial ecosystems, which play significant roles in improving soil physicochemical properties, providing plant growth nutrients, degrading toxic and harmful chemicals, and biogeochemical cycling. Variations in the types and quantities of root exudates among different plants greatly alter soil physicochemical properties and result in variations in the diversity, structure, and function of soil microorganisms. Not much is understood about the differences of soil fungi and archaea communities for different plant communities in coastal wetlands, and their response mechanisms to environmental changes. In this study, fungal and archaea communities in soils of Suaeda salsa, Phragmites australis, and Spartina alterniflora in the intertidal habitat of coastal wetlands were selected for research. Soil fungi and archaea were analyzed for diversity, community structure, and function using high throughput ITS and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The study revealed significant differences in fungi and archaea\'s diversity and community structure in the rhizosphere soil of three plant communities. At the same time, there is no significant difference in the functional groups. SOM, TP, AP, MC, EC and SOM, TN, TP, AP, MC, EC are the primary environmental determinants affecting changes in soil fungal and archaeal communities, respectively. Variations in the diversity, community structure, and ecological functions of fungi and archaea can be used as indicators characterizing the impact of external disturbances on the soil environment, providing a theoretical foundation for the effective utilization of soil microbial resources, thereby achieving the goal of environmental protection and health promotion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants possess a large variety of nonacquisitive belowground organs, such as rhizomes, tubers, bulbs, and coarse roots. These organs determine a whole set of functions that are decisive in coping with climate, productivity, disturbance, and biotic interactions, and have been hypothesized to affect plant distribution along environmental gradients. We assembled data on belowground organ morphology for 1712 species from Central Europe and tested these hypotheses by quantifying relationships between belowground morphologies and species optima along ecological gradients related to productivity and disturbance. Furthermore, we linked these data with species co-occurrence in 30 115 vegetation plots from the Czech Republic to determine relationships between belowground organ diversity and these gradients. The strongest gradients determining belowground organ distribution were disturbance severity and frequency, light, and moisture. Nonclonal perennials and annuals occupy much smaller parts of the total environmental space than major types of clonal plants. Forest habitats had the highest diversity of co-occurring belowground morphologies; in other habitats, the diversity of belowground morphologies was generally lower than the random expectation. Our work shows that nonacquisitive belowground organs may be partly responsible for plant environmental niches. This adds a new dimension to the plant trait spectrum, currently based on acquisitive traits (leaves and fine roots) only.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Globally pervasive increases in atmospheric CO2 and nitrogen (N) deposition could have substantial effects on plant communities, either directly or mediated by their interactions with soil nutrient limitation. While the direct consequences of N enrichment on plant communities are well documented, potential interactions with rising CO2 and globally widespread phosphorus (P) limitation remain poorly understood. We investigated the consequences of simultaneous elevated CO2 (eCO2 ) and N and P additions on grassland biodiversity, community and functional composition in P-limited grasslands. We exposed soil-turf monoliths from limestone and acidic grasslands that have received >25 years of N additions (3.5 and 14 g m-2  year-1 ) and 11 (limestone) or 25 (acidic) years of P additions (3.5 g m-2  year-1 ) to eCO2 (600 ppm) for 3 years. Across both grasslands, eCO2 , N and P additions significantly changed community composition. Limestone communities were more responsive to eCO2 and saw significant functional shifts resulting from eCO2 -nutrient interactions. Here, legume cover tripled in response to combined eCO2 and P additions, and combined eCO2 and N treatments shifted functional dominance from grasses to sedges. We suggest that eCO2 may disproportionately benefit P acquisition by sedges by subsidising the carbon cost of locally intense root exudation at the expense of co-occurring grasses. In contrast, the functional composition of the acidic grassland was insensitive to eCO2 and its interactions with nutrient additions. Greater diversity of P-acquisition strategies in the limestone grassland, combined with a more functionally even and diverse community, may contribute to the stronger responses compared to the acidic grassland. Our work suggests we may see large changes in the composition and biodiversity of P-limited grasslands in response to eCO2 and its interactions with nutrient loading, particularly where these contain a high diversity of P-acquisition strategies or developmentally young soils with sufficient bioavailable mineral P.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Redesigning agrosystems to include more ecological regulations can help feed a growing human population, preserve soils for future productivity, limit dependency on synthetic fertilizers, and reduce agriculture contribution to global changes such as eutrophication and warming. However, guidelines for redesigning cropping systems from natural systems to make them more sustainable remain limited. Synthetizing the knowledge on biogeochemical cycles in natural ecosystems, we outline four ecological systems that synchronize the supply of soluble nutrients by soil biota with the fluctuating nutrient demand of plants. This synchrony limits deficiencies and excesses of soluble nutrients, which usually penalize both production and regulating services of agrosystems such as nutrient retention and soil carbon storage. In the ecological systems outlined, synchrony emerges from plant-soil and plant-plant interactions, eco-physiological processes, soil physicochemical processes, and the dynamics of various nutrient reservoirs, including soil organic matter, soil minerals, atmosphere, and a common market. We discuss the relative importance of these ecological systems in regulating nutrient cycles depending on the pedoclimatic context and on the functional diversity of plants and microbes. We offer ideas about how these systems could be stimulated within agrosystems to improve their sustainability. A review of the latest advances in agronomy shows that some of the practices suggested to promote synchrony (e.g., reduced tillage, rotation with perennial plant cover, crop diversification) have already been tested and shown to be effective in reducing nutrient losses, fertilizer use, and N2 O emissions and/or improving biomass production and soil carbon storage. Our framework also highlights new management strategies and defines the conditions for the success of these nature-based practices allowing for site-specific modifications. This new synthetized knowledge should help practitioners to improve the long-term productivity of agrosystems while reducing the negative impact of agriculture on the environment and the climate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ethiopia is a mountainous country with great geographic diversity. The diversified topographic features in Ethiopia made the country have a rich biodiversity forest cover in tropical Africa. This made Ethiopia have the largest floral diversity in tropical Africa. This floral diversity is rich in endemic elements. About 6,027 vascular plant species (including subspecies) with about 10.7% endemism have been documented. Plant community types are primarily influenced by topographic factors, as well as disturbance and environmental factors. The objective of this study is to demonstrate that 1: The forest patches in the study area exhibit distinct plant community types. 2: The composition and structure of these plant communities are influenced by various environmental variables. To achieve this, a total of 76 plots were used to collect vegetation and environmental data. The collected data were then analyzed using the R software, employing agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis and redundancy analysis (RDA) to identify plant communities and assess the relationship between these communities and environmental variables.R software was used to identify plant communities and analyze the relationship between plant community types and environmental variables using agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis and redundancy analysis (RDA). Four plant community types were identified. The RDA results highlighted the significant impact (p < 0.005) of altitude, aspect, slope, grazing, and human interference on species distribution and the formation of plant communities. The RDA results highlighted the significant impact (p < 0.005) of altitude, aspect, slope, grazing, and human interference on species distribution and the formation of plant communities.The findings indicate that the variation in plant communities is closely associated with topographic factors such as altitude, slope, aspect, as well as disturbance factors like grazing, and human interference, with altitude being the most influential factor. Based on these findings, it is recommended that conservation plans take into consideration the effects of grazing and human interference in order to address the challenges faced in conserving forest patches in the future.Additionally, further research efforts should focus on mitigating disturbance factors and understanding the environmental variables that affect forest patches to enhance their conservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Scientific grazing management is of great significance for the ecological health and sustainable use of alpine meadows.
    UNASSIGNED: To explore appropriate management methods of alpine grasslands of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau degraded by Achnatherum inebrians (Hance) Keng ex Tzvele presence, we studied the effects of different grazing systems on the A. inebrians population, grassland vegetation community traits, soil characteristics and soil microbial community structure for cold- season grazing plus supplementary feeding pasture (CSF) and four-season open public pasture (FOP) in Tianzhu County, Gansu Province.
    UNASSIGNED: Compared with FOP, the CSF site showed significantly inhibited reproduction of A. inebrians, especially the crown width, seed yield and number of reproductive branches per plant were as high as 50%, significantly increased the aboveground biomass of edible forage and soil water content by 57% and 43-55%, better soil nutrients, and significantly reduced soil bulk density by 10- 29%. Different grazing systems affected the composition and diversity of soil microbial communities, with a greater effect on fungi than on bacterial flora. The most abundant phyla of bacteria and fungi were Proteobacteria and Ascomycota for CSF (by 30-38% and 24-28%) and for FOP (by 67-70% and 68-73%), and the relative abundance and species of bacterial and fungal genera were greater for CSF than FOP. The α-diversity indexes of fungi were improved, and the β-diversity of fungi was significant difference between CSF and FOP. However, the grazing utilization time was prolonged in FOP, which reduced the diversity and abundance of soil bacteria and increased soil spatial heterogeneity. The use of A. inebrians-type degraded grassland in the cold season, and as a winter supplementary feeding and resting ground, could effectively inhibit expansion of A. inebrians, promote edible forage growth, enhance grassland productivity and community stability, and improve soil structure.
    UNASSIGNED: The results guide healthy and sustainable utilization of A. inebrians-type degraded grassland in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant communities and fungi inhabiting their phyllospheres change along precipitation gradients and often respond to changes in land use. Many studies have focused on the changes in foliar fungal communities on specific plant species, however, few have addressed the association between whole plant communities and their phyllosphere fungi. We sampled plant communities and associated phyllosphere fungal communities in native prairie remnants and post-agricultural sites across the steep precipitation gradient in the central plains in Kansas, USA. Plant community cover data and MiSeq ITS2 metabarcode data of the phyllosphere fungal communities indicated that both plant and fungal community composition respond strongly to mean annual precipitation (MAP), but less so to land use (native prairie remnants vs. post-agricultural sites). However, plant and fungal diversity were greater in the native remnant prairies than in post-agricultural sites. Overall, both plant and fungal diversity increased with MAP and the communities in the arid and mesic parts of the gradient were distinct. Analyses of the linkages between plant and fungal communities (Mantel and Procrustes tests) identified strong correlations between the composition of the two. However, despite the strong correlations, regression models with plant richness, diversity, or composition (ordination axis scores) and land use as explanatory variables for fungal diversity and evenness did not improve the models compared to those with precipitation and land use (ΔAIC < 2), even though the explanatory power of some plant variables was greater than that of MAP as measured by R2. Indicator taxon analyses suggest that grass species are the primary taxa that differ in the plant communities. Similar analyses of the phyllosphere fungi indicated that many plant pathogens are disproportionately abundant either in the arid or mesic environments. Although decoupling the drivers of fungal communities and their composition - whether abiotic or host-dependent - remains a challenge, our study highlights the distinct community responses to precipitation and the tight tracking of the plant communities by their associated fungal symbionts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractAcross plant communities worldwide, fire regimes reflect a combination of climatic factors and plant characteristics. To shed new light on the complex relationships between plant characteristics and fire regimes, we developed a new conceptual mechanistic model that includes plant competition, stochastic fires, and fire-vegetation feedback. Considering a single standing plant functional type, we observed that highly flammable and slowly colonizing plants can persist only when they have a strong fire response, while fast colonizing and less flammable plants can display a larger range of fire responses. At the community level, the fire response of the strongest competitor determines the existence of alternative ecological states (i.e., different plant communities) under the same environmental conditions. Specifically, when the strongest competitor had a very strong fire response, such as in Mediterranean forests, only one ecological state could be achieved. Conversely, when the strongest competitor was poorly fire adapted, alternative ecological states emerged-for example, between tropical humid savannas and forests or between different types of boreal forests. These findings underline the importance of including the plant fire response when modeling fire ecosystems, for example, to predict the vegetation response to invasive species or to climate change.





