
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Publication of data from past field studies on invertebrate populations is of high importance, as there is much added value for them to be used as baselines to study spatiotemporal population and community dynamics in these groups. Therefore, a dataset consisting of occurrence data on epigaeic invertebrates collected in 1996 was standardised into the Darwin core format and cross-checked in order to make it publicly available following FAIR data principles. With publication, it can contribute to the biodiversity assessment of terrestrial invertebrates, thereby improving the availability and accessibility of much-needed historical datasets on macro-invertebrates.Here, we present sampling event data on invertebrates from four grasslands taken out of agricultural production over the span of several decades, effectively displaying a chronosequence on the effects of agricultural extensification. The data were collected by means of a standardised sampling design using pyramid traps, pitfall traps and soil samples.
    UNASSIGNED: The raw data presented in this data paper have not been published before. They consist of 20,000+ records of nearly 70,000 specimens from 121 taxonomic groups. The data were collected using a standardised field study set-up and specimens were identified by taxonomic specialists. Most groups were identified up to family level, with eight groups identified up to species level. The occurrence data are complemented by information on plant composition, meteorological data and soil physical characteristics. The dataset has been registered in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF): http://doi.org/10.15468/7n499e.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pitfalls in Pap test could be defined as false positive, false negative, or underdiagnosed results which can lead to unnecessary diagnostic procedures or delayed and inadequate treatment. It can be a consequence of misinterpretation of certain morphological entities which are described in this paper.
    CONCLUSIONS: The paper presents an overview of the morphological features and look-alikes of the common sources of pitfalls such as atrophy, repair, intrauterine device change, tubal metaplasia, hyperchromatic crowded groups, and radiation changes. Rare causes of pitfalls such as Arias-Stella changes, pemphigus, tumor diathesis per se, rare types of cervical cancer, including verrucous and papillary squamous cell cancer, gastric type, and endometrioid adenocarcinoma are also described.
    CONCLUSIONS: The awareness of pitfalls in cervical cytology is important for cytopathologists and clinicians to avoid future errors. Review of Pap tests with erroneous diagnosis is important for quality control in cytology laboratory, and it must be considered an educational- and experience-building procedure. Cytopathologist should not pull back in significant diagnoses, especially in human papillomavirus-negative cases.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs), rare neuroendocrine tumors arising from chromaffin cells, present a significant diagnostic challenge due to their clinical rarity and polymorphic symptomatology. The clinical cases demonstrate the importance of an integrated approach that combines clinical assessment, biochemical testing, and imaging to distinguish PPGLs from mimicking conditions, such as obstructive sleep apnea and interfering medication effects, which can lead to false-positive biochemical results. Although a rare condition, false-negative metanephrine levels can occur in pheochromocytomas, but imaging findings can give some clues and increase suspicion for a pheochromocytoma diagnosis. This expert endocrine consult underscores the critical role of evaluating preanalytical conditions and pretest probability in the biochemical diagnosis of PPGLs. Moreover, a careful differentiation of PPGLs from similar conditions and careful selection and interpretation of diagnostic tests, with focus on understanding and reducing false positives to enhance diagnostic accuracy and patient outcomes, is crucial.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The perioperative management of patients undergoing mediastinal mass operations presents a persistent challenge across multiple clinical specialties. General anesthesia administration further increases the risk of perioperative cardiorespiratory decompensation. The interdisciplinary team plays a crucial role in ensuring a safe perioperative period. However, due to the rarity and variability of mediastinal mass syndromes, specific management protocols are lacking. This review aims to outline the multitude of challenges and pitfalls encountered during perioperative management in patients with the mediastinal mass syndrome. We describe diagnostic evaluation, preoperative optimization, intraoperative considerations, and postoperative care strategies, emphasizing the paramount significance of a multidisciplinary approach and personalized treatment plans. Preoperative multidisciplinary discussions, meticulous anesthetic management, and well-established protocols for emergency situations are pivotal to ensuring patient safety. Healthcare providers involved in the care of patients with mediastinal mass syndrome must grasp these challenges and pitfalls, enabling them to deliver safe and effective perioperative management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cytopathology is integral to the investigation and diagnosis of respiratory disease, and, in the last decade or so, transbronchial needle aspiration by endobronchial ultrasound has made possible diagnosis and staging of malignant thoracic tumours at a single procedure. In addition, interventional teams increasingly include cytopathologists and cytotechnologists who, by providing rapid onsite evaluation, ensure efficient sampling of intrathoracic targets with the ultimate goal of accurate diagnosis as well as sufficient material for comprehensive predictive testing. Nonetheless, \"traditional\" cytological investigations such as bronchial washings, brushings, and lavages are still carried out for investigation of both suspected neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions, and all these procedures still produce specimens in which florid benign cells mimic malignancy, while truly neoplastic cells lurk quietly in the background. Furthermore, even when neoplasia is not suspected, issues in preparation and interpretation may render a final assessment inaccurate and, therefore, clinically unhelpful or misleading. In this overview, we have tried to adopt a format partly modelled on the passage of a specimen from clinical acquisition to laboratory endpoint, thus taking in potential pitfalls in communication, clinical interaction, transport, and clinic-based preparation, as well as in morphology, immunocytochemistry, and suitability for predictive testing. It is not exhaustive but highlights areas that may frequently be encountered or are part of our personal experience.
    CONCLUSIONS: The account highlights potential pitfalls in respiratory cytopathology at key stages of the process from acquisition to reporting and presents these in both flow diagram and tabular form. We hope this is useful for the increasingly collaborative roles of cytotechnologist and cytopathologist and their wider involvement in the clinical investigative teams.
    CONCLUSIONS: Correct clinical and radiological information is crucially important and promotes the correct acquisition and processing of cytopathological specimens. Cross-discipline collaborative working ensures the most efficient use of the specimen such that diagnoses and predictive tests are performed on optimal material, reducing the potential for misinterpretation. Nonetheless, even with optimal material, morphological mimics and atypical antigen expression may mislead and render accurate diagnosis challenging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To inform researchers of central considerations and limitations when applying biochemical laboratory-generated registry data in clinical and public health research.
    METHODS: After review of literature on registry-based studies and the utilization of clinical laboratory registry data, relevant paragraphs and their applicability toward the creation of considerations for the use of biochemical registry data in research were evaluated. This led to the creation of an initial ten considerations. These were elaborated, edited, and merged after several read-throughs by all authors and discussed thoroughly under influence by the authors\' personal experiences with laboratory databases and research registries in Denmark, leading to the formulation of five central considerations with corresponding items and illustrative examples.
    RESULTS: We recommend that the following considerations should be addressed in studies relying on biochemical laboratory-generated registry data: why are biochemical laboratory data relevant to examine the hypothesis, and how were the variable(s) utilized in the study? What were the primary indications for specimen collection in the study population of interest? Were there any pre-analytical circumstances that could influence the test results? Are data comparable between producing laboratories and within the single laboratory over time? Is the database representative in terms of completeness of study populations and key variables?
    CONCLUSIONS: It is crucial to address key errors in laboratory registry data and acknowledge potential limitations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An increasing amount of molecular imaging studies are ordered each year for an oncologic population that continues to expand and increase in age. The importance of these studies in dictating further care for oncologic patients underscores the necessity of differentiating benign from malignant findings, particularly for a population in whom incidental findings are common. The aim of this review is to provide pictorial examples of benign musculoskeletal pathologies which may be found on molecular imaging and which may be mistaken for malignant processes. Imaging examples are provided in the form of radiographs, bone scintigraphy, computed tomography, and fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG PET/CT) scans. Special attention is paid to specific features that help narrow the differential diagnosis and distinguish benign from malignant processes, with the goal of avoiding unnecessary invasive procedures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: whole body scan (WBS) performed following diagnostic or therapeutic administration of I-131 is useful in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. However, it can be falsely positive in various circumstances. We aimed to report a series of pitfalls in a clinical perspective.
    METHODS: A search in the database PubMed utilizing the following terms: \"false radioiodine uptake\" and \"false positive iodine 131 scan\" has been made in January 2023. Among the 346 studies screened, 230 were included in this review, with a total of 370 cases collected. Physiological uptakes were excluded. For each patient, sex, age, dose of I-131 administered, region and specific organ of uptake and cause of false uptake were evaluated.
    RESULTS: 370 cases of false radioiodine uptake were reported, 19.1% in the head-neck region, 34.2% in the chest, 14.8% in the abdomen, 20.8% in the pelvis, and 11.1% in the soft tissues and skeletal system. The origin of false radioiodine uptake was referred to non-tumoral diseases in 205/370 cases (55.1%), benign tumors in 108/370 cases (29.5%), malignant tumors in 25/370 cases (6.7%), and other causes in 32/370 cases (8.7%).
    CONCLUSIONS: WBS is useful in the follow-up of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma, however it can be falsely positive in various circumstances. For this reason, it is critically important to correlate the scintigraphic result with patient\'s medical history, serum thyroglobulin levels, additional imaging studies and cytologic and/or histologic result.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SMARCA4-deficient undifferentiated tumors (SMARCA4-UT) are a newly described entity and are typically seen in the thoracic cavity. However, these tumors have been described in other body sites, including the esophagus. These tumors are rare, aggressive neoplasms, characterized by the loss of protein product of SMARCA4 (Brahma-related gene-1) and the preservation of INI1 (SMARCB1) expression. Here, we present two tumors of SMARCA4-UT of the esophagus with its microscopic appearance and immunohistochemical profile. We also include a literature review of SMARCA4-deficient tumors of the tubular gastrointestinal tract with their immunohistochemical and mismatch repair profiles for each specimen. Due to its non-specific histologic appearance and variable staining in expanded immunohistochemical panels, this tumor frequently overlaps with other tumor types, making the diagnosis of SMARCA4-UT challenging. These tumors are often associated with intestinal metaplasia of the esophagus and are thought to represent a high-grade undifferentiated transformation of a conventional esophageal adenocarcinoma. These tumors are typically associated with poor clinical outcomes and have poor response to conventional therapies. Currently, there are no standard guidelines for treatment of these tumors; however, palliative radiotherapy and systemic chemotherapy may provide benefit. More recently, immunotherapy and novel therapeutic targets have shown some promise for these patients.





