physiological data

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As urban populations grow, it\'s imperative to evaluate and enhance the quality of pedestrian paths from the user\'s perspective. Crowdedness, associated with discomfort and safety, is crucial in determining the overall walking quality and user experience. Previously utilized methods for measuring crowdedness, such as travel diaries and floating population surveys, were limited to collecting perceptual data from sporadic surveys with restricted spatial coverage. Similarly, methods based on CCTV or mobile service data have been used but present issues with blind spots and fail to consider pedestrian perspectives. Against this background, this study explores the feasibility of assessing crowdedness levels by measuring subjects\' physiological responses in a laboratory setting based on visual images of real and virtual environments. This study hypothesizes that the amount of people or vehicles passing by affects the electrodermal activity (EDA) of pedestrians, indicating the comfort level of using the environment. Experimental EDA data were measured using a wearable device while the subjects were watching videos showing different pedestrian traffic flows. Representative EDA signal features (e.g., skin conductance responses) were extracted after data pre-processing. Noticeable changes in EDA responses are observed when subjects countered specific environmental variations, such as differing volumes of passing people, on pedestrian paths. The findings suggest that EDA data can be instrumental in differentiating crowdedness levels on pedestrian paths. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by demonstrating the potential of EDA data to characterize the crowdedness experienced by pedestrians. This aids in the development of a novel, quantitative method to gauge pedestrian path crowdedness and to discern contributing factors, such as path width.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: The preferences of people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) often remain unfulfilled since it stays challenging to decode their idiosyncratic behavior resulting in a negative impact on their quality of life (QoL). Physiological data (i.e. heart rate (variability) and motion data) might be the missing piece for identifying emotions of people with PIMD, which positively affects their QoL. Method: Machine learning (ML) processes and statistical analyses are integrated to discern and predict the potential relationship between physiological data and emotional states (i.e. numerical emotional states, descriptive emotional states and emotional arousal) in everyday interactions and activities of two participants with PIMD. Results: Emotional profiles were created enabling a differentiation of the individual emotional behavior. Using ML classifiers and statistical analyses, the results regarding the phases partially confirm previous research, and the findings for the descriptive emotional states were good and even better for the emotional arousal. Conclusion: The results show the potential of the emotional profiles especially for practitioners and the possibility to get a better insight into the emotional experience of people with PIMD including physiological data. This seems to be the missing piece to better recognize emotions of people with PIMD with a positive impact on their QoL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Bipolar disorder is highly prevalent and consists of biphasic recurrent mood episodes of mania and depression, which translate into altered mood, sleep and activity alongside their physiological expressions.
    OBJECTIVE: The IdenTifying dIgital bioMarkers of illnEss activity and treatment response in BipolAr diSordEr with a novel wearable device (TIMEBASE) project aims to identify digital biomarkers of illness activity and treatment response in bipolar disorder.
    METHODS: We designed a longitudinal observational study including 84 individuals. Group A comprises people with acute episode of mania (n = 12), depression (n = 12 with bipolar disorder and n = 12 with major depressive disorder (MDD)) and bipolar disorder with mixed features (n = 12). Physiological data will be recorded during 48 h with a research-grade wearable (Empatica E4) across four consecutive time points (acute, response, remission and episode recovery). Group B comprises 12 people with euthymic bipolar disorder and 12 with MDD, and group C comprises 12 healthy controls who will be recorded cross-sectionally. Psychopathological symptoms, disease severity, functioning and physical activity will be assessed with standardised psychometric scales. Physiological data will include acceleration, temperature, blood volume pulse, heart rate and electrodermal activity. Machine learning models will be developed to link physiological data to illness activity and treatment response. Generalisation performance will be tested in data from unseen patients.
    RESULTS: Recruitment is ongoing.
    CONCLUSIONS: This project should contribute to understanding the pathophysiology of affective disorders. The potential digital biomarkers of illness activity and treatment response in bipolar disorder could be implemented in a real-world clinical setting for clinical monitoring and identification of prodromal symptoms. This would allow early intervention and prevention of affective relapses, as well as personalisation of treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    目的:生理数据质量通常较低,从而损害了相关健康监测的有效性。这项研究的主要目标是开发一个强大的基础模型,可以有效地处理生理数据中的低质量问题。 方法:我们介绍SiamQuality,一种以卷积神经网络(CNN)为骨干的自监督学习方法。SiamQuality学习生成来自相似生理状态的高质量和低质量光电体积描记(PPG)信号的相似表示。我们利用了来自住院重症监护患者的大量PPG信号数据集,由超过3600万30秒的PPG对组成。 主要结果:在对SiamQuality模型进行预训练后,对6项专注于心血管监测的PPG下游任务进行了微调和测试.值得注意的是,在呼吸频率估计和心房颤动检测等任务中,该模型的性能超过了最先进的75%和5%,分别。结果突出了我们的模型在所有评估任务中的有效性,表现出显著的改进,特别是在可穿戴设备上的心脏监测应用中。
    Objective. Physiological data are often low quality and thereby compromises the effectiveness of related health monitoring. The primary goal of this study is to develop a robust foundation model that can effectively handle low-quality issue in physiological data.Approach. We introduce SiamQuality, a self-supervised learning approach using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as the backbone. SiamQuality learns to generate similar representations for both high and low quality photoplethysmography (PPG) signals that originate from similar physiological states. We leveraged a substantial dataset of PPG signals from hospitalized intensive care patients, comprised of over 36 million 30 s PPG pairs.Main results. After pre-training the SiamQuality model, it was fine-tuned and tested on six PPG downstream tasks focusing on cardiovascular monitoring. Notably, in tasks such as respiratory rate estimation and atrial fibrillation detection, the model\'s performance exceeded the state-of-the-art by 75% and 5%, respectively. The results highlight the effectiveness of our model across all evaluated tasks, demonstrating significant improvements, especially in applications for heart monitoring on wearable devices.Significance. This study underscores the potential of CNNs as a robust backbone for foundation models tailored to physiological data, emphasizing their capability to maintain performance despite variations in data quality. The success of the SiamQuality model in handling real-world, variable-quality data opens new avenues for the development of more reliable and efficient healthcare monitoring technologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stress has emerged as a prominent and multifaceted health concern in contemporary society, manifesting detrimental effects on individuals\' physical and mental health and well-being. The ability to accurately predict stress levels in real time holds significant promise for facilitating timely interventions and personalized stress management strategies. The increasing incidence of stress-related physical and mental health issues highlights the importance of thoroughly understanding stress prediction mechanisms. Given that stress is a contributing factor to a wide array of mental and physical health problems, objectively assessing stress is crucial for behavioral and physiological studies. While numerous studies have assessed stress levels in controlled environments, the objective evaluation of stress in everyday settings still needs to be explored, primarily due to contextual factors and limitations in self-report adherence. This short review explored the emerging field of real-time stress prediction, focusing on utilizing physiological data collected by wearable devices. Stress was examined from a comprehensive standpoint, acknowledging its effects on both physical and mental well-being. The review synthesized existing research on the development and application of stress prediction models, underscoring advancements, challenges, and future directions in this rapidly evolving domain. Emphasis was placed on examining and critically evaluating the existing research and literature on stress prediction, physiological data analysis, and wearable devices for stress monitoring. The synthesis of findings aimed to contribute to a better understanding of the potential of wearable technology in objectively assessing and predicting stress levels in real time, thereby informing the design of effective interventions and personalized stress management approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, countries worldwide faced significant concerns and challenges. Various studies have emerged utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science techniques for disease detection. Although COVID-19 cases have declined, there are still cases and deaths around the world. Therefore, early detection of COVID-19 before the onset of symptoms has become crucial in reducing its extensive impact. Fortunately, wearable devices such as smartwatches have proven to be valuable sources of physiological data, including Heart Rate (HR) and sleep quality, enabling the detection of inflammatory diseases. In this study, we utilize an already-existing dataset that includes individual step counts and heart rate data to predict the probability of COVID-19 infection before the onset of symptoms. We train three main model architectures: the Gradient Boosting classifier (GB), CatBoost trees, and TabNet classifier to analyze the physiological data and compare their respective performances. We also add an interpretability layer to our best-performing model, which clarifies prediction results and allows a detailed assessment of effectiveness. Moreover, we created a private dataset by gathering physiological data from Fitbit devices to guarantee reliability and avoid bias.The identical set of models was then applied to this private dataset using the same pre-trained models, and the results were documented. Using the CatBoost tree-based method, our best-performing model outperformed previous studies with an accuracy rate of 85% on the publicly available dataset. Furthermore, this identical pre-trained CatBoost model produced an accuracy of 81% when applied to the private dataset. You will find the source code in the link: .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Future airspace is expected to become more congested with additional in-service cargo and commercial flights. Pilots will face additional burdens in such an environment, given the increasing number of factors that they must simultaneously consider while completing their work activities. Therefore, care and attention must be paid to the mental workload (MWL) experienced by operating pilots. If left unaddressed, a state of mental overload could affect the pilot\'s ability to complete his or her work activities in a safe and correct manner. This study examines the impact of two different cockpit display interfaces (CDIs), the Steam Gauge panel and the G1000 Glass panel, on novice pilots\' MWL and situational awareness (SA) in a flight simulator-based setting. A combination of objective (EEG and HRV) and subjective (NASA-TLX) assessments is used to assess novice pilots\' cognitive states during this study. Our results indicate that the gauge design of the CDI affects novice pilots\' SA and MWL, with the G1000 Glass panel being more effective in reducing the MWL and improving SA compared with the Steam Gauge panel. The results of this study have implications for the design of future flight deck interfaces and the training of future pilots.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transition to Industry 4.0 and 5.0 underscores the need for integrating humans into manufacturing processes, shifting the focus towards customization and personalization rather than traditional mass production. However, human performance during task execution may vary. To ensure high human-robot teaming (HRT) performance, it is crucial to predict performance without negatively affecting task execution. Therefore, to predict performance indirectly, significant factors affecting human performance, such as engagement and task load (i.e., amount of cognitive, physical, and/or sensory resources required to perform a particular task), must be considered. Hence, we propose a framework to predict and maximize the HRT performance. For the prediction of task performance during the development phase, our methodology employs features extracted from physiological data as inputs. The labels for these predictions-categorized as accurate performance or inaccurate performance due to high/low task load-are meticulously crafted using a combination of the NASA TLX questionnaire, records of human performance in quality control tasks, and the application of Q-Learning to derive task-specific weights for the task load indices. This structured approach enables the deployment of our model to exclusively rely on physiological data for predicting performance, thereby achieving an accuracy rate of 95.45% in forecasting HRT performance. To maintain optimized HRT performance, this study further introduces a method of dynamically adjusting the robot\'s speed in the case of low performance. This strategic adjustment is designed to effectively balance the task load, thereby enhancing the efficiency of human-robot collaboration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Upper and lower extremity muscle strength can be used to predict health outcomes. However, the difference between the relation of upper extremity muscle and of lower extremity muscle with physiological factors is unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the association between physiological data and muscle strength, measured using grip and leg extension strength, among Japanese adults.
    METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 2,861 men and 6,717 women aged ≥ 20 years living in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. Grip strength was measured using a dynamometer. Leg extension strength was measured using a hydraulic isokinetic leg press machine. Anthropometry and physiological data, including blood pressure, calcaneal ultrasound bone status, pulmonary function, carotid echography, and blood information, were assessed. We used a general linear model adjusted for age, body composition, and smoking status to evaluate the association between muscle strength and physiological factors.
    RESULTS: Grip and leg extension strength were positively associated with bone area ratio, vital capacity, forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in one second, and estimated glomerular filtration rate, and negatively associated with waist circumference and percentage body fat mass in both the sexes. Diastolic blood pressure was positively associated with grip strength in both the sexes and leg extension strength in men, but not women. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol and red blood cell counts were positively associated with grip and leg extension strength in women, but not men. In both the sexes, pulse rate, total cholesterol, and uric acid were consistently associated with only leg extension strength, but not grip strength. In women, glycated hemoglobin demonstrated negative and positive associations with grip and leg extension strength, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Grip and leg extension strength demonstrated similar associations with anthropometry, pulmonary function, and estimated glomerular filtration rate, but the associations with the other factors were not always consistent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the potential for publication bias in the field of sports science regarding studies on ergogenic aids and their effects on exercise performance. We found evidence to suggest that journals tend to prioritize studies with positive results (76%) while neglecting those with negative outcomes (2.7%). Worryingly, this could lead to a discrepancy between reported conclusions and actual study outcomes. We also identified inconsistencies between reported outcomes and actual performance variable outcomes. Taken together, these data highlight the need for future research to reduce bias and encourage the publication of studies with both positive and negative results to improve the reliability of scientific evidence in this field.





