physician bias

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The threshold for a late-onset sepsis (LOS) evaluation varies considerably across NICUs. This unexplained variability is probably related in part to physician bias regarding when sepsis should be \"ruled out\". The aim of this study is to determine if physician characteristics (race, gender, immigration status, years of experience and academic rank) effect LOS evaluation in the NICU. This study includes a retrospective chart review of all Level III NICU infants who had a LOS evaluation over 54 months. Physician characteristics were compared between positive and negative blood culture groups and whether CBC and CRP were obtained at LOS evaluations. There were 341 LOS evaluations performed during the study period. Two patients were excluded due to a contaminant. Patients in this study had a birth weight of [median (Q1, Q3)]+ 992 (720, 1820) grams and birth gestation of [median (Q1, Q3)] 276/7 (252/7, 330/7) weeks. There are 10 neonatologists in the group, 5/10 being female and 6/10 being immigrant physicians. Experienced physicians were more likely to obtain a CBC at the time of LOS evaluation. Physician characteristics of race, gender and immigration status impacted whether to include a CRP as part of a LOS evaluation but otherwise did not influence LOS evaluation, including the likelihood of bacteremia.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Implicit (i.e., unconscious) bias frequently differs from one\'s explicit or conscious convictions. As humans, we rely on information and experiences that are repeatedly reinforced until they become reflexive, shaping our perceptions of reality. Specialty bias, a form of implicit bias specific to an individual\'s medical specialty, is a form of this bias. These cognitive processes of making assumptions aid efficient decision-making and likely confers an evolutionary advantage. However, automatic thinking can contribute to stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination at both explicit and implicit levels. Despite a person\'s explicit beliefs evolving, the lasting implicit bias significantly impacts their behavioral interactions with individuals from stereotyped groups. We present a case of an 83-year-old non-English speaking gentleman with a reported past medical history of an ischemic stroke who presented with acute encephalopathy and fever without jaundice and Aspartate transaminase/ Alanine transaminase (AST/ALT) of 64 and 34, respectively. He was initially treated for acute meningoencephalitis in the Neurologic Intensive Care Unit. With no clinical improvement in symptoms, his care was transferred to the Internal Medicine service later that week, and it was noted that he had features consistent with liver disease. Further history-taking revealed that the patient was intermittently confused with episodes of constipation. On examination, he had palmar erythema and asterixis, and additional labs showed elevated liver enzymes and ammonia levels. Computerized Tomography of the abdomen was suggestive of cirrhosis. He was treated for hepatic encephalopathy with lactulose and rifampin, with improvement in his mental status. We believe our patient\'s clinical diagnosis was compromised by incomplete information related to a language barrier, and anchoring biases prevented a thorough history taking from the patient family and later on from the patient. Physician\'s anchoring bias, a form of implicit bias, can negatively impact outcomes in patients, especially those with limited language proficiency, due to communication barriers leading to misunderstanding of the patient\'s clinical presentation and overreliance on clinical heuristics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Physician explicit and implicit biases involving race and sexual orientation (SO) affect patient and provider experiences in healthcare settings. An anonymous survey was disseminated nationally to graduating medical students, residents, and practicing physicians to evaluate SO and racial biases across medical specialties. SO explicit and implicit bias were measured with the Attitudes toward Lesbians and Gay Men Scale, short form (ATLG-S) and Gay-Straight Implicit Association Test (IAT). Racial explicit and implicit bias were measured with the Quick Discrimination Index (QDI) and the Black-White IAT. Medical specialty was associated with racial explicit bias and specialty prestige with Black-White IAT score. Medical specialty and specialty prestige were not associated with SO bias. Female sex, sexual and gender minority (SGM) identity, and decreased religiosity were associated with reduced SO and racial bias. Provider race was associated with racial implicit and explicit bias.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The influence of group membership on perceptions of outgroup members has been extensively studied in various contexts. This research has indicated a strong tendency for ingroup bias - preferring the ingroup over the outgroup. We seek to further expand on the growing literature regarding the effects of group membership within healthcare contexts. Focusing on the Arab-Jewish context in Israel, the present study explored the influence of group membership on Israeli-Jewish participants\' evaluations when exposed to potential malpractice. Specifically, participants (n = 165) read a description of an Israeli-Jewish or Israeli-Arab physician who was either culpable or non-culpable of malpractice. Consistent with our predictions, findings generally indicated more negative evaluations of the Israeli-Arab physician, regardless of objective culpability. We conclude by discussing the study\'s limitations and implications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examined whether clinical experience moderates the relationship between three potential physician biases (patient characteristics; cancer-related beliefs, i.e., traditional and fatalistic beliefs; and attributed barriers to mammogram performance) and clinical decisions (recommending and discussing mammography with Arab women patients). A survey was conducted among 146 randomly sampled (cluster sampling) Arab physicians who serve the Arab population in Israel. We found that the least experienced physicians recommended and discussed mammography to a lesser extent than experienced doctors. Less experienced physicians were also less inclined to discuss and recommend mammography to women with specific characteristics (religious women, women with lower education levels, and women who expressed high fatalistic beliefs) and held significantly higher traditional beliefs concerning cancer. The correlation between patient characteristics and clinical decision making was both direct and moderated by clinical experience (stronger for the least experienced and moderately experienced physicians). Cancer-related beliefs had a direct negative effect on recommending and discussing mammography. The findings suggest that greater clinical experience with Arab women patients might reduce physician bias pertaining to patient characteristics among less experienced doctors who serve patients of the same ethnicity. Nonetheless, the findings imply that anti-stigma interventions should not rely on prolonged contact and should be implemented among all physicians, regardless of their clinical experience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cross-sectional survey of 92 board-certified practicing Midwestern ophthalmologists to determine why prescribing habits favor brand-name drugs over generics and to identify approaches for increasing generic drug utilization.
    METHODS: A survey was sent to members of state ophthalmology societies, private practice groups, and individual ophthalmologists to evaluate basic demographic/practice information, knowledge and opinions on generic drugs, frequency of drug representative visits, understanding of the Food and Drug Administration\'s process of evaluating generics, knowledge of patients\' financial status and preferences, and action items that would increase generic utilization.
    RESULTS: Three factors increase the likelihood of ophthalmologists switching patients to generic drugs: increased knowledge of (1) generic options, (2) price differences between brand-names and generics, and ((3) patient preference for generics. The following four factors decrease the likelihood of ophthalmologists switching patients to generic drugs: (1) increased disease severity, (2) feeling that patient outcomes may be affected by choice of brand-name versus generic, (3) personal preference for taking a brand-name drug over a generic for their own hypothetical eye disease even if both were free, and (4) increased personal preference for taking a brand-name drug for their hypothetical eye disease.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ophthalmologists should continue to update themselves on generic medication options, become familiar with the price difference of generics versus brand-name drugs for commonly prescribed medications, and seek patients\' opinions on generics and correct them when possible to increase generic utilization. In addition, studies evaluating the clinical equivalence of generic drugs relative to brand-name drugs should be performed and may help increase generic utilization.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Significant racial and ethnic healthcare disparities exist in the management and outcomes of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). This review will highlight the recent studies focusing on disparities in AMI care and how practice patterns have changed over time, and discuss solutions and future directions to overcome disparities in AMI care.
    AMI continues to be a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the USA. Racial and ethnic disparities continue to be present in the care and outcomes associated with AMI. Non-white individuals continue to receive less guideline-concordant care and experience higher rates of adverse outcomes compared with white individuals. Health policy and quality improvement interventions have helped to narrow the gap; however, ongoing efforts are needed to continue to attempt to eliminate this disparity. Racial and ethnic disparities persist in the presentation, management, and outcomes of patients with AMI. Improvements in care have narrowed some of the inequalities. Ongoing research and efforts directed at improving access to care, eliminating bias in healthcare, and focusing on coronary heart disease prevention are needed to eliminate disparities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pediatricians need to adopt a strengths-based approach within their practices to better address their patients\' health-related social needs. This approach becomes even more important as the pediatric population in the United States becomes increasingly diverse. Pediatricians must be cognizant of and address biases within their practices to maximize effectiveness of a strengths-based approach. With evidence mounting about their significance to health, a paradigm shift is needed to address health-related social needs by focusing on assets, not deficits. This shift will hopefully improve pediatric health outcomes which have languished in the United States, despite outspending other wealthy nations for decades.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clinical factors and barriers affecting adoption of active surveillance (AS) for low-risk prostate cancer (PCa) remain poorly understood. We performed a national survey of radiation oncologists (RO) and urologists (URO) about the perceptions and recommendations of AS for low-risk PCa.
    In 2017, we surveyed 915 RO and 940 URO about AS for low-risk PCa in the United States. Survey items queried respondents about their attitudes toward AS and recommendations of AS for low-risk PCa. Pearson chi-square and multivariable logistic regression identified clinical and physician factors related toward AS for low-risk PCa.
    Overall, the response rate was 37.3% (n = 691) and was similar for RO and URO (35.7% vs. 38.7%; P = .18). RO were less likely to consider AS effective for low-risk PCa (86.5% vs. 92.0%; P = .04) and more likely to rate higher patient anxiety on AS (49.5% vs. 29.5%; P < .001) than URO. Recommendations of AS varied modestly on the basis of age, prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and number of cores positive for Gleason 3 + 3 PCa. For a 55-year-old man with PSA 8 with 6 cores of Gleason 6 PCa, both RO and URO infrequently recommended AS (4.4% vs. 5.2%; adjusted odds ratio = 0.6; P = .28). For a 75-year-old patient with PSA 4 with 2 cores of Gleason 6 PCa, URO and RO most often recommended AS (89.6% vs. 83.4%; adjusted odds ratio = 0.5; P = .07).
    RO and URO consider AS to be effective in the clinical management of low-risk PCa, but this varies by clinical and physician factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An original work in this month\'s issue of Clinical Lung Cancer highlights the role of physician bias in the decision to recommend prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) to patients with small-cell lung cancer, and presents a patient decision aid to facilitate discussion. After decades of clinical trials, we\'ve learned that PCI can significantly decrease the risk of brain metastases and possibly improve survival. However, PCI is also associated with negative impacts on cognition and quality of life. At present, there is no consensus on how to balance these risks and benefits. Understanding and exploring these issues in a structured fashion offers an opportunity to return decision-making to patients, incorporating their values and priorities.





