physical education

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The aim of the research was to evaluate outdoor aerobic sport activities (OASA) in the physical education (PE) of university students using wearables and their potential to personalize the learning process and enhance motivation.
    UNASSIGNED: In total, 368 university students participated. The OASA structure and the key points of application in PE were described. Descriptive statistics of the training units (n = 3,680) were processed. The students recorded their training data in the Strava app (10 sessions per semester), and the data were shared in the online sport community created on the Strava platform. Motivation was evaluated using a questionnaire. The focus was both on intrinsic motivation and extrinsic \"ICT\" motivation, based on Strava app features and tools.
    UNASSIGNED: The most preferred outdoor aerobic sport activities were running (58%), cycling (13%), and walking (16%). The results provided insight into motivation and performance analysis. Students\' motivation to participate in OASA was mainly in health concerns, such as staying in shape (94%), staying healthy (90%), and psychological concerns, such as having fun (88%), improving state of mind (88%), or relieving stress (83%). In achievement concerns, the motivation was a personal challenge (72%), while competing with others was ranked lowest (32%). The Strava app was a motivating tool for students to record, monitor, and analyze their individual activities and feel \"connectedness\" to the online sport community. 70% of students were motivated by the non-competitive character of PE, which gave them a personalized opportunity to train without being compared to others.
    UNASSIGNED: The OASA management, with the use of blended learning methods and the Strava app, uses a motivational approach to create, support, and maintain students\' healthy habits of physical activity through PE lessons. The need for students to be motivated to exercise can be confirmed in the analysis of the statistical descriptive parameters of running, cycling, and walking. There was a tendency for students to complete only the minimum required distance/time (not more). On the other hand, students enjoyed the training, and 99% of students confirmed that they would enroll again. That fact underlined the importance of motivating students with an effective learning strategy and giving support and guidance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Although several important documents of education and health promotion on the international level favor practices geared toward physical literacy (PL), not all countries have yet gained experience with this holistic concept. Therefore, numerous stakeholders and practitioners who intend to align their interventional activities with PL will soon face the situation that there are no recommendations for their specific culture and language for how to design such programs. Given that such recommendations are also lacking for Germany, the goal of the present study within the uncontrolled pilot cycles of the PLACE study was (a) to describe the process of a female pedagogue (27 years old, previously unexperienced with PL) initially familiarizing herself with the PL concept and its implementation opportunities for the school setting, and (b) to retrace the process of developing and refining a PL-driven intervention for extracurricular physical education (60-90 min) of children in grades three and four at primary schools in Bremen.
    UNASSIGNED: Adopting a self-study design, this endeavor emphasized continuous reflexivity involving: (a) session protocols; (b) biweekly discussions with another coach; (c) weekly discussions between scientists and stakeholders of youth development (\"multi-perspective panel\"); (d) weekly observations and impressions during field work; and (e) summative group interviews with children (n = 17, age range: 8-9 years, 17.6% boys). Written documents underwent qualitative content analysis with inductively generated categories.
    UNASSIGNED: Despite explicit links between the theoretical PL domains and the intervention content, the character of how PL informed the intervention level was dominated by the stance and atmosphere implemented by the deliverer (e.g., participatory attitude, open mindset). Accordingly, the team revised the intervention primarily on the levels of organization (temporal schedule and sequences), instruction, and materials. After initial stages of didactically \"surviving\" within classes, the deliverer could increasingly integrate tasks of cognitive engagement and provide choice for students enabling individual autonomy for nurturing a person-centered approach.
    UNASSIGNED: This study encourages teachers and stakeholders of physical education to seek exchange with scholars or other practitioners while simultaneously demonstrating patience in comprehensively internalizing PL and efficiently translating the concept into routines in line with individual\'s quality standards.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The university period is a critical stage of personal development, and improving the physical fitness of university students is crucial to their academic performance, quality of life, and future. However, in recent years, the physical fitness level of Chinese university students has shown a decreasing trend. This study aimed to investigate the effects of a blended learning model on the physical fitness of Chinese university students through a 16-week intervention.
    METHODS: A total of 78 first-year students from a public university in Henan Province were recruited for this study via a cluster randomized controlled trial (CRCT) design. The participants were divided into an experimental group (blended learning) and a control group (traditional learning). The intervention lasted for 16 weeks, and physical fitness indices such as body mass index (BMI), lung capacity, sit and reach, pull-ups/sit-ups, standing long jumps, 50-meter runs, and 1000/800-meter runs were measured before and after the intervention. Statistical analyses were conducted via generalized estimating equation (GEE) modeling, with the significance level set at P < 0.05.
    RESULTS: Both learning models significantly improved students\' physical fitness after 16 weeks. However, the blended learning model resulted in more significant improvements in lung capacity, sit and reach, pull-ups/sit-ups, standing long jumps, and 50-meter runs (P < 0.05). No significant differences were found between the two groups in terms of BMI or 1000/800-meter run.
    CONCLUSIONS: The 16-week blended learning model effectively promoted physical fitness among university students, especially in terms of their lung capacity, flexibility, strength and speed.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: The level of health behavior of physical education teachers and people preparing to perform this profession is important from the point of view of the need to play the role of a health promoter - an authority in the promotion of health culture. The aim of the study was to assess the level of teachers\' health behaviors of physical education teachers and students, as well as to search for their determinants.
    METHODS: The research covered 127 teachers and 173 physical education students. Standardized questionnaire tools were used to assess the level of health behaviors (Juczyński Health Behavior Inventory) and physical activity (International Physical Activity Questionnaire).
    RESULTS: Teachers demonstrate a higher level of health behaviors than students. Most respondents achieved an average level of the general health behavior index (HBI) (53.1% of teachers, 52.3% of students), while a high level - 26.8% of teachers, 19.8% of students and a low level - 19.9% of teachers and 27.7% of students. Female gender and teaching profession are significant predictors of HBI. Physical activity, both its current level and the level undertaken in the past, as well as the body mass index (BMI) do not determine HBI. In the regression model, physical activity is significantly associated with male gender, past sports activity and a lower BMI level.
    CONCLUSIONS: Research indicates neglect in the general area of health behaviors among men, while among women, physical activity needs to be more widely popularized. The teacher education system should be more focused on the development of self-development competencies in the context of health-promoting behaviors. Med Pr Work Health Saf. 2024;75(4).
    UNASSIGNED: Poziom zachowań zdrowotnych nauczycieli wychowania fizycznego i osób przygotowujących się do wykonywania tego zawodu jest istotny ze względu na konieczność przyjęcia roli promotora zdrowia – autorytetu w zakresie krzewienia kultury zdrowotnej. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena poziomu zachowań zdrowotnych nauczycieli i studentów wychowania fizycznego, a także poszukiwanie ich determinantów.
    UNASSIGNED: Badaniami objęto 127 nauczycieli i 173 studentów wychowania fizycznego. Zastosowano wystandaryzowane narzędzia kwestionariuszowe pozwalające ocenić poziomy zachowań zdrowotnych (Inwentarz zachowań zdrowotnych wg Juczyńskiego) i aktywności fizycznej (Międzynarodowy kwestionariusz aktywności fizycznej).
    UNASSIGNED: Nauczyciele prezentowali wyższy poziom zachowań zdrowotnych niż studenci. Większość badanych uzyskała średni poziom ogólnego wskaźnika zachowań zdrowotnych (53,1% nauczycieli, 52,3% studentów). Wysoki poziom tego wskaźnika odnotowano u 26,8% nauczycieli i 19,8% studentów, a niski – u 19,9% nauczycieli i 27,7% studentów. Płeć żeńska i wykonywanie zawodu nauczyciela okazały się istotnymi predyktorami wyższego poziomu wskaźnika zachowań zdrowotnych. Aktywność fizyczna (zarówno jej obecny poziom, jak i działania podejmowane w przeszłości), a także wartość wskaźnika masy ciała (body mass index – BMI) nie determinowały poziomu zachowań zdrowotnych badanych. W modelu regresyjnym aktywność fizyczna była związana istotnie z płcią męską, aktywnością sportową w przeszłości i niższym BMI.
    UNASSIGNED: Badania wskazują na zaniedbania w ogólnym obszarze zachowań zdrowotnych wśród płci męskiej, natomiast w grupie kobiet aktywność fizyczna wymaga szerszego popularyzowania. System kształcenia nauczycieli w większym stopniu powinien być nakierowany na rozwój kompetencji związanych z autorozwojem w kontekście zachowań prozdrowotnych. Med Pr Work Health Saf. 2024;75(4).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In research on instructional quality, the generic model of the three basic dimensions is an established framework, which postulates that the three dimensions of classroom management, student support and cognitive activation represent quality characteristics of instruction that can be generalized across subjects. However, there are hardly any studies that examine if the three basic dimensions model could represent a suitable approach to measure instructional quality in physical education. Based on an extended model of the basic dimensions, a measurement model of instructional quality for physical education is presented, which integrates different theoretical approaches from the fields of educational and psychological research as well as different subfields of sports science in order to test the factorial structure of the corresponding measurement model.
    UNASSIGNED: 1,047 students from 72 seventh to ninth grade classes from different German-speaking Swiss cantons participated in the study. The conceptualization of the instrument is based on a hybrid approach that integrates generic and subject-specific characteristics. The simultaneous analysis at the individual and class level using MCFA was supplemented by more complex methodological techniques within the relatively new B-ESEM framework at the individual level.
    UNASSIGNED: The postulated five-factor structure was initially tested using ICM-CFA and showed a good model fit (e.g., χ2/df = 2.32, RMSEA = 0.03, CFI = 0.97, TLI = 0.97, SRMR = 0.04). MCFA revealed a differential factorial structure at both levels of analysis with five factors at the individual level and four factors at the class level (e.g., χ2/df = 2.23, RMSEA = 0.03, CFI = 0.96, TLI = 0.96, SRMR within = 0.04, SRMR between = 0.10). ESEM and B-ESEM outperformed the ICM-CFA and showed an excellent model fit (B-ESEM: χ2/df = 1.19, RMSEA = 0.01, CFI = 1.00, TLI = 1.00, SRMR = 0.01). Inter-factor correlations and factor loadings are largely in line with expectations, indicating arguments for construct validity.
    UNASSIGNED: The study represents a substantial contribution in linking physical education and the generic research on instructional quality. Overall, strong arguments for the factorial structure of the measurement model were demonstrated. The study can be interpreted as a first step in a multi-step procedure in terms of further validity arguments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study investigated the association of psychological well-being (PWB), resilience, depressive symptoms, and social-emotional learning (SEL) with physical activity (PA) in school-aged children. The objective was to understand how these psychosocial factors influence PA levels and identify gender-specific differences in these relationships.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study involved 534 fourth grade and sixth grade students from eight schools in the Midwest region of the United States, with data collected through a Qualtrics survey. Multiple linear regression models were used to analyze the data, with gender-specific analyses conducted to identify differences between boys and girls.
    RESULTS: The models indicated that all psychosocial factors taken together are significantly associated with PA (F = 26.937, p < 0.001). Of the factors, PWB and resilience were associated with higher PA individually for the total sample (β = 0.383, p = 0.001; β = 0.146, p = 0.005). A gender-specific analysis revealed that all factors collectively were significantly associated with PA in boys and girls (F = 15.846, p < 0.001; F = 6.869, p < 0.001). Individually, PWB and resilience were significantly associated with PA in boys (β = 0.358, p = 0.001; β = 0.171, p = 0.013), while only PWB was significantly associated with PA in girls (β = -0.355, p = 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the necessity of promoting resilience and psychological well-being through structured physical activities, aiming to reduce the risk of obesity and improve mental health among children. Future research should consider longitudinal designs and objective measures to further elucidate these relationships and inform effective educational strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is recommended to implement the teaching of Basic Life Support (BLS) in schools; however, studies on the best training method are limited and have been a priority in recent years. The objective of this study was to analyze the attitudes and practical skills learned during BLS training using a gamified proposal. A comparative study was carried out, consisting of Compulsory Secondary Education students [control group (CG; classical teaching) and experimental group (EG; gamified proposal)]. The instruments used were the CPR and AED action sequence observation sheet, data from the Laerdal Resusci Anne manikin and AED and Attitude Questionnaire towards Basic Life Support and the Use of the Automated External Defibrillator. Sixty-eight students (33 girls) with a mean age of 13.91 ± 0.70 years were recruited. Results were significantly better in the EG (n = 37) [i.e., breathing control (p = 0.037); call to emergency services (p = 0.049); mean compression depth (p = 0.001); self-confidence (p = 0.006); intention to perform BLS and AED (p = 0.002)]; and significantly better in the CG (n = 31) [Total percentage of CPR (p < 0.001); percentage of correct compression (p < 0.001); time to apply effective shock with AED (p < 0.001); demotivation (p = 0.005). We can conclude that the group that was trained with the training method through the gamified proposal presents better intentions and attitudes to act in the event of cardiac arrest than those of the classic method. This training method allows for similar results in terms of CPR and AED skills to classical teaching, so it should be taken into account as a method for teaching BLS to secondary education students.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Physical activity that strengthens muscles and bones at least three times per week are recommended, but few adolescents meet this target. The aim of our study was to adapt and evaluate the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of the Resistance Training for Teens (RT4T) program in Danish lower secondary schools.
    UNASSIGNED: Developed and evaluated in Australia, the aim of RT4T is to provide adolescents with competence, confidence, knowledge, and motivation to participate in resistance training. Translation and adaptation were based on the PRACTIS-guide and involved workshops with physical education teachers. Three 7th-grade classes and three 9th-grade classes were recruited for the feasibility study and followed the program over eight weeks. Participants completed a push-up test, a standing long jump test, and a beep-test before and after the intervention. In addition, they completed a survey about their self-efficacy, motivation, and resistance training competency. Four qualitative interviews were performed with participants and their physical education teachers.
    UNASSIGNED: The participating teachers were motivated for the program, but they had difficulties providing students with appropriate feedback. Students were motivated by the equipment, games, and their improvements in fitness, but motivation declined during the program. A total of 57 students completed the physical tests and answered the survey. Resistance training self-efficacy improved significantly, while most other measures improved over time, without reaching significance.
    UNASSIGNED: Overall, the RT4T was acceptable and feasible in lower secondary schools in Denmark, but adjustments need to be made to increase the reach and efficacy of the program.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sport enjoyment is one of the most important factors in physical activity (PA) and physical education (PE) domains. It is not only beneficial for regular participation but also has a positive effect on mental health. Due to these benefits, this study aims to understand the relationships between PA, two forms of enjoyment, and the dimension of self-concept.
    METHODS: The sample consisted of 315 students (Mage=12.63). The Self-Description Questionnaire-I was used to measure the domains of self-concept. Enjoyment was measured with two scales. The Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale reflects extracurricular PA enjoyment, and the Factors Influencing Enjoyment of Physical Education Questionnaire reflects school PE enjoyment. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire was used to assess vigorous, moderate, and walking types of extracurricular PA enjoyment.
    RESULTS: Hierarchical multivariate regression analysis revealed that vigorous PA predicted physical ability (β = 0.19) and physical appearance (β = 0.15). PA enjoyment was a significant predictor of general self-concept (β = 0.29), physical ability (β = 0.28), physical appearance (β = 0.16), peer relation (β = 0.16), and parental relations (β = 0.14). PE enjoyment significantly predicted general school (β = 0.17), physical ability (β = 0.27), peer relations (β = 0.21) and parental relations (β = 0.22). Furthermore, boys scored at a higher level on most of self-concept domains.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present study suggested that enjoyment plays a more important role in self-concept than PA. PE enjoyment mainly strengthens boys\' self-concept, but PA enjoyment is an important predictor of general self-concept in both genders. It is concluded that extracurricular PA enjoyment is beneficial, but increasing enjoyment of physical education could increase girls\' self-concepts as well.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emotional states are fundamentally related to cognitive processes such as attention, perception, memory and learning, and they play a very important role in helping to assess daily challenges. Thus, we need tools that measure emotions in the context of Physical Education. In this study, we adapted and tested the factor structure of the Achievement Emotion Questionnaire - Short Version (AEQ-SV) in the Italian physical education context. We administered the AEQ-SV to 867 participants (M age = 16.43 years, SD = 1.23) enrolled in Italian physical education classes to analyze the questionnaire\'s psychometric properties using Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM), an internal reliability analysis, and a criterion validity analysis. The AEQ-SV subscales consisted of eight emotions and 32 items. Reliability analyses revealed acceptable fit indices and adequate temporal stability. Linear regression analysis showed that positive emotions positively predicted academic performance, while negative emotions negatively predicted academic performance. These results are in line with research on the original scale, and these data support the use of the AEQ-SV in the Italian educational context.





