phosphopantetheinyl transferase

  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2022.1112362.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Schizochytrium sp. is commercially used for production of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Schizochytrium sp. utilizes the polyketide synthase complex (PKS) and a single type I fatty acid synthase (FAS) to synthesize polyunsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids, respectively. The acyl carrier protein (ACP) domains of FAS or PKS are used to load acyl groups during fatty acids biosynthesis. Phosphopantetheinyl transferase (PPTase) transfers the pantetheine moiety from Coenzyme A to the conserved serine residue of an inactive ACP domain to produce its active form.
    RESULTS: In this study, in order to improve production and content of DHA, we decreased the expression of fas, strengthened the expression of the PKS pathway, and enhanced the supply of active ACP in Schizochytrium sp. ATCC20888. Weakening the expression of fas or disruption of orfA both led to growth defect and reduction of lipid yields in the resulting strains WFAS and DPKSA, indicating that both FAS and PKS were indispensable for growth and lipid accumulation. Although WFAS had a higher DHA content in total fatty acids than the wild-type strain (WT), its growth defect and low DHA yield hinders its use for DHA production. Overexpression of the orfAB, orfC, orfC-DH (truncated orfC), or ppt promoted DHA and lipid production, respectively. The yields and contents of DHA were further increased by combined overexpression of these genes. Highest values of DHA yield (7.2 g/L) and DHA content (40.6%) were achieved in a recombinant OPKSABC-PPT, ⁓56.5% and 15.3% higher than the WT values, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that genetic engineering of the fatty acid biosynthetic pathways provides a new strategy to enhance DHA production in Schizochytrium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surfactin is widely used in the petroleum extraction, cosmetics, biopharmaceuticals and agriculture industries. It possesses antibacterial and antiviral activities and can reduce interfacial tension. Bacillus are commonly used as production chassis, but wild-type Bacillus subtilis 168 cannot synthesise surfactin. In this study, the phosphopantetheinyl transferase (PPTase) gene sfp* (with a T base removed) was overexpressed and enzyme activity was restored, enabling B. subtilis 168 to synthesise surfactin with a yield of 747.5 ± 6.5 mg/L. Knocking out ppsD and yvkC did not enhance surfactin synthesis. Overexpression of predicted surfactin transporter gene yfiS increased its titre to 1060.7 ± 89.4 mg/L, while overexpression of yerP, ycxA and ycxA-efp had little or negative effects on surfactin synthesis, suggesting YfiS is involved in surfactin efflux. By replacing the native promoter of the srfA operon encoding surfactin synthase with three promoters, surfactin synthesis was significantly reduced. However, knockout of the global transcriptional regulator gene codY enhanced the surfactin titre to 1601.8 ± 91.9 mg/L. The highest surfactin titre reached 3.89 ± 0.07 g/L, with the yield of 0.63 ± 0.02 g/g DCW, after 36 h of fed-batch fermentation in 5 L fermenter. This study provides a reference for further understanding surfactin synthesis and constructing microbial cell factories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) as one of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), plays a key role in brain development, and is widely used in food additives and the pharmaceutical industry. Schizochytrium sp. is often considered as a satisfactory strain for DHA industrialization. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of phosphopantetheinyl transferase (PPTase) and ω-3 fatty acid desaturase (FAD) for regulating DHA content in Schizochytrium sp. PPTase is essential to activate the polyketide-like synthase (PKS) pathway, which can transfer apo-acyl-carrier protein (apo-ACP) into holo-ACP, and plays a key role in DHA synthesis. Moreover, DHA and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) are synthesized by the PKS pathway simultaneously, so high DPA synthesis limits the increase of DHA content. In addition, the detailed mechanisms of PKS pathway have not been fully elucidated, so it is difficult to improve DHA content by modifying PKS. However, ω-3 FAD can convert DPA into DHA, and it is the most direct and effective way to increase DHA content and reduce DPA content. Based on this, PPTase was overexpressed to enhance the synthesis of DHA by the PKS pathway, overexpressed ω-3 FAD to convert the co-product of the PKS pathway into DHA, and co-overexpressed PPTase and ω-3 FAD. With these strategies, compared with wild type, the final lipid, and DHA titer were 92.5 and 51.5 g L-1 , which increased by 46.4% and 78.1%, respectively. This study established an efficient DHA production strain, and provided some feasible strategies for industrial DHA production in Schizochytrium sp.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial aromatic polyketides are mainly biosynthesized by type II polyketide synthases (PKSs). The PKSs cannot be functional unless their acyl carrier proteins (ACPs) are phosphopantetheinylated by phosphopantetheinyl transferases (PPTases). Gra-ORF32 was identified as an in-cluster PPTase dedicated for granaticin biosynthesis in Streptomyces vietnamensis and the Arg- and Pro-rich N terminus was found to be crucial for catalytic activity. Overexpression of the encoding genes of the holo-ACP synthases of fatty acid synthases (FAS ACPSs) of both E. coli and S. vietnamensis could efficiently activate the production of granaticins in the Δgra-orf32 mutant, suggesting the ACP of granaticin (graACP) is an efficient substrate for FAS ACPSs. However, Gra-ORF32, the cognate PPTase of the graACP, could not compensate the conditional deficiency of ACPS in E. coli HT253, indicating that it has evolved to be functionally segregated from fatty acid biosynthesis. Nine out of eleven endogenous and all the tested exogenous non-cognate PPTases could activate the production of granaticins to varied extents when overexpressed in the Δgra-orf32 mutant, indicating that ACPs of type II PKSs could also be widely recognized as effective substrates by the Sfp-type PPTases. The exogenous PPTases of type II PKSs activated the production of granaticins with much higher efficiency, suggesting that the phylogenetically distant in-cluster PPTases of type II PKSs could share substrate preferences for the ACPs of type II PKSs. A significantly elevated production of granaticins was observed when the mutant Δgra-orf32 was cultivated on ISP2 plates, which was a consequence of crosstalk between the granaticin pathway and a kinamycin-like pathway as revealed by transcriptome analysis and pathway inactivations. Although the host FAS ACPS could efficiently activate the production of granaticins when overexpressed, only Gra-ORF32 activated the efficient production of granaticins under natural physiological conditions, indicating that the activity of the host FAS ACPS was strictly regulated, possibly by binding the FAS holo-ACP product with high affinity. Our findings would contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of how the ACPs of type II PKSs are activated and facilitate the future functional reconstitutions of type II PKSs in E. coli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photosynthetic dinoflagellates synthesize many toxic but also potential therapeutic compounds therapeutics via polyketide/non-ribosomal peptide synthesis, a common means of producing natural products in bacteria and fungi. Although canonical genes are identifiable in dinoflagellate transcriptomes, the biosynthetic pathways are obfuscated by high copy numbers and fractured synteny. This study focuses on the carrier domains that scaffold natural product synthesis (thiolation domains) and the phosphopantetheinyl transferases (PPTases) that thiolate these carriers. We replaced the thiolation domain of the indigoidine producing BpsA gene from Streptomyces lavendulae with those of three multidomain dinoflagellate transcripts and coexpressed these constructs with each of three dinoflagellate PPTases looking for specific pairings that would identify distinct pathways. Surprisingly, all three PPTases were able to activate all the thiolation domains from one transcript, although with differing levels of indigoidine produced, demonstrating an unusual lack of specificity. Unfortunately, constructs with the remaining thiolation domains produced almost no indigoidine and the thiolation domain for lipid synthesis could not be expressed in E. coli. These results combined with inconsistent protein expression for different PPTase/thiolation domain pairings present technical hurdles for future work. Despite these challenges, expression of catalytically active dinoflagellate proteins in E. coli is a novel and useful tool going forward.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The phosphopantetheinyl transferases (PPTases) catalyze the post-translational modification of carrier proteins (CPs) from fatty acid synthases (FASs) in primary metabolism and from polyketide synthases (PKSs) and non-ribosomal polypeptide synthases (NRPSs) in secondary metabolism. Based on the conserved sequence motifs and substrate specificities, two types (AcpS-type and Sfp-type) of PPTases have been identified in prokaryotes. We present here that Porphyromonas gingivalis, the keystone pathogen in chronic periodontitis, harbors merely one PPTase, namely PptP. Complementation and gene deletion experiments clearly show that PptP can replace the function of Escherichia coli AcpS and is essential for the growth of P. gingivalis. Purified PptP transfers the 4-phosphopantetheine moiety of CoA to inactive apo-acyl carrier protein (ACP) to form holo-ACP, which functions as an active carrier of the acyl intermediates of fatty acid synthesis. Moreover, PptP exhibits broad substrate specificity, modifying all ACP substrates tested and catalyzing the transfer of coenzyme A (CoA) derivatives. The lack of sequence alignment with known PPTases together with phylogenetic analyses revealed PptP as a new class of PPTases. Identification of the new PPTase gene pptP exclusive in Porphyromonas species reveals a potential target for treating P. gingivalis infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To develop a colorimetric assay for ATP based on the blue-pigment synthesising non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) BpsA, and to demonstrate its utility in defining the substrate specificity of other NRPS enzymes.
    RESULTS: BpsA is able to convert two molecules of L-glutamine into the readily-detected blue pigment indigoidine, consuming two molecules of ATP in the process. We showed that the stoichiometry of this reaction is robust and that it can be performed in a microplate format to accurately quantify ATP concentrations to low micromolar levels in a variety of media, using a spectrophotometric plate-reader. We also demonstrated that the assay can be adapted to evaluate the amino acid substrate preferences of NRPS adenylation domains, by adding pyrophosphatase enzyme to drive consumption of ATP in the presence of the preferred substrate.
    CONCLUSIONS: The robust nature and simplicity of the reaction protocol offers advantages over existing methods for ATP quantification and NRPS substrate analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The amidinourea 8918 was recently reported to inhibit the type II phosphopantetheinyl transferase (PPTase) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), PptT, a potential drug-target that activates synthases and synthetases involved in cell wall biosynthesis and secondary metabolism. Surprisingly, high-level resistance to 8918 occurred in Mtb harboring mutations within the gene adjacent to pptT, rv2795c, highlighting the role of the encoded protein as a potentiator of the bactericidal action of the amidinourea. Those studies revealed that Rv2795c (PptH) is a phosphopantetheinyl (PpT) hydrolase, possessing activity antagonistic with respect to PptT. We have solved the crystal structure of Mtb\'s phosphopantetheinyl hydrolase, making it the first phosphopantetheinyl (carrier protein) hydrolase structurally characterized. The 2.5 Å structure revealed the hydrolases\' four-layer (α/β/β/α) sandwich fold featuring a Mn-Fe binuclear center within the active site. A structural similarity search confirmed that PptH most closely resembles previously characterized metallophosphoesterases (MPEs), particularly within the vicinity of the active site, suggesting that it may utilize a similar catalytic mechanism. In addition, analysis of the structure has allowed for the rationalization of the previously reported PptH mutations associated with 8918-resistance. Notably, differences in the sequences and predicted structural characteristics of the PpT hydrolases PptH of Mtb and E. coli\'s acyl carrier protein hydrolase (AcpH) indicate that the two enzymes evolved convergently and therefore are representative of two distinct PpT hydrolase families.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Type I polyketide synthases (PKSs) are large multi-domain proteins converting simple acyl-CoA thioesters such as acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA to a large diversity of biotechnologically interesting molecules. Such multi-step reaction cascades are of particular interest for applications in engineered microbial cell factories, as the introduction of a single protein with many enzymatic activities does not require balancing of several individual enzymatic activities. However, functional introduction of type I PKSs into heterologous hosts is very challenging as the large polypeptide chains often do not fold properly. In addition, PKS usually require post-translational activation by dedicated 4\'-phosphopantetheinyl transferases (PPTases). Here, we introduce an engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum strain as a novel microbial cell factory for type I PKS-derived products. Suitability of C. glutamicum for polyketide synthesis could be demonstrated by the functional introduction of the 6-methylsalicylic acid synthase ChlB1 from Streptomyces antibioticus. Challenges related to protein folding could be overcome by translation fusion of ChlB1Sa to the C-terminus of the maltose-binding protein MalE from Escherichia coli. Surprisingly, ChlB1Sa was also active in the absence of a heterologous PPTase, which finally led to the discovery that the endogenous PPTase PptACg of C. glutamicum can also activate ChlB1Sa. The best strain, engineered to provide increased levels of acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA, accumulated up to 41 mg/L (0.27 mM) 6-methylsalicylic acid within 48 h of cultivation. Further experiments showed that PptACg of C. glutamicum can also activate nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs), rendering C. glutamicum a promising microbial cell factory for the production of several fine chemicals and medicinal drugs.





