
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: A new closed-loop functional magnetic resonance imaging method called multivoxel neuroreinforcement has the potential to alleviate the subjective aversiveness of exposure-based interventions by directly inducing phobic representations in the brain, outside of conscious awareness. The current study seeks to test this method as an intervention for specific phobia.
    METHODS: In a randomized, double-blind, controlled single-university trial, individuals diagnosed with at least two (one target, one control) animal subtype-specific phobias were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to receive one, three, or five sessions of multivoxel neuroreinforcement in which they were rewarded for implicit activation of a target animal representation. Amygdala response to phobic stimuli was assessed by study staff blind to target and control animal assignments. Pretreatment to posttreatment differences were analyzed with a two-way repeated-measures anova.
    RESULTS: A total of 23 participants (69.6% female) were randomized to receive one (n = 8), three (n = 7), or five (n = 7) sessions of multivoxel neuroreinforcement. Eighteen (n = 6 each group) participants were analyzed for our primary outcome. After neuroreinforcement, we observed an interaction indicating a significant decrease in amygdala response for the target phobia but not the control phobia. No adverse events or dropouts were reported as a result of the intervention.
    CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that multivoxel neuroreinforcement can specifically reduce threat signatures in specific phobia. Consequently, this intervention may complement conventional psychotherapy approaches with a nondistressing experience for patients seeking treatment. This trial sets the stage for a larger randomized clinical trial to replicate these results and examine the effects on real-life exposure.
    BACKGROUND: The now-closed trial was prospectively registered at with ID NCT03655262.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the reliability and validity of a four-item questionnaire using a face rating scale to measure dental trait anxiety (DTA), dental trait fear (DTF), dental state anxiety (DSA), and dental state fear (DSF).
    METHODS: Participants were consecutively selected from patients undergoing scaling (S-group; n = 47) and implant placement (I-group; n = 25). The S-group completed the questionnaire both before initial and second scaling, whereas the I-group responded on the pre-surgery day (Pre-day), the day of implant placement (Imp-day), and the day of suture removal (Post-day).
    RESULTS: The reliability in the S-group was evaluated using the test-retest method, showing a weighted kappa value of DTA, 0.61; DTF, 0.46; DSA, 0.67; DSF, 0.52. Criterion-related validity, assessed using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory\'s trait anxiety and state anxiety, revealed positive correlations between trait anxiety and DTA/DTF (DTA, ρ = 0.30; DTF, ρ = 0.27, ρ: correlation coefficient) and between state anxiety and all four items (DTA, ρ = 0.41; DTF, ρ = 0.32; DSA, ρ = 0.25; DSF, ρ = 0.25). Known-group validity was assessed using the initial data and Imp-day data from the S-group and I-group, respectively, revealing significantly higher DSA and DSF scores in the I-group than in the S-group. Responsiveness was gauged using I-group data, showing significantly lower DSA and DSF scores on post-day compared to other days.
    CONCLUSIONS: The newly developed questionnaire has acceptable reliability and validity for clinical use, suggesting its usefulness for research on dental anxiety and fear and for providing patient-specific dental care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Topical corticosteroid phobia is associated with poor treatment adherence and is common among patients with skin disease. Knowledge about corticosteroid phobia and treatment adherence among patients with chronic hand eczema (CHE) is limited.
    OBJECTIVE: Investigate patient-reported outcomes regarding topical corticosteroids (TCS), and their impact on treatment adherence in CHE patients.
    METHODS: CHE patients from the Danish Skin Cohort answered a questionnaire including the Topical Corticosteroid Phobia (TOPICOP) scale and Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS-5). Response rate was 69.2%.
    RESULTS: Of 927 with CHE, 75.5% totally or almost agreed that TCS damage the skin, 48.9% totally or almost agreed that TCS would affect their future health and 36.3% reported some degree of fear of TCS even though they were unaware of any TCS-associated risks. Most patients (77.9%) always or often stop treatment as soon as possible while 54.8% always or often wait as long as possible before starting treatment. Overall, 38.8% reported that they had taken less medicine than prescribed and 54.0% had stopped treatment throughout a period. Treatment adherence decreased with increasing corticosteroid phobia (p=0.004).
    CONCLUSIONS: TOPICOP has not been validated in CHE patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Corticosteroid phobia is common among CHE patients and negatively associated with treatment adherence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: A proposed strategy for attenuating the return of fear is conducting exposure therapy in multiple contexts (e.g., different locations), which is believed to enhance the generalizability of safety learning. Although conducting exposure in multiple contexts can be differentiated from conducting exposure with multiple stimuli, the two strategies are often conflated. Furthermore, researchers have not yet determined whether one of these strategies, or a combination thereof, is most effective in attenuating fear renewal.
    METHODS: Accordingly, the present treatment-analogue study examined the unique and combined effects of multiple-context and multiple-stimulus imagery-based exposure manipulations on threat expectancy, behavioral approach/anxiety, and attentional bias for threat over Zoom. Community adults (N = 134) who met diagnostic criteria for snake phobia were randomized to exposure to a single snake in multiple environmental contexts (MC), exposure to multiple snakes in a single environmental context (MS), or exposure to multiple snakes in multiple environmental contexts (MS/MC).
    RESULTS: Results revealed significant reductions in threat expectancy and behavioral anxiety, but not attentional bias for threat in all three groups. However, behavioral approach declined over the course of exposure in the MS/MC condition but remained stable in the MC and MS conditions. There were no significant group differences in behavioral approach/anxiety or attentional bias at a one-week follow-up. However, participants in the MC condition reported lower threat expectancy at a one-week follow-up than the other groups and this group difference was partially mediated by lower mean distress during exposure.
    CONCLUSIONS: Implications of these findings for the inhibitory retrieval theory are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: A new closed-loop fMRI method called multi-voxel neuro-reinforcement has the potential to alleviate the subjective aversiveness of exposure-based interventions by directly inducing phobic representations in the brain, outside of conscious awareness. The current study seeks to test this method as an intervention for specific phobia.
    UNASSIGNED: In a randomized, double-blind, controlled single-university trial, individuals diagnosed with at least two (1 target, 1 control) animal subtype specific phobias were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to receive 1, 3, or 5 sessions of multi-voxel neuro-reinforcement in which they were rewarded for implicit activation of a target animal representation. Amygdala response to phobic stimuli was assessed by study staff blind to target and control animal assignments. Pre-treatment to post-treatment differences were analyzed with a 2-way repeated-measures ANOVA.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 23 participants (69.6% female) were randomized to receive 1 (n=8), 3 (n=7), or 5 (n=7) sessions of multi-voxel neuro-reinforcement. Eighteen (n=6 each group) participants were analyzed for our primary outcome. After neuro-reinforcement, we observed an interaction indicating a significant decrease in amygdala response for the target phobia but not the control phobia. No adverse events or dropouts were reported as a result of the intervention.
    UNASSIGNED: Results suggest multi-voxel neuro-reinforcement can specifically reduce threat signatures in specific phobia. Consequently, this intervention may complement conventional psychotherapy approaches with a non-distressing experience for patients seeking treatment. This trial sets the stage for a larger randomized clinical trial to replicate these results and examine the effects on real-life exposure.
    UNASSIGNED: The now-closed trial was prospectively registered at with ID NCT03655262.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The real-world effectiveness of exposure-based therapies for youth depends on the willingness and ability of young people to tolerate confronting their fears, which can be experienced as highly aversive and create problems with treatment engagement and acceptance. Recently, neuroscientific research on the nonconscious basis of fear has been translated into novel exposure interventions that bypass conscious processing of feared stimuli and that thus do not cause phobic youth to experience distress. We present a review of these unconscious exposure interventions.
    METHODS: A PRISMA-based search yielded 20 controlled experiments based on three paradigms that tested if fear-related responses could be reduced without conscious awareness in highly phobic, transition-age youth: 14 randomized controlled trials (RCTs), 5 fMRI studies (1 was also an RCT), 4 psychophysiological studies (3 were also RCTs), and 1 ERP study. We conducted meta-analyses of outcomes where feasible.
    RESULTS: Unconscious exposure interventions significantly (1) reduced avoidance behavior (range of Cohen\'s d = 0.51-0.95) and self-reported fear (d = 0.45-1.25) during in vivo exposure to the feared situation; (2) reduced neurobiological indicators of fear (d = 0.54-0.62) and concomitant physiological arousal (d = 0.55-0.64); (3) activated neural systems supporting fear regulation more strongly than visible exposure to the same stimuli (d = 1.2-1.5); (4) activated regions supporting fear regulation that mediated the reduction of avoidance behavior (d = 0.70); (5) evoked ERPs suggesting encoding of extinction memories (d = 2.13); and (6) had these effects without inducing autonomic arousal or subjective fear.
    CONCLUSIONS: Unconscious exposure interventions significantly reduce a variety of symptomatic behaviors with mostly moderate effect sizes in transition-age youth with specific phobias. fMRI and physiological findings establish a neurophysiological basis for this efficacy, and suggest it occurs through extinction learning. Unconscious exposure was well tolerated, entirely unassociated with drop out, and is highly scalable for clinical practice. However, a number of limitations must be addressed to assess potential clinical impacts, including combining unconscious exposure with exposure therapy to boost treatment acceptance and efficacy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trypophobia is a relatively common aversion to clusters of holes. There is no consensus yet on which emotions are involved in Trypophobia nor in its functional utility. This report investigates the role of disgust using contamination tasks in two studies, which contrast people with an aversion to trypophobic stimuli to those without. In Study 1, participants reported their emotional reactions to imagined contamination of trypophobic images. In Study 2, participants evaluated physically present trypophobic, disgust, fear, and control stimuli. The capacity of these stimuli to contaminate other objects was established using a chain of contagion task. Across both studies, contamination was present, however, only those with an aversion to trypophobic stimuli evidenced contamination on the chain of contagion task, a hallmark of disgust responding. Elevated levels were not only reported for disgust, but also alongside fear/anxiety. Participant reports suggest an underlying disease avoidance mechanism in Trypophobia, with trypophobic participants demonstrating an exaggerated response to such stimuli involving disgust and fear/anxiety, which is also seen in small animal phobia, BII, and C-OCD. Implications, particularly for treatment are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A recent wave of academic research has highlighted the wide-ranging and negative impacts that stigma against kink has on kinksters. As scholarship continues to explore prejudice and discrimination around kink, this article argues that fresh insight can be found by drawing on adjacent work around other stigmatized sexualities. Over the previous decades, scholars in sexuality studies and queer studies have developed a powerful conceptual framework of \"phobias\" and \"normativities\" for thinking about the marginalization of sexual differences. This framework has its origins in the concepts of homophobia, heteronormativity and homonormativity, but its naming conventions and analytical insights have since been extended to address reproduction, romantic love, monogamy, gender identity, etc. This article argues that this conceptual framework should be expanded once again, this time to encompass kink. Building on the nascent use of this conceptual framework within kink scholarship, this article defines and expands on the concepts of kinkphobia and vanilla-normativity, and introduces the new concept of kink-normativity. This article demonstrates how these concepts can help us better talk about and think through the marginalization of kink.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence of firework-associated fear in dogs in Sydney, owner perception of their dog\'s response to fireworks, perceived efficacy of interventions to manage fearful behaviours and the frequency of dog owners seeking professional advice for these behaviours.
    METHODS: Dog owners in the Greater Sydney area were invited to complete an anonymous online survey.
    RESULTS: From 387 valid responses, 44.4% (171 of 385) reported their dogs were fearful of fireworks. The most common fear-related behaviour was seeking an owner or caretaker (120 of 161, 74.5%). Most owners responded by bringing their dog inside or trying to comfort or reassure their dog. Only 22.5% of owners sought professional advice for their dog\'s fear of fireworks, but of these, 65.5% considered that advice to be effective. Source and breed group were significantly associated with fear of fireworks (P = 0.011, P = 0.036 respectively). Fear of fireworks was also significantly associated with fear of thunder (P < 0.0001), gunshots (P < 0.0001) and vehicles (P = 0.0009).
    CONCLUSIONS: Fear of fireworks and other loud noises negatively impacts canine welfare, yet only a small percentage of owners sought professional advice. There is scope for veterinarians to educate owners and raise awareness about the identification and management of noise-associated fear and reduce the risk of escalation of fearful behaviours.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the 1960s and 1970s, there was widespread discussion in Japan about the pathological experience of \"unpleasant odors emanating from one\'s body.\" This symptom is called \"Jikoshu,\" and this term was used in combination with various words, such as \"Genkaku\" (hallucination) and \"Moso\" (delusion), reflecting its symptomatological ambiguity. The best-known term in the English-language literature is Jikoshu-Kyofu (Jikoshu phobia). By further abstracting this symptom and viewing it as a delusion-like experience of \"something leaking out of me,\" egorrhea syndrome (Fujinawa) was proposed, which was considered to be partly a pathology of schizophrenia. Similar cases were characteristically observed during adolescence, and a study emerged suggesting that the syndrome was \"adolescent paranoia\" (Murakami), distinct from schizophrenia. However, the terms \"Jikoshu-Taiken\" (Jikoshu experience; Kasahara et al.) and \"Jikoshu-Sho\" (Jikoshu syndrome; Miyamoto) were proposed to emphasize the nosological ambiguity. Considered a culture-bound syndrome unique to Japan or East Asia, Jikoshu received little attention in the English-language literature apart from a 1971 study of olfactory reference syndrome (Pryse-Phillips), which presents with similar symptoms. In recent years, research has placed this disorder within the obsessive-compulsive spectrum, and it has been adopted as an ICD-11 disorder under the term \"olfactory reference disorder.\"





