phenotypic evolution

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractThe evolution of phenotypic traits is usually studied on generational timescales or across species on million-year timescales. We bridge this conceptual gap by using high-density sampling of a species lineage, Microporella agonistes (Bryozoa, Cheilostomatida), over 2 million years of its evolutionary history, to ask whether trait-fitness associations are consistent with evolutionary trait models often applied to phenotypic time series. We use average fecundity and competitive outcome as two different fitness components, where competitive outcome is a proxy for partial survival. Examining three quantitative traits in multivariate analyses, we present evidence that some traits experienced substantial selective pressures, in part controlled by past environments. A complex interplay of resource competition with an altering set of competitors and past temperatures has contributed to the changing patterns of phenotypes within the focal species. A comparison with congeneric species living in the same regional community suggests that size traits are more temporally variable and less constrained than shape traits. Our analyses also show that while controls on phenotypes are complex and varied in time, ecological and evolutionary processes that unfold on shorter timescales are not inconsistent with macroevolutionary patterns observed on longer timescales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Popular comparative phylogenetic models such as Brownian Motion, Ornstein-Ulhenbeck, and their extensions, assume that, at speciation, a trait value is inherited identically by two descendant species. This assumption contrasts with models of speciation at a micro-evolutionary scale where descendants\' phenotypic distributions are sub-samples of the ancestral distribution. Different speciation mechanisms can lead to a displacement of the ancestral phenotypic mean among descendants and an asymmetric inheritance of the ancestral phenotypic variance. In contrast, even macro-evolutionary models that account for intraspecific variance assume symmetrically conserved inheritance of ancestral phenotypic distribution at speciation. Here we develop an Asymmetric Brownian Motion model (ABM) that relaxes the assumption of symmetric and conserved inheritance of the ancestral distribution at the time of speciation. The ABM jointly models the evolution of both intra- and inter-specific phenotypic variation. It also infers the mode of phenotypic inheritance at speciation, which can range from a symmetric and conserved inheritance, where descendants inherit the ancestral distribution, to an asymmetric and displaced inheritance, where descendants inherit divergent phenotypic means and variances. To demonstrate this model, we analyze the evolution of beak morphology in Darwin finches, finding evidence of displacement at speciation. The ABM model helps to bridge micro- and macro-evolutionary models of trait evolution by providing a more robust framework for testing the effects of ecological speciation, character displacement, and niche partitioning on trait evolution at the macro-evolutionary scale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many organisms have complex pigmentation patterns. However, how these patterns are formed remains largely unknown. In wild carrot (Daucus carota subsp. carota), which is also known as Queen Anne\'s lace, one or several purple central flowers occur in white umbels. Here, we investigated the unique central flower pigmentation pattern in wild carrot umbels. Using wild and cultivated carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus L.) accessions, transcriptome analysis, protein interaction, stable transformation, and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout, a anthocyanin-activating R2R3-myeloblastosis (MYB) gene, Purple Central Flower (DcPCF), was identified as the causal gene that triggers only central flowers to possess the purple phenotype. The expression of DcPCF was only detected in tiny central flowers. We propose that the transition from purple to nonpurple flowers in the center of the umbel occurred after three separate adverse events: insertion of transposons in the promoter region, premature termination of the coding sequence (caused by a C-T substitution in the open reading frame), and the emergence of unknown anthocyanin suppressors. These three events could have occurred either consecutively or independently. The intriguing purple central flower pattern and its underlying mechanism may provide evidence that it is a remnant of ancient conditions of the species, reflecting the original appearance of Umbelliferae (also called Apiaceae) when a single flower was present.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extrapolating microevolutionary models does not always provide satisfactory explanations for phenotypic diversification on million-year time scales. For example, short-term evolutionary change is often modeled assuming a fixed adaptive landscape, but macroevolutionary changes are likely to involve changes in the adaptive landscape itself. A better understanding of how the adaptive landscape changes across different time intervals and how these changes cause populations to evolve has the potential to narrow the gap between micro- and macroevolution. Here, we analyze two fossil diatom time series of exceptional quality and resolution covering time intervals of a few hundred thousand years using models that account for different behaviors of the adaptive landscape. We find that one of the lineages evolves on a randomly and continuously changing landscape, whereas the other lineage evolves on a landscape that shows a rapid shift in the position of the adaptive peak of a magnitude that is typically associated with species-level differentiation. This suggests phenotypic evolution beyond generational timescales may be a consequence of both gradual and sudden repositioning of adaptive peaks. Both lineages are showing rapid and erratic evolutionary change and are constantly readapting towards the optimal trait state, observations that align with evolutionary dynamics commonly observed in contemporary populations. The inferred trait evolution over a span of a few hundred thousand years in these two lineages is therefore chimeric in the sense that it combines components of trait evolution typically observed on both short and long timescales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractSelection pressures differ along environmental gradients, and traits tightly linked to fitness (e.g., the visual system) are expected to track such variation. Along gradients, adaptation to local conditions might be due to heritable and nonheritable environmentally induced variation. Disentangling these sources of phenotypic variation requires studying closely related populations in nature and in the laboratory. The Nicaraguan lakes represent an environmental gradient in photic conditions from clear crater lakes to very turbid great lakes. From two old, turbid great lakes, Midas cichlid fish (Amphilophus cf. citrinellus) independently colonized seven isolated crater lakes of varying light conditions, resulting in a small adaptive radiation. We estimated variation in visual sensitivities along this photic gradient by measuring cone opsin gene expression among lake populations. Visual sensitivities observed in all seven derived crater lake populations shifted predictably in direction and magnitude, repeatedly mirroring changes in photic conditions. Comparing wild-caught and laboratory-reared fish revealed that 48% of this phenotypic variation is genetically determined and evolved rapidly. Decreasing intrapopulation variation as environments become spectrally narrower suggests that different selective landscapes operate along the gradient. We conclude that the power to predict phenotypic evolution along gradients depends on both the magnitude of environmental change and the selective landscape shape.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mammalian research, it has been debated what can initiate an evolutionary tradeoff between different senses, and the phenomenon of sensory tradeoff in rodents, the most abundant mammalian clade, is not evident. The Nile rat (Arvicanthis niloticus), a murid rodent, recently adapted to a diurnal niche through an evolutionary acquisition of daylight vision with enhanced visual acuity. As such, this model provides an opportunity for a cross-species investigation where comparative morphological and multi-omic analyses of the Nile rat are made with its closely related nocturnal species, e.g. the mouse (Mus musculus) and the rat (Rattus norvegicus). Thus, morphological examinations were performed, and evolutionary reductions in relative sizes of turbinal bone surfaces, the cribriform plate, and the olfactory bulb were discovered in Nile rats. Subsequently, we compared multiple murid genomes, and profiled olfactory epithelium transcriptomes of mice and Nile rats at various ages with RNA sequencing. The results further demonstrate that, in comparison with mouse olfactory receptor (OR) genes, Nile rat OR genes have experienced less frequent gain, more frequent loss, and more frequent expression reduction during their evolution. Furthermore, functional degeneration of coding sequences in the Nile rat lineage was found in OR genes, yet not in other genes. Taken together, these results suggest that acquisition of improved vision in the Nile rat has been accompanied by degeneration of both olfaction-related anatomical structures and OR gene repertoires, consistent with the hypothesis of an olfaction-vision tradeoff initiated by the switch from a nocturnal to a diurnal lifestyle in mammals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evolutionary processes behind lineage divergence often involve multidimensional differentiation. However, in the context of recent divergences, the signals exhibited by each dimension may not converge. In such scenarios, incomplete lineage sorting, gene flow, and scarce phenotypic differentiation are pervasive. Here, we integrated genomic (RAD loci of 90 individuals), phenotypic (linear and geometric traits of 823 and 411 individuals, respectively), spatial, and climatic data to reconstruct the evolutionary history of a speciation continuum of liolaemid lizards (Liolaemus kingii group). Specifically, we (a) inferred the population structure of the group and contrasted it with the phenotypic variability; (b) assessed the role of postdivergence gene flow in shaping phylogeographic and phenotypic patterns; and (c) explored ecogeographic drivers of diversification across time and space. We inferred eight genomic clusters exhibiting leaky genetic borders coincident with geographic transitions. We also found evidence of postdivergence gene flow resulting in transgressive phenotypic evolution in one species. Predicted ancestral niches unveiled suitable areas in southern and eastern Patagonia during glacial and interglacial periods. Our study underscores integrating different data and model-based approaches to determine the underlying causes of diversification, a challenge faced in the study of recently diverged groups. We also highlight Liolaemus as a model system for phylogeographic and broader evolutionary studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fungi expand in space and time to form complex multicellular communities. The mechanisms by which they do so can vary dramatically and determine the life-history and dispersal traits of expanding populations. These traits influence deterministic and stochastic components of evolution, resulting in complex eco-evolutionary dynamics during colony expansion. We perform experiments on budding yeast strains genetically engineered to display rough-surface and smooth-surface phenotypes in colony-like structures called \'mats\'. Previously, it was shown that the rough-surface strain has a competitive advantage over the smooth-surface strain when grown on semi-solid media. We experimentally observe the emergence and expansion of segments with a distinct smooth-surface phenotype during rough-surface mat development. We propose a trade-off between dispersal and local carrying capacity to explain the relative fitness of these two phenotypes. Using a modified stepping-stone model, we demonstrate that this trade-off gives the high-dispersing, rough-surface phenotype a competitive advantage from standing variation, but that it inhibits this phenotype\'s ability to invade a resident smooth-surface population via mutation. However, the trade-off improves the ability of the smooth-surface phenotype to invade in rough-surface mats, replicating the frequent emergence of smooth-surface segments in experiments. Together, these computational and experimental findings advance our understanding of the complex eco-evolutionary dynamics of fungal mat expansion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transition to novel environments, such as groundwater colonization by surface organisms, provides an excellent research ground to study phenotypic evolution. However, interspecific comparative studies on evolution to groundwater life are few because of the challenge in assembling large ecological and molecular resources for species-rich taxa comprised of surface and subterranean species. Here, we make available to the scientific community an operational set of working tools and resources for the Asellidae, a family of freshwater isopods containing hundreds of surface and subterranean species. First, we release the World Asellidae database (WAD) and its web application, a sustainable and FAIR solution to producing and sharing data and biological material. WAD provides access to thousands of species occurrences, specimens, DNA extracts and DNA sequences with rich metadata ensuring full scientific traceability. Second, we perform a large-scale dated phylogenetic reconstruction of Asellidae to support phylogenetic comparative analyses. Of 424 terminal branches, we identify 34 pairs of surface and subterranean species representing independent replicates of the transition from surface water to groundwater. Third, we exemplify the usefulness of WAD for documenting phenotypic shifts associated with colonization of subterranean habitats. We provide the first phylogenetically controlled evidence that body size of males decreases relative to that of females upon groundwater colonization, suggesting competition for rare receptive females selects for smaller, more agile males in groundwater. By making these tools and resources widely accessible, we open up new opportunities for exploring how phenotypic traits evolve in response to changes in selective pressures and trade-offs during groundwater colonization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Experiments on worms suggest that a statistical measure called the G matrix can accurately predict how phenotypes will adapt to a novel environment over multiple generations.





