pharyngeal arch arteries

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This chapter discusses the role of cardiac neural crest cells in the formation of the septum that divides the cardiac arterial pole into separate systemic and pulmonary arteries. Further, cardiac neural crest cells directly support the normal development and patterning of derivatives of the caudal pharyngeal arches, including the great arteries, thymus, thyroid, and parathyroids. Recently, cardiac neural crest cells have also been shown to indirectly influence the development of the secondary heart field, another derivative of the caudal pharynx, by modulating signaling in the pharynx. The contribution and function of the cardiac neural crest cells has been learned in avian models; most of the genes associated with cardiac neural crest function have been identified using mouse models. Together these studies show that the neural crest cells may not only critical for normal cardiovascular development but also may be involved secondarily because they represent a major component in the complex tissue interactions in the caudal pharynx and outflow tract. Cardiac neural crest cells span from the caudal pharynx into the outflow tract, and therefore may be susceptible to any perturbation in or by other cells in these regions. Thus, understanding congenital cardiac outflow malformations in human sequences of malformations resulting from genetic and/or environmental insults necessarily requires better understanding the role of cardiac neural crest cells in cardiac development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The major events of cardiac development, including early heart formation, chamber morphogenesis and septation, and conduction system and coronary artery development, are briefly reviewed together with a short introduction to the animal species commonly used to study heart development and model congenital heart defects (CHDs).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advances in fluorescence microscopy and tissue-clearing have revolutionised 3D imaging of fluorescently labelled tissues, organs and embryos. However, the complexity and high cost of existing software and computing solutions limit their widespread adoption, especially by researchers with limited resources. Here, we present Acto3D, an open-source software, designed to streamline the generation and analysis of high-resolution 3D images of targets labelled with multiple fluorescent probes. Acto3D provides an intuitive interface for easy 3D data import and visualisation. Although Acto3D offers straightforward 3D viewing, it performs all computations explicitly, giving users detailed control over the displayed images. Leveraging an integrated graphics processing unit, Acto3D deploys all pixel data to system memory, reducing visualisation latency. This approach facilitates accurate image reconstruction and efficient data processing in 3D, eliminating the need for expensive high-performance computers and dedicated graphics processing units. We have also introduced a method for efficiently extracting lumen structures in 3D. We have validated Acto3D by imaging mouse embryonic structures and by performing 3D reconstruction of pharyngeal arch arteries while preserving fluorescence information. Acto3D is a cost-effective and efficient platform for biological research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The heart and aortic arch arteries in amniotes form a double circulation, taking oxygenated blood from the heart to the body and deoxygenated blood to the lungs. These major vessels are formed in embryonic development from a series of paired and symmetrical arteries that undergo a complex remodelling process to form the asymmetric arch arteries in the adult. These embryonic arteries form in the pharyngeal arches, which are symmetrical bulges on the lateral surface of the head. The pharyngeal arches, and their associated arteries, are found in all classes of vertebrates, but the number varies, typically with the number of arches reducing through evolution. For example, jawed vertebrates have six pairs of pharyngeal arch arteries but amniotes, a clade of tetrapod vertebrates, have five pairs. This had led to the unusual numbering system attributed to each of the pharyngeal arch arteries in amniotes (1, 2, 3, 4, and 6). We, therefore, propose that these instead be given names to reflect the vessel: mandibular (1st), hyoid (2nd), carotid (3rd), aortic (4th) and pulmonary (most caudal). Aberrant arch artery formation or remodelling leads to life-threatening congenital cardiovascular malformations, such as interruption of the aortic arch, cervical origin of arteries, and vascular rings. We discuss why an alleged fifth arch artery has erroneously been used to interpret congenital cardiac lesions, which are better explained as abnormal collateral channels, or remodelling of the aortic sac.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: During embryogenesis, cardiac neural crest-derived cells (NCs) migrate into the pharyngeal arches and give rise to the vascular smooth muscle cells (vSMCs) of the pharyngeal arch arteries (PAAs). vSMCs are critical for the remodeling of the PAAs into their final adult configuration, giving rise to the aortic arch and its arteries (AAAs).
    RESULTS: We investigated the role of SMAD4 in NC-to-vSMC differentiation using lineage-specific inducible mouse strains. We found that the expression of SMAD4 in the NC is indelible for regulating the survival of cardiac NCs. Although the ablation of SMAD4 at E9.5 in the NC lineage led to a near-complete absence of NCs in the pharyngeal arches, PAAs became invested with vSMCs derived from a compensatory source. Analysis of AAA development at E16.5 showed that the alternative vSMC source compensated for the lack of NC-derived vSMCs and rescued AAA morphogenesis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our studies uncovered the requisite role of SMAD4 in the contribution of the NC to the pharyngeal arch mesenchyme. We found that in the absence of SMAD4+ NCs, vSMCs around the PAAs arose from a different progenitor source, rescuing AAA morphogenesis. These findings shed light on the remarkable plasticity of developmental mechanisms governing AAA development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pharyngeal arch arteries (PAA) are formed early during mouse embryogenesis and remodel soon thereafter into the aortic arch arteries. Failure of these vessels to form or remodel results in congenital heart defects. This protocol is designed to study the formation of the PAA using whole-mount immunofluorescence staining, followed by tissue clearing with benzyl alcohol/benzyl benzoate (BAAB) and imaging by confocal microscopy. The fine cellular resolution obtained with this technique allows the embryonic vasculature of the pharyngeal arch artery endothelium to be visualized by surface rendering and quantitatively analyzed by counting the number of endothelial cells in both the PAA and the vascular plexus surrounding them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: The outflow tract of crocodilians resembles that of birds and mammals as ventricular septation is complete. The arterial anatomy, however, presents with a pulmonary trunk originating from the right ventricular cavum, and two aortas originating from either the right or left ventricular cavity. Mixing of blood in crocodilians cannot occur at the ventricular level as in other reptiles but instead takes place at the aortic root level by a shunt, the foramen of Panizza, the opening of which is guarded by two facing semilunar leaflets of both bicuspid aortic valves. Methods: Developmental stages of Alligator mississipiensis, Crocodilus niloticus and Caiman latirostris were studied histologically. Results and Conclusions: The outflow tract septation complex can be divided into two components. The aorto-pulmonary septum divides the pulmonary trunk from both aortas, whereas the interaortic septum divides the systemic from the visceral aorta. Neural crest cells are most likely involved in the formation of both components. Remodeling of the endocardial cushions and both septa results in the formation of bicuspid valves in all three arterial trunks. The foramen of Panizza originates intracardially as a channel in the septal endocardial cushion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pexacerfont is a corticotrophin-releasing factor subtype 1 receptor (CRF-1) antagonist developed for potential treatment of anxiety and stress-related disorders. In male rats, pexacerfont caused hepatic enzyme induction leading to increased thyroxine (T4) clearance. When administered to pregnant rats on gestation day 6 to 15, pexacerfont at 300 mg/kg/day (30× mean AUC in humans at 100 mg/day) produced similar effects on thyroid homeostasis with serum T4 and thyroid-stimulating hormone levels that were 0.3-0.5× and 3.3-3.7× of controls, respectively. At this dose, fetuses of pexacerfont-treated dams presented findings associated with maternal hypothyroidism including growth retardation and increased skeletal alterations. Additionally, there were unexpected great vessel malformations that were mostly derived from the 4th pharyngeal arch artery in 5 (4.3%) fetuses from 3 (15.8%) litters. The etiology was unclear whether the vascular malformations were related to insufficient thyroid hormones or another mechanism. To better understand this relationship, pregnant rats were implanted with a subcutaneous L-thyroxine pellet designed to provide a sustained release of T4 throughout organogenesis in rat embryos (GD 6 to 15; the dosing period of pexacerfont). T4 supplementation produced a near euthyroid state in pexacerfont-treated dams and completely prevented the fetal vascular malformations. These results suggest maternal T4 levels during organogenesis may have a role in great vessel morphogenesis associated with patterning and/or regression of pharyngeal arch arteries. Although previous clinical reports have speculated a potential relationship between thyroid hormone homeostasis and early cardiovascular development, this is the first report to experimentally demonstrate this relationship in great vessel morphogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vertebrate heart development requires the integration of temporally distinct differentiating progenitors. However, few signals are understood that restrict the size of the later-differentiating outflow tract (OFT). We show that improper specification and proliferation of second heart field (SHF) progenitors in zebrafish lazarus (lzr) mutants, which lack the transcription factor Pbx4, produces enlarged hearts owing to an increase in ventricular and smooth muscle cells. Specifically, Pbx4 initially promotes the partitioning of the SHF into anterior progenitors, which contribute to the OFT, and adjacent endothelial cell progenitors, which contribute to posterior pharyngeal arches. Subsequently, Pbx4 limits SHF progenitor (SHFP) proliferation. Single cell RNA sequencing of nkx2.5+ cells revealed previously unappreciated distinct differentiation states and progenitor subpopulations that normally reside within the SHF and arterial pole of the heart. Specifically, the transcriptional profiles of Pbx4-deficient nkx2.5+ SHFPs are less distinct and display characteristics of normally discrete proliferative progenitor and anterior, differentiated cardiomyocyte populations. Therefore, our data indicate that the generation of proper OFT size and arch arteries requires Pbx-dependent stratification of unique differentiation states to facilitate both homeotic-like transformations and limit progenitor production within the SHF.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Second heart field cells and neural crest cells have been reported to participate in the morphogenesis of the pharyngeal arch arteries (PAAs); however, how the PAAs grow out and are separated from the aortic sac into left and right sections is unknown.
    An Isl-1 positive pharyngeal mesenchyme protrusion in the aortic sac ventrally extends and fuses with the aortic sac wall to form a midsagittal septum that divides the aortic sac. The aortic sac division separates the left and right PAAs to form independent arteries. The midsagittal septum dividing the aortic sac has a different expression pattern from the aortic-pulmonary (AP) septum in which Isl-1 positive cells are absent. At 11 days post-conception (dpc) in a mouse embryo, the Isl-1 positive mesenchyme protrusion appears as a heart-shaped structure, in which subpopulations with Isl-1+ Tbx3+ and Isl-1+ Nkx2.5+ cells are included.
    The aortic sac is a dynamic structure that is continuously divided during the migration from the pharyngeal mesenchyme to the pericardial cavity. The separation of the aortic sac is not complete until the AP septum divides the aortic sac into the ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk. Moreover, the midsagittal septum and the AP septum are distinct structures.





